Mission to Exis Station

In the year 22 ABY, a group of Jedi under the leadership of Tionne Solusar and Ikrit undertook a Mission to Exis Station. Their main goal was to rescue the Jedi trainee Uldir Lochett from Exis Station. Uldir had aligned himself with the Mage Orloc, as he was under the impression that Orloc possessed the ability to unlock his Force abilities and access the holocron of Galactic Republic Jedi Master Asli Krimsan. These were tasks that had proven impossible for anyone at the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4.

Subsequently, Uldir absconded with Ikrit's starship, the Sunrider, along with two Jedi artifacts that had been recovered during a prior adventure at Bast Castle on Vjun: Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber and the holocron belonging to the ancient Jedi Master Asli Krimsan. Upon reaching the abandoned space city, Uldir met Orloc, who took the young man on as his apprentice. Orloc had already established a base on the moon and was planning to establish his own Jedi Order. However, Orloc did not have any Force powers and relied on advanced technology to create the illusion of "Force power" in order to deceive others, a fact that Uldir was unaware of.

Tionne, a historian of the New Jedi Order, Master Ikrit, the astromech droid R2-D2, and Jedi trainees Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila embarked on a journey aboard their transport, a Jemlaat-class yacht, in search of Uldir. Once they arrived at the old Exis Station, they attempted to persuade Uldir that he was being manipulated by Mage Orloc. Orloc retaliated by attacking the Jedi using his high-tech gadgets, Ranat mercenaries, and servant droids. The Jedi defended themselves by employing the Force.

During the confrontation, Tionne sustained injuries, prompting Ikrit, who had vowed not to use a lightsaber until he found worthy students, to make a decision and join Anakin and Tahiri in their battle. Uldir then realized that Orloc was nothing more than a fraud who used technological tricks to create the illusion of power. Working together, the Jedi triumphed over Orloc, who vanished and was never seen again. The Jedi successfully completed their mission and returned to the Praxeum with Lochett, who had come to his senses, and the two recovered Jedi artifacts.



Previously, a mission to Bast Castle, located on the distant Outer Rim planet of Vjun, was undertaken by Jedi historian Tionne. This mission resulted in the recovery of two Jedi artifacts: the lightsaber that once belonged to Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight from the Clone Wars era who survived the Jedi Purge. However, during the mission, the Jedi encountered a "Mage" named Orloc, who was a former Imperial Intelligence operative and a false Prophet of the Dark Side who had survived a massacre orchestrated by Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati. Orloc claimed to possess Force powers and engaged in a brief conflict with the Jedi team before disappearing through a trapdoor. Subsequently, the Jedi team returned to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.

Exis Station

Upon Tionne and her team's return to the Jedi Praxeum with Kenobi's lightsaber and Krimsan's holocron, Luke Skywalker greeted her. However, he soon had to depart on another mission to investigate the fate of the Jedi expedition known as Outbound Flight, which was rumored to have ended up in the Unknown Regions. While awaiting Skywalker's return, Tionne decided to reward Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Uldir Lochett for their assistance in retrieving the holocron by allowing them to observe as she began to explore its secrets.

Upon activating the device, Tionne requested the gatekeeper to provide information about herself. The gatekeeper shared details about Asli Krimsan and the purpose for which the holocron was created. In doing so, she mentioned the Jedi library located on Exis Station, which Tionne then inquired about. The device projected a hologram depicting the ancient library's former appearance. Lochett mentioned that Orloc, the Mage, was from Exis Station. Surprised, Tionne paused her exploration of Krimsan's holocron to question Lochett, deciding to postpone further access until Skywalker's return, as the gatekeeper had indicated that it was intended for the use of Jedi Masters. Instead, she placed both the holocron and Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber in Skywalker's quarters.

Lochett, who aspired to become a Jedi but lacked Force-sensitivity, believed that Krimsan's holocron could aid him in his quest. During the night, he snuck into Skywalker's empty quarters and attempted to access the holocron. Unable to do so, he decided to steal both Jedi artifacts and travel to Exis Station in the hopes that Orloc could teach him how to use the Force. To reach Exis Station, Lochett stole the Sunrider, a starship belonging to Jedi Master Ikrit. The next morning, his friends discovered that he and the Sunrider were missing. While they immediately suspected that he had gone to Exis Station, the Jedi spent the remainder of the day searching the grounds of the Praxeum for him. When Lochett did not reappear, Tionne, Ikrit, Solo, Veila, and R2-D2 traveled to Exis Station aboard Tionne's vessel, the Lore Seeker, to retrieve him.

Confrontation at Exis Station

Upon Uldir Lochett's arrival at Exis Station, he was captured by Ranats who worked for Orloc. They placed a sack over his head, injected him with a drug to render him unconscious, and transported him further into the station. The Ranats brought him before Orloc, who interrogated him. Lochett offered Orloc Krimsan's holocron and Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber in exchange for being taught magic. The Mage suspected that it was a trap set by the Jedi, but he accepted Lochett as his student. When Orloc was given Krimsan's holocron, he unsuccessfully attempted to activate it. To conceal his failure, he claimed to Lochett that his own powers were far greater than the teachings of the Jedi. He instructed Lochett to focus on light, and the lights on the station dimmed. Encouraged by his apparent success, Lochett eagerly sought further instruction.

Soon, Lochett's friends arrived at the station to rescue him and recover the stolen Jedi artifacts. Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila observed Lochett training with Orloc from an air duct grating high above the Mage and his pupil. However, their combined weight caused the pair to fall from the ceiling into the midst of Orloc and his Ranat and droid servants. Tionne and Ikrit jumped down from the ceiling to follow the children and used telekinesis to confiscate Krimsan's holocron and Kenobi's lightsaber. Enraged, Orloc unleashed his minions upon the Jedi team, and the Jedi fled with the artifacts through a series of corridors into Orloc's control room. Orloc's forces engaged them there, and the Mage used his technological devices to unleash driving wind, steam jets, holographic enemies, and other hazards on the Jedi. During the fight, the Jedi lost possession of Krimsan's holocron, and Tionne was wounded.

With Solo, Veila, and R2-D2 fighting alone against Orloc's Ranat henchmen, droids, and gimmicks, Ikrit, who had vowed not to wield a lightsaber until he had found worthy students, made his decision and joined the fight. Witnessing true Jedi in action, Lochett joined the battle on the side of the Jedi and retrieved Krimsan's holocron from the floor. He tossed it to Veila, and it activated at her touch. The holocron projected an image of Asli Krimsan that filled the entire room. This allowed Anakin Solo to see past Orloc's holograms and reach the Mage. Solo then destroyed the devices on Orloc's costume that controlled most of his mechanical wonders. Using his last trick, Orloc created a puff of smoke to distract the Jedi and escape. Krimsan's holocron and Kenobi's lightsaber were returned to the Jedi Praxeum, where the latter was later studied in depth by Tionne, while the former's design was utilized by future Jedi apprentices, including Anakin Solo and his older sister Jaina Solo.

