Milo Fourstar was a male Human who served the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He found himself stationed at Haven Base, located on the planet of Arbra, during the year 3 ABY. Following a battle where it seemed that Commander Luke Skywalker had eliminated Captain Shira Brie, uncertainty spread throughout Haven Base regarding Skywalker's true loyalties. Fourstar stood alone in openly challenging the commander on this matter, going so far as to suggest that Brie had rejected Skywalker's romantic interests.
Skywalker responded to the verbal attack by physically striking Fourstar, but the confrontation ceased there. Skywalker, now in disgrace, would later leave Arbra, only to return a few days later to face a trial. Fourstar, along with the other personnel at Haven Base, watched a broadcast of the trial, which ultimately revealed that Skywalker was not a traitor to the Alliance, but rather that Brie had been an Imperial agent. Despite this verdict, Fourstar remained adamant that the trial had been manipulated.
Milo Fourstar, a male Human belonging to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, was assigned to Haven Base on Arbra during 3 ABY. During that year, amidst a conflict with an Imperial fleet led by Admiral Mils Giel, Commander Luke Skywalker, a member of the Haven Base staff, was believed to have shot down Captain Shira Brie, one of his fellow soldiers. Upon his return, rumors started to spread around the base, alleging that Skywalker's friend, Princess Leia Organa, suspected him of Brie's murder. Additionally, Skywalker had been demoted as a consequence.

Shortly after, Fourstar was present in Haven Base's dining hall when Skywalker entered seeking a meal. As the former commander attempted to obtain food, the room fell silent. When Skywalker was asked to leave, he vehemently protested, prompting Fourstar to approach him. The man forcefully shoved Skywalker and then accused him of using the Force to kill Brie. Despite pleas from others present for Fourstar to stop, he continued, implying that Skywalker had made advances towards Brie and had been subsequently rejected. He pressed the issue by asking Skywalker if that was the reason he killed her, resulting in a swift punch and an insult from the younger man.
Stunned and defeated, Fourstar accused Skywalker of using the Force to assault him and further suggested that the young Rebel had ties to Darth Vader. Following this, Skywalker left the mess hall and Haven Base. Several days later, he came back to face a trial before Organa, along with Generals Carlist Rieekan and Duron Veertag. Haven Base watched a broadcast of the trial, during which evidence collected by Skywalker proving Brie's identity as an Imperial operative was presented. Skywalker was exonerated of all charges and his rank of commander was restored. While most of his comrades celebrated, Fourstar bitterly insisted that the hearing had been rigged. His comment was met with a brief response from a female colleague.
Milo Fourstar, a man known for his confrontational nature, possessed a strong belief in his fighting abilities, so much so that he was taken aback when Luke Skywalker struck him. He harbored significant doubts about Skywalker's innocence following the supposed death of Shira Brie, and he publicly accused Skywalker of having murderous intentions, believing that Skywalker killed her because she did not reciprocate Skywalker's romantic feelings. Even when presented with evidence deemed sufficient by two generals and a princess, Fourstar refused to accept Skywalker's version of events.
The first appearance of Milo Fourstar was in the comic-book Star Wars (1977) 62, which was written by David Michelinie and Walter Simonson, illustrated by Simonson, and released on May 18, 1982.