Borvo's guard

A male bodyguard of the species human was in the service of Borvo, a Hutt, during the period known as the Galactic Civil War.


The guard's initial employment with Borvo the Hutt occurred on the planet Naboo; during this time, his training was overseen by Niksel Frangee, a highly trusted member of the Hutt's organization. Following the Battle of Yavin, this individual ascended to the position of Borvo's personal protector. His primary location was the Moenia Cantina, which functioned as the central hub for the Hutt's various commercial activities on the planet Naboo.

In the year 1 ABY, Dagorel, an associate of Borvo's criminal enterprise, sustained severe injuries from gunfire during an ambush that took place in the Paitnnu Wetlands. Reacting swiftly, the guard engaged the services of a spacer to locate the wounded thug, administer a medpac, and ensure his safe return to the Moenia. The guard discovered that Niksel Frangee, an undercover agent working for the Corellian Security Force, had orchestrated the ambush on Dagorell. Consequently, he hired the spacer again to assassinate Frangee. The spacer procured Frangee's identification badge, and Borvo's guard directed the spacer to travel to Corellia and impersonate Frangee. During the spacer's six-year infiltration, all of Frangee's direct supervisors had either retired or been replaced. As a result, no one within CorSec knew what Frangee looked like at the time of his death. The spacer encountered a high-ranking CorSec officer, Captain Thale Dustrunner, within the Coronet Capitol. Dustrunner was deceived by the impersonation and mistook the spacer for the long-awaited agent. He tasked him with safeguarding Aldalad, a witness prepared to testify against Borvo, and Maerzen, who had uncovered incriminating evidence against the Hutt. The spacer proceeded to eliminate both Aldalad and Maerzen, then returned to Borvo's guard, thereby depriving the CorSec of any means to prosecute the Hutt crime lord.

Behind the scenes

Every possible depictions of Borvo's guard

The character of Borvo's guard was featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and brought to market by LucasArts before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. The guard's appearance was chosen randomly from five possible looks because he appeared using the generic "borvos_guard" template. However, the guard was always male.

Borvo's guard was included in the game's initial version as part of the Borvo the Hutt's questline. The "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," was released on November 15, 2005, and the Borvo the Hutt's questline was revamped. The questline's gameplay was significantly improved, but the storyline remained mostly unchanged.

