A significant conflict transpired between various elements of the covert fleet in the year 3 ABY, triggered by infiltrators from the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Following the acquisition of the route data for the Imperial armada transporting the Teezl, a unique creature crucial for the Empire's secure communications, the Rebel Alliance planned the subsequent stage of Operation Earplug. Four pilots from Flying Bantha Squadron were tasked with the operation's concluding phase: a near-certain suicide mission to infiltrate the fleet and destroy the Teezl.

The pilots, utilizing hyperdrive-equipped TIE/LN fighters to blend into the armada, were to create widespread chaos, proceed to the flagship, and unleash a single powerful blast capable of breaching the shields and armored hull to eliminate the Teezl. Luke Skywalker led the mission, departing for a system near the armada's path. There, the group engaged a TIE patrol, compelling one pilot to disclose the access code required to bypass the armada's sentry vessels.
Having gained entry, the Rebel TIEs dispersed, targeting various ships to initiate the confusion and disorder that rapidly engulfed the Imperial fleet. Commanders of the damaged vessels followed established protocols and launched counterattacks. However, due to the ambiguity of the attackers' identities, the warships fired indiscriminately, striking numerous TIE fighters and even fellow capital ships, resulting in an amplified state of confusion throughout the fleet.

Despite the chaos, Admiral Giel maintained composure and correctly deduced that the Rebels had infiltrated rogue TIEs to instigate the confusion. He commanded the Teezl to flood all communication channels with static, preventing further communication among the Rebels. With the Teezl activated, Luke Skywalker was forced to rely solely on his Force abilities to distinguish allies from enemies as he approached Giel's vessel, where the Teezl was housed. Under fire from defensive turrets, he identified a TIE fighter positioned between him and the flagship. Utilizing the Force to recognize the pilot as an enemy, he destroyed the fighter, clearing the path for the fully charged shot. The blast struck the vessel, penetrating the hull and instantly killing the Teezl.
Following the mission's success, Luke escaped the area, pursued by enemy fighters. He used a patrol ship as a temporary shield, gaining sufficient time to activate his hyperdrive. As a direct result of the Teezl's demise, Admiral Giel was reduced in rank to lieutenant and reassigned. His vessel was presumably sent to a repair dock.