Thale Dustrunner was a male Human officer serving within the ranks of the Corellian Security Force. He resided on Corellia during the period known as the Galactic Civil War.
Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Thale Dustrunner held the rank of captain in CorSec, with his assignment being Coronet City. He became deeply involved in a CorSec investigation targeting Borvo, a crime lord of the Hutt species. As part of this investigation, Captain Dustrunner apprehended a criminal named Aldalad for the crime of purchasing illegal weaponry for Borvo. He successfully persuaded Aldalad to provide testimony against the Hutt.
In the year 1 ABY, the CorSec investigation into Borvo the Hutt reached a critical point when Niksel Frangee, an undercover CorSec agent, was murdered on Naboo by a spacer employed by Borvo. Over the six years of Frangee's infiltration, all of his direct superiors had either retired or been replaced. As a result, nobody currently in CorSec knew what Frangee looked like at the time of his death. Exploiting this, the spacer used Frangee's CorSec badge to impersonate him on Corellia. The spacer encountered Dustrunner in the Coronet Capitol, and the CorSec officer was completely deceived, accepting the spacer as the long-lost agent. Captain Dustrunner tasked this "agent" with protecting Aldalad, the key witness against Borvo, as well as Maerzen, who had uncovered crucial evidence against the Hutt. The spacer proceeded to murder both Aldalad and Maerzen in the Riverlands, all without arousing Dustrunner's suspicion. Thale Dustrunner then instructed Borvo's spy to deposit the evidence retrieved from Maerzen into evidence storage. However, the spacer instead absconded from Corellia with the evidence, including Borvo's confiscated funds, and returned it to Borvo's guard on Naboo. Due to Dustrunner's incompetence, CorSec lost both its key witness and vital evidence against Borvo, effectively halting the investigation. Humiliated by this failure, Thale Dustrunner later issued an arrest warrant for the spacer to Imperial authorities, but the spacer managed to evade capture.
Thale Dustrunner appeared as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was eventually shut down on December 15, 2011. Thale Dustrunner was included in the initial release of the game, specifically as a part of Borvo the Hutt's questline. With the release of "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005, Borvo the Hutt's questline underwent a revamped process. Although the gameplay aspects of the questline were significantly enhanced, the core narrative remained largely unchanged.