Flurry was a bulk cruiser of the Quasar Fire-class, modified to function as a starfighter carrier.

The SoroSuub Corporation originally manufactured the Flurry as a Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser. This vessel measured 340 meters in length. Initially, it functioned as a typical bulk cruiser, featuring cargo brackets beneath the main hull brace. This brace separated the forward command pod, housing crew quarters and the bridge, from the ship's rear section, which contained engines and additional cargo capacity.
The Sullustans, upon transferring the ship, along with other cruisers of the same class, to the Virgillians, dismantled it to its essential components. The cargo bracings and much of the internal mechanisms were removed, leaving only the hull, command pod, central brace, and engines. A spacious hangar bay was then constructed in the vacant space towards the front of the ship's rear section. This hangar could accommodate approximately fifty starfighters, depending on their size. Tractor beams positioned on either side of the hangar aided pilots in maneuvering their fighters in and out of their berths. Behind the primary flight deck, which occupied most of the ship's interior, were facilities dedicated to repair and maintenance. The Virgillians further enhanced the ship with heavy turbolasers and shield generators of military-grade, pilfered from Imperial forces stationed in the Virgillian sector. It was also equipped with a stolen HoloNet transceiver, requiring a minimum of five minutes to establish a connection.
Due to its limited armament of only two heavy turbolasers, the Flurry's primary role was to deploy fighters into battle and then withdraw to a safe distance to oversee the engagement. In the event of an attack, the cruiser's commander had to rely on its starfighter complement for defense. The majority of the Flurry's crew consisted of starfighter mechanics, with only a small number of personnel needed to operate the ship, enabling it to function with a minimal crew. Astromech droids assisted the targeting and navigation crews with calculations.
Toward the end of its operational life, a prototype Battle Analysis Computer, abbreviated as BAC, was integrated into the ship's systems. This device was conceived by Rebellion hero Jan Dodonna prior to his capture and constructed by a team of his scientists using Dodonna's designs. The BAC generated detailed battle representations by gathering data and images from the navigation and combat computers of individual starfighters and allied vessels. This facilitated precise strategic maneuvers throughout the battle group. Regrettably for the nascent government, the device was destroyed along with the Flurry.
The Flurry was a Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser produced by SoroSuub Corporation sometime before 4 ABY.

The Virgillian Free Alignment acquired the ship through the generosity of sympathetic Sullustans, who donated several other Quasar Fire-class cruisers. These cruisers, including the Flurry, were stripped of non-essential components such as cargo clamps, leaving only the main frame, hull plating, drive engines, and forward command pod. The Virgillians further modified these ships by installing a large hangar, enabling them to function as carriers. They also added military-grade shield deflectors and weaponry.
After its transfer from the Sullustans and conversion into a carrier, the Virgillians integrated the ship into their fleet to support their efforts in the Virgillian Civil War against the ruling Aristocracy. Captain Tessa Manchisco commanded the ship throughout its service, until the civil war concluded in 4 ABY with the expulsion of the Imperials occupying their planet. Due to the Rebel Alliance's alliance with the Alignment earlier in 1 BBY and their assistance in securing victory in the civil war, the Flurry, its captain, and its crew were commissioned into the Rebellion's fleet at the war's end.
Following its addition to the Rebellion's assets, the Flurry continued to perform its intended role for its new faction. This role was potentially utilized during the Battle of Endor. Shortly after the Rebel victory and the destruction of the second Death Star, Wedge Antilles discovered an outdated drone ship carrying an urgent message originally intended for the deceased Emperor Palpatine. Alliance command, including Mon Mothma, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and other leaders, decided to investigate to potentially secure Bakura's allegiance.
The Flurry was summoned to assist. Given the mission's urgent nature and its proximity to the victory at Endor, the Flurry was equipped with whatever starfighters the Rebellion could spare – twenty X-wings, three A-wings, and four B-wings, none of which had undergone thorough maintenance checks. The carrier-cruiser also featured an experimental Battle Analysis Computer designed by General Jan Dodonna. This system allowed the Flurry's crew to generate composite images of any battle by integrating data from the navi— and combat computers, as well as visual recordings from Alliance forces.
Luke Skywalker was selected to command the battle from the carrier-cruiser, with Captain Manchisco overseeing the ship's movements.
Tragically, as the battle's momentum shifted against the Ssi-ruuk forces, the Dominant targeted the Quasar Fire-class carrier. The suddenness and intensity of the attack resulted in the immediate destruction of the entire ship. All crew members perished, unable to reach escape pods in time. The cruiser's actions and destruction were not in vain, as the invading Ssi-ruuk were defeated, and the Imperial presence on Bakura was eliminated. Although they did not formally join the Rebellion, the Bakuran government agreed to become mutual allies. The crew of the Flurry was posthumously honored for their bravery. The Flurry's captain may have anticipated the Imperial cruiser's destruction of the ship, as she told Luke Skywalker on Bakura that their conversation would be their last time serving together.