During the final years of the Galactic Republic, a weapons designer known as Iram Radique conducted his operations from the Cog Hive Seven prison. In 33 BBY, Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord, dispatched his apprentice, Darth Maul, on a mission to infiltrate the prison, obtain a nuclear device from Radique, and subsequently deliver it to the Bando Gora cult. Sidious intended to utilize this weapon to eliminate his own Master, Darth Plagueis.
Radique was a tall male Near-Human who possessed [blue](/article/color/legends] skin, black [hair](/article/hair/legends], and intensely glowing red eyes.
As early as 49 BBY, Iram Radique had already established himself as a formidable arms dealer. Due to his activities, the Bando Gora criminal organization targeted one of his weapons shipments, attempting to seize it and kill him in an ambush. Following this event, he swore an oath to forever refuse any dealings with the cult.
Radique's survival during the Bando Gora ambush was due to the intervention of Artagan Truax, who was then a member of the cult. Radique pledged to repay this debt to Truax.
Years later, Radique finally contacted Artagan, offering him protection and a position within his arms manufacturing operation located inside Cog Hive Seven. However, a condition of employment in his workshop was blindness. Artagan refused this condition, resulting in his continued imprisonment along with his son.
Jabba the Hutt's illicit arms trade profits suffered significantly because of Radique's ongoing business. This prompted the Hutt to send his operatives to infiltrate the ranks of Cog Hive Seven's guards in an attempt to locate Radique. After numerous failed attempts and the deaths of his spies, Jabba opted for a more direct approach: the destruction of the prison itself.
During a confrontation with Darth Maul, Radique initially gained the advantage by launching a surprise attack. Ultimately, however, he was killed by Eogan Truax, the son of the very man who had saved his life many years prior.
Weapon components were smuggled into the prison via supply ships, which routinely delivered both cargo and new inmates.
These components were then distributed to inmates belonging to the prison's two gangs, the Bone Kings and the Gravity Massive, all of whom were under Radique's control. The parts were small enough for the inmates to conceal within their uniforms and hide in their cells. clawbirds controlled by Radique would then enter the cells and retrieve the weapon components; the inmates were unaware of this method.
Once all the components were gathered in Radique's workshop, they were assembled by other inmates who worked for him. These inmates were required to be blinded as a condition of their employment.
Only two individuals were known to be permitted entry into the workshop without being blinded: Zero and Coyle. They appeared to be part of his inner circle, which Zero referred to as the "backbone cabal." Acceptance of the clawbirds seemed to be a factor in gaining membership in this circle.
According to Officer Augustine Smight, the weapons produced in Radique's workshop, while not strictly adhering to factory specifications, exhibited subtle enhancements in precision and firing capabilities.
The weapons manufactured in the workshop ranged from standard armaments to more specialized devices. Smight's analysis of the weapons being assembled at the time of his arrival revealed a proton missile launcher, a pulse cannon, Mandalorian assault rifles, flechette launchers, and LS-150 heavy accelerated charged particle repeater guns. Additionally, there were several packages of explosives, breaching grenades, anti-starfighter cluster bombs, and thermal detonators.
However, the most devastating creation was the nuclear device that was later used by the Bando Gora in their attack on Hego Damask's residence on Sojourn.
Radique was an exceptionally cautious individual. He based his operations within a prison not only for insulation from external threats, but also to protect himself through the use of decoys and intermediaries, preventing potential assassins from reaching him.
He was also willing to quickly eliminate a valuable subordinate upon discovering any issues with them, as demonstrated when Cog Hive Seven inmate Zero's true identity as Dakarai Blirr was revealed during his fight with Darth Maul.
Iram Radique made his debut appearance in Maul: Lockdown, a 2014 novel written by author Joe Schreiber. While the story does not explicitly state Radique's species, his physical description is consistent with that of a Chiss.