Uldir Lochett, a male Human in his youth, aspired to become a Jedi. To realize this ambition, he sought entry into Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum in 22 ABY. Later in life, he transitioned into the role of a starfighter pilot, serving within the ranks of the Space Rescue Corps.
Uldir's parents were shuttle pilots within the New Republic Defense Force. Their profession led to frequent travel for Uldir, including visits to planets such as Tatooine. His travels allowed him to become fluent in the Dug language. Despite his parents' desire for him to follow their path as a shuttle pilot, Uldir yearned for a more thrilling existence, fueling his ambition to become a Jedi.
As a young teenager, Uldir secretly boarded the Lightning Rod, a vessel bound for the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4. One morning, Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila, who were Jedi trainees, discovered Uldir's hiding place while unloading cargo. After being discovered, Uldir introduced himself and quickly formed a bond with them, despite the age difference.
Despite his enthusiasm, Uldir seemed to lack any significant Force sensitivity. He later admitted that he only possessed good instincts, a slight ability to sense when the Force was being used, and a tendency to cause problems. Nevertheless, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, with the approval of Uldir's parents, permitted him to study and work at the Academy due to his eagerness.
Subsequently, Uldir once again stowed away on the same ship when Anakin, Tahiri, and the Kushiban Master Ikrit journeyed to Dagobah for Anakin to undergo a test at the same cave where Luke Skywalker had faced his own trials decades prior in 3 ABY. Upon emerging from his hiding place, Uldir found himself on the swampy world. He stumbled into the mud, encountered a swamp slug, and was rescued by his Jedi friends. Uldir also learned that Ikrit, whom he had perceived as Anakin's pet, was actually an ancient Jedi Master. They then arrived at the cave where Skywalker had confronted his dark side. Anakin faced his own inner doubts, ultimately emerging victorious. However, Uldir experienced nothing within the cave.
Later that year, Tionne Solusar, the Jedi historian, found out that Darth Vader had recovered Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber after their battle on the first Death Star in 0 BBY and had stored the artifact at Bast Castle on Vjun. Fearing that others might have already obtained the information from an information broker, she promptly informed Master Luke Skywalker, who oversaw the Jedi Praxeum. Considering it a simple trip and a training opportunity, Tionne allowed Uldir, Anakin, Tahiri Veila, and Ikrit to accompany her to Vjun aboard her personal transport, the Lore Seeker.
Upon arriving at Vjun, they spotted another vessel, raising concerns that another group had arrived first. After navigating Bast Castle's automated defenses and traps, they located the lightsaber displayed in a protected alcove. Unfortunately, a group of mercenaries and pirates, led by a cloaked figure named Orloc, appeared. Orloc claimed to be a mage with great powers, and his henchmen seized Kenobi's lightsaber.

The Jedi responded by pursuing Orloc and his henchmen through Bast Castle. During a confrontation, Orloc easily defeated Ikrit in lightsaber combat, as the Kushiban lacked a lightsaber. He also attempted to deceive Uldir by promising to teach him the Force skills he desired. However, the other Jedi managed to rescue Uldir and escape Bast Castle, taking with them Kenobi's lightsaber and the holocron of the ancient Jedi Master Asli Krimsan.
Despite escaping Orloc, Uldir still believed that the Mage could unlock his Force abilities, something that had not been achieved at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Uldir then stole Ikrit's ship, the Sunrider (named after Nomi Sunrider), along with the two Jedi artifacts recovered from Bast Castle.
He eventually located Orloc at an abandoned space station known as Exis Station, where Tionne had previously met Luke while searching for relics. Upon arriving at the derelict space city, Uldir found Orloc, who took him on as his student. The Mage had established his base on the moon and planned to create his own Jedi Order. In reality, Orloc possessed no Force powers and was using high-tech gimmicks to deceive others with demonstrations of supposed "Force power," a fact that Uldir remained unaware of.
Tionne, Ikrit, Anakin, and Tahiri set out to find Uldir on their transport, the Lore Seeker, and eventually reached Exis Station. They attempted to convince Uldir that Orloc was a fraud and that he had been deceived. The Mage attacked the four Jedi with his high-tech gimmicks, prompting them to retaliate using the Force.
During the duel, Tionne was injured, and Ikrit—who had vowed not to wield a lightsaber until he found worthy students—decided to join Anakin and Tahiri in their fight. Uldir then realized that Orloc was merely a charlatan using technology to deceive others with demonstrations of power. Together, the Jedi defeated Orloc, eliminating a threat to the growing New Jedi Order.

Despite his efforts, he did not meet the criteria to become a Jedi and departed from the Jedi Praxeum. Uldir then became a pilot for the Space Rescue Corps. However, when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded, he chose not to transfer to a combat starfighter unit, stating that he believed in saving lives rather than taking them. During the Battle of Duro in 26 ABY, he calmly rescued three pilots while under fire from a full flight of coralskippers. As a former Jedi Academy student, his name appeared on the lists of Jedi provided to the Peace Brigade when Tsavong Lah called for the extermination of the Order. He discovered that his new partner, "Doc" Dacholder, was a Brigadier with orders to turn him over to the Yuuzhan Vong.
However, when Dacholder attempted to hand him over to a Peace Brigade ship, Uldir ejected him into the vacuum of space. Shortly after, he exchanged his ship, Pride of Thela, for the larger No Luck Required, with which he operated nominally under the New Republic Space and Rescue Corps, but in reality, he received orders directly from Master Skywalker regarding his Great River. With a new crew, his mission involved rescuing Jedi and, when necessary, inserting them into Yuuzhan Vong space. He served bravely with his small crew and played a crucial role in preventing the young Jedi girl Klin-Fa Gi from succumbing to the dark side.