
Ugboat functioned as a regional enterprise situated on the planet Bespin. This business maintained its primary administrative offices, production facilities, and retail operations within the urban area of Ugnorgrad, found on the Ugnaught Surface. Their area of expertise was the fabrication of floatboats tailored for the Ugnaught population, and they stood as the foremost producer of this favored mode of transport on the Surface.

In the period when the New Republic was gaining prominence, Ars Fivvle alleged that King Ozz had quietly obtained control of Ugboat and consequently mandated that all Ugnaught conflicts be settled on the Ugnaught Surface, which in turn boosted the need for transportation and, consequently, the company's floatboat sales. Nevertheless, Ozz's representative refuted this claim.


  • "Bespin: Action Tidings, Part 2: That Den o' Human Iniquity" on (content now obsolete; backup link) (First appearance)

Notes and references
