Virgillia's forested moon

A moon, abundant with forested areas, served as an orbiting satellite to the planet Virgillia within the Virgillia system. This system resided within the Koradin sector, a region of space found in the Outer Rim Territories. During the time of the Virgillian Civil War, a conflict between the Aristocracy and the Virgillian Free Alignment, a refugee camp providing shelter to women and children was established on this moon.

The location of this camp was eventually revealed by an informant working for the Galactic Empire. Consequently, Captain Jarroth, along with the crew of the Imperial Stormwind, a Victory-class Star Destroyer, were dispatched to investigate. Their investigation began with the torture of several refugees, suspecting they possessed information regarding Free Alignment troops. Following this, they killed all inhabitants of the camp after the refugees attempted resistance. This event marked the inaugural mission for Imperial Navy Ensign Rannd Delckis, an experience so disturbing that it led to his subsequent defection and joining of the Free Alignment.

Behind the scenes

The moon of Virgillia, characterized by its forests, was initially introduced in The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook. This book, a roleplaying guide for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, was released in 1996 by West End Games. Kathy Tyers and Eric S. Trautmann were the authors of the book. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, situated the Virgillia system, and therefore its moon, within grid square I-18.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook (First mentioned)

Notes and references
