The Mission to Tatooine marked one of the concluding chapters of the narrative arc known as The Hunt.
Following their triumph on Malastare, Zam Wesell and Jango Fett made contact with Rozatta, Fett's Toydarian acquaintance. Rozatta relayed to Jango that a junk dealer had caught wind of a bounty issued by Jabba the Hutt, specifically for Longo Two-Guns. Recognizing the substantial reward, the pair embarked on a journey to Tatooine.
According to Roz, Jabba and his rival, Gardulla the Elder, were locked in a struggle for supremacy over Tatooine, although she was unsure which of the two was allied with Komari Vosa. Jango resolved to capture Longo in order to gain an audience with Jabba, while Zam received instructions to investigate Gardulla, who was the more reclusive of the two Hutts.
Upon their arrival in Mos Gamos, Jango's jetpack suffered a malfunction due to the intense heat, compelling him to leave his boost pack on the Slave I. Longo's band of thugs made a desperate attempt to seize Fett, but most of them perished in the ensuing firefights that erupted throughout the streets. Upon reaching the podracer hangar where Longo Two-Guns was located, Fett successfully apprehended Two-Guns and claimed the bounty.
Jabba revealed to Jango that Gardulla was harboring Bando Gora within her palace. Consequently, Zam proceeded to scout the vicinity surrounding Gardulla's lair, while Fett landed the Slave I in Tusken Canyon, situated behind Gardulla's palace. During a conversation with her via his comlink, he detected rustling sounds in the background, leading him to deduce that she had been captured. Venturing towards the palace on foot through the valley, Fett encountered groups of Tusken Raiders and their massiffs. As he navigated the valley, engaging the Tuskens in combat, an execution squad, in the process of feeding criminals to a sarlacc located in the valley, turned their blasters upon Fett. Fett eliminated the entire execution team, as well as the sarlacc.
Upon reaching Gardulla's Palace, Fett discovered Zam imprisoned in a cell. He assured her that he would return after dealing with Gardulla, but Zam suspected that he intended to abandon her and deny her a share of the reward. She summoned the guards, who apprehended Fett and presented him to the Hutt. He was disarmed, stripped of his armor, and sentenced to be devoured by Gardulla's krayt dragon, but he managed to escape the dragon's arena through a narrow ventilation shaft.
Fett retrieved his equipment and advanced through the palace, eliminating numerous gangs of thugs throughout the skiff hangars. He eventually found his way to Gardulla's throne room, where he interrogated the Hutt regarding the Bando Gora. Gardulla refused to cooperate and unleashed her krayt dragon into the chamber. However, Jango turned the situation to his advantage, feeding Gardulla to the beast, and then killed it through a difficult fight (but Gardulla survived as the dragon was killed before it could fully digest her).
Fett informed Zam that she had failed and that he intended to leave her behind. As he departed Tatooine, he attempted to contact Roz. However, Montross answered his call, informing him that he had located Roz and seized all of her data. Jango immediately set a course for Roz's station.