Huff Darklighter

Huff Darklighter functioned as the father of Biggs Darklighter, the sibling of Jula Darklighter, the maternal uncle of Gavin Darklighter, and a prominent landowner situated on Tatooine.


Being a Tatooine local, Huff possessed numerous moisture farms on his planet of origin and procured water from fellow farmers at heavily discounted rates. He allocated a portion of this water to his own hydroponics operations, while the majority was resold to other settlers at substantial markups. He leveraged his talent for locating water sources to establish himself as one of the planet's most significant food industry figures. Subsequently, he utilized his considerable wealth to ensure Biggs received every advantage life could offer.

Huff didn't hesitate to bribe local authorities—both at the planetary level and within the Empire—to safeguard his position. Vehemently anti-Imperial, Huff believed they had eradicated democracy and governed through coercion, expressing disapproval of Biggs' decision to enroll in the Imperial Academy.

Biggs confides in his father about his lack of confidence in the Galactic Empire.

He held his son in extremely high esteem, genuinely considering Biggs the sole hero of the Battle of Yavin. Huff even went as far as to suggest that Wedge Antilles was less than heroic for withdrawing from the battle, disregarding the fact that Luke Skywalker had explicitly ordered Wedge's departure.

Following the Battle of Yavin, a vintage Tusken King's rifle that had once belonged to Huff Darklighter's paternal grandfather was pilfered. Deeply agitated, Huff commissioned a guard to hire a spacer to recover the rifle. This spacer journeyed to Naboo and successfully retrieved the rifle from the crime lord Borvo the Hutt.

This spacer later found employment with Huff Darklighter. For an initial assignment, Huff requested the spacer's assistance with his daughter Dera, who had developed an intense fascination with Tusken Raiders. The spacer encountered Dera in the desert and consented to eliminate a particularly malicious tribe of Sand People inhabiting a cave near the Darklighter estate. For a subsequent mission, Huff tasked the spacer with disrupting Sennex slave trade activities in Anchorhead. Consequently, the spacer attacked a Sennex bunker on the edge of the city disguised as a research facility, eliminating numerous slavers. As recompense for the services rendered to his family, Huff Darklighter presented the spacer with a polished krayt dragon skull.

In 1 ABY, one of Huff's nieces was abducted by slavers affiliated with Jabba the Hutt. However, she promptly managed to escape and contacted her uncle via her comlink for assistance. Huff Darklighter swiftly dispatched a spacer to rescue the woman before Jabba's henchmen, who were tracking her, arrived. The spacer located the woman, disoriented in the desert, and escorted her back to the Darklighter estate without incident. Huff Darklighter subsequently compensated the spacer for eliminating the criminal mastermind leading Jabba's slaving operation.

Huff attempted to gain possession of the Lars moisture farm on Tatooine by instituting a discriminatory alien landowner tax. This tax was specifically designed to deplete the financial resources of the alien Throgg, but Gavin's father intervened, purchasing the farm before Huff could implement the tax. Huff's arrangements with the Imperial prefect on Tatooine afforded him greater leeway in his business dealings, and he diligently worked to suppress his competition. Nevertheless, Huff was not infallible. He was deceived and defrauded by Lirin Banolt, but succeeded in obtaining an Imperial data disk containing information about the Eidolon Base weapons cache. The plans were stolen from his residence, but were ultimately recovered by Rogue Squadron.

Huff assumed control of a significant portion of the Eidolon weapons cache in the aftermath, repurposing some of the stormtrooper armor, repainted in dark blue, for his personal security force. The majority of the remaining equipment was supplied to Rogue Squadron during the Bacta War. Huff sought to instigate a bidding war between the Rogues and an anonymous buyer represented by Booster Terrik, but upon discovering that his long-time acquaintance Wedge Antilles was seeking the equipment, Booster promptly shifted his allegiance. He exploited his knowledge of Huff's Imperial connections to blackmail the moisture farmer into relinquishing the weapons to Wedge. When Huff attempted to negotiate the price, Booster clarified that he expected the weapons to be given away without charge, but his daughter Mirax Terrik interceded, insisting that the Rogues would purchase the weapons, but only at a reasonable price.

Behind the scenes

In the first edition of Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, his name was given as "Huk Darklighter."

Huff Darklighter was featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its termination on December 15, 2011. Huff Darklighter was an element of the original game's release, acting as the primary quest provider for the Darklighter's Estate questline. With the launch of "Publish 25," also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005, the Darklighter's Estate questline underwent a substantial revamp. Accompanying the complete overhaul of the storyline, Huff Darklighter's physical appearance was also altered.

