Dusque Mistflier

Dusque Mistflier, a xenobiologist of Human descent and female gender, was in the service of the Imperial Corps of Bioengineers. Not long after the Battle of Yavin took place, she grew resentful of her employers and chose to join the Rebel Alliance instead.


Dusque Mistflier spent her childhood on the world known as Talus. She was the youngest child in a family of five, and also the only female. Her father worked at a small business that manufactured parts for starships, while her mother stayed home to care for Dusque and her four brothers. When Dusque was still a child, her father's company started accepting contracts from the Galactic Empire. The ordinary worker became increasingly unhappy with his job, especially after he learned what his equipment was being used to create. This led to frequent arguments with his wife at the dinner table. Dusque would often secretly listen to her parents' heated discussions from outside her bedroom door. However, before long, Dusque's father suffered a suspicious heart attack while at work and died not long after. Dusque's mother was devastated by his passing and became a shadow of her former self.

As Dusque matured, she watched her brothers take over her father's old job at the starship manufacturing plant. Her family's strong ties to the Galactic Empire left a bitter taste in her mouth, yet she understood that life on Talus did not offer many other choices. One of her brothers even signed up for the Imperial Academy. However, his military career was short-lived, as he was killed during a training exercise shortly after enlisting. With the loss of her brother, Dusque's mother's condition deteriorated even further.

Dusque eventually went to college and graduated at the top of her class with honors. She specialized in xenobiology and soon found employment with the Imperial Corps of Bioengineers. She left Talus for good and never looked back.

While working for the Imperial Corps of Bioengineers, Dusque traveled throughout the galaxy, studying the diverse animal life found on many different planets. She honed her skills in hunting, trapping, and exploration, becoming one of the most skilled scientists in the Empire's service. However, her superiors never properly acknowledged Dusque's accomplishments. She was consistently denied promotions and lost several opportunities to her male counterparts.

Dusque had a friend and colleague, Tendau Nandon, whose death at the hands of the Empire motivated her to join the Rebel Alliance. After Tendau's death, Dusque teamed up with Finn Darktrin, an Imperial spy working undercover within the Rebel Alliance, on a mission to locate a holocron containing the identities of Rebel sympathizers in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Empire. After securing the holocron on Dantooine, Dusque was betrayed and nearly killed by Finn, but Luke Skywalker rescued her shortly after Finn escaped. Dusque survived the ordeal and remained with the Rebel Alliance.

Personality and traits

Dusque Mistflier possessed long brown hair that reached her waist, and large gray eyes.


During her time with the Imperial Corps of Bioengineers, she usually kept her hair pulled back and wore simple lab equipment fatigues. After defecting from the Empire, she began to wear more practical clothing, including padded vests, hide-woven gloves, and goggles.

