Star Wars Q&A

title: Star Wars Q&A

Originally overseen by Pablo Hidalgo and later by Leland Chee, Star Wars Q&A or Ask the Master Q&A was a recurring feature within Star Wars Insider. This section presented inquiries and responses concerning the Star Wars mythos. It was eventually replaced by the Ask Lobot segment in issue 101 of Star Wars Insider, which was integrated into the Blaster section.


Star Wars Insider 58 (pages 96-97)

  • Is there a Star Wars calendar that is considered official within the fictional universe?
  • What is the rationale behind the limitation of only two Sith at any given time?
  • C-3PO, R2-D2, along with the various droids used in pits and battles, exhibit behaviors akin to living beings, despite being machines. Aside from enhancing their appeal, is there a specific reason for this lifelike behavior?
  • Given Boba Fett's reputation for competence, how did a sightless individual with a staff manage to inadvertently kill him?
  • In A New Hope, Han ascends a ladder to engage TIE fighters, while Luke descends the same ladder. However, when they communicate with each other, they appear to be on the same level! Shouldn't Han be positioned above Luke?
  • Considering that Jabba's species, the Hutts, are neither male nor female, why does Jabba possess slave girls? Furthermore, why do numerous Star Wars reference books identify Jabba as male?
  • What is the mechanism for activating a lightsaber? Is Force sensitivity a prerequisite?
  • Why does the writing on the Death Star in A New Hope appear in English characters?
  • What is the source of droid names? Is there a finite number of possible names for R2 units?

Star Wars Insider 58 (pages 126-127)

  • B'omarr Monks
  • Aurebesh
  • B-wing Starfighter
  • The missing ladder from Luke's X-wing
  • Theed Generator's energy barriers
  • Dialogue from the prequel trilogy
  • The reason Leia is a Princess, but Luke is not a Prince

Star Wars Insider 65 (pages 96-97)

Star Wars Insider 68 (pages 88-89)

Star Wars Insider 71 (pages 88-89)

  • Tombstones at the Lars homestead
  • Identification of protocol droids
  • The shift from British to American accents in Leia and Padmé
  • Threepio's memory loss concerning the princess
  • Obi-Wan's lightsabers
  • Orange-colored lightsabers
  • Widescreen versus pan & scan formats
  • Blood originating from Darth Maul's fatal injury
  • The line "Jabba, you are a wonderful human being."
  • The replacement of cantina aliens in the Special Edition

Star Wars Insider 90 (pages 52-55)

Star Wars Insider 91 (pages 34-35)

Star Wars Insider 92 (pages 44-45)

Star Wars Insider 97 (pages 56-57)

  • What became of Han Solo's reward?
  • What caused Padmé Amidala's death?
  • "Who was the first Jedi? Who was the first Sith?"
  • Who survived from Bravo Squadron in the Battle of Naboo?
  • How old were the clones in Revenge of the Sith?
  • R2-G1.
  • "Where can I find more information on the Whills?"
