The Sunrider, a diminutive starship, was discovered in 22 ABY by a group consisting of Tionne Solusar, Ikrit, Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Uldir Lochett. This occurred during their trip to Bast Castle on Vjun, all of whom were Jedi.
Being of an archaic and unidentified class, the Sunrider proved a good fit for the Kushiban Ikrit, who predated its unearthing by centuries. Formerly in the possession of Darth Vader, the vessel was christened by Ikrit with the name Nomi Sunrider. This name held significance, symbolizing Ikrit's decision to relinquish his lightsaber, mirroring Nomi Sunrider's abandonment of her weapon after avenging the murder of her husband's killers.
Subsequently, Uldir—harboring the belief that Mage Orloc possessed the ability to unlock his latent Force abilities, a feat unattainable at the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4—absconded with the Sunrider. He also took two Jedi artifacts that were recovered during their earlier escapade at Bast Castle: the lightsaber belonging to the Republic Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and the holocron of the ancient Jedi Master Asli Krimsan. The ship was ultimately abandoned when the group departed Exis Station, as the damage inflicted by Orloc's minions rendered repairs impractical within their time constraints. Ikrit expressed a potential intention to return and reclaim the vessel.