Star Wars Insider 66 represents the sixty-sixth publication of the Star Wars Insider periodical. Its availability on newsstands commenced on March 4 of 2003.
- " Prequel Update " (authored by Dave Gross): Rick McCallum provides a report from the Australian continent, detailing the initial phases of constructing the inaugural sets intended for Episode III.
- " Inside Attack of the Clones " (authored by David West Reynolds): A guided exploration of the Geonosian command center, situated far beneath the surface of the crimson planet.
- " War Factories: Inside Kamino and Geonosis " (authored by Daniel Wallace): Despite the stark contrasts in appearance between Kamino and Geonosis, and their respective inhabitants, both celestial bodies ultimately serve the identical objective: warfare.
- " Novel Approach " (authored by Rich Handley): The extensive and intricate narrative of Star Wars surpasses the limitations of a mere handful of cinematic productions.
- " Elusion Illusion " (authored by Michael A. Stackpole): Jedi Knight Aayla Secura questions the rationale behind Master Mace Windu's selection of her for such a pivotal assignment, only to soon realize that she may constitute the sole defense separating Corellia from the Separatist forces.
- " Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals " (authored by Daniel Wallace and Abel G. Peña): An examination into the thought processes of thirteen of the most resourceful military commanders within the Empire.
- " What You Don't See: The Invisible Effects of The Phantom Menace " (authored by Ron Magid): George Lucas insists on nothing short of perfection, even if achieving it necessitates combining elements from three separate takes.
- " Star Wars at the Movies " (authored by Francis K. Lalumiere): For nearly a quarter of a century, filmmakers have been subtly incorporating elements of Star Wars into their own cinematic creations.
- " Insider Interview : C-3PO" (authored by Kevin Rubio): Kevin was unaware of the significant challenges involved in securing an interview with R2-D2.
- "From the Editor's Desk"
- " Rebel Rumblings "
- " Star News " (authored by Benjamin Harper)
- " Jawa Trader "
- " Behind the Magic " — Kaminoan to My House (authored by Rob Coleman)
- " HoloNet News " (authored by Pablo Hidalgo): "Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:3:22" "CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:3:10 Edition"
- " Gamescape " "Walk Like a Trandoshan" (authored by Michael Mikaelian) "That's No Moon!" (authored by W. Haden Blackman) "Star Wars Galaxies Update" (authored by Haden Blackman)
- " Bookshelf " — Twin Suns for Twin Eras (authored by Jason Fry)
- " Comics Link " — Biggs Darklighter (authored by Daniel Wallace)
- " Set Piece : Jedi Council Chamber" (authored by Chris Trevas)
- " Scouting the Galaxy " — All Answers, All The Time (authored by Steve Sansweet)
- " Crossword " — Constant Collaborators (authored by Michael Selinker)
- " Star Wars Q&A " (authored by Pablo Hidalgo)
- " The Last Page " (authored by Tony Moseley)
Star Wars Insider #66 within the Cargo Bay (note: content may be outdated; backup link provided)
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