Borvo the Hutt was a formidable male Hutt crime lord. He managed a vast and lucrative business, engaging in smuggling operations that ranged from blasters to spices. Possessing considerable influence, he maintained numerous fortified bases on various worlds scattered throughout the Outer Rim territories.
Like many Hutts with aspirations, Borvo departed from Hutt Space early to pursue his criminal ambitions. He discovered an ideal sanctuary within the mountains of Naboo, a verdant world that possessed minimal police and security forces and was situated far from the scrutiny of the Galactic Republic. He and his associates established a stronghold on Porso Hill, and also seized control of a N-1 starfighter base located in the mountains. Borvo and his freighter pilot, Adela Tyché, easily circumvented Naboo's weak defense systems, facilitating the transportation of substantial quantities of weaponry, artillery, and even spice to the planet.
As the young Hutt's criminal enterprise expanded, right under the nose of Queen Padmé Amidala and her administration, he set up semi-permanent operations on most other planets in the Outer Rim where he conducted his illicit activities. On Naboo, he would sell rifles and blasters to hunters, all perfectly legal, serving as an effective smokescreen should his presence attract the attention of Naboo's authorities.
He also worked for the Trade Federation.
During the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, droid reconnaissance units located Borvo's personal freighter and launched an assault while it was traversing the mountainous terrain. Unable to effectively defend itself, the ship's pilot established contact with Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes and his captain, Kael. Sykes intervened and saved the ship by destroying the attacking AATs. The deceitful Hutt feigned assistance to the Naboo, but subsequently betrayed them by murdering Kael and enslaving the local populace. Lieutenant Sykes retaliated by blowing up Borvo's freighter, starfighters, and storage facilities. Borvo then fled to Nal Hutta, only to return at a later time. His criminal organization eventually recovered and expanded during the Clone Wars.
With the Clone Wars concluded and the Galactic Empire in power, Borvo persisted in managing his criminal enterprise from Naboo. The Empire's stringent control over goods and weaponry amplified his smuggling and gunrunning operations. During this period, Borvo faced considerable competition from various other criminal factions on the planet. He was also acquainted with Jabba the Hutt and was known to engage in gambling and wagering with him. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Borvo was known to frequent the Moenia cantina on Naboo. From there, he dispatched the Wookiee Mordran to the Gungan Sacred Place with instructions to eliminate some Gungans who had wronged him. He maintained a concealed base just outside the town, where he stored surplus weaponry and droids. His personal vessel at that time was a yacht known as the Prosperous Secret.
In 1 ABY, a spacer sought out Borvo in order to acquire an Old Republic decentralized autonomy chip droid module. The Hutt consented to provide the module if the spacer could successfully navigate the defenses of his vault. The spacer agreed and ultimately passed the test. Around the same time, a spacer completed a series of assignments for Borvo and his guard, including rescuing Borvo's right-hand man Dagorel and assassinating the Hutt's former associate, Montrus. The latter assisted Corellian Security Force agent Niksel Frangee in infiltrating Borvo's organization. Subsequently, Borvo rewarded the spacer by gifting them an antique Tusken King's rifle, a rifle stolen from Huff Darklighter on Tatooine.

Borvo shared many similarities with Jabba Desilijic Tiure, as both maintained extensive smuggling networks throughout the Outer Rim and initiated their criminal careers at a young age. Borvo also reigned as the foremost crime lord on the planet he chose as his secondary home, and, much like Jabba, he faced significant competition on Naboo. Similar to Jabba, Borvo had a penchant for dangerous creatures, such as the acklay and rancor, which he housed in his underground base. These creatures primarily served as guards, although it remains plausible that Borvo, like Jabba, fed his enemies and prisoners to them. Borvo also shared Jabba's appreciation for dancing girls, although it is unknown whether he owned any himself.
However, unlike Jabba, Borvo appeared to be more actively involved in his business. Around the time of the invasion of Naboo, he seemed to personally undertake at least some of his smuggling operations, rather than delegating them to others. Like most Hutts, Borvo readily betrayed and exploited others to further his own objectives. He betrayed the Naboo security forces by selling rescued prisoners into slavery and pilfering crystals from a Naboo mining site, despite their having saved him and his ship. Nevertheless, Borvo seemed to hold considerable respect for those who impressed him and served him loyally, in contrast to Jabba. He employed Adela Tyché due to her exceptional piloting abilities and fluency in Huttese and other languages. He valued Mordran for his combat skills and developed respect for a young spacer who eliminated a former business partner who had betrayed him.
These observations suggest that Borvo himself may not have been as inherently malicious or cruel as Jabba, opting instead to govern his criminal empire with generosity and esteem, akin to Lady Valarian, which likely contributed to his remarkable success. He even displayed some admiration for his adversaries. When Lieutenant Sykes pursued him, he acknowledged that he liked Sykes' attitude and offered him a position at his side if he surrendered willingly, an offer that Sykes declined. Ultimately, despite his vast criminal empire, Borvo seemed to maintain a low profile, which he may have preferred as long as it remained profitable.
Borvo made his debut in the video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo, where his voice was provided by Clint Bajakian.
Borvo the Hutt later reappeared as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Borvo was included in the original release of the game, featuring as part of the Borvo the Hutt's questline. With the release of "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005, Borvo the Hutt's questline underwent a revamp. While the gameplay of the questline was significantly enhanced, the underlying storyline remained largely unchanged. With the New Game Enhancements, Borvo The Hutt was also incorporated into the "Legacy Quest," the game's most extensive questline.