Darnada, a male Dug, held membership within the Black Sun criminal syndicate and possessed ownership of Deep Space Demolition and Removal. Functioning as a vigo—one of nine—under Alexi Garyn's command, Darnada contributed to Black Sun's operations across the galaxy. For numerous years, he conducted his affairs from his space station until Darth Maul, a young Sith, executed him. This murder marked the initial step in Maul's dismantling of Black Sun's leadership, compelling the remaining Vigos, along with Garyn, to convene at Garyn's castle on Ralltiir, a gathering that ultimately led to their collective demise.
Darnada, a male Dug, was the youngest offspring of Boss Cabra, a Black Sun Vigo. In 67 BBY, the young Darnada found himself stationed on his father's Deep Space Demolition and Removal space station when Hego Damask, a Magister and his father's financier, arrived aboard the Woebegone. Alongside a high-ranking female Nikto, Darnada greeted the Muun, taking exception to the banker's impolite tone and manner. When Darnada became enraged by being addressed as a "pup," the Nikto seized him by the throat, demanding he show respect to his father's business associates.
Over subsequent years, Darnada continued his collaboration with his father, their enterprises greatly benefiting from their association with Damask Holdings. In 54 BBY, Darnada accompanied Cabra on a journey to Malastare to attend a banquet. There, they engaged with various prominent figures from the Galactic Senate, notably the delegation representing Naboo. During a conversation with Senator Vidar Kim, Darnada required constant restraint from his father due to Kim's insinuations about the Dugs' indebtedness to Gardulla the Hutt.

Following the Malastare meeting, Boss Cabra passed away, leading to Darnada's ascension as one of the nine vigos within Black Sun. Operating from his family's space station, Darnada diligently maintained his father's extensive network of criminal and business contacts, safeguarding the power his family had amassed. Around 33 BBY, Vigo Darnada engaged in a meeting with Hath Monchar, a high-ranking Neimoidian from the Trade Federation. Monchar, having been intimidated from his position of authority after his superior, Viceroy Nute Gunray, initiated dealings with the Sith, offered Darnada information concerning the long-believed-extinct Order of the Sith Lords. However, the Dug's arrogance led him to dismiss the Neimoidian in a fit of anger, deeming the information absurd and impossible.
In the wake of Monchar's visit and a Black Sun attack on Sojourn, the vigos of Black Sun unwittingly became targets of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and his master, Darth Plagueis. Faced with time constraints, the Sith realized they couldn't eliminate the vigos individually; instead, they needed to lure them together for a simultaneous demise. To achieve this, Sidious dispatched his apprentice, Darth Maul, with orders to obliterate Darnada's entire space base.
Subsequent to Monchar's departure, Darnada received a tattooed Zabrak in his audience chamber, who introduced himself as Maul. Suspicious of the Zabrak, Darnada instructed Sinya, his Twi'lek bodyguard, to interrogate him before the assembly. Sinya's attempt to intimidate Maul was met only with the Zabrak's declaration of his intent to murder everyone present. Igniting his double-bladed lightsaber, Maul proceeded to slaughter nearly all within the chamber, including Sinya. Disarming Vigo Darnada using the Force, Maul impaled the frantic Dug through the eye with his crimson lightsaber. As silence descended upon the room, Maul permitted only one individual, Asa Naga, to escape the space station. As the Sith had planned, Naga reported the attack to the other vigos, prompting them to gather at a fortress on Ralltiir.
Having been raised as the son of a powerful vigo and businessman, Darnada developed an entitled attitude, accustomed to a life of obedience and deference from others. Quick to speak, arrogant, and aggressive, Darnada possessed excessive self-confidence, often speaking out of turn when addressing individuals of equal or greater authority. Self-absorbed and consumed by his wealth and position within Black Sun, Darnada surrounded himself with attractive alien women and bodyguards to ensure pleasure and security, respectively. Adorned in fine attire and sporting a monocle, Darnada enjoyed smoking an unidentified substance through a long holder, and he carried a holdout blaster on his belt.