Monnda Tebbo, a Duros and esteemed Chief Navigator, served aboard the Flurry during the era of the Galactic Civil War. During the battle fought over Bakura, he perished alongside the rest of the Flurry's crew.
Prior to joining the Alliance, Tebbo spent five years as a navigator on the Ill Wind, a vessel engaged in spice smuggling that regularly traversed the Kessel and Drualkiin systems. While serving on the Ill Wind, Tebbo received extensive training from Sumok, the ship's former navigator and a secret rebel sympathizer, who imparted all of his knowledge to Tebbo. Above the pirate haven of Uogo'cor, the Ill Wind was attacked by a vehicle belonging to Imperial Customs, resulting in severe damage to the ship and the death of Sumok. Tebbo managed to prevent the vehicle's complete destruction by using the ship's shields in an unconventional manner to slow its descent as it spiraled toward the planet's surface.
Following the crash, Tebbo found himself stranded, but he was able to utilize the damaged ship's emergency power systems to send a distress signal to Sumok's Rebel contact. For four days, Tebbo and the four other surviving crew members of the Ill Wind remained hidden from Imperial forces as the crash site was examined and surveyed. Tebbo and his fellow crew members launched a surprise attack on a squad of stormtroopers who were combing the area for survivors, seizing their weapons and their landing craft. After taking off in the captured vehicle, Tebbo's attempt to evade the Customs ship's tractor beam was unsuccessful. After being forced to dock with the Customs vessel, a squadron of X-wings jumped from hyperspace and engaged the Imperial ship. Tebbo and the smugglers boarded the Customs ship and successfully made their way to the engine room, where they disabled all of the Imperials' weapons systems. As a result of their actions aboard the Customs cruiser, Tebbo and the crew of the Ill Wind were welcomed into the ranks of the Rebel Alliance.