Afsheen Makati

Afsheen Makati, a Grand Admiral within the Imperial Navy, held dominion over the Imperial Star Destroyer known as the Steadfast during the concluding years of the New Order. This commander was led by a mysterious faction, The Secret Order, to a Rebel stronghold situated on the planet Thila. There, he faced an assault from Kadann, the Order's Supreme Prophet, triggered by his first officer's mockery of the Order's attire. This encounter instilled in Makati a profound animosity towards the Supreme Prophet that would persist for many years. Surviving the destruction of the second Death Star, the Grand Admiral sought refuge on Coruscant, pledging loyalty to whoever held sway over Imperial City. An opportunity for retribution against Kadann arose when an impostor masquerading as the Supreme Prophet laid claim to the Imperial throne. Mistaking him for the genuine article, Makati, aided by Azrakel, a former disciple of the real Kadann, located and ensnared the impostor on Scardia Station. The Grand Admiral proceeded to annihilate the remaining false Prophets and executed the impostor in a barrage of turbolaser fire. Makati's own demise occurred not long after this event.


Kadann, Makati's nemesis

Afsheen Makati, a male Human, was among a select group of twelve Imperial Navy officers elevated to the rank of Grand Admiral by Emperor Palpatine during the New Year's Fete Week celebrations in 2 BBY. His appointment was a surprise to many, as his service record was not noticeably more impressive than many other admirals within the Imperial Navy. In the concluding years of the New Order, Makati commanded the Imperial Star Destroyer Steadfast. During his time serving the Empire, a clandestine Imperial faction identified as The Secret Order directed Makati to a Rebel outpost located on the planet Thila. After Makati's first officer made a disrespectful comment regarding the attire of the Order's members, Kadann, the Supreme Prophet leading the Order, retaliated against Makati with Force lightning and demanded that he control his subordinates, leaving the Grand Admiral seriously injured. Following this incident, Makati developed a deep-seated hatred for Kadann. Alongside Grand Admirals Nial Declann, Miltin Takel, and Osvald Teshik, Makati was present on the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor. He successfully evacuated the battle station before its destruction by the Alliance and retreated from the resulting chaos back to Coruscant. After Palpatine's death above Endor, Makati remained devoted to the Empire, continuing to defend his territories while awaiting orders from whoever succeeded the Emperor. During the nascent government's pursuit of the surviving Grand Admirals, he was the target of a New Republic information raid on an Imperial library situated on Boudolayz.

When Kadann's impostor proclaimed himself the Imperial ruler, Makati, under the impression that he was the true Kadann, experienced a resurgence of his feelings of animosity. Rejecting the impostor's summons to return to Coruscant to assist in his takeover of the planet, Makati sought permission from Ysanne Isard, the Imperial Intelligence Director and current leader of the Empire opposing the impostor, to pursue him. Makati investigated Imperial Intelligence files and discovered Azrakel, Kadann's embittered former apprentice, who also believed the impostor to be genuine. Under Makati's direction, Azrakel provided information regarding the Lost City of the Jedi, where the impostor had been trapped, and Scardia Station, the headquarters of the false Prophets. Utilizing this information, Makati successfully eliminated the false Prophets and captured the false Kadann, who had recently escaped the Lost City with the assistance of the mutant Triclops, on Scardia Station. Over the station's comm system, Makati announced his triumph over the impostor, ridiculing his shimmering robe. Employing every turbolaser at his disposal, Makati destroyed the station and killed the impostor, thus achieving his revenge. Makati's own life came to an end soon after while fighting to maintain Imperial control over the Corporate Sector. However, he achieved a measure of posthumous vengeance when Azrakel later located and killed the real Kadann on Bosthirda.

Personality and traits

In contrast to many of his peers who became warlords, Afsheen Makati remained loyal to whoever controlled Imperial City under the banner of the Empire. His relentless pursuit of revenge against Kadann and his intense hatred for the Supreme Prophet following the incident on Thila consumed much of his life. His quest for vengeance began when the false Kadann claimed the Imperial throne, believing him to be the true Kadann. Makati relentlessly sought the impostor's location, and upon finding Azrakel, he ruthlessly eliminated the impostor and the other false Prophets, mocking the impostor in the same manner that the real Kadann had mocked him on Thila.

Behind the scenes

Makati was initially mentioned in a fleeting reference in Timothy Zahn's novel, Vision of the Future, released in 1998. He was later provided with a complete backstory and a first name in the Star Wars Insider 66 article Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals, authored by Abel G. Peña and Daniel Wallace. His character was further developed in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

Daniel Wallace revealed that Makati's Star Destroyer was named Steadfast, a ship featured in the Star Wars: Crimson Empire comic book series, although this information was initially omitted from Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals. This detail was later canonized in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. According to Abel G. Peña, the circumstances surrounding Makati's death were intentionally left ambiguous in case Timothy Zahn, the character's creator, wished to depict Makati's death himself.

Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals was originally intended for publication in an issue of the Star Wars Gamer magazine under the title Dirty Dozen: The Imperial Grand Admirals. However, the magazine's discontinuation led to the article's publication in Star Wars Insider, albeit with reduced information and lacking any roleplaying game statistics. Makati's entry in the original article was designed to coincide with the downfall of the false Kadann and identified his subordinate as Commander Vivant from Crimson Empire. The original article also included an adventure seed titled "Raid on Boudolayz," which described the New Republic's pursuit of Makati, an event first mentioned in Vision of the Future. Among the omitted material was a campaign led by Makati to reclaim the Corporate Sector, a campaign that was later mentioned in 2012's The Essential Guide to Warfare.

Cut content

Makati disciplined Vivant after Kadann punished the Grand Admiral for his subordinate's comment concerning the Secret Order's sparkling regalia. However, Makati's disgust at being humiliated in front of his crew remained with him for years. Makati was one of many Grand Admirals targeted by the New Republic after the Empire's fragmentation at Endor. Lieutenant Judder Page and Commander Wedge Antilles led an information raid on a special information storehouse on Boudolayz in the Corporate Sector to gain data crucial to the Makati campaign. However, Makati was slowly reasserting his control over the Corporate Sector, which the Empire lost a year after Endor. He began his conquest of the Corporate Sector with Boudolayz and entered into conflict with the New Republic forces. When Makati died, he held no regrets, at peace with the knowledge that Imperial City still remained in the Empire's control.

