Vagh Rodiek

The Vagh Rodiek (which translates to "Rodian Slaves" in Yuuzhan Vong), were Rodians who were shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong's Shaper caste into fearsome war beasts during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Rodia was among the numerous worlds that succumbed to the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders during the initial year of the conflict. After leveling Rodia's cities, the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, instructed Taug Molou, the Master Shaper overseeing the Rodia project, to engineer a controllable slave species comparable to their reptilian Chazrach servitors.

Rather than simply using surge-coral implants for control, Molou, pushing the boundaries of the Shaper caste's protocols, performed vivisections on thousands of Rodians. He then reassembled their genetic code with elements from various other organisms, ultimately resulting in the emergence of the first Vagh Rodiek from its birthing blister. These bestial war machines moved on four crab-like legs and possessed sharp, bone-made scythes, each half a meter long, in place of arms. Furthermore, their natural head-spines had been transformed into razor-sharp quills. These drones lacked independent thought, requiring commands from their Yuuzhan Vong masters. These armored creatures were deployed to Yuuzhan Vong commanders when Chazrach were unavailable, especially those operating in and around Hutt Space; a typical strike force comprised between three and twelve drones.


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