Star Wars (1977) 62

Star Wars 62: Pariah! represents the sixty-second installment within the Marvel Star Wars comic book saga.

Plot summary

The news regarding Shira Brie's passing sends shockwaves through Salvation. Luke Skywalker is overwhelmed with sorrow, feeling as though the Force has failed him by allowing him to fire upon Shira's starfighter. The Rebel Alliance members stationed at the base express disapproval of Luke's grave error in judgement. One individual, a combative soldier known as Milo Fourstar, goes so far as to accuse Luke of intentionally eliminating Shira due to her rejection of his romantic interests.

Luke proceeds to the hangar bay, where he observes Lando Calrissian standing outside the Millennium Falcon's access ramp. He informs Lando of his need to use the Falcon for a voyage back to Shira's planet of origin, Shalyvane. His intention is to investigate any remaining evidence that might offer insight into the enigma surrounding her. While Lando is under strict orders to decline such requests, he subtly signals to Luke that the Falcon will be unattended for a brief period of fifteen minutes.

Luke, accompanied by Chewbacca, commandeers the Falcon and sets course for Shalyvane. They touch down in the capital city of Chinshassa, purportedly Shira's hometown. Almost instantly, a group of Em'liy warriors ambushes them, initiating an attack. They flee and seek refuge within an underground network of tunnels. Inside, Luke discovers an injured elderly Em'liy named G'hinji. G'hinji clarifies that Chinshassa has never been home to a Human population and that anything Shira may have conveyed to the contrary must be false. Luke finds himself no closer to unraveling the mystery of Shira's identity than before. Abruptly, he recalls a bloodletting ceremony he once witnessed Shira participate in at the Circle of Kavaan. He rushes to the ruins of the circle, hoping that replicating the ritual might provide some insight into Shira's past. Borrowing a knife from Chewbacca, Luke makes a cut on his left palm, allowing the blood to flow onto the crumbling cairns. Almost immediately, a blinding light erupts, and Luke, Chewbacca, and G'hinji are astonished to find Darth Vader standing before them.

