Tendau Nandon, an Ithorian of the male persuasion, was employed as a scientist by the Imperial Corps of Bioengineers. His allegiance shifted to the Alliance to Restore the Republic amidst the turmoil of the Galactic Civil War.
During the conflict, Nandon formed a strong bond with Dusque Mistflier, a female xenobiologist. He developed a genuine fondness for Dusque, considering her a close confidante. Tendau's deep-seated love for the natural world and the equilibrium of the cosmos fueled his discontent with his Imperial superiors. Consequently, he secretly undermined their objectives and provided crucial intelligence to the Rebel Alliance.
In the year 1 ABY, Tendau and Dusque were present at the inauguration of the Aerie Casino located in the city of Moenia on the planet Naboo. During these celebrations, Tendau established communication with Mastivo, a supporter of the Rebel cause. Soon thereafter, Tendau and Dusque embarked on a scientific mission to Rori, one of Naboo's moon. They investigated several humid caverns and encountered indigenous species such as the borgle bat and the tusk cat.
Upon their return to Naboo, Tendau was apprehended by Imperial stormtroopers. They had uncovered his clandestine activities of leaking Imperial secrets to the Rebel Alliance. Tendau was then taken aside and publicly executed. Knowing his impending fate, Tendau faced his death with dignity and honor.
Tendau Nandon possessed a kind and gentle nature, deeply respecting the natural world. This was evident in his discomfort with carrying a CDEF blaster pistol, despite it being his sidearm. He had a strong awareness of what he believed to be the cosmic balance, and he tried to maintain this balance in his own way, fearing that chaos would otherwise disrupt his life. This understanding ultimately led him to betray his Imperial overseers.