Kadann, once a respected Jedi Knight, made a pivotal choice to abandon the Jedi Order and embrace the power of the dark side of the Force, ultimately rising to become the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side. This Human male of short stature, born during the decline of the Galactic Republic, was discovered to possess Force-sensitive abilities and was subsequently taken for training as a Jedi. Despite successfully completing the rigorous Jedi Trials and achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, Kadann was fundamentally a pensive and intellectual individual who preferred contemplation to direct action. As an emerging philosopher, he began to challenge the Jedi Code's stance on the dark side, eventually concluding that a balance between both light and dark was essential for achieving true mastery over the Force. He succumbed to the allure of the dark side, discovering a natural aptitude for its powers. Furthermore, it granted him precognitive visions, allowing him to glimpse potential future events. Kadann then departed from the Jedi Order, embarking on a journey across the galaxy to refine his skills, and he took on another former Jedi, Jedgar, as his apprentice.
Later, he received a visit from Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, who sought to enlist the two Dark Jedi into his service. Sidious introduced them to the Prophets of the Dark Side, located on the planet of Dromund Kaas. Kadann eventually ascended to the position of Supreme Prophet, serving as an advisor within the Imperial Ruling Council on Coruscant after Sidious declared himself Emperor of the Galactic Empire. However, in 4 ABY, Kadann experienced a vision foretelling the impending defeat of the Empire, a future that neither his followers nor Sidious could foresee. Consequently, Sidious, believing the Prophets of the Dark Side to be expendable, dispatched his Inquisitors to destroy their headquarters on Dromund Kaas. Kadann and the remaining prophets, presumed dead by the Empire, sought refuge on the remote world of Bosthirda. Kadann patiently awaited Sidious's demise at Endor, choosing to remain inactive when his decoy, Rajah Ubooki, emerged as a potential successor to the Empire. Eventually, the Supreme Prophet was hunted down by Azrakel, a former subject of his experiments designed to test the limits of dark side endurance, who killed Kadann and many of his followers. The remaining prophets were subsequently eliminated by Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith, and her apprentice, Carnor Jax.
Kadann was a Human male of short stature (a dwarf), who came into the world as the Galactic Republic neared its end. It was discovered that he had a connection to the Force, making him sensitive to it. Because of this, he was brought to Coruscant for instruction in the ways of the Jedi. Although the physical aspects of being a Jedi were not his preference, he was still able to pass the Jedi Trials and become a Knight. He always saw himself more as a thinker and a philosopher than someone who took action. He spent his early years deeply considering ancient prophecies, especially those about bringing balance to the Force. After a great deal of thought, he found himself disagreeing with the idea that the Jedi Code said balance could only be found by using the light side. He began to think that both the dark and the light, in equal measure, were needed to truly master the Force and find this balance.
As Kadann's ideas took shape, he started to move away from the Jedi Code and experiment with the dark side. This eventually led to him leaving the Jedi Order. Kadann's intentions were good, but like many who try to use the dark side while staying in the light, he was corrupted and became a Dark Jedi. He traveled through the galaxy, meditating and trying to discover himself. He realized that the dark side offered him much more than the light. He found that he had a unique bond with the dark side, which gave him secrets and glimpses into the future that he had never experienced before. Kadann developed the ability to see possible futures, although these visions didn't always come true, they were still helpful. However, he faced a dilemma: embracing the dark side and accepting its gifts would not bring balance to the Force any more than staying loyal to the Jedi Code. During his travels, Kadann met Jedgar, another Jedi who had fallen and had an extraordinary talent for making prophecies. Both men had foreseen their meeting and knew they could learn from each other, so Jedgar became Kadann's apprentice.

During their travels together, the pair stumbled upon the Dark Force Temple situated on the planet Dromund Kaas. It was here that they gained knowledge about the Dark Force religion, ultimately leading them to join the ranks of the Prophets of the Dark Side.
Darth Sidious soon became aware of Kadann and his prophetic abilities, intrigued by Kadann's unique perspective on the Force. Consequently, sometime before the fall of the Galactic Republic and the destruction of the Jedi Order, Sidious sought out Kadann. Through extensive discussions and debates, Sidious revealed Kadann's true purpose, stating, "The future you foresee is not your own; you are merely the messenger. Serve me. Become my prophet. Reveal the will of the Force as you perceive it, and I will ensure your predictions come to pass." Sidious bestowed upon him the title of Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side. Kadann then led his small group of dark side devotees, each possessing a particular talent for discerning portents and omens within the Force, into Sidious's service, where they all earned the title of Emperor's Mage. By the time the Republic collapsed and the Galactic Empire was established, the Prophets, particularly Kadann, had become among the Emperor's most trusted advisors. Operating in secrecy, hidden from the wider galaxy, the Prophets diligently searched the Force for signs and warnings, which they then relayed to the Emperor and his followers.
During his service to Palpatine as a member of the Secret Order of the Emperor, Kadann had an encounter with Imperial Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati. He guided the Grand Admiral to a Rebel base located on the planet Thila. While there, Kadann overheard Makati's first officer making light of the Secret Order members' extravagant attire. This prompted Kadann to act out of character, unleashing Force lightning upon Makati and advising the Grand Admiral to "Learn to rein in your subordinates, dear Admiral." It was also during his time with Sidious that he learned about Merili, the Dathomiri witch from the planet Dathomir. Kadann was responsible for bringing her to Sidious for training. While he was impressed by her powerful connection to the dark side, Merili's madness disturbed Kadann, so he allowed Sidious to assign her to be the ruler of the planet Kashyyyk after training her to be an Emperor's Eye.
In what seemed like a reciprocal gesture for revealing Merili, Sidious involved Kadann in his experiments with the Force-sensitive Azrakel. Together, they attempted to break Azrakel using the full force of the dark side. However, Sidious eventually lost interest in the experiment, leaving Kadann in complete control of the project. Kadann nursed Azrakel back to health and discovered that the exposure had wiped the untrained Force-sensitive's mind clean, creating the perfect blank slate for him to mold an apprentice and a tool to use if he ever decided to seize control of the Galactic Empire. Kadann trained Azrakel in both the techniques of the Jedi and those he had developed himself. Soon, Azrakel became exactly what Kadann had hoped for, growing strong in both body and the Force, becoming a covert weapon that only Kadann could wield. Kadann used the ordeal that the Emperor had put the young Force-sensitive through to instill hatred in Azrakel for both the Emperor and his apprentice, Darth Vader, who were Kadann's two greatest rivals. Kadann seized every opportunity to teach Azrakel to use his hate to fuel his powers, teachings that ultimately backfired when Azrakel grew to hate even his teacher and severed all ties with the Prophets and the Empire. This very hate later led to the death of the false Prophet Kadann.

During his service to the Emperor, Kadann continued his personal studies, still pondering the concept of balance and seeking to achieve it. Kadann had long cautioned the Emperor about the potential threat posed by a young boy named Luke Skywalker. Following the destruction of the first Death Star, Kadann offered a prophecy regarding the Rebellion's newest warrior: "He will destroy you." As Kadann delved deep into the dark side prior to the Battle of Endor, he witnessed countless possibilities, the most prominent of which was the restoration of balance to the Force and the downfall of the Empire. However, Sidious, consumed by arrogance and unwavering in his own visions, refused to heed the words of the dark side's primary prophet. It was on that day that Kadann concluded that the dark side had chosen the wrong champion and that Sidious would ultimately fall victim to his own hubris. As the Battle of Endor drew nearer, Kadann began to distance himself from the Emperor to avoid sharing his fate when the end finally arrived. "Better to serve the dark side from a distance than to be close to the explosion to come," the Supreme Prophet reasoned.
Although uncertain of the galaxy's future path after the impending events, Kadann placed his trust in his own visions and instincts. Gathering his loyal assistants, he fled Imperial Center, deciding it was time to seek a new sanctuary where the Prophets could safely observe the unfolding events. He led the Prophets away from their former headquarters on Dromund Kaas, seeking refuge on the planet Bosthirda, where he maintained his private stronghold and awaited a sign that the time was right for their presence to be known once more. Despite his self-imposed exile, Kadann remained informed about the false prophets and was the only power capable of preventing Jedgar from leaving the planet to eliminate them. Meanwhile, the Prophets established an academy to provide training for those beings who had been hunted to near-extinction by the Empire. Kadann aimed to offer any Force-sensitive individual an alternative to training in Luke's New Jedi Order, so he dispatched some of his lowest-ranking Prophets to spread the word that Kadann offered a place for any Force-sensitives.
Kadann met his demise at the hands of Azrakel, who, acting on the advice of an unknown patron, tracked the Prophets to Bosthirda and eliminated several of them, including Kadann, before being subdued.
The remaining Prophets believed they were safe with Azrakel's death—until Lumiya and her apprentice, Carnor Jax, too found the group's hidden retreat and finished what Azrakel had started.
Kadann had the appearance of a Human dwarf, characterized by black hair and a beard streaked with gray. He typically wore the traditional star-covered robes associated with the Prophets of the dark side. While he maintained a neat appearance, Kadann did not overly concern himself with his outward presentation and consistently projected an image of complete self-control in any given situation. Although he appeared to be approximately 40 years of age, he was, in fact, much older, with his exact date of birth remaining unknown.
Kadann was an enigma, possessing power that rivaled only Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, and Darth Sidious. Unlike either Darth Sidious or Darth Vader, Kadann did not flaunt his power, preferring to present himself as courteous and even friendly to other Force-users. He was always calm, reserved, and thoughtful, and, although the dark side was strong within him, he did not allow it to control his actions like so many other Dark Jedi did. He could be ruthless, but preferred to have others act for him and would often manipulate events through his pawns and other Force-users.
Kadann was not a villain to be fought but rather an opponent to be outmaneuvered. It was very rare for him to ever put on displays of his power, and he almost never stooped to using Force lightning the way the Emperor did. Although he could most probably destroy any who opposed him in a second, he usually simply left if violence was used against him. Nobody could guess his goals or motivations, as they seemed much more complicated than those of others such as the Emperor or Vader. In actuality, Kadann was known to profess the belief that both the light side and dark side had to be preserved. "One cannot exist without the other," he said on several occasions. Though to all appearances Kadann was simply one of many of the Emperor's Dark Side Adepts, he himself professed no affiliation with the Emperor. "I serve the dark side, and right now the dark side is firmly tied with the Emperor," he once said. Despite this, when he foresaw Sidious's death, he started to distance himself from the Imperial leader.
Though Kadann was created for, and thus first seen in, the Jedi Prince series, he was later retconned in the unlicensed Polyhedron 103 magazine. This retcon stated that the Jedi Prince series had in fact been a children's story of the actual events told by Leia Organa Solo to her children Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin, and also stated that the real Kadann was in fact much more powerful, deadly, and fear-inspiring than the Kadann heard of in these stories. However, this retcon was later ignored in The Dark Side Sourcebook which retconned the Kadann featured in these books to have in fact been a false prophet, who simply posed as the real Kadann. Thus, an entirely new Kadann was born who has only ever been mentioned in articles rather than being featured in any stories. This article thus incorporates the old Polyhedron 103 material as being from the real Kadann while not contradicting future, more canon sources.