Nal Raka Criminal Empire

The criminal enterprise known as the Nal Raka Criminal Empire was the criminal organization controlled by Borvo, a Hutt.


This expansive organization maintained a presence with outposts on numerous planets. Naboo and Rori were two such locations. Its primary activities encompassed smuggling, arms dealing, and, on occasion, the trade of spice and slavery. The Naboo crisis triggered the initial decline of Borvo's empire. Following the Clone Wars, the organization experienced a resurgence, expanding its influence due to the Empire's stringent control over goods and weaponry. Borvo had operatives stationed in every major city on Naboo, in addition to seizing control of Nal Raka Space within the Naboo system and assuming authority over the Old Trade Federation Route.

In space combat, Borvo's pilots utilized M3-A Scyk fighters and G1-M4-C Dunelizard fighters.


Invasion of Naboo

During the Invasion of Naboo, Borvo the Hutt was stranded on the planet and was compelled to join forces with the Royal Naboo Security Forces to oppose the Trade Federation.

Galactic Civil War

By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, the RSF Intelligence Division considered the Nal Raka Criminal Empire to be among the four principal criminal syndicates operating on Naboo, alongside the Skaak Tippers, the Mummers, and the Darkwalkers. Borvo's organization maintained adversarial relationships with both the Skaak Tippers and the Darkwalkers. Furthermore, Borvo encountered difficulties with the Gungans following the Battle of Yavin. After a group of Gungan traders wronged him, he dispatched his most formidable enforcer, the Wookiee Mordran, to terrorize the Gungans at the Gungan Sacred Place.

Prior to the Battle of Yavin, Niksel Frangee, an agent and detective within the Corellian Security Force, successfully infiltrated Borvo the Hutt's criminal enterprise. Frangee remained undercover for six years, eventually becoming one of the Hutt's most trusted associates. In 1 ABY, the CorSec investigation into Borvo the Hutt reached its culmination. Consequently, a significant police operation was orchestrated to apprehend the gang during an illicit weapons transaction near Moenia. The operation proved successful, resulting in the death or capture of nearly all of Borvo's operatives. Only Dagorel, Borvo's right-hand man, managed to escape, but the criminal was able to report Frangee's betrayal to Borvo. Subsequently, Borvo's guard contracted a spacer to assassinate Frangee. The spacer then acquired Frangee's detective badge and was instructed to travel to Corellia and impersonate Frangee. Due to the retirement and replacement of all of Frangee's direct superiors during his six-year infiltration, no one within CorSec knew what Frangee looked like at the time of his death. The spacer encountered Captain Thale Dustrunner, a senior officer of the CorSec, in the Coronet Capitol. Dustrunner was deceived by the ruse and mistook the spacer for the long-lost agent. He tasked him with protecting Aldalad, a witness prepared to testify against Borvo, and Maerzen, who had uncovered incriminating evidence against Borvo the Hutt. The spacer murdered both individuals and returned to Borvo, leaving CorSec without any evidence to prosecute the Hutt crime lord. Ultimately, Borvo resolved this complicated situation by assassinating his former business partner Montrus because of his close association with Niksel Frangee.

Around the same time, the Skaak Tippers and Darkwalkers blackmailed Hugo Eckener, the father of the indebted Karl Eckener, to force him to hire a spacer in order to attack Borvo Bunker, near Theed. Derm Worrit, one of Borvo's thugs, operated out of the bunker during that time.

