Borgle bats, sizable creatures of the night, had their habitat in the caverns of Rori, a satellite of Naboo. As carnivorous beings, they were infamous for seizing living prey and transporting them to their lairs, where they would gradually exsanguinate their victims. The bones of their prey would then be arranged in sizable heaps within their designated nesting territory.
It wasn't thought that borgles were originally from Rori. Their true origin remained a mystery, although they were also found on Endor.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a large group of borgle bats resided within a cave located on the Nabooian moon known as Rori.
Daring animal handlers frequently sought to capture borgle bats for use in arena combat. The Zabrak individual known as "Fingers," who was a borgle-wrangling expert, lost digits to an uncontrollable Borgle. In 1 ABY, the Imperial bioengineers Dusque Mistflier and Tendau Nandon made a journey to Rori to investigate the Borgle bat caves. There, they came across a particularly large female Borgle bat defending a nest containing her offspring.

Borgle bats were featured in the 2003 video game titled Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011.