BlasTech Industries' DL-18 Blaster Pistol was a cost-effective blaster that saw widespread use during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
BlasTech Industries was the manufacturer of the DL-18 Blaster Pistol. It weighed in at one kilogram, and its blaster power pack held a capacity of one hundred shots. The weapon's effective range extended up to one hundred and twenty meters. The DL-18 had a purchase price of five hundred credits, while replacement power packs were priced at twenty-five credits.

For many decades, the DL-18 stood as one of the most common blaster pistols throughout the galaxy. Its fundamental design served as the basis for several subsequent BlasTech models, and its versatility made it suitable for a wide range of applications. The DL-18's primary competitor was the Model 44 manufactured by Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.. Owners frequently customized these weapons. Various spacers employed them during the Galactic Civil War. Its affordability rendered the weapon almost expendable.

Officers within the Alliance to Restore the Republic, including Bria Tharen, preferred the DL-18's lighter and more streamlined design compared to heavier blaster pistols. Rannd Delckis, a Rebel Alliance officer, carried this weapon during the Bakura Incident in 4 ABY. The Sith Shadows also favored it. Due to its prevalence among the criminals of the settlement, the weapon was also known as a "Mos Eisley Special"—named after the city on Tatooine. The guards who worked for Jabba the Hutt commonly used these weapons. Longo Two-Guns, a gunslinger, wielded a pair of DL-18s. Following the Battle of Yavin, EV-9D9, Jabba the Hutt's supervisor droid, awarded a DL-18 to a spacer who attacked the Valarian Depot on Tatooine. Sergeant Snopel also awarded one to a commando who defeated the Mountain Poachers on Naboo. The D-18 Liquidator was a variant of this weapon; Lieutenant Joth of the Corellian Security Force once offered it to a spacer as a reward for successfully shutting down Doctor Maldien's illegal lab on Corellia. Later, a spacer acquired a D-18 Liquidator on Vreni Island.
Both The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook and Arms & Equipment Guide contain inaccurate depictions of the DL-18. The correct image, sometimes informally called a "Skiff guard pistol," is clearly visible in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.