Sojourn, also known as "the Hunters' Moon," was a satellite moon orbiting a mysterious planet situated within the Carrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Furthermore, it served as the secluded sanctuary and ancestral fortress of the Sith Lord known as Darth Plagueis.
Generations prior, members of the InterGalactic Banking Clan discovered the moon and established its ancient stronghold, intending it as a luxurious haven for the clan's wealthiest patrons. Subsequently, participation in its Sith-influenced, oath-bound ceremonial activities of hunting and indulgence became a necessary initiation for intergalactic financial titans of elevated status. However, unbeknownst to the majority of participants in these rituals, the fortress's very design and artistic carvings hinted at age-old secrets solely known to the Sith, remaining undecipherable by the galaxy's largely ignorant population—a fact keenly observed by IBC leader Hego Damask (secretly the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis), who had, naturally, strategically placed them there himself.
Sojourn was guarded by the Iotran Braceman, who ensured its security. Eventually, under the direction of Caar Damask after his departure from his position as chairman of the IBC, the moon transitioned into a haven where the galaxy's most influential figures convened to exchange ideas. This think tank assembled on Sojourn, where decisions regarding the Galactic Credit Standard were made, the chancellorship of Eixes Valorum was initially proposed, and the Trade Federation Directorate's membership underwent restructuring.
When Hego Damask became a Sith Lord, he once again transformed the retreat on Sojourn, shifting it from a resort or think tank into the Muun's exclusive personal sanctuary.
Commencing after its establishment and continuing annually until 43 BBY, Damask Holdings hosted an event known as the Gathering. Damask's ships transported numerous influential beings to Sojourn; none arrived uninvited—those who did faced certain death. All attendees shared Damask's conviction that financial gain superseded fame, politics, or conventional morality.
It was from this secret satellite location, amidst the occult festivities, that Damask, as Darth Plagueis, plotted and schemed to reshape the trajectory of galactic history. He employed a force of silver-clad Echani Sun Guards to safeguard the site, and he lavishly populated the moon with exotic flora and exceedingly rare cloned game animals, specimens nearing extinction that were granted a renewed existence, thanks to the skilled cloners of Kamino—the Kaminoans.
Rumors of the Hunters' Moon were whispered by those who had caught glimpses of a place that seemed more mythical than real; however, those who had visited it repeatedly over the centuries, bound by oaths of secrecy, knew the truth. While the obscure system could be located in galactic records, the moon was only truly discoverable by those who possessed the knowledge of where and how to search, and who also had the capability to decipher the anciently transcribed data that revealed its precise location.
At the same time as the Eriadu Trade Summit in 33 BBY, Ars Veruna, the King of Naboo—in league with Alexi Garyn's Black Sun criminal organization, the infamous crimelord and gambler Gardulla the Hutt, and the fanatical Bando Gora terrorist group led by Komari Vosa—bombed Sojourn using a forbidden nuclear weapon (obtained by Darth Maul from Iram Radique, the mysterious recluse of the 'gambling prison' Cog Hive Seven) in an attempt to assassinate Magister Damask (Darth Plagueis). Unbeknownst to Damask, the entire scheme was orchestrated by Plagueis' own apprentice, Darth Sidious (the secret identity of Senator Palpatine of Naboo). Sidious, however, merely manipulated the other conspiring criminals as expendable tools to conceal his own involvement and advance his ultimate ambition, his unique interpretation of the Sith Grand Plan.
Almost miraculously, Damask, the galaxy's foremost Sith Lord, survived the attack due to advance warning from a seasoned spy network operated by his Hutt ally, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, but the moon was left desolate by the assault, and Plagueis' laboratories and residence were obliterated. Veruna, Black Sun, Komari Vosa, and the other accomplices, naturally, soon paid the Sith price for their treacherous collaboration.