Komari Vosa was a Human female who possessed Force-sensitivity. During the closing years of the Galactic Republic, she became the leader of the Bando Gora, having previously been a fallen Jedi. Although her Jedi Master, Count Dooku, held her in high esteem, the former Padawan succumbed to the dark side of the Force after being banished from the Jedi Order. Vosa gathered an army composed of mindless slaves and assassins, evolving into a cult leader with widespread influence across the galaxy. This allowed her to forge alliances with influential crime lords like the Hutt Cartel and the Dugs of Malastare.
As Vosa's criminal organization grew, it caught the attention of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith who was plotting the Republic's downfall from within. Viewing the former Jedi as a danger to his own future plans, the Sith Lord ordered her death. This task was given to Sidious' Sith apprentice, Count Dooku, who had embraced the identity of Darth Tyranus after abandoning the light side of the Force. Instead of personally killing Vosa, Tyranus chose to place a bounty on his former apprentice. Tyranus believed that a mercenary capable of defeating a Force-trained warrior would be an excellent template for the clone army being developed on Kamino.
Jango Fett ultimately emerged victorious in the contest, one of the bounty hunters hired by Tyranus to capture or kill Vosa for a reward of five million credits. Fett tracked Vosa to her citadel on Kohlma, a moon of Bogden, and defeated the Bando Gora's leader despite her Force abilities and lightsaber skills. Tyranus, who observed the battle from afar, used the Force to asphyxiate Vosa and then convinced Fett to undergo cloning. After Vosa's death, her lightsabers were given to Asajj Ventress, a Separatist assassin who sought to become a Sith under Tyranus' mentorship.

In accordance with their traditions, the Jedi Order recruited Komari Vosa, a Force-sensitive Human female, as a young child during the final century of the Galactic Republic. After completing her training as a Jedi Initiate, Vosa became the Padawan of Jedi Master Dooku in 50 BBY. Despite her fiery nature, Vosa excelled in her understanding of the Force, earning her Master's respect, who considered her an exceptional apprentice.
In 44 BBY, Komari Vosa accompanied Master Dooku and a Jedi task force to the planet of Galidraan under orders from the Jedi High Council to neutralize the True Mandalorians. During the Battle of Galidraan, the Jedi nearly wiped out their Mandalorian adversaries. Vosa herself displayed remarkable skill with a lightsaber, personally killing twenty experienced soldiers in combat. Although the Council later regretted the massacre on Galidraan, Dooku was impressed by his apprentice's natural talents and was confident in Vosa's future within the Order.
Vosa's promising career in the Jedi Order was cut short when her Master prevented her from participating in the Jedi Trials. Dooku and the Jedi Council became aware of Vosa's secret feelings for her Master. This, along with her aggressive behavior, led the Order to terminate Vosa's training, deeming her unfit to become a Jedi Knight. Enraged by what she saw as a betrayal by her Master and the Council, Vosa left the Jedi Temple and joined a Jedi task force sent to stop the Bando Gora's activities on Baltizaar. However, the mission was a failure. The team was decimated and forced to retreat to Coruscant. Many Jedi died or were captured, including Vosa.
Although the Order presumed her dead, Komari Vosa was actually alive and held as a prisoner by the mysterious cult in a dilapidated citadel on Kohlma, a burial moon orbiting Bogden. She was subjected to torture and other cruelties, which drove her to madness and the dark side of the Force. Embracing her rage, the deranged Jedi defeated her captors and took over as the new leader of the Bando Gora.

Komari Vosa, now a Dark Jedi and high priestess of the Bando Gora, used the citadel on Kholma as her base of operations. From there, with the assistance of her chief lieutenant, she oversaw her cult's activities across the galaxy. Under Vosa's leadership, the Bando Gora became a symbol of terror and intrigue, particularly in the criminal underworld, which was crucial to her plan to expand the Bando Gora's influence and power. To achieve this, Vosa used brainwashing agents in death sticks, intending to use narcotics to recruit for the Bando Gora. The poisonous substances, which were mind-altering neurotoxins, were designed to suppress individuality and free will. This allowed Vosa to use her Force abilities to turn drug addicts into mindless spies and assassins. This form of slavery gradually built her a small army of warriors that Vosa deployed against her cult's enemies.
The need for secrecy in the Bando Gora's operations led Vosa to recruit criminals who retained their free will, such as Gardulla the Hutt, Sebolto, and Groff Haugg. Her influence even reached the Galactic Senate, where the corrupt Senator Connus Trell served as her agent. Her plan involved shipping the neurotoxic agents to Gardulla on Tatooine to conceal her trail. The contraband was then sent to Malastare, where Sebolto processed the poison into death sticks before delivering the modified narcotics to underworld leaders on Coruscant, including Haugg, for smuggling.
In 33 BBY, Vosa and the Bando Gora became involved in a plot to assassinate Hego Damask, orchestrated by Ars Veruna, the King of Naboo. Damask was secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Plagueis, although none of the conspirators, including Alexi Garyn's Black Sun crime syndicate, were aware of this. They sought revenge against him for their own reasons.

Darth Sidious, Plagueis's Sith apprentice, attempted to manipulate events to ensure the plot's success. To aid the conspirators, he sent his own apprentice, Darth Maul, to the prison space station Cog Hive Seven to contact arms dealer Iram Radique and deliver a nuclear device to the Bando Gora. Maul summoned Vosa to the station using a code provided by former Bando Gora member Artagan Truax.
Vosa and her followers arrived at the station as it was being destroyed due to Maul's actions and an attack by Jabba the Hutt. She encountered a wounded Maul, unaware of his intention to help her, and attacked him. This was a mistake, as she was facing a full-fledged Sith Lord. Their duel was interrupted by the Syrox, a monstrous creature inhabiting the station. Vosa and Maul worked together to kill the Syrox. Vosa then agreed to collaborate with Maul to acquire the nuclear device, and they escaped the destruction of Cog Hive Seven.
The Black Sun and Bando Gora conspirators, secretly traveling to the Carrion sector, deployed the nuclear device on the moon of Sojourn, targeting Damask's fortress-residence and life-extension laboratories. However, Jabba, through his spy network, learned of the attack and warned Damask, who escaped in the Hutt's space yacht, Star Jewel. While the senior Dark Lord planned revenge on all the conspirators, including King Veruna, Black Sun, and Gardulla (whose fate he left to Jabba), Plagueis decided to postpone his revenge on Vosa and the Bando Gora.

Following the crisis on Naboo in 32 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, secretly Darth Sidious, decided to eliminate the leader of the Bando Gora. Sidious considered Vosa a nuisance and a threat to his own plans for the galaxy's future. By this time, Vosa's former Master, Dooku, had abandoned the Jedi Order and secretly become Darth Tyranus, the Dark Lord's new apprentice. While Dooku's decision was solidified by the death of his first apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn, who had helped resolve the Naboo crisis at the cost of his life, the drop which had earlier made the defection vase begin to overflow was when Dooku learned that Vosa was still alive and leading a group that could pose a threat to the Republic.
Despite his initial reluctance, Tyranus obeyed his Master's order to kill Vosa. In addition to dismantling the Bando Gora, the Sith Lord-in-training was also tasked with finding a suitable genotype to serve as the basis for a massive clone army. Tyranus placed a bounty of five million Republic credits on Vosa, intending to accomplish both goals with a single contest. At Sidious's suggestion, Tyranus hired several lethal mercenaries, including two Mandalorian soldiers turned bounty hunters, Jango Fett and Montross.

Fett and Montross, competing against each other, tracked Komari Vosa's operatives to Coruscant, resulting in the deaths of Groff Haugg and Senator Trell. Her spies reported the setbacks to their operations on the Republic capital, but the Dark Jedi dismissed the losses as insignificant, claiming that gangsters and corrupt politicians were easily replaced. She was also unconcerned about the hunters tracking her, as the location of her citadel remained a secret to all but a few contacts. However, she vowed to kill Fett and Montross if they made any further progress in their search.
Fett's exploits on Malastare and Tatooine led to the deaths of Sebolto and (apparently) Gardulla, further disrupting the Bando Gora's operations, much to Komari Vosa's annoyance. With most of her underworld contacts dead and the cult's criminal network in disarray, Vosa admitted that she had underestimated Fett and Montross. She then ordered the deaths of both mercenaries, turning the hunters into the hunted.

With the help of a Toydarian named Rozatta, Jango Fett discovered that Komari Vosa's hidden base was on Kohlma. He traveled to the dark moon to complete the hunt, but Montross, seeking to claim Tyranus's reward, followed him. After killing numerous Bando Gora assassins, including Montross in a final duel, Fett fought his way to the citadel's entrance. However, upon entering, he was quickly overwhelmed and captured by Vosa's followers. The Bando Gora tortured Fett to learn the identity of his employer, but he refused to cooperate. Vosa took over the interrogation, using a psychological approach by recalling her victories against the Mandalorians on Galidraan during her time as a Jedi. Amused by Fett's resistance, Vosa promised to enslave him.
Zam Wesell, a Clawdite mercenary who followed him to Kohlma hoping to claim the five million credits, ultimately saved Fett. Although she killed two Bando Gora guards, Wesell's blaster skills were ineffective against Vosa's Jar'Kai training. Wielding two curved-hilted lightsabers, the fallen Jedi easily parried the blaster shots before redirecting a stray bolt into Wesell's shoulder. As Vosa moved to decapitate her, Wesell freed Fett in desperation. Though momentarily surprised, Vosa retreated deeper into the citadel with Fett in pursuit.

Komari Vosa and the Mandalorian bounty hunter faced each other in her throne room. Overmatched by Vosa's lightsaber skills and Force powers, Fett relied on his JT-12 jetpack and the advanced weaponry of his armor to stand a chance against the Jedi-trained opponent. He eventually defeated Vosa but spared her life, as the reward was the same whether she was alive or dead upon capture. At that moment, Vosa sensed her former Master's presence in the Force. She struggled against his telekinetic grasp on her throat but was ultimately choked to death by Darth Tyranus.
Although Tyranus was disappointed to lose such a promising student, he congratulated Jango Fett for winning the contest. In addition to the five million credits, he offered to pay more if Fett agreed to travel to Kamino to be cloned. Despite Fett's initial hesitation, he agreed to become the template for a massive army of clones, all made in his image with accelerated growth and programmed obedience. He also agreed to oversee the clones' development and training to ensure they became perfect warriors. However, Fett insisted on claiming the first clone for himself, unmodified by genetic tampering and accelerated growth. Tyranus agreed, and the two shook hands over Vosa's dead body, initiating the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Around the start of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, about a decade after Komari Vosa's death, Darth Tyranus began training Asajj Ventress, a Rattataki female from Rattatak, as his personal assassin. Ventress, a skilled fighter trained in Jar'Kai, was given Vosa's twin lightsabers by her new Master.

Before turning to the dark side, during her time with the Jedi Order, Komari Vosa was considered a beautiful Human female with sharp, angular features. Torture and the physical effects of the dark side changed her appearance. The Bando Gora inflicted numerous small scars on her jawline and upper body, while the dark side turned her blond hair bone white and her irises yellow.
As a Jedi Padawan, Vosa had a strong spirit of aggression and a passion for combat, despite the Jedi Code's warnings against these emotions due to their ability to draw individuals to the dark side. Vosa was a headstrong apprentice, impatient but exceptionally talented in the Jedi arts. Although Dooku overlooked Vosa's flaws because of her remarkable Jedi skills, her growing infatuation with her Master ultimately led to her expulsion from the Jedi Order. Vosa viewed her banishment as a betrayal by Dooku and the Order, causing her to resent them deeply.
Subjected to physical and psychological torment by the Bando Gora, Vosa lost her sanity and underwent a significant personality change. Torture and her broken psyche opened her mind to the dark side of the Force. As a Dark Jedi, she became malevolent and vindictive, a deranged woman who reveled in leading a cult of mindless, enslaved assassins. Vosa, still fond of battle, would burst into hysterical laughter. While her madness and lack of ethics inspired fear in the criminal underworld, Darth Sidious considered her insane and a threat to his plans.

Komari Vosa, a Jedi student with significant training, excelled in lightsaber-based combat techniques. She was a highly skilled duelist, exemplified by her single-handed defeat of twenty Mandalorian warriors on Galidraan. Vosa particularly favored fighting with two lightsabers at once. She was a deadly practitioner of the Jar'Kai combat form, and also demonstrated proficiency in Soresu. During the conflict on Galidraan, she skillfully deflected numerous ranged attacks launched by the Mandalorians. She employed this defensive style against Jango Fett as well, successfully blocking most of his attacks before ultimately being defeated.
It's possible Soresu wasn't the only style Vosa knew. Her ability to redirect a blaster bolt toward Zam Wesell suggests she had some aptitude in Shien. She likely utilized Ataru when on the offensive, given her capacity for acrobatic assaults. Considering her lightsabers featured curved hilts, similar to those used by her former master Dooku, she may have also been trained in Makashi. This would be a logical choice given the weapon's design; Dooku was a renowned Makashi master within the Jedi Order, so it's plausible he imparted this knowledge to Vosa.
Vosa once tested her combat skills against Darth Maul at Cog Hive Seven, an encounter she barely survived. While her use of two blades might have given her an initial advantage over Maul's single blade, the injured Sith Lord dismissed Jar'Kai as being "predictable." Having learned the form from his own master, Darth Sidious, Maul understood its intricacies and limitations. When Maul switched to Juyo, Vosa quickly realized she was outmatched.

As a Force-sensitive individual, Komari Vosa possessed significant skill in mind control, which she used to dominate her Bando Gora followers, enslaving them to her will. In addition to exhibiting enhanced speed and agility through the Force, Vosa also received training in various applications of telekinesis, including Force Push, Force Grip, and the ability to move objects. Through Force sense, Vosa could detect the presence of other living beings and communicate with them via telepathy. Her deep connection to the dark side granted Vosa considerable resilience, allowing her to withstand numerous blaster shots with only minor injuries. However, this resilience led to recklessness, as she repeatedly lowered her defenses to attack Fett, ultimately allowing the bounty hunter to gradually weaken her through sustained ranged attacks.
Beyond her knowledge of Galactic Basic Standard, Vosa also demonstrated fluency in several other languages, including Huttese, Kaminoan, and the ancient language of the Sith.
During her time as a Jedi Padawan, Komari Vosa wielded a lightsaber with a single blade powered by a blue crystal. This was the weapon she used on Galidraan to eliminate twenty seasoned warriors during the Jedi Order's conflict with the True Mandalorians. After succumbing to the dark side, Vosa constructed two identical lightsabers with red blades, each powered by a synthetic crystal. Both lightsabers were designed with curved hilts, mirroring the weapon of her former Jedi Master. Following Vosa's demise, Darth Tyranus retained possession of her lightsabers for several years before eventually gifting them to Asajj Ventress.
Tamara Phillips provided the voice for Komari Vosa in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter.
In an alternative ending featured in Bounty Hunter, should the player lose against Komari Vosa, she would leap onto Jango Fett's back and decapitate him with her dual lightsabers. This mirrors Fett's canonical death at the hands of Mace Windu in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, and Dooku's death in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
The Star Wars Annual 2008, in a timeline within Dooku's profile, states that Komari Vosa became Dooku's apprentice in 50 BBY. However, due to other inconsistencies within the timeline, this date may be inaccurate. Assuming Vosa was 12 years old when selected as a Padawan, her approximate birthdate would be 62 BBY. This would make her approximately 18 years old at the time of the Battle of Galidraan (44 BBY), and around 23 years old when captured by the Bando Gora in 39 BBY. Alternatively, if one accepts the dating of the Battle of Baltizaar (33 BBY) presented in James Luceno's novel Darth Plagueis, she would have been 29 years old at that time. Consequently, she would have died at either age 24 or 30, respectively.