A significant atmospheric vehicle, known as a floatboat, served as the Ugnaughts' preferred mode of transport in the Life Zone between their city, Ugnorgrad, and Cloud City on the planet Bespin. The altitude of these vessels was controlled by substantial, buoyant bladders filled with Tibanna gas. The Ugnaught species made prominent use of this technology.
The primary manufacturer of floatboats on the Ugnaught Surface was Ugboat.
Ars Fivvle, a holojournalist for Action Tidings, operated on two such vessels, named Floatboat 1 and Floatboat 2, during the Ugnaught rebellion. Floatboat 1 was destroyed three years following the Battle of Yavin, which then compelled Ars to continue his work on Floatboat 2.
During the Ugnaught Rebellion, Lando Calrissian came aboard Floatboat 2 and used the ship’s belt drive as a launching mechanism, propelling projectiles into the path of approaching Imperial stormtroopers in the Pleasant Meadow area near Ugnorgrad. Subsequently, Ars and Lando flew Floatboat 2 to Cloud City, where the ship's crew was instrumental in an uprising against the Imperial administrator, Captain Hugo Treece.
Ten years following the Battle of Yavin, Ars Fivvle continued to utilize Floatboat 2 to broadcast episodes of Action Tidings.
Floatboats were also extensively used on Abregado-rae as semi-aquatic vehicles. The native Gados employed them to navigate the canals of the Old Patch district, floating on the water and using repulsorlift technology over land. A journey in one of these floatboats cost between five and ten credits.