A mutant rancor
A mutant could refer to a being, an individual, or a fresh genetic characteristic that surfaced or stemmed from a mutation event. Mutation involves a rapid structural alteration within the DNA of a gene or chromosome in a living thing, giving rise to a novel trait or attribute absent in the parental lineage.
Mutants sometimes arose from methods like genetic engineering, radiation, or the influence of the dark side of the Force, notably through Sith alchemy and magic. Creatures were frequently transformed into mutants to amplify their brutality, cunning, and sometimes their intelligence. An example is Wilk, a wolf hailing from the forest moon of Endor, who gained the capability to comprehend and articulate Galactic Basic Standard. Conversely, some individuals across diverse species were inherently mutants, such as Triclops and the Keeramak.

- Battle hydra – Exar Kun was responsible.
- Behemoth from the World Below – Created by Seviss Vaa of the New Sith.
- Chrysalide rancors – The work of the resurrected Emperor Palpatine.
- Gorc – A creation of Blackhole.
- Imperial Sentinels – Another creation of the reborn Emperor Palpatine.
- Leviathans – Conceived by Dark Jedi during the era of the Hundred-Year Darkness.
- Maraki – The handiwork of Kyrisa.
- Massassi – Originating from the Old Sith Empire.
- Night Beast – Another creation of Exar Kun.
- Picaroon C. Boodle – A creation of Blackhole.
- Rakghoul – Attributed to Karness Muur and the Muur Talisman.
- Sea Leviathan - Created by Vul Isen.
- Sith war behemoth – A product of the Old Sith Empire.
- Sith warbird – Also a product of the Old Sith Empire.
- Sith war rhino – Another creation from the Old Sith Empire.
- Sith war worm – Yet another product of the Old Sith Empire.
- Storm beast – Possibly from Darth Revan's Sith Empire.
- Taanab mutant rancor – Created by the Disciples of Ragnos.
- Technobeast – The work of Dark Lord Belia Darzu.
- Terentatek – Another creation of Exar Kun.
- Triclops – Conceived by Palpatine.
- Unkajo – Kyrisa's creation.
- Flesh Raider - From the era of the Infinite Empire.
- Cthon
- Keeramak - Associated with the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium.
- Mutant Nelvaanian warriors - Created by the Techno Union.
- Trioculus
- Vagh Rodiek - Associated with the Yuuzhan Vong.
- Voxyn - A Yuuzhan Vong creation.
- Wilk
- Darth Millennial
- Mutant acklay
- Mutant akk dog
- Mutant mynock