The commander-in-chief directed the army and fleet of the Yuuzhan Vong; this individual was known as the leader of war.
The Fearsome One was a common title for the warmaster. Every warmaster was molded to resemble Yun-Yammka, the war god. The Supreme Overlord held a higher rank than the warmasters.

The first warmaster wasn't a standard Yuuzhan Vong; instead, Yun-Yuuzhan created a vua'sa. A warrior from the Yuuzhan Vong fought and killed the creature, leading to Yuuzhan Vong warriors inheriting the title.
Tsavong Lah served as the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster during their invasion of the galaxy. Czulkang Lah, his father, previously held the warmaster title. While most warmasters died during combat, Tsavong Lah won the title from his father in a fight, choosing to spare the older warrior out of family considerations. Czulkang Lah became a highly regarded warrior instructor until he perished in battle in 27 ABY.
When Jaina Solo, a Jedi Knight, killed Tsavong Lah on Ebaq 9, Nas Choka, the Supreme Commander, was promoted to become the next and last Yuuzhan Vong warmaster. He commanded his forces against the Galactic Alliance during the pivotal Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, but he eventually surrendered to the enemy following the truce on Zonama Sekot.
- A Vua'sa (dates unknown)
- The second Warmaster (dates unknown)
- Steng (dates unknown)
- Yo'gand (dates unknown)
- First Jamaane Warmaster (dates unknown)
- Second Jamaane Warmaster (dates unknown)
- Third Jamaane Warmaster (dates unknown)
- Czulkang Lah (— 24 ABY )
- Tsavong Lah ( 24 ABY – 28 ABY )
- Nas Choka ( 28 ABY – 30 ABY )