Saluup Fing

Saluup Fing, belonging to the Warrior caste of the Yuuzhan Vong, held the rank of Supreme Commander. Fing's responsibility was overseeing the defensive measures of Yuuzhan'tar, while Warmaster Nas Choka commanded the Yuuzhan Vong fleet throughout the Defense of Mon Calamari. As the fleet battled at Mon Calamari, Zonama Sekot appeared within the Coruscant system, inflicting substantial devastation upon Yuuzhan'tar. Once some semblance of control was regained, Saluup Fing sought authorization from Warmaster Choka to launch an assault on Zonama Sekot. However, Choka instructed him to maintain the fleet's current deployment, given that the armada from Mon Calamari was already en route back to Yuuzhan'tar.

