Corellian Security Force

The Corellian Security Force, often shortened to CorSec, served as the main law enforcement agency within the Corellian system. Renowned for their high success rate, CorSec achieved this through the exceptional effectiveness of its members. The officers of CorSec were known for their integrity and intelligence, coupled with rigorous training and a strong work ethic. They seldom allowed criminals to operate freely long enough to pose a significant threat on Corellia. Boasting an impressive record of arrests and convictions, CorSec stood out as one of the galaxy's premier law enforcement bodies. For over three millennia, the Corellian Security Force guaranteed safety and upheld order in the Corellian system, with only a brief interruption during the Galactic Civil War when the Public Safety Service took its place.


Serving as the primary law enforcement agency for the Corellian system, the Corellian Security Force functioned as a largely independent entity. While officially under the authority of the Corellian chief of state, CorSec officers frequently acted on their own initiative, separate from the Corellian government. While CorSec's operations were mainly based on the planet Corellia, its jurisdiction also encompassed certain areas within the Corellian system. CorSec held authority over both municipal and regional police forces, effectively acting as a coordinating body. This operational scope enabled CorSec to maintain a cohesive law enforcement framework throughout the star system, thereby streamlining extensive investigations by minimizing bureaucratic hurdles. Consequently, the Corellian Security Force was entrusted with investigations that extended across multiple local jurisdictions. The Corellian Security Force was highly regarded as one of the most effective police organizations in the galaxy, widely recognized as a benchmark for planetary security.

A CorSec officer

CorSec members were celebrated for their unwavering loyalty and commitment to upholding justice. The majority of the Corellian Security Force consisted of police officers, commonly known as CorSec officers. These diligent individuals were responsible for general policing and peacekeeping duties, which included patrolling neighborhoods on foot, monitoring ground and air traffic, issuing citations, engaging in community outreach, and apprehending lawbreakers, often without acknowledgment from their fellow Corellians. Despite being untrue, a common belief persisted that CorSec officers were required to meet quotas for traffic tickets. Beyond standard police duties, the Corellian Security Force also heavily relied on investigators, who handled criminal investigations. These investigators were trained to approach situations analytically, making decisions and forming assumptions based on factual evidence. When necessary, they could even operate undercover to gather critical information for resolving cases. Furthermore, CorSec employed pilots, soldiers, commandos, and specialists in various fields, including computer science, diplomacy, and infiltration. New recruits underwent training at the CorSec Academy, where they received advanced instruction. CorSec members had opportunities for advancement, achieving ranks such as sergeant, master sergeant, chief, technical officer, lieutenant, captain, major, and commissioner. These promotions typically resulted from an officer's demonstrated abilities and dedication, rather than political appointments. Initially, the Corellian Security Force was led by a commissioner, but later by a director. The members of the Corellian Security Force took great pride in their capacity to maintain Corellia's safety.

A CorSec major

The organizational structure of the Corellian Security Force included various services and divisions, such as the Smuggling Interdiction Division, the CorSec Intelligence service, the Animal Control Division, the Tactical Response Team, and the Special Operations Unit. The Tactical Response Team was a paramilitary force tasked with CorSec's most perilous assignments. The Special Operations Unit specialized in infiltrating and dismantling criminal organizations from within. Additionally, CorSec provided bodyguard services for Corellian government officials and senators.

The CorSec Headquarters

The Corellian Security Force was headquartered at One CorSec Plaza, situated in Coronet City, Corellia's capital. Other significant CorSec facilities, including the Corellian Security Force Academy and the CorSec Maximum Security Prison, were also located within Coronet City. CorSec managed SurvNet, a network of security cameras deployed throughout Coronet City.

Beyond Corellia and other Corellian planets, the Corellian Security Force maintained a presence in Corellian space. The police force utilized starships for system patrols and operated several space stations, including the Corellia Space Station, the CorSec Outpost, and the Corellia Orbital Station. These stations were used for monitoring traffic and controlling access to Corellia. CorSec also collaborated with the Corellian Defense Force to protect the strategically important CEC shipyards.


CorSec personnel employed a diverse array of equipment. CorSec officers traditionally wore uniforms in emerald and black. During the Galactic Civil War, the majority of CorSec officers wore CorSec Mk. IV armored vests. They also used Type III "Berethron" Personal Modular Armors and Corellian HuntSuits. The most well-known weapons used by CorSec included CDEF blaster pistols, HL-27 light blaster pistols, H-7 "Equalizer" blaster pistols, Deck Sweeper Stunning Blasters, CDEF carbines, E-11 blaster rifles, as well as electrobatons, vibroknives, and swords. CorSec also utilized devices such as Autoscan Weapons Detectors and DimSims.

A CorSec X-wing

The Corellian police force also possessed a wide range of security droids, probe droids, and battle droids, including sonic generator droids.

The Corellian Security Force had access to various vehicles, including D-22 "Screamer" speeder bikes, Seraph-class urban landspeeders, CAV-11 "Condor" airspeeders, and century tanks. During space missions, CorSec pilots primarily flew LAF-250 starfighters. Additionally, they utilized T-65 X-wing starfighters, CL-1c Lancet interceptors, Z-95-AF4 Headhunters, RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, Firespray-31-class patrol and attack crafts, and Ye-4 gunships. The Corellian Security also used larger starships such as PB-950 patrol boats, YV-330 light freighters, and CR90 corvettes.

CorSec maintained an extensive criminal database.


Old Republic era

During the era of the Galactic Republic, Corellian Security Force officers were known for their unwavering loyalty to the Republic. CorSec graduates were often selected to join the ranks of the Republic Guard within the Galactic Senate.

Galactic War

CorSec troops during the Battle of Corellia

During the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Imperial forces invaded Corellia in 3640 BBY. CorSec forces sided with the Republic and actively participated in the Corellian resistance against the Imperial invaders.

Rise of the Empire and Clone Wars

During the last millennium of the Old Republic, CorSec forces engaged and destroyed the pirate cruiser Xim's Scion. The wreckage of this cruiser was later repurposed as the Gus Treta Inner-System Market Station. Centuries later, the Bonestar Pirates took control of the Gus Treta Inner-System Market Station in an attempt to evade capture by CorSec.

In 22 BBY, during the Separatist Crisis, Corellia invoked the Contemplanys Hermi, withdrawing from its obligations to the Galactic Republic and declaring neutrality in the impending Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Consequently, Corellian military and police forces were no longer authorized to support their Republic counterparts, and the Republic was prohibited from requesting CorSec's assistance in any matter. Despite this official stance, CorSec officer Rostek Horn aided a group of Jedi in obtaining information against the Confederacy during a mission on Corellia at the beginning of the war. Despite their isolationist policy, the Corellians prepared for a potential attack from the Confederacy after the neighboring world of Duro was conquered by the Separatists later in the war. CorSec forces were placed on high alert throughout the sector, with a particular focus on protecting the CEC shipyards. Ultimately, the Separatist fleet bypassed Corellia, invading the Core Worlds and launching an assault directly on Coruscant.

At some point, Rostek Horn held the position of Director of CorSec.

The Empire and the Galactic Civil War

Following the Declaration of a New Order, Corellia officially remained independent from the Galactic Empire. The Diktat formally retained leadership over the Corellian sector and the Corellian military, but in reality, the Diktat and the Corellian government were subject to Imperial authority. The Galactic Empire was granted freedom of operation within the system and established a military presence on Corellia. The Corellian Defense Force was maintained but placed under Imperial command. The Diktat also assumed the role of Director of CorSec during the Imperial Period. The Corellian Security Force was also maintained, but it was compelled to accept the placement of Imperial Intelligence liaison officers within each division, ostensibly to monitor and coordinate activities with local Imperial garrisons, but in reality to oversee CorSec officers. This arrangement led to considerable friction. Imperial Officer Kirtan Loor served in this capacity within the Smuggling Interdiction Division. Despite this imperialization, CorSec largely remained intact. Non-Human CorSec officers were particularly affected by the change in regime.

During the Great Jedi Purge, CorSec resources were utilized to assist Darth Vader in locating and hunting down Jedi.

CorSec officers Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri

The outbreak of the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance created a more complex situation for officers within the Corellian Security Force. The Empire abruptly froze CorSec's funds and seized significant quantities of weapons and starships. CorSec staff members suspected of sympathizing with the Rebellion were purged without pension, often unjustly.

Following the Battle of Yavin, a Rebel team led by Adar Tallon attacked a CorSec corvette and rescued a Rebel pilot who had been arrested by CorSec forces under Imperial orders. Around the same time, a CorSec shuttle carrying Imperial inspectors crashed in the Corellian wilderness while en route to a suspected smuggling depot. The crash, which occurred shortly after maintenance work had been completed, placed the police force in a precarious position. Furthermore, the Corellian Security discovered that local scavengers had consumed the bodies of the Imperial agents, prompting CorSec to enlist a spacer to hunt down the creatures and eliminate all traces of this gruesome event before the Empire could discover it. Later, in 1 ABY, Imperial Grand Admiral Nial Declann commandeered CorSec starfighter pilots to participate in an assault on a Rebel Alliance CR90 corvette within the Kessel system.

Ironically, the pressure exerted on CorSec officers by the Empire in its pursuit of Rebels eventually fostered support for the Rebellion among some of them. After the Battle of Yavin, Lieutenant Jasper attempted to recover the Codex of Tython, a Jedi holocron sought by the Rebel Alliance, from an Imperial operative. In 3 ABY, a group of CorSec officers directly collaborated with the Rebel Jedi Rachi Sitra to investigate the Imperial presence on Cloud City.

Fighting criminals

During the Galactic Civil War, CorSec officers were encouraged by their Imperial liaisons to prioritize anti-Rebel operations over their regular police duties. The resulting shortage of personnel and funding forced CorSec to recruit civilians for minor tasks. Consequently, crime rates increased on Corellia. Additionally, the reallocation of Corellian military forces to combat the Rebellion led to a surge in piracy within the Corellian system. The Corellian Security Force was therefore forced to contend with a wide spectrum of criminal elements throughout the Corellian system, including the Black Sun, Borvo the Hutt, the Binayre Pirates, the Afarathu, the Cult of Lord Nyax, the Lost Aqualishs, the Tralus and Talus Liberation Party, the Monumenters, Lamproid smugglers, the Flail, Jump pirates, the Ragtags, the Deflarians, the Meatlumps, the Chirq Council, the Hidden Daggers, and the Followers of Baba. CorSec forces sometimes received assistance from the mercenaries of Beldonna's League. Furthermore, a substantial number of CorSec officers deserted during the Galactic Civil War, embracing a criminal lifestyle. These Rogue CorSec members established a base on an island and engaged in violent harassment of loyal CorSec officers. This situation caused significant embarrassment for CorSec.

In 1 ABY, CorSec officers resolved several complex cases on Corellia. Lieutenant Jasper uncovered a plot orchestrated by the Rogue CorSec to fabricate a public political-judicial scandal aimed at overthrowing the Corellian Head of State, the Diktat Daclif Gallamby, and his government. Lieutenant Joth discovered and shut down an illegal lab where the scientist Doctor Maldien conducted dangerous genetic experiments to create terrifying creatures. Inspector Cora and Captain Jark recovered a shipment of weapons stolen by the Deflarians and prevented an attack on Tyrena by the Ragtags. Commander Talte rescued hikers kidnapped in the Thaos Mountains by a group of psychotic cave-dwellers. Major Walden arrested the retired CorSec hero Wilfred Quelsh for the murder of fellow officer Kal Braggan. Lieutenant Cope and Captain Baize uncovered the existence of the powerful Chirq Council and ultimately disbanded the organization.

CorSec troopers battling Flail cutthroats on Talus

The Corellian Security Force also maintained a strong presence in other parts of the Corellian system. In 1 ABY, CorSec located the Flail hideout on the planet Talus, leading to a battle in the vicinity. Later, Agent Taarna defeated the Talusian Smugglers who were exploiting the Selonians of the Neetha Den. Taarna then exposed and terminated the Parasophic Arachne program, an illegal and dangerous bioengineering project conducted by the GeneTech Syndicate on Talus, aimed at creating an intelligent and deadly form of arachnes. In the same year, Sergeant Rhea's pilots engaged and eliminated the Hidden Dagger leaders Russ Grimblade, Xopw Laow, Mori the Bastard, Owpa Awoz, and Quixio the Rotten in Corellian space.

However, CorSec operations were not always successful. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Black Sun operatives seized control of the Rubicund Eye, an extra-galactic observatory within the Corellian system. Advanced Black Sun starfighters successfully repelled all CorSec attempts to dislodge them from the station. On Naboo, a CorSec agent, Niksel Frangee, who had infiltrated Borvo the Hutt's criminal organization before the Galactic Civil War, was exposed and assassinated. Furthermore, Borvo's bodyguard later deceived CorSec Captain Thale Dustrunner and infiltrated his own agent into CorSec on Corellia. Borvo's spy then murdered the CorSec agent Maerzen and the witness Aldalad. In the same year, 1 ABY, an assault team led by Bruce McBrain destroyed a CorSec CR90 corvette containing evidence against Jabba the Hutt's criminal activities. Overall, the most visible sign of the Corellian Security Force's difficulties was the complete abandonment of the Blue Sector of Coronet City to swoop gangs.

CorSec forces assault IG-88's droid factory

Later, in the year following the Battle of Yavin, specifically 1 ABY, the assassin droid designated IG-88 made a startling discovery: a clandestine droid factory dating back to the Clone Wars and belonging to the Separatist faction. He then reactivated this factory on Corellia as a crucial component of his ambitious Droid Revolution. Swiftly responding to this threat, a specialized strike team was assembled and dispatched to neutralize the factory, under the command of Lieutenant Varias. This team included key personnel such as Agent Jornel Savas, Sergeant Hirka, technical officer Druno Kener, Sergeant Mener, and soldiers from CorSec.

Subsequently, in the year 2 ABY, Zekka Thyne, who was the leader of the Black Sun criminal organization on Corellia, was arrested by CorSec officers Hal and Corran Horn. After some time had passed, Hal Horn was killed by Bossk, a Trandoshan bounty hunter. Corran Horn eventually apprehended Bossk, but the Trandoshan was later released by Horn's Imperial liaison officer. Around this period, the Dirktat ceased to hold the position of Director of CorSec.

During the Galactic Civil War, CorSec seized the Nova Whisper, a Short Hauler of the GX1 model that had been illegally modified. Prior to its capture, the ship was owned by Dharus, a privateer. CorSec intended to utilize the ship as a lure for criminal elements and therefore preserved the modifications. The Nova Whisper was then integrated into CorSec's vehicle inventory until it was hijacked by its pilot, Delt Nerris.

The end of the Empire

Corsec officers assisted Rogue Squadron in the rescue of Fyric Fel

Following the demise of Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire started to disintegrate, leading many Imperials to seek refuge on Corellia, which remained under the control of the pro-Imperial Diktat. This shift in power dynamics significantly empowered Imperial liaison officers, who felt emboldened to directly threaten CorSec personnel. Despite this turbulent environment, CorSec officers Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri Antilles collaborated with Rogue Squadron of the New Republic in 4 ABY to rescue Fyric Fel, a child who had been abducted by an Imperial sympathizer. Subsequently, Horn and Wessiri were suspected of treason by Imperial liaison Kirtan Loor. With the assistance of their superior officer, Gil Bastra, they managed to escape Corellia and defected to the New Republic. Bastra was later murdered by Kirtan Loor during an interrogation.

In 7 ABY, the Corellian Security Force was officially disbanded under the orders of Diktat Daclif Gallamby. A significant portion of its resources and some of its staff were reassigned to the newly established Public Safety Service, which was aligned with the Diktat's interests.

Later history

By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Corellian Security Force had been re-established, primarily due to the intervention of the New Republic. However, the Corellians adopted an increasingly isolationist stance during the war and ultimately elected the nationalist Thrackan Sal-Solo as the Governor-General of the Corellian system. It is possible that Sal-Solo compelled CorSec officers to cooperate with the Peace Brigade, which was known for collaborating with the Yuuzhan Vong. Later in the Yuuzhan Vong War, specifically in 27 ABY, the Jedi Tahiri Veila, Jaina Solo, and Anakin Solo delivered a briefing to Corellian Security personnel regarding the Yuuzhan Vong.

In 40 ABY, the Corellian system became a major battleground during the Second Galactic Civil War. CorSec forces were heavily involved in intense combat operations both on Corellia itself and at Centerpoint Station.

