Rannd Delckis

Rannd Delckis was a lieutenant of the Virgillian Free Alignment, a male Human who served as communications officer aboard the Flurry, a Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser. This occurred during the final period of the Virgillian Civil War. Later, he entered the service of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. He met his end on the Flurry during the Battle of Bakura in 4 ABY.


Early life of privilege

Rannd Delckis's origins were in a noble family. His parents held positions within the autocratic Aristocracy that governed the Virgillia system. This government was engaged in the Virgillian Civil War against the Virgillian Free Alignment. Given the Aristocracy's alliance with the Galactic Empire, he benefited from the advantages of being an Imperial citizen as he grew up.

While studying at the Imperial Academy, he gained recognition as a promising officer and graduated in the upper ranks of his class. Following graduation, he received a commission as an ensign in the Imperial Navy. His first assignment came shortly before the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, serving as a junior communications assistant on the Victory-class Star Destroyer Stormwind. The Stormwind was part of a small Imperial armada stationed within the Virgillia system, patrolling for Free Alignment activity and the presence of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, which had become an ally of the Free Alignment, providing them with ships and arms.

When Captain Jarroth, the commanding officer, learned from Imperial spies about a suspected Free Alignment camp on Virgillia's forested moon, Delckis was assigned to the landing party tasked with investigating. Upon locating the encampment, it became clear that it housed refugees, many of whom were women and children. Despite this, Captain Jarroth, convinced the camp harbored Free Alignment fighters, authorized stormtroopers to employ torture to extract information. This failed to yield any intelligence, but resulted in the killing of several refugees. When the refugees attempted resistance, the stormtroopers massacred the entire camp.

A change of heart

Delckis served most of his time with the Free Alignment on the Flurry.

This event profoundly impacted Delckis, causing him to question his beliefs about the Aristocracy and the Empire. Previously dismissed rumors gained credibility in light of the cruelty he witnessed. He began to believe that the Empire might indeed have destroyed entire planets with superweapons and suppressed revolts using poison gas, and that the Aristocracy had forced the refugees to seek refuge in such a desolate camp. Disturbed by the prospect of supporting a regime with such disregard for life, he defected to the Free Alignment shortly after the attack.

As the only member of the nobility to defect, Delckis initially faced suspicion and hostility from the Free Alignment, who suspected him of being a double agent. However, he soon earned the trust of Captain Tessa Manchisco, who valued him so highly that she requested his assignment to her ship when she took command of the Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser Flurry. The Flurry was among eight bulk cruisers given to the Virgillian Free Alignment Starfleet near the end of the war, and it became the primary vessel of Delckis's service with the Free Alignment. He achieved the rank of Lieutenant and received two commendations for his exceptional skills in communications systems and sensors, which significantly aided the war effort by using his Imperial training against the Empire.

The Free Alignment ultimately prevailed in the Virgillian Civil War. Soon after, the new Virgillian government dispatched a task force to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the Battle of Endor. Delckis remained on the Flurry during the battle and continued his service during the Bakura Incident under the command of Luke Skywalker. In this incident, the Rebel Alliance sent ships to the Bakura system in response to a request for assistance from the Imperial government on Bakura, which was under attack by the extra-galactic Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. Despite the truce between the Imperials and Rebel Alliance due to their shared enemy, he perished along with the rest of the Flurry's crew when the Imperial Carrack-class light cruiser Dominant destroyed the ship during the Battle of Bakura in 4 ABY. The Alliance posthumously honored him for his sacrifice.

Character traits

Rannd Delckis was a tall Human male with a well-built physique and short, blond hair, styled in a manner popular among Imperial officers of that era. He projected an air of professionalism and did not allow his limited combat experience to detract from his effectiveness as an officer.


Delckis excelled as a communications officer, possessing extensive knowledge of Imperial communications technology and the ability to modify and adapt it for unintended purposes. The Free Alignment leveraged his skills to deceive and confuse Imperial and Alignment systems. He also demonstrated proficiency in multiple languages and possessed knowledge about various alien species.


Delckis carried a DL-18 Blaster Pistol and wore a cream-colored uniform of the Free Alignment.

