The rank of Supreme Commander existed within the Warrior caste structure of the Yuuzhan Vong.
This rank, Supreme Commander, held a position just below Warmaster in the hierarchy. Immediately subordinate to it was the rank of Commander, typically held by the captains commanding individual vessels. Consequently, it appears to be the equivalent of the "Admiral" and "General" ranks within the forces of the Galactic Empire and the New Republic.
The role of a Supreme Commander within the Yuuzhan Vong military was multifaceted: they often commanded battlegroups. However, officers holding this rank could also be responsible for directing the war effort across an entire sector of the galaxy. Furthermore, they could serve as the commanding officers of significant warships. For example, Supreme Commander Nas Choka, who oversaw operations in Hutt Space, was the most senior officer to be promoted to Warmaster following the demise of Tsavong Lah. After his advancement, another Supreme Commander took command of his flagship, while several others functioned as his key advisors.
Around the year 29 ABY, a minimum of three dozen Supreme Commanders were present with Warmaster Nas Choka during a sacrificial ceremony conducted on Yuuzhan'tar.
- Shedao Shai , 25 ABY
- Malik Carr , 29 ABY
- Chaan , 29 ABY
- Nas Choka , 25 - 28 ABY ; escalated to Warmaster
- Saluup Fing , 29 ABY
- Loiric Kaan , 29 ABY
- Komm Karsh , 27 ABY
- Zho Krazhmir , 32 BBY
- Laait , 29 ABY
- Czulkang Lah , 27 ABY ; out of retirement due to Warmaster Tsavong Lah 's request
- Maal Lah , 28 ABY
- Tivvik , 29 ABY
- Sla Tsun , 29 ABY