CDEF blaster pistol

The CDEF blaster pistol represented a blaster pistol model originating from the production lines of Corellian Arms.


A CorSec officer using a CDEF pistol

Corellian Arms produced the CDEF blaster as a readily available, inexpensive, and widely manufactured pistol design. These CDEF pistols were often criticized for their subpar accuracy and limited power, and overall lower quality. Despite lacking the impactful force found in similar blasters, its compact dimensions, dependability, and simple upkeep made it a favored sidearm.


The CDEF blaster pistol served as the standard-issue sidearm for CorSec officers, remaining a staple within the Corellian Security Force since times predating the Clone Wars. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, it was documented that CorSec personnel utilized different models within the CDEF product line, notably a carbine variant and a rifle version.

Tendau Nandon, an Ithorian, was known to possess one, despite his discomfort with weapon usage. Nevertheless, he famously employed his CDEF pistol to eliminate a Tusk cat that was threatening his companion, Dusque Mistflier.

Behind the scenes

Within Star Wars Galaxies and its associated supplementary materials, this firearm was referred to simply as a CDEF pistol, but the extended designation of CDEF blaster pistol was introduced in Suns of Fortune.

