These cargo ships functioned as personal transport for the smuggler Borvo, a Hutt from Naboo, and were used by him. They facilitated smuggling operations for Borvo's Nal Raka Criminal Empire. Borvo later gifted three of these freighters to the Royal Naboo Security Forces with the intention of holding liberated slaves, but he double-crossed the Security Forces. Gavyn Sykes tracked Borvo's personal transport to Porso Hill, where he destroyed it, compelling Borvo to escape.
Sporting a beige exterior, the freighter was equipped with several mounted guns. The forward command section could detach and function independently as an escape pod.
Borvo's fleet included at least four of these freighters, with one serving as his primary mode of transport. Piloted by Adela Tyché, Borvo utilized the freighter for his smuggling activities throughout the Outer Rim as he worked to establish his criminal empire. Operating from the northern mountains of Naboo during the Invasion of Naboo, Borvo's ship was attacked by Trade Federation forces. Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes escorted the freighter to Borvo's base, and in return, the Hutt supplied valuable information. Borvo dispatched three of his freighters to collect rescued civilians. A similar ship was later observed departing a plasma mining camp, prompting Sykes to speculate about Borvo's involvement. When Borvo revealed his plan to turn Naboo civilians into slaves for a bounty, Sykes proceeded to destroy Borvo's transport and its accompanying starfighters.
Borvo was aboard the freighter when it was destroyed, but he managed to escape to Nal Hutta using the cockpit module. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, Borvo's personal vessel had become a yacht known as the Prosperous Secret.

The only appearance of this freighter design is within the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo; it lacks any official designation or class.