Booster Terrik

Booster Terrik, a Human male hailing from Corellia, plied his trade as a smuggler. Uniquely, he remains the sole civilian on record to have owned and operated an _Imperial_-class Star Destroyer, known as the Errant Venture. He was the father to Mirax Terrik, and the grandfather to both Valin and Jysella Horn.


Early career

Corellia was the birthplace of Booster Terrik. From a young age, Booster exhibited a strong sense of independence. Although his initial employment involved piloting freighters for large corporations, whether legitimately or not, he soon decided to launch his own shipping business, free from external control. This endeavor met with limited success, with several ventures collapsing quickly. Terrik soon found himself heavily in debt with no legal means of ensuring his survival.

While evading bounty hunters in the stolen freighter Starwayman, Terrik arrived on the Outer Rim Territories planet Borlov, marking the beginning of a series of fortunate events. There, he encountered Llollulion, an avian Borlovian noble who was fascinated by Terrik's unconventional lifestyle. Llollulion, a rebel within his own reserved species, yearned to escape Borlov and explore the galaxy. He saw Terrik as the ideal means to achieve this. Llollulion used his substantial wealth to settle Terrik's debts and purchase Starwayman, on the condition that Terrik would take him on as a copilot. Appreciative of the companionship and financial assistance, Terrik agreed. As the Separatist Crisis dominated galactic headlines, Terrik and Llollulion embarked on a career as smugglers, engaging in steady, albeit questionable, work.

A young Booster Terrik

Their illicit activities eventually caught up with them, leading to Llollulion's detention at the CoCo District Constabulary on Coruscant on various smuggling charges. However, thanks to a daring escape alongside Human con artists Achk Med-Beq and Dannl Faytonni, the Galactic Republic never prosecuted the Borlovian. With the outbreak of the Clone Wars shortly after, the government's priorities shifted.

Despite sharing Terrik's adventurous spirit, Llollulion became Terrik's moral compass as the Clone Wars engulfed the galaxy. Starwayman began transporting supplies for early dissenters, likely aligned with the Separatists, throughout the Outer Rim. Although Terrik claimed to be motivated solely by business interests, he shared his copilot's unease with the increasing consolidation of power under Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Barely a week after the defeat of General Grievous and the declaration of the New Order, Terrik and Llollulion were delivering supplies to insurgents on Kobbahn when the Victory-class Star Destroyer Strikefast, commanded by Captain Voss Parck, ambushed them. Starwayman executed a series of jumps into the Unknown Regions in an attempt to evade the Imperials, but Parck, eager to conclude what he considered a tedious assignment, remained in pursuit. In a desperate gamble, Terrik crash-landed his ship on a nearby planet, hoping to conceal it within the dense jungle. Parck continued his chase and would have captured Starwayman if not for the intervention of a mysterious alien – a Chiss male, later known as Thrawn, who had been stranded on the planet for years. Recognizing the alien's tactical brilliance as a more valuable asset than capturing a pair of petty smugglers, Parck abandoned his pursuit, leaving Terrik to marvel at his continued good fortune.

Family man

Over the following years, Terrik continued to conduct business for the rebels, profiting handsomely. However, his personal life underwent significant changes, most notably his marriage to Jysella and the subsequent birth of his daughter, Mirax. With a family to support, Terrik abandoned his nomadic lifestyle and established Corellia as his base of operations. Llollulion, still yearning to see the galaxy, departed, possibly taking Starwayman with him, as he was the legal owner. Around this time, Terrik acquired a new ship, the Baudo-class star yacht Pulsar Skate, and a new copilot, the tentacled alien Polipe.

Terrik grieving with a young Wedge Antilles.

Just as Terrik's life began to stabilize, his wife tragically passed away. Now solely responsible for Mirax's well-being, Terrik had to reassess his business practices. Having a fixed base made it easier for the authorities to track him, and Terrik wanted to avoid CorSec taking Mirax away while he was on a job. Fortunately, he had close friends in Jagged and Zena Antilles, who operated Corellia's Gus Treta orbital refueling station. He often entrusted Mirax to the Antilles' care during smuggling runs, but also frequently brought Mirax and the Antilles' son, Wedge, along for the ride. Spending much of their childhood together, Mirax and Wedge became close friends, and Terrik and the Antilles regarded each other's children as their own. When Gus Treta was destroyed by careless pirates during a hasty escape, Terrik loaned Wedge, who had been aboard Pulsar Skate at the time, a Z-95 Headhunter, allowing Wedge to seek revenge for his parents' deaths.

Despite these tragedies, business continued to thrive. At some point, Terrik's actions interfered with Talon Karrde's operations, irritating the information broker to the point where Karrde hired a spacer to deliver a warning to Terrik to stay out of his affairs. Terrik, disrespecting Karrde, attacked the messenger but was defeated and knocked unconscious.

Terrik became adept at evading the law, developing a rivalry with CorSec inspector Hal Horn. Despite their animosity, Terrik and Horn respected each other's persistence. It was a somber day when, in 2 BBY, Terrik was finally apprehended and tried. While pleased to have done his job, Horn couldn't help but feel regret that their unique relationship had ended.


Terrik was sentenced to five years of hard labor in the Spice Mines on Kessel, undoubtedly the most challenging period of his life. The experience profoundly affected him both mentally and physically. Already a large man, the constant labor further developed his physique, transforming him into a powerhouse capable of lifting a man off the ground by his neck. During this time, he lost his left eye, replacing it with a prominent red prosthetic, adding to his intimidating presence. However, it was not the hardship that troubled Terrik the most. He was an adventurous spirit and found Kessel profoundly boring. His hatred for Hal Horn, whom he cursed with every breath, was the only thing that kept him mentally stable. Unlike Horn, Terrik struggled to let go of their feud, especially after Horn's death at the hands of Bossk before Terrik's release.

A lower profile

Booster Terrik during the Galactic Civil War.

Several months after the Battle of Hoth, Booster Terrik regained his freedom. However, he returned to a vastly changed galaxy. Wedge had joined the Rebellion, and Mirax had become a capable young woman who had maintained Terrik's smuggling operations, or what remained of them after Jorj Car'das and Talon Karrde had taken their share. Initially, Terrik attempted to resume his old life, but a single trip in Pulsar Skate revealed how much he had changed. Hyperspace felt too lonely, and the confines of Skate were too reminiscent of his time in the mines. Terrik also found that he had lost some of his appetite for adventure, though not entirely. He entrusted Skate to Mirax and her copilot, Liat Tsayv, to continue its operations, and began working primarily as an intermediary for his friends' businesses. This new lifestyle provided Terrik with security, mobility, and good company.

However, his new, mobile lifestyle meant he wouldn't see his daughter as often. As the years passed and the galaxy continued to evolve, Terrik experienced a period of relative leisure, but soon found himself longing for excitement. This excitement arrived in 7 ABY when he reunited with Mirax on Tatooine at the home of Huff Darklighter, where he was negotiating for a cache of old weaponry from the Empire's Eidolon Base.

Terrik's joy at seeing his daughter was tempered by her companion, Corran Horn, the son of the man who had sent him to Kessel. Horn interrupted the negotiations and, unaware of Terrik's identity, attempted to intimidate him by revealing Mirax's father's identity to Mirax's father. Terrik was unsure whether to laugh or strangle Horn. Discovering that Horn was not only Mirax's business partner but also her romantic interest did not improve matters. Mirax diffused the situation by explaining that they were there on Wedge's behalf. Wedge, along with Corran and the rest of Rogue Squadron, had resigned from the New Republic military to launch a personal campaign against former Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard, who had established herself as the head of a bacta cartel on Thyferra. Terrik decided to support Wedge's cause and persuaded Darklighter to sell the weapons to Mirax at a reduced price, which Mirax only accepted because she refused to take them for free.

Intrigued by his daughter's new mission, Terrik accompanied her back to Yag'Dhul, where the Rogues had established their base in the abandoned space station, Yag-prime. Wedge was delighted to see Terrik again and immediately sought a role for him in their operation. Terrik ultimately took on the role of managing the entire station. Wedge had intended to use it solely as a base, but Terrik convinced him to maintain it as a supply depot, implementing strict measures to maximize profits.

Under Terrik's management, the station flourished. The Rogues conducted a series of raids on Isard's bacta supplies on nearby worlds like Qretu 5, aided by Terrik's smuggler allies who were allowed to keep the captured bacta, provided they spent the money they made on supplies from the Yag'Dhul station. As his and Wedge's plan to confront Isard began to materialize, Terrik acquired a significant amount of weaponry for both the station and the Rogues' growing armada. From Talon Karrde, he obtained hundreds of torpedo sensor packages and launch tubes, along with thousands of projectiles, far more than the station could use. He also acquired numerous tractor beams and a gravity well projector, which was mounted on the station itself.

As the Bacta War saw a gradual accumulation of resources on both sides, an information war was also underway. During a rendezvous with Karrde's people in the Alderaan system, which Terrik attended aboard Pulsar Skate, an Imperial force ambushed the Rogues with the aid of the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Aggregator. Only the timely arrival of the automated Thranta-class War Cruiser Valiant, mistaking Rogue pilot Tycho Celchu for Another Chance due to his outdated Alderaanian IFF code, saved the Rogues from certain destruction. Aggregator retreated, and the Rogues destroyed Isard's Corrupter before it could escape.

Fearing another encounter with the Interdictor, which Isard had leased from High Admiral Treuten Teradoc, Terrik began purchasing maintenance parts for Interdictor cruisers to spread a rumor that the Rogues planned to capture the next one lent to Isard. In the meantime, a more pressing issue arose: since only Terrik, Mirax, and the Rogues knew about the Alderaan rendezvous, the ambush indicated a spy within Karrde's organization. Karrde identified the culprit as his aide Melina Carniss, but before he could eliminate her, Terrik leveraged his purchase of the gravity well projector to ensure her survival, intending to feed her false information.

Eventually, word reached the Rogues that Isard was forcing their hand by rounding up Thyferran Vratix civilians and threatening to kill them unless resistance ceased within a month. The Rogues, no longer concerned with secrecy, led the next supply convoy, and thus Melina Carniss, directly to Yag'Dhul. Carniss left a beacon in the system, and soon the Star Destroyers Virulence and Lusankya arrived, ready to obliterate the station. They were met with the sight of Rogue Squadron and its fleet of freighters seemingly fleeing the system, leaving the space station to its fate.

However, Terrik had other plans. He activated a gravity well and secured Lusankya with dozens of tractor beams. The ship's captain, Joak Drysso, was not pleased and prepared to destroy the station and escape when Lusankya was targeted by three hundred proton torpedoes, enough to obliterate the ship. Just as its doom seemed imminent, Captain Lakwii Varrscha of Virulence selflessly moved her ship in front of Lusankya, freeing it from the tractor beams. Drysso thanked Varrscha for her sacrifice and fled the system back to Thyferra. Terrik, aided by the opportune arrival of a New Republic flight group under the command of Pash Cracken, convinced Captain Varrscha to surrender Virulence without a fight. Terrik immediately began loading it with his people and Cracken's fighters.

By the time Terrik and Cracken arrived at Thyferra, the battle was already raging. Captain Drysso was initially elated to see Virulence emerge from hyperspace, but his enthusiasm quickly faded as the ship began launching A-wings. Terrik's arrival, coupled with the defection of Sair Yonka's Freedom and the Rogues' freighters loaded with missiles and torpedoes from Yag-prime station, quickly overwhelmed Lusankya, ending the battle. Isard was presumed dead while attempting to escape.

With the fighting over, New Republic General Airen Cracken arrived to oversee the cleanup and, in Terrik's view, to take credit for the entire operation. One point of contention was the fate of Virulence. While it had been surrendered to Terrik personally, Pash Cracken's unit had played a significant role in Varrscha's decision, giving the government at least a partial claim of ownership. Furthermore, Cracken was unwilling to leave a fully armed warship in civilian hands. Fortunately, Talon Karrde brokered a deal that satisfied everyone. Karrde would purchase the bulk of Virulence's weapons from Terrik and sell them to Cracken. Terrik, in turn, would use the money to buy out the New Republic's share in the ship. Having finally secured a sufficiently large base of operations, Terrik christened his new ship Errant Venture.

Life on Venture

Cracken returned to Coruscant to defend against a demotion attempt by Borsk Fey'lya, and Terrik began transforming Errant Venture into his new base of operations. The ship was left with only ten turbolaser batteries, but was otherwise in excellent condition. Terrik even managed to retain a portion of the ship's TIE fighter complement. Remaining as thrifty as he had been as the manager of Yag-prime station, he kept the TIEs' ceiling racks to supplement the usual docking space on the hangar bay floor, adding customized suspension collars to several of his smaller ships to maximize the use of available space. He also retained the Flag Hangar as a more private hangar.

Terrik sporting his prosthetic eye.

The Venture transformed into one of the galaxy's premier mobile entertainment destinations, attracting thrill-seekers, merchants, and rogues. The vessel was structured across three decks: Black, Blue, and Diamond. The Diamond Level hosted the more "refined" activities, featuring luxurious accommodations and high-stakes gambling. The Blue Level catered to the average visitor, and was particularly famous for Trader's Alley, a sprawling, cash-only marketplace that occupied the ship's largest area. Connecting the Blue and Diamond levels was a grand central courtyard, where a continuous holographic display of the Bacta War played, subtly exaggerating Terrik's involvement. Situated at the ship's base was the Black Level, shrouded in secrecy, likely due to its clientele's preference for discretion. In essence, if one sought illicit goods or services and possessed the courage, Black Level was the destination.

Terrik took immense pride in his new acquisition. Nevertheless, managing an entire Imperial II-class Star Destroyer was a monumental task, even for someone of his caliber. Talon Karrde would later remark that experienced Star Destroyer personnel viewed them as "174,000 design flaws waiting to be exploited." Terrik struggled to prevent the ship from deteriorating. The immense pressure Terrik faced during the Venture's initial decade of operation was evident in his office, a space overflowing with boxes, financial reports, and loose cargo, barely leaving room to sit. His only personal item was a small, repeating hologram of Mirax on his desk. Despite his enjoyment of being busy, Terrik's eagerness to indulge in occasional distractions during this period was quite noticeable.

One such diversion occurred during the campaign against Grand Admiral Thrawn. Despite its condition, the New Republic expressed interest in acquiring Errant Venture to aid in the conflict. Terrik surprisingly agreed, provided he received an Admiral's commission. The government quickly reconsidered its need for the Venture.

Shortly thereafter, Terrik once again assisted Rogue Squadron in their ongoing battle against Ysanne Isard, who had survived her apparent death. The trouble began when Booster and Mirax journeyed to Distna to support a raid on an Imperial facility suspected of housing prisoners previously held aboard Lusankya. Upon arrival, they found the area littered with the Rogues' remains; only Wes Janson and Asyr Sei'lar were found alive in the wreckage. Word eventually reached Terrik—through Wedge's and Corran's astromech droids—that the majority of the other Rogues were still alive, held captive by Isard in an attempt to use them against her rival, Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel of the Ciutric Hegemony. While the Rogues and a significant portion of the local New Republic fleet engaged in a massive assault on Ciutric IV, Isard swiftly moved to the Bilbringi Shipyards, now virtually undefended, to reclaim Lusankya, which had been her primary objective all along.

Repairs on the Super Star Destroyer from the damage sustained at Thyferra were nearing completion, and the ship was largely deserted when Isard arrived. She dispatched a team to seize control of the bridge, but Terrik thwarted her plan by deducing that Isard's long-term goals hinged on regaining her ship. Accompanied by Mirax and New Republic Intelligence agent Iella Wessiri, and posing as the "acting captain" of Lusankya, Terrik informed Isard that her scheme had been uncovered, and Wessiri attempted to arrest her. Isard resisted, resulting in her death by gunshot.

Upon returning to Venture, Terrik had one final matter to address. Asyr Sei'lar, after being rescued by Terrik from the wreckage on Distna, chose to conceal her survival. When Borsk Fey'lya learned that Asyr and fellow Rogue Gavin Darklighter intended to marry and adopt a Bothan child, he was greatly displeased. Asyr, despite the heartbreak it would cause Gavin, decided to assume a more clandestine role within Bothan society, working to reform the corrupt politics that Fey'lya represented. Her "death" did not deter Fey'lya from attempting to impose his political agenda on her. Upon hearing the news from Distna, Fey'lya traveled to Venture with the intention of bribing Terrik into procuring a suitable replacement body—Asyr's supposedly having been destroyed in the battle—to be enshrined in a hero's monument on Bothawui. Terrik responded by physically assaulting the Councilor and ejecting him from the ship.

Two years later, Terrik was reunited with Corran Horn, whom he had successfully avoided during the Isard affair—and, even worse, forced to work with him—when Mirax was captured and held hostage by Moff Leonia Tavira, the leader of the Invids, a renegade ex-Imperial pirate group. Terrik disapproved of Mirax's relationship with Corran, and was even more displeased when they married at Thyferra aboard the newly captured Lusankya—without informing him beforehand. Thus, when Corran responded to her abduction by spending over two months on Yavin 4 training at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, their meeting was notably unpleasant.

While Terrik had been aware of Mirax's capture from the start—she had been operating out of Venture at the time, using her father's resources to assist Airen Cracken in monitoring the Invids' activities—he amplified his anger over Corran's failure to come to him immediately by feigning ignorance. The entire confrontation was designed to assess Corran's commitment to his daughter and his willingness to defend his decisions against Terrik's imposing personality. Corran not only recognized Terrik's deception but also passed the test on all fronts. He affirmed his own devotion to Mirax as being equally valid as Terrik's and accepted full responsibility for whatever befell her as a result of his two-month absence.

Terrik was satisfied with Corran's performance and, for the first time, began to respect Corran as an individual and, more importantly, as worthy of his daughter's love. The two immediately collaborated to locate the Invids and ensure Mirax's safe return. Corran's initial task was to discreetly visit Corellia to consult his grandfather Rostek Horn regarding past CorSec—and personal—matters. After deceiving a tourist couple aboard Venture into smuggling Corran down to the planet as a prank, Terrik began scouring his information network, and those of his allies, for any intelligence on the Invids' location.

His investigation eventually led him to his old acquaintance Kina Margath, an entrepreneur based on Elshandruu Pica. There, Corran was aboard a shuttle en route to a large space liner when it was ambushed by the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates, allies of the Invids. Corran's Jedi and piloting abilities thwarted the ambush, providing a significant breakthrough in their search. Terrik tracked the Eyttyrmin Batiiv to the planet Courkrus using the drive signature of a Corellian corvette employed by the pirates. From there, Corran was led to the Invids' base on Susevfi. Corran infiltrated the Invids, and during Mirax's rescue, Booster arrived aboard the Venture. Corran fought his way into the pirates' compound, rescued Mirax, and when Tavira turned to engage Booster aboard her flagship Star Destroyer Invidious, intending to destroy the lesser-armed Errant Venture, Corran used the Force to project an image of the Lusankya into Tavira's mind. To further amplify her paranoia, he added an image of the recently destroyed Sun Crusher, causing Tavira to flee the system. Terrik was now firmly convinced that Corran would be an acceptable son-in-law—though he would never admit it to his face—and two years later, Corran and Mirax presented him with a grandchild, a Force-sensitive boy named Valin.

The following years were a mix of highs and lows for Terrik and Venture. The ship continued to leave its mark on the galactic underworld. Mara Jade and Lando Calrissian briefly resided on board during their search for Jorj Car'das, and Talon Karrde frequently used its imposing presence as a stress test for new recruits. However, behind the scenes, conditions were deteriorating. Terrik eventually hired ex-Rogue Squadron member Nawara Ven to assist with the ship's daily operations, but even the extra help could not prevent Venture from falling further into disrepair.

Turbolifts malfunctioned or operated inefficiently, only half of her operating systems continued to function reliably, not to mention those that failed completely, and perhaps most critically, her already limited turbolaser armament continued to dwindle as weapons were constantly under repair, and were even cannibalized and/or sold for other more vital parts. By approximately 18 ABY, Venture had only three operational turbolasers. Terrik finally decided that major overhauls were necessary and contracted a team of two hundred Verpine technicians to upgrade the ship's systems in the Nosken system. However, as the Caamas Document Crisis erupted across the galaxy seven months later, the technicians had not yet completed their work. The situation had become so dire that Talon Karrde even offered to purchase Venture from Terrik if it became too much trouble.

Karrde was aboard the ship ostensibly to gather information on the Cavrilhu Pirates for Luke Skywalker, who had recently pursued them from a base in the Kauron asteroid belt. While in the system, Luke had been approached by an unusual ship resembling a TIE fighter, which had transmitted a message in an alien language and then accelerated back into hyperspace toward the Unknown Regions. While Terrik, Karrde, Mara Jade, and Corran Horn, who was also on the ship as part of an investigation into an Imperial resistance movement codenamed Vengeance, were discussing these events, the ship reappeared and replicated its behavior with Venture, transmitting the same alien message while flying on what appeared to be a suicidal course toward the ship's bridge, then turning and disappearing once more into hyperspace. This time, however, Mara recognized a familiar word in the transmission—Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Grand Admiral Thrawn's full name. Concerned about rumors of Thrawn's return to the Imperial Remnant, Luke and Mara departed for the ship's origin point, triangulated from its two escape vectors—the planet Nirauan.

Meanwhile, the New Republic was in chaos as numerous species exploited the controversy sparked by the Caamas incident as a pretext to revive old grievances. Among these species were the Frezhlix and the Sif'kries. The former imposed a blockade on the latter's planet, ostensibly as retribution for the planet's vote against a condemnation of the Bothan people for their role in Caamas's destruction. A New Republic task force including Generals Garm Bel Iblis and Wedge Antilles, unable to legally intervene in a local matter, managed to break up the blockade under the guise of inspecting one of the blockaded ships—Hoopster's Prank, one of Booster Terrik's freighters. The mission was successful, but Terrik's Sif'krie smuggling contacts were angered by the suspension of their operations and banned him from future shipments.

Still seething over the matter, Terrik reluctantly met with Bel Iblis shortly afterward regarding an operation the General had planned. Hoping to obtain a complete copy of the Caamas Document, President Ponc Gavrisom had ordered an information raid on the Imperial Ubiqtorate base at Yaga Minor. Bel Iblis needed Errant Venture to impersonate a damaged and vulnerable Imperial warship. All of the New Republic's captured Star Destroyers were either too occupied with official duties to slip away unnoticed or were too well-known. Only through Bel Iblis's skillful manipulation did Terrik agree, convinced that he was getting the better end of the deal.

Venture did indeed benefit significantly from renewed New Republic support, undergoing three weeks of extensive repairs, upgrades, and retrofits. Another reason Bel Iblis wanted the Venture is because due to the ship falling into disrepair, the exterior hull looked like it had been damaged in combat, adding to the ruse of the ship having been attacked. Lastly, the usual skeleton crew was supplemented by thousands of New Republic personnel, bringing Venture up to a full military-grade crew complement for the first time since her service in the Empire. Although pleased to see his ship finally receiving the attention it needed, Terrik began to suspect that Bel Iblis had effectively deceived him, a feeling that intensified as he learned more about the mission's perilous nature.

The Errant Venture receiving a facelift.

The Venture's identification codes were altered to identify it as the Tyrannic, an Imperial ship that had been missing for several weeks, under the assumption that no one at Yaga Minor would know better. With Terrik and Bel Iblis on board—Bel Iblis's presence being one of the minor details Terrik hadn't been briefed on in advance—"Tyrannic" appeared in the Yaga Minor system with a respectably-sized New Republic force hot on its heels. The plan was for the Republic ships to keep the base's defensive perimeter busy enough that the Imperials would fail to notice that the Star Destroyer was heading straight for one of their exterior interface stations, where a team would then blast its way through to the interface, steal a copy of the Caamas Document, and escape—or if escape became impossible, which Bel Iblis and Terrik believed deep down would be the case—beam the document to one of the other ships.

Unfortunately, Thrawn himself was present at Yaga Minor. The Grand Admiral was in actuality an impostor disguised as Thrawn and following the orders of Moff Vilim Disra and Major Grodin Tierce, but the Imperials immediately recognized the deception and immobilized Errant Venture with fifty tractor beams. "Thrawn" threatened to destroy the ship if Bel Iblis and Terrik refused to surrender, but Bel Iblis, suspecting the Imperials would want him alive—not to mention an intact Star Destroyer—called their bluff. He ordered the Venture to pivot as far toward maximum firing position as the tractor beams allowed, then opened fire on the nearest beams. Once free, Bel Iblis intended to ram Thrawn's Relentless, eliminating what he believed to be the Imperial's most valuable asset. The effort was futile; for every tractor beam Venture destroyed, two more took its place.

Just when it seemed that Yaga Minor would indeed be the Venture's final destination, Talon Karrde arrived in the system, bypassed the defensive perimeter—aided by high-level Imperial codes—and delivered Fleet Admiral Gilad Pellaeon to Relentless, providing him with evidence of Disra's and Tierce's treachery. With the Thrawn pretender revealed as the con man Flim, Pellaeon assumed command of the Imperial forces and ordered an immediate cease-fire. Shortly thereafter, the Bastion Accords were signed, and the Yaga Minor engagement became the final major military confrontation between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant.

Stability and purpose

True to his word, General Bel Iblis had Errant Venture's exterior fully repaired, and even though most of the weaponry was once again removed, the innumerable repairs and upgrades were a financial windfall for Terrik. Bel Iblis had even agreed to his demand that the ship receive a new coat of paint; "something besides Star Destroyer White." Over the next several months, Venture gained a new distinction: it was now the only Star Destroyer painted a bright red from bow to stern. While visually striking, the new paint job ensured that no one would ever mistake her for an official warship again. His newfound financial security may have also prompted Terrik to splurge on a cloned left eye to replace his prosthetic, because he appeared at Luke and Mara's wedding soon after looking good as new. Any softening of his appearance was certainly well-timed—Mirax quickly put him to work keeping an eye on the large number of children attending the wedding; a role he would revisit with some success in the future.

Booster and Mirax attending Luke and Mara's wedding.

Another new interest Terrik acquired during this period was superweapons. He invested heavily in purchasing mysterious technology from the Hutts, purportedly originating from Durga's failed Darksaber project, which he installed along Venture's central spine, extending to the bow. Whether the end result could accurately be described as a superlaser is debatable, but its effectiveness and considerable power were undeniable.

For several years, circumstances finally seemed to improve, not only for Terrik but for the galaxy as a whole. However, the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong shattered this peace. Terrik largely remained uninvolved in the initial stages of the war, which benefited Corran Horn during his self-imposed exile following the Battle of Ithor in 25 ABY. He subsequently spent approximately a year away from the New Jedi Order, traveling the galaxy aboard Errant Venture alongside Mirax. He contributed to the war effort by supplying weapons to the Hutt underground, albeit for profit.

Eventually the Jedi came looking, though when they came it was Terrik and his ship they needed. Evidence of an imminent Yuuzhan Vong/Peace Brigade attack on the Jedi Praxeum had convinced Luke Skywalker to send Jacen and Jaina Solo out in search of Terrik to supplement the academy's defense. Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila were already on Yavin 4, and Talon Karrde had agreed to lend a handful of ships, including his own Wild Karrde, to the evacuation effort. However, the amount of firepower the enemy had brought to bear could only be countered by Errant Venture—especially since the New Republic government had recently taken steps to distance itself from the Jedi. Karrde's ships took a considerable beating in the ensuing battle, and just when all seemed lost, Venture appeared and blasted its way into the maelstrom. Furious over the threat to the students—his grandson Valin being among their number—Terrik unleashed his secret weapon, obliterating the Yuuzhan Vong force's flagship in a sudden flash of light. Almost before anyone knew what had happened, the battle was over.

The victory was only temporary, however. Even Terrik could not secure Yavin IV indefinitely. The Jedi students—over thirty of them altogether—were brought aboard Venture, along with Anakin's team from the ground, and she fled into hyperspace to parts unknown. With no safe harbor for the Jedi yet in place, Venture became a mobile Jedi Academy, essentially a modern-day Chu'unthor. For the rest of the war, Booster Terrik was at last forced to put others' needs ahead of his own business interests; indeed, he now had one of the most significant responsibilities in the galaxy. He began jumping Venture randomly around the galaxy to keep the enemy from tracking it, going so far as to send out smaller ships to obtain supplies and fuel—and occasionally sending out Nawara Ven to assist endangered Jedi students on planets like Trogan. For months, the ship didn't go near a civilized system; the only beings who could find it were Jedi, thanks to a special proprietary homing beacon provided and installed by Karrde.

The Errant Venture rockets toward Yavin 4.

While this was occurring, Jedi Knights Kam and Tionne Solusar were dispatched by Skywalker to the Deep Core in search of a new sanctuary—a location that could only be found using the Force. They eventually located the world later named Eclipse. However, before this discovery, an official warrant for the Skywalkers' arrest was issued. This forced Luke and Mara to completely abandon the complex political situation on Coruscant and seek refuge aboard Venture, arriving just as Mara was about to give birth. Ben Skywalker's life began in the Errant Venture's medical bay, with Terrik, the Jedi healer Cilghal, and others waiting nearby. Soon after, he was quickly moved to The Maw, situated at the opposite end of the Jedi's safe route, known as the "Great River," originating from Eclipse. With a reliable network now established, the remaining Jedi also departed from Venture. However, Terrik found the situation too dire to ignore the ongoing conflict. Consequently, Venture continued to provide support in several pivotal battles of the war.

She assisted in the evacuation efforts on Coruscant, and then accompanied Wedge Antilles and his group to Borleias, where the remaining New Republic government promptly deserted them. Acting-Chief of State Pwoe left them the Lusankya with implied instructions to delay the Yuuzhan Vong for as long as possible while he and his followers escaped to Mon Calamari. Considering the New Republic essentially defunct, Wedge suggested that the leaders of their group—including himself, the Skywalkers and Solos, Terrik, and a small group of others—begin fighting the war as a new Rebellion, operating independently. As a result of this new strategy, Terrik was able to equip his ship as he saw fit. Quickly, over thirty turbolasers and ion cannons were transferred from Lusankya to Errant Venture. The former was largely emptied of personnel and useful equipment, and was deployed as the "Emperor's Spear" in the upcoming battle. It sacrificed itself to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong force's command ship, along with its leader, Czulkang Lah.

After this, Venture took part in the Battle of Ebaq 9 as part of a large Smugglers' Alliance fleet that included Karrde and Lando Calrissian. It also fought in the war's final battles at Caluula and Coruscant. At Caluula, Terrik was assigned the task of preventing any Yuuzhan Vong ships from escaping the planet, where the devastating Alpha Red virus had been released. However, one coralskipper managed to break through. The enemy intended to use this ship to infect Zonama Sekot, but the planet's sentient nature easily neutralized the contagion upon its arrival.

Following its support in the final battle at Coruscant, which ended the war, Terrik landed on Zonama Sekot to attend a celebratory gathering with other key figures from the war. While Skywalker and the others were occupied planning the galaxy's future, Booster Terrik took a moment to share a brandy with Karrde, Calrissian, Crev Bombaasa, and Han Solo. As they casually discussed the galaxy's new state from their own, perhaps less-than-reputable, perspective, Terrik and the others concluded that it was time to move away from their illicit activities. After all, spice prices had plummeted since the destruction of Hutt Space. Instead, they would focus on legitimate business. With the war over and numerous legal opportunities available, the future looked very promising.

Booster was again seen in 40 ABY with the Venture, which had become the galaxy's largest mobile enterprise for gambling and shopping. He requested permission to dock with the Galactic Alliance ships blockading Corellia, but was denied until Luke Skywalker insisted to Colonel Jacen Solo that allowing the Venture near the GA forces would be a terrible idea. Luke made this request at the urging of his sister Leia and Booster, who planned to use the Venture to spy on GA troops and gather intelligence on Jacen. Luke knew that Jacen would do the opposite of what he asked. Booster and the Venture profited greatly and gathered valuable intelligence before being forced away by a battle with Confederate Forces. Booster's daughter Mirax remained on the Venture with him to learn the business as his heir, as did Iella and Myri Antilles, who aided their friends in the war effort by posing as card dealers and secretly collecting information. Booster offered Myri a full-time position as a dealer, and she excelled so much that her father Wedge Antilles remarked to Luke Skywalker that she would be the first Antilles to become rich. It was also evident that Booster and his son-in-law Corran had developed a begrudging fondness for each other, though they still enjoyed teasing each other when the opportunity arose.

Post-Second Galactic Civil War

In 44 ABY, tensions began to escalate between the Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance government, led by Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala. A mysterious Force psychosis started to affect Jedi who were hiding at Shelter in the Maw. Among those affected were Booster's grandchildren, Valin and Jysella. Daala had the Horn siblings frozen in carbonite to use as leverage against the Jedi, an action that infuriated Booster. His initial reaction was to crash the Errant Venture into Daala's offices on Coruscant to free them. Following the Jedi's instructions, Booster hosted a sabacc tournament, the Tendrando Arms Celebrity Sabacc Charity Challenge, aboard his Star Destroyer, effectively holding many Coruscanti elites hostage. He then created a diversion by blasting orbital mirrors to draw the Sixth Fleet's attention away from the Jedi Temple, allowing them to launch their StealthX wing. He performed this act in front of Chief of Staff Wynn Dorvan, who assumed Booster was on a rampage in a futile attempt to secure his grandchildren's release. The Errant Venture then journeyed to Pydyr to assist Luke against the Lost Tribe of Sith.

Personality and traits

Terrik was a man known for his pride and directness. He readily challenged warlords, made demands of the current galactic government, and showed no remorse for his actions. Considering himself a self-made individual, he refused to be controlled by anyone. When diplomacy failed, he was quick to resort to boldness. His only true allegiance was to his friends and family.

Behind the scenes

Although Michael A. Stackpole's X-wing books popularized him, Booster Terrik's debut was in the short story Mist Encounter by Timothy Zahn, featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 7. Given the frequent collaborations between the two authors, it's possible, though not confirmed, that Stackpole created Terrik, and Zahn included him in Mist Encounter as a setup for his later appearances.

Despite being established as having a prosthetic left eye due to his time on Kessel, Terrik appears with two normal eyes in several instances in the comic series Star Wars: Union, and later in The New Jedi Order Sourcebook. While there's no official explanation for this change, it's unlikely that it occurred so many times accidentally. Therefore, it can be inferred that he obtained a new eye, presumably through cloning, sometime before Union. The placement of this event in the preceding article is speculative and may change.

It is not known whether he was related to Mod Terrik.

His name is suggestive of his criminal background. The term 'booster' can also refer to a type of thief, such as a car thief or shoplifter.

In Timothy Zahn's novel Thrawn, set in Star Wars Canon, before the Strikefast discovered Thrawn, the Venator-class Star Destroyer pursued smugglers in Wild Space. Although the novel only mentions "smugglers" and does not identify specific individuals, nor does it officially establish the character as Canon, this is a reference to Booster Terrik, whose encounter with the Strikefast in Star Wars Legends mirrors the pursuit of smugglers in the novel.

