Longo Two-Guns, a male Clantaani and leader of a Tatooine-based criminal organization, earned the title of "fastest blaster on Tatooine" during the decline of the Galactic Republic. He operated under the employ of Gardulla the Hutt.
The gang had a reputation known across the planet; those who pursued them never returned.
Following a confrontation with the bounty hunter Jango Fett, Longo found himself captured and delivered to Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Jabba had previously placed a substantial bounty on Longo as retribution for the numerous raids Longo had launched against him.
Reportedly, Longo possessed unparalleled accuracy with a blaster on Tatooine. His exceptional marksmanship was complemented by his flair for showmanship, demonstrated by his skill in twirling his two blasters. Unfortunately for Longo, Jango Fett's Mandalorian armor proved impervious to the relatively weak blaster bolts.
Rumor had it that Gardulla the Elder enlisted him to seize control of several towns belonging to Jabba the Hutt. This resulted in the deaths of four of Jabba's personal aides at Longo's hand. In response, Jabba offered a 50,000-credit reward for Longo's capture, a bounty that Jango Fett sought to claim.
Fett tracked the criminal to his hideout in Mos Gamos, battling through Longo's henchmen and confronting the gunslinger, who had barricaded himself inside a warehouse. Jango prevailed over Longo and claimed the bounty from Jabba.
Longo Two-Guns, acutely aware of his blaster skills and believing his own hype, displayed excessive confidence. He even goaded Jango into a confrontation with him and his "boys." However, his self-assurance proved unfounded, as the bounty hunter swiftly defeated him and his gang.
Longo favored a pair of DL-18 Blaster Pistols, which he was often seen twirling. He was almost always smoking t'bac.