The ultra-power blast represented an adjustment enabling laser cannons to discharge all of their stored energy in a single burst, resulting in an amplified energy projectile. The Rebel Alliance implemented this modification on the altered TIE/LN starfighters belonging to Flying Bantha Squadron.
This ultra-power blast possessed the capability to breach even the most formidable shields and inflict substantial damage upon Star Destroyers.

During 3 ABY, the Rebel Alliance modified the laser cannons of the TIE/LN starfighters within Flying Bantha Squadron to facilitate the use of an ultra-power blast. The revamped TIE fighters could only fire six standard-strength laser bursts before unleashing their entire energy reserves in a single blast, potent enough to penetrate even the strongest shields.
During their attack against the secret armada, the members of Flying Bantha Squadron employed their ultra-power blasts to inflict severe damage upon Imperial-class Star Destroyers, thereby generating disarray within the Imperial fleet. The officers aboard the damaged vessels adhered to established protocols and launched counterattacks; however, due to the ambiguity regarding which ships had struck the targets, the warships fired indiscriminately, striking numerous TIE fighters and even fellow capital ships. This caused an escalating state of confusion that spread across the fleet.
Subsequently, Luke Skywalker deployed his ultra-power blast against Admiral Giel's Praetor Mark II-class battlecruiser, the Helmsman. The augmented energy projectile obliterated the transport cage containing the Teezl, triggering a chain reaction of explosions that consumed a significant portion of the flagship.