Unidentified refugee camp

A rudimentary camp for displaced persons existed on the forested moon of the planet known as Virgillia, located within the Virgillia system. Not long before the Battle of Endor in the year 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire discovered its presence and subsequently annihilated it utilizing stormtroopers. The troopers' murder of every individual within the camp motivated Rannd Delckis, one of the Imperial officers on site, to abandon his post and join the Virgillian Free Alignment, a resistance group fighting against the Empire-aligned Aristocracy.


On Virgillia's forested moon, a small, basic settlement could be found, situated within the Virgillia system on the planet Virgillia. This encampment served as a haven for refugees, with a significant portion consisting of women, children, and those with injuries. The living conditions within the camp were quite impoverished.


The refugee camp was located in the Virgillia system.

The Virgillia system found itself engulfed in a violent civil war from 25 BBY to 4 ABY. This conflict pitted the Aristocracy, which eventually aligned itself with the Galactic Empire, against the Virgillian Free Alignment. Shortly before the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, an Imperial informant revealed the existence of the refugee camp. Captain Jarroth and the crew of the Imperial Victory-class Star Destroyer named Stormwind were dispatched to investigate. Convinced that the camp provided shelter to Virgillian Free Alignment combatants, Jarroth gave the order for stormtroopers to extract information from the refugees through torture. This involved slowly searing the flesh from their bones using a blaster set to a low-power setting, a method known as the Burning.

This torture failed to yield any valuable intelligence, although it did result in the death of several victims. In response to these fatalities, the refugees attempted to resist, but the stormtroopers killed them all. This assault marked the first mission for Imperial Navy Ensign Rannd Delckis, who was part of the Stormwind's ground team. He was so appalled by the event that he soon after deserted and joined the Free Alignment.

Behind the scenes

The The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, a roleplaying guide released in 1996 by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, mentioned the refugee camp. Kathy Tyers and Eric S. Trautmann were the authors.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook (First mentioned)

Notes and references
