Luke Skywalker spearheaded this operation.
During the conflict with the Yuuzhan Vong, Luke Skywalker established a clandestine underground network known as the Great River. Its purpose was to safeguard the Jedi from the Yuuzhan Vong and also from individuals like the Peace Brigade who sought to betray them in order to appease the invaders.
Initially, the Great River network consisted of secret pathways and fortified locations. These served as meeting places and safe havens for Jedi and their supporters, shielding them from the pursuing Yuuzhan Vong forces. Significant locations within the River included Shelter, a space station owned by Lando Calrissian situated in the center of the Maw, and Eclipse Station, an unmapped planet in the Deep Core that briefly provided refuge for the key figures of the New Jedi Order.
Several rescue pilots were involved in the Great River, including Uldir Lochett and his team. While officially operating under the New Republic Search and Rescue Corps, they were in fact directly commanded by Master Skywalker.