Nas Choka

Nas Choka, a prominent Yuuzhan Vong warrior, distinguished himself within his caste, eventually achieving the rank of final warmaster for his species. While recognized more for his strategic and tactical abilities than his combat prowess, Choka played an active role in the Jamaane coup of 29 BBY. This event resulted in the ambitious Shimrra from Domain Jamaane seizing the position of Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong. Following his commitment to the victorious faction, Commander Choka was escalated to Supreme Commander of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet's flagship. This armada journeyed towards the galaxy, a destination Shimrra promised as a reward after millennia spent in the Intergalactic Void. By the time the Yuuzhan Vong initiated their invasion in 25 ABY, Choka remained a key figure within the main fleet. After experiencing several initial setbacks, Choka assumed control of the vanguard. Through a strategic alliance with the Hutts, he launched a significant offensive targeting the New Republic's crucial Fondor Shipyards. However, the battle took a turn for the worse when Choka lost a substantial portion of his attacking force to the destructive power of Centerpoint Station, an ancient structure located in the nearby Corellian system. Seeking retribution, the supreme commander directed his warfleet against the Hutts, who had betrayed the Yuuzhan Vong at Fondor. Over the subsequent two years, he devastated Hutt Space, ultimately conquering the entire territory.

Choka's extended campaign against the Hutts solidified his reputation. Consequently, upon the death of his superior, Warmaster Tsavong Lah, at the Battle of Ebaq 9, Choka was promoted to warmaster, succeeding Lah in rank. Demonstrating a distinct leadership style compared to his predecessor, Choka achieved rapid progress against the reorganized New Republic through innovative tactics and objectives. The vendetta targeting the Jedi was discontinued, and threats to the Yuuzhan Vong, such as the Imperial Remnant and the Yevetha species, were either attacked or neutralized. An assault on the enemy's communications network yielded some positive results. However, Supreme Overlord Shimrra desired a swift conclusion to the war. Against his better judgment, Choka was compelled to execute a final, decisive strike against the Galactic Alliance's capital, Dac. He departed Yuuzhan'tar—formerly Coruscant—with one of the war's largest armadas, tasked with defeating the resilient enemy. However, the warmaster soon returned upon receiving news of a living world emerging in the Coruscant system and the enemy's plan to reclaim their lost capital. In the war's final battle, Choka led the defense of Yuuzhan'tar, constantly threatened by the presence of the living planet Zonama Sekot. The battle concluded when Choka's efforts were interrupted by news of Supreme Overlord Shimrra's death. Choosing not to participate in ritual suicide like many of his fellow warriors, the warmaster instead served as the Yuuzhan Vong's spokesperson during the Sekot Accords, which marked the end of the war.


The journey to war

By 29 BBY, Nas Choka, an individual of the Yuuzhan Vong warrior caste, had attained the rank of commander among his species. The Yuuzhan Vong fleet was nearing the end of its extensive journey to the galaxy, a destination promised by the priests as the new home for the wandering Yuuzhan Vong. At least one subsidiary fleet was already active in the Unknown Regions under the command of Supreme Commander Zho Krazhmir. However, it was in this region that Krazhmir discovered Zonama Sekot, a living planet remarkably similar to Yuuzhan'tar, the Yuuzhan Vong's original homeworld. Yuuzhan'tar had been destroyed millennia prior during the Cremlevian War, an event that forced the species into the Intergalactic Void. Krazhmir's report unsettled Supreme Overlord Quoreal, the Yuuzhan Vong's leader, who interpreted Zonama Sekot as an omen of disaster, as invading a galaxy with living worlds was considered forbidden. When Quoreal attempted to withdraw from the long-awaited invasion, Domain Jamaane, already leading the political opposition, acted against him. Commander Nas Choka sided with the ambitious domain and its leader, Shimrra. Believing that Shimrra understood the warriors' need for war to prevent societal decline, Choka and his allies pledged their allegiance to Jamaane, helping to orchestrate the Jamaane coup that resulted in Quoreal's overthrow and death.

Nas Choka then participated in the execution of warriors and intendants who had supported the former Supreme Overlord. Entire domains loyal to Quoreal were purged, their members executed, along with Quoreal's advisors and political supporters. Choka dismissed the proclamation by Quoreal's priests that Zonama Sekot was a bad omen, viewing it as an attempt to deny the warrior caste its invasion. The priests, too, were executed alongside their master. As a reward for his efforts, Nas Choka was promoted to supreme commander, serving aboard the Yuuzhan Vong fleet's flagship—a worldship complete with its complement of warships and warriors. The history of the Jamaane coup was distorted and manipulated in the Yuuzhan Vong's memory banks, and rumors of Zonama Sekot were suppressed—though unsuccessfully. Over the following decades, Choka witnessed the persistence of stories about the living planet, claiming that it had defeated Zho Krazhmir's forces and would bring misfortune to the Yuuzhan Vong. Choka disregarded these rumors, remaining loyal to Shimrra and trusting in the Supreme Overlord's connection with the Yuuzhan Vong gods. Indeed, it would take more than half a century before Quoreal's priests were proven correct and their prophecy was fulfilled, all witnessed by the warrior who would become Warmaster Nas Choka.


By 25 ABY, the year the Yuuzhan Vong initiated their full-scale assault on the galaxy, Choka had established a reputation as a skilled tactician rather than a martial warrior. He was recognized as an efficient leader whose military strategies facilitated the capture of numerous New Republic worlds even before his arrival in the invasion corridor. Supreme Commander Choka reported directly to the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster, Tsavong Lah, and was kept informed of the actions of subordinate commanders already engaged in combat within the galaxy.

However, not every military operation succeeded. The Praetorite Vong advance force attempted to manipulate the invasion plans for their own gain but were defeated at Helska IV. Shortly afterward, Commander Shedao Shai and his fleet were lost during the battle at Ithor. Supreme Commander Choka later discovered that Tsavong Lah himself had orchestrated the downfall of Domain Shai, perceiving it as a threat to his authority. Choka learned a valuable lesson: ambition among the warrior caste and the pursuit of greatness could create powerful enemies. Nevertheless, the Yuuzhan Vong warriors continued their conquest, advancing towards Coruscant, the New Republic capital, and the rest of the Core of the galaxy. Before long, the supreme commander received news of another failed Yuuzhan Vong scheme. On this occasion, the priest Harrar, Executor Nom Anor, and Commander Tla had attempted to coordinate an attack against the Jedi, whose Order posed a threat to the invasion's success. Using a deception sect priestess named Elan and guided by the strategies of Tla's Battle Tactician, Raff, Harrar and Anor staged a false defection, with Elan surrendering to the New Republic. The plan was to grant credibility to the defection through a series of "re-capture" attempts, allowing the priestess to gain access to the Jedi and assassinate as many members of the Order as possible using a lethal bioweapon. However, the deception ploy quickly failed. Elan was killed during a pitched space battle, failing to kill a single Jedi, much to the dismay of her father, High Priest Jakan. Nas Choka, who was preparing forces at the Yuuzhan Vong shipwomb at Sernpidal, contacted Harrar and the other architects of the plot via a villip communications device to deliver his judgment.

Nom Anor, already disliked by Choka for his alliance with the ambitious Praetorite Vong and a frequent subject of discussion at Supreme Overlord Shimrra's court, remained outside the supreme commander's jurisdiction as a member of the intendant caste. Thus, the executor avoided demotion and further punishment due to his caste affiliation, escaping Choka's wrath. Instead, Commander Tla and his Battle Tactician, Raff, were summoned to communicate with Choka. Choka blamed Tla for the scheme's failure but instructed Raff to inform him of the ploy's cost and the invasion's progress. The tactician suggested either cannibalizing larger ships of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet to replace the losses incurred during the defection plot or diverting from the invasion path to conquer new worlds for the growth of yorik coral, the primary component of Yuuzhan Vong vessels. The tactician also informed Choka of the opportunity presented by Hutt Space to acquire these worlds, as Nom Anor had already initiated negotiations with the Hutt leaders. He also mentioned that the New Republic had deployed its fleets and was beginning to utilize technology that could better counter the Yuuzhan Vong. Choka considered all this information, rejected the idea of cannibalizing larger vessels, and dispatched Commander Malik Carr to Hutt Space. Harrar and Tla were recalled to the Outer Rim as punishment. During this time, Choka also sponsored uprisings on planets such as Atzerri and other worlds on the southern rim of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion corridor.


While Commander Carr and Nom Anor met with the Hutts and began negotiations with their leader, Borga Besadii Diori, Choka continued his preparations. He remained informed of the situation in Hutt Space by Carr and of Anor's involvement in the new scheme, which involved leaking false intelligence to the Hutts to reach the New Republic Intelligence Service. The supreme commander remained unconvinced by the ploy, as Anor's failure with the Elan debacle and his alliance with the Praetorite Vong were still fresh in Choka's mind. However, the Hutts had agreed to provide the Yuuzhan Vong with worlds for growing new ships, while the Yuuzhan Vong prepared for their next strike. Carrying Warmaster Lah's greetings for Malik Carr and his troops, as well as a list of warriors deserving of promotion, Choka eventually departed from Sernpidal with his force, which included a young yammosk, creatures used by the Yuuzhan Vong to coordinate their warriors in battle. The supreme commander and his fleet arrived at Runaway Prince, a planet given to the Yuuzhan Vong by the Hutts as a sign of good faith. There, dressed in elaborate attire, Choka left his Koros-Strohna worldship and boarded the Yammka, Malik Carr's warship, where he was received in a grand ceremony with ten thousand warriors lining his path, incense, perfumes, and music filling the air, and two hundred captives from the conquered planet Gyndine cowering in a corner of the reception chamber. Malik Carr ceremoniously approached Choka and transferred command of his forces to the superior warrior. The supreme commander took his seat on a raised dais and addressed the assembled warriors. He conveyed Tsavong Lah's congratulations for their successes in the opening stages of the invasion, as well as his own, before addressing the matter of promotions.

A subordinate announced the list of those to be escalated, and four subalterns were adorned with cloaks of command. Choka then declared the end of the escalation ceremonies before turning to the pressing matter of Executor Nom Anor. Instead of escalating the intendant, as Anor anticipated, Choka heavily criticized the executor, condemning his alliance with the Praetorite Vong and his role in Elan's death. After a brief dispute, Choka, driven by curiosity, asked Anor what made Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order so special and why they demanded such costly attention. When Anor attempted to explain the threat posed to the Yuuzhan Vong by the Force, the supreme commander dismissed the notion, asserting that the True Way of the Yuuzhan Vong religion was far superior to the "idea" of the Force. Concluding the conversation, Choka was informed of Carr's and Anor's plan to conquer the Core Worlds and that a swift departure was necessary to implement the next stage of the campaign. Before accompanying Anor and his subordinate, the supreme commander warned the executor against the dangers of personal ambition. With that, the Gyndine captives were sacrificed, and Choka, Carr, and Anor departed for Tynna.

To take Fondor

While Tynna was a significant conquest for its ability to provide the Yuuzhan Vong with massive dovin basals for stripping planetary shields or creatures like the ychna for attacking constructs in space, it was merely another step in Malik Carr's and Nom Anor's plan to inflict a crippling blow on the New Republic. Knowing that the Hutts would secretly communicate Yuuzhan Vong information to New Republic Intelligence to avoid antagonizing either force, Carr and Anor provided Borga Besadii Diori and the other Hutts with details of the Yuuzhan Vong's next targets. They stated Tynna, Corellia, and Bothawui as the upcoming targets, while the true objective remained the shipyards at Fondor. However, attacking Tynna encouraged the New Republic to trust the Hutt intelligence sources that had provided information on the planet being one of the next Yuuzhan Vong targets. A New Republic spy ship was observed monitoring the conquest of Tynna, confirming to Choka, Carr, and Anor that the New Republic now anticipated strikes at Corellia or Bothawui, as the Hutt intelligence on the first target had proven accurate. After routing the two hundred starfighters and other forces defending Tynna, Choka and Carr traveled to the Tanallay Surge complex on the planet's surface, leaving their fleet in orbit.

Supreme Commander Choka and his subordinate approached the Tynnan delegation outside the Tanallay Surge complex, but the Yuuzhan Vong officer had no interest in communicating with the inhabitants, who had been tricked into surrendering the world by Peace Brigaders, collaborators loyal to the Yuuzhan Vong. Instead, Choka signaled a drop ship, which released a host of biotoxins into the waters surrounding the Surge complex. Within moments, the bio-forming of Tynna's oceans was underway. Having completed his task, Nas Choka returned with his ships to the fleet above Runaway Prince and boarded the Yammka, where a villip relay had been set up to contact Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Kneeling before the villip's representation of the leader of the warrior caste, Choka informed Lah of the Fondor ploy. To alleviate Lah's doubts, Choka explained that preparations for the attack on the shipyards were already in progress. Yorik-et starfighter pilots were preparing for ramming tactics to destroy the shipyards and any berthed starships, and dovin basal mines were being prepared to seed hyperspace routes between Fondor and its connected systems. Carr also informed the warmaster of the trap being set by the New Republic at Corellia. The Kuati senator Viqi Shesh, who was providing intelligence to the Yuuzhan Vong, had alerted her new masters to the deception in the Corellian system but had not specified the nature or capabilities of the trap—Centerpoint Station, an ancient construct capable of inducing supernovas in stars or obliterating entire fleets with pulses of gravitic energy. For the time being, the Yuuzhan Vong chose to avoid the unknown threat of the Corellian system.

Centerpoint Station is fired, devastating Choka's forces along with those of the New Republic.

As the time to strike at Fondor approached, Choka, Carr, and Anor visited Borga Besadii Diori on Nal Hutta. The Yuuzhan Vong officer subtly threatened the Hutt, hinting that Nal Hutta and its surroundings could fall to his forces whenever he or his superior desired. Choka also rejected the Hutt's offer of slaves. Consequently, the meeting was conducted with considerable tension, as the Yuuzhan Vong and Hutt retinues faced each other while Choka asserted his dominance over the Hutt. The situation escalated when, after Choka asked if the Hutt could obtain a Jedi Knight for the Yuuzhan Vong, Borga announced that one—Wurth Skidder—was already aboard a Yuuzhan Vong vessel, the Crèche, accompanied by her son Randa Besadii Diori. Choka became enraged that his subordinate on the vessel, Chine-kal, had failed to notify him and demanded that he contact the commander. Borga offered her mechanical communications device, and Choka turned on the Hutt, insulting and threatening her, nearly provoking a skirmish in the Hutt's throne room. The supreme commander contacted Chine-kal, whose yammosk-bearing clustership was approaching Kalarba in preparation for the jump to Fondor. The supreme commander ordered Chine-kal to remain in the Kalarba system. Before leaving Nal Hutta, he warned Borga that if the Hutts betrayed the Yuuzhan Vong, Hutt Space would be conquered. However, if they remained loyal, Choka promised that the Hutt kajidics could keep their holdings. Shortly after the Yuuzhan Vong delegation departed, Borga informed the Jedi that Wurth Skidder could be found with the Crèche at Kalarba.

While making the final preparations for the attack, Choka and Carr received word that the Crèche had been attacked at Kalarba and was now traveling to Fondor ahead of the main force. This development forced Choka to accelerate his plans, but with the New Republic fleets massed at other worlds, anticipating a strike on Corellia, and the hyperspace routes linking Bothawui to Fondor mined, there was little risk in a premature attack. The supreme commander led his armada to Fondor. Facing Nas Choka's numerical superiority, the New Republic First Fleet, tasked with defending the shipyards, was quickly overwhelmed. Yorik-et pilots acted as ramships in scores, obliterating the thirty berthed vessels, the shipyard annexes, and orbital defenses before crashing onto the planet below. The Yuuzhan Vong fleet spread out, initiating an orbital bombardment of Fondor and driving back the First Fleet. However, the Crèche was attacked and boarded a short distance from the main battle, forcing Choka to dispatch warships to assist Chine-kal. Then, just as a Hapan warfleet emerged from hyperspace from the direction of Commenor, a column of energy surged through the system. On distant Corellia, Centerpoint Station had been activated, and its beam pierced through both the newly arrived Hapans and Choka's armada without slowing. Instantly, two-thirds of the New Republic's reinforcements and half of Nas Choka's fleet were destroyed. Choka and his allies were astonished. Amidst the confusion, Chine-kal contacted the Yuuzhan Vong officer and reported that the yammosk was dead and that the Hutts had betrayed the location of the Crèche at Kalarba. Disgusted, Nas Choka ordered the remaining half of his forces to prepare to withdraw. After inflicting some final damage on the ruined shipyards and their defenders, the Yuuzhan Vong departed the system.

Redemption in Hutt Space

Although Choka believed that his forces had achieved their objectives at Fondor by destroying its production capabilities, the battle was viewed as a disaster by many in the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy, particularly because Choka had captured, in Tsavong Lah's opinion, an unimpressive number of captives. Despite retaining his high rank in the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, Supreme Commander Choka took the initiative and moved swiftly to exact revenge upon the Hutts. Malik Carr, for his part, was demoted following the Fondor debacle and relegated to overseeing prisoners on the remote planet of Selvaris, far from the front lines of the invasion.

Nal Hutta and its moon Nar Shaddaa, both of which were terraformed by Nas Choka's force.

The fleet commanded by Choka positioned itself strategically above Nal Hutta, thereby initiating a blockade that targeted both the Hutt capital and the Smuggler's Moon, known as Nar Shaddaa. The entire system was subsequently placed under siege. Given their history of duplicity, the Hutts found themselves without any prospect of aid from the New Republic and quickly became embroiled in a desperate battle for survival. Borga the Hutt, Choka's primary antagonist, found himself defending the capital city with the backing of merely half of the kajidics, a force demonstrably insufficient to challenge the might of the Yuuzhan Vong armada. With his dominance in space unchallenged, Choka issued the order to reshape both Nal Hutta and its lunar companion. This involved a remote bombardment using missiles that were loaded with potent biotoxins and bacterial weapons. While Nal Hutta, a swampy world of bogs and marshes, was generally considered a diseased place, Nar Shaddaa, an ecumenopolis, was regarded as a religious obscenity. Certain microbes were engineered to break down the duracrete on the moon, effectively turning its structures into sand through digestion. Other microbes were designed to attack metal and transparisteel, leading to the collapse of the towering structures on the Smuggler's Moon. Simultaneously, other bacteria targeted the Hutts themselves—specifically, those who had remained behind—resulting in the annihilation of the crime lords within their own palaces. Subsequently, specialized creatures were deployed to eliminate any remaining members of the species. While some Hutts were offered the opportunity to serve the Yuuzhan Vong, others, such as the Besadii, were not so fortunate. Those members of the clan who managed to escape sought refuge on worlds such as Gamorr, Rodia, and Tatooine, which had long been recognized as Hutt territories. Choka then transmitted images documenting the conquest to Warmaster Tsavong Lah, who personally arrived from the Outer Rim Territories to oversee the next phase of the invasion, namely, the conquest of Duro. In a parallel development, Borga the Hutt attempted to initiate negotiations with Tsavong Lah, hoping to secure some advantages while he still had the chance. The Hutt requested that Tatooine remain under Hutt control; however, these trade discussions ultimately failed, leading the Hutts to mount a fierce resistance campaign against their former allies. The Yuuzhan Vong also seized control of the planet Ylesia, which had previously been a significant Besadii holding. After executing the Hutt administrator and accepting the government's surrender, they cultivated yammosks in its oceans and allowed the Peace Brigade to establish their headquarters on the planet, effectively transforming it into a police state.

Aided by their smuggler contacts, including individuals like Booster Terrik, the Hutts complicated Choka's campaign significantly. The prolonged and arduous struggle to conquer a substantial portion of the galaxy served to elevate the supreme commander's standing considerably. It also immersed him deeply in the arts of deception and duplicity, enhancing his tactical acumen and fostering a sense of cynicism when evaluating seemingly straightforward situations. The Hutts achieved temporary success by deploying ancient war-robots against the Yuuzhan Vong. Subsequently, a resistance group known as the Sisar Runners was formed under the leadership of the Hutt Embra. Embra, having assembled a coalition of displaced crime lords eager to reclaim their territories from the Yuuzhan Vong, hired mercenaries and other marginalized individuals in an effort to retake Hutt Space. Choka commanded a segment of his forces to travel to an abandoned Trade Federation battleship that was drifting near Ylesia, where a cell of Klatooinian mercenaries was launching attacks from; Choka's objective was their complete extermination. The Yuuzhan Vong successfully fought their way through forces comprised of outdated battle droids and eliminated the mercenaries. However, they discovered that Embra had not fled Hutt Space but was instead concealed within the deepest recesses of Nar Shaddaa. Choka then dispatched his troops, along with a contingent of Chazrach slaves, to locate and assassinate Embra. Embra's forces managed to outmaneuver them, disabling the controller for the Chazrachs, and Embra ultimately survived, along with her resistance group. Concurrently, the New Republic capital, Coruscant, was taken, and Warmaster Tsavong Lah, driven by his relentless vendetta against the Jedi Order, continued to direct military campaigns from his newly established seat of power. Supreme Overlord Shimrra journeyed from the Outer Rim Territories. Upon the Supreme Overlord's arrival on Coruscant—which had been terraformed and renamed Yuuzhan'tar in honor of the lost Yuuzhan Vong homeworld—Tsavong Lah was able to report on Choka's substantial progress in Hutt Space. However, motivated by a desire for a decisive victory against the New Republic, Warmaster Lah was soon lured to the Deep Core. False intelligence suggested that a major New Republic stronghold, known as the Final Redoubt, could be located and destroyed on Ebaq 9, a small moon within the Treskov system. Enticed by the seeming credibility of this information, as well as the prospect of capturing the Jedi he had long sought, Lah traveled to Ebaq 9 with a massive armada, only to be trapped, defeated and killed. Nas Choka, whose reputation had been bolstered by the Hutt campaign, was recalled and promoted to the rank of warmaster, thereby filling the vacancy created by Lah's demise. Choka's strategic approaches were perceived as markedly different from those of Tsavong Lah. While his warriors regarded him as highly competent, the new warmaster himself remained convinced that his promotion was largely a result of circumstance.

Warmaster Choka

As Choka ascended to the position of warmaster, the Yuuzhan Vong empire was grappling with several internal challenges that had repercussions within the military. A heretical movement, which had originated in 26 ABY while Choka was engaged in Hutt Space, had expanded and evolved into a significant threat to the Yuuzhan Vong's religious orthodoxy. The Shamed Ones, who occupied the lowest rungs of Yuuzhan Vong society, along with members of the workers, were increasingly drawn to this new system of beliefs, which proclaimed the Jedi as saviors who could pave the way to an improved standard of living. Tsavong Lah, who had relentlessly pursued the Jedi since his duel with Jacen Solo on Duro, had made the persecution of the Order a top priority, leading to the heretical movement becoming a target as well. Choka continued the violent suppression of this movement, which was gaining traction in the lower levels of Yuuzhan'tar, effectively resuming the campaign where his predecessor had left off. However, the heresy was not the warmaster's sole preoccupation at the time. The New Republic, having achieved victories at the battle of Obroa-skai, and subsequently at Ebaq 9, had reorganized itself into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, under the leadership of Chief of State Cal Omas. Warmaster Choka concluded that a change in strategic direction was necessary. Military campaigns were initiated against secondary threats to the Yuuzhan Vong, with the aim of acquiring new captives for use in slave armies, providing opportunities for Yuuzhan Vong warriors to gain experience, and consolidating existing holdings by engaging weaker adversaries. While Nas Choka recognized that numerous other threats, including the Chiss Ascendancy, the Corporate Sector, and the Hapes Consortium, needed to be neutralized before the Yuuzhan Vong could launch an offensive against the Galactic Alliance's new capital of Dac in the Calamari system, two new campaigns were set in motion. Simultaneously, Nas Choka discontinued his predecessor's vendetta against the Jedi Order, deeming it a relatively minor threat.

A supreme commander, B'shith Vorrik, was dispatched from Yuuzhan Vong positions on the conquered planet of Dubrillion with the objective of engaging the Imperial Remnant, the last vestige of the Galactic Empire that had governed before the New Republic's rise to power. Remnant forces had clashed with the Yuuzhan Vong on several occasions; however, until 29 ABY, no incursions had been made into its territory. Vorrik's initial assault met with some success, but it soon faltered when Gilad Pellaeon, a seasoned Imperial strategist, decisively defeated the Yuuzhan Vong forces at the Battle of Borosk. Pellaeon subsequently directed the forces of the Imperial Remnant to align with the Galactic Alliance, a development that was not in line with Choka's expectations. Successes were recorded in the Senex-Juvex system, as well as on the distant world of Bakura, where the reptilian Ssi-ruuk were neutralized. On Yuuzhan'tar, however, the heretical movement continued to flourish, gaining a mysterious new leader known as the Prophet Yu'shaa. Despite the failure of the attack on the Imperial Remnant, the new warmaster had a multitude of other challenges to address. The Yuuzhan Vong's advance had effectively stalled; supply lines had been sabotaged, and resistance cells had sprung up throughout the empire. Some progress was made in the eradication of the Yevethan race, a species of xenophobic warriors considered too dangerous to ignore, which was annihilated in the Koornacht Cluster. Despite a fluctuating mix of defeats and victories, the Yuuzhan Vong had essentially failed to make any significant headway against the Galactic Alliance since the capture of Coruscant.

There was to be no further advancement. Supreme Overlord Shimrra, with whom Choka now maintained close contact as a prominent member of the Yuuzhan Vong Great Council, directed all attention toward the heresy among the Shamed Ones, which was met with violence and executions. Life among the Yuuzhan Vong elite was fraught with peril, particularly for someone who had been recently promoted. Choka tripled his complement of bodyguards to ensure his personal safety. The warmaster's headquarters were situated within a command grotto located deep within Shimrra's Citadel, which was essentially a Yuuzhan Vong worldship affixed to the planet's surface. Frequently directing the activities of the warrior caste from this chamber, Choka spent much of his time in the Hall of Confluence, Shimrra's audience chamber within the citadel. A priestess named Ngaaluh had recently become a permanent fixture at Shimrra's court, serving as an inquisitor into the heresy and frequently exposing Yuuzhan Vong officials as secret supporters of the movement. Choka observed as heretics, identified by Ngaaluh, were brought before the Supreme Overlord and summarily executed. Along with his fellow caste leaders, High Priest Jakan, High Prefect Drathul—both long time associates of the warmaster—and Master Shaper Yal Phaath, Choka was compelled to dedicate a significant portion of his resources to combating the insurrection. Warriors were dispatched into the lower levels to kill any heretics they encountered. Shimrra made it clear at one meeting that these actions were to persist, declaring that any Yuuzhan Vong who failed to demonstrate enthusiasm and dedication in suppressing the heresy would be prosecuted as collaborators. As Choka attempted to conduct investigations into the heresy, the priestess Ngaaluh disrupted the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy by revealing a prefect named Ash'ett as a member of the movement. Given that Ash'ett was an intendant, the prefect's involvement was not embarrassing for the warmaster, but rather for High Prefect Drathul, who oversaw that caste. Nevertheless, Shimrra's punishment of Prefect Ash'ett—which included the execution of the official and his family, as well as a threat to his entire domain—demonstrated that the Supreme Overlord's persecution of the heretics demanded absolute obedience. For the time being, however, Choka derived satisfaction from the apparent guilt, and subsequent death, of another of the intendants he despised. His warriors continued their investigations and subjugation of the heresy.

Internal dissent and external threats

It was around this period that rumors concerning Zonama Sekot began to resurface. A commander, Ekh'm Val, who had been engaged in a long-term reconnaissance mission within the Unknown Regions, appeared above Yuuzhan'tar aboard his frigate, the Noble Sacrifice, and claimed to have encountered the living planet. Furthermore, he presented some of its organic technology as evidence. The Supreme Overlord directed Choka's forces to destroy the frigate under the suspicion that it was harboring spies, but not before a single yorik-trema landing craft departed the frigate for Yuuzhan'tar's surface. The warmaster remained unaware of Ekh'm Val's discovery, or the living craft, and simply followed Shimrra's directives. Commander Val vanished, executed for his discovery, and the Supreme Overlord concealed the affair as effectively as possible. Other challenges beset the Yuuzhan Vong on their newly acquired throneworld. The World Brain, which had been installed on the planet to oversee its terraforming into the image of ancient Yuuzhan'tar, had seemingly become rogue, disregarding Shimrra's attempts to pacify it and generating complications across the planet. Combined with Ngaaluh's exposure of another prefect, Drosh Khalii, as a heretic, the situation appeared to be increasingly unfavorable for the Yuuzhan Vong and their empire. Ngaaluh's inquisition, however, came to an abrupt conclusion shortly after the exposure of Khalii. When the priestess compiled new evidence against Prefect Zareb, another of Drathul's subordinates, and presented it before the Supreme Overlord, Nas Choka was once again present. Shimrra received the news of another apparent betrayal with an anger that disturbed those observing. The Supreme Overlord questioned Choka's failure to detect how so many of his trusted servants were turning to heresy, though the warmaster swiftly redirected attention to Drathul, citing the intendants as harboring the most heretics. The blame-shifting continued, as Yal Phaath and Jakan similarly came under scrutiny. In the tense atmosphere, Shimrra turned on Drathul and blamed the high prefect for the corruption. To all present, it seemed that Drathul was about to be executed, but the guards instead came forward to arrest Ngaaluh. Shimrra then revealed the priestess as the true traitor to his empire—she had fabricated the evidence against the prefects and was allied with the heretics. Nas Choka was shocked, as were the others present, to witness heresy within the court itself; before she could be questioned, however, Ngaaluh took her own life, bringing an end to the affair.

Nas Choka's quarry, the Prophet Yu'shaa, on Yuuzhan'tar.

Although Ngaaluh's exposure occurred and Choka successfully maintained the Supreme Overlord's favor, the spread of heresy was already accelerating, and the Galactic Alliance was advancing. Supreme Commander B'shith Vorrik initiated an assault on the Galactic Alliance's communications hub located at Esfandia, where Vorrik's forces were ultimately defeated by a joint Imperial Remnant and Galactic Alliance contingent. This defeat deeply affected Nas Choka. Several key planets surrounding Coruscant started facing threats and subsequently fell under Galactic Alliance control. Choka's adversaries seized Thyferra, the source of the healing compound bacta, and Yag'Dhul, a crucial nexus within hyperspace routes. The warmaster was still positioned above Yuuzhan'tar aboard the Yammka when a Yuuzhan Vong commander, Zhat Lah, previously responsible for Fondor's defense, returned with the surviving elements of his occupation troops. It became clear that the Galactic Alliance had employed rapid, hit-and-run strategies—perfect for countering the overstretched Yuuzhan Vong fleet—to stage a diversion at Duro, drawing Zhat Lah's forces there, before unexpectedly attacking Fondor and overwhelming the commander's garrison. Deviating from standard Yuuzhan Vong protocol of fighting to the death, Zhat Lah withdrew his forces, saving two frigates and a battle cruiser rather than sacrificing them against a superior foe. Choka surprised the remorseful commander by commending Lah's resourcefulness. The warmaster expressed his concern that the Yuuzhan Vong had overextended their forces across too vast a territory—attributing blame to Tsavong Lah for this predicament—and reminded the commander that to conquer the galaxy's defenders, the Yuuzhan Vong needed to abandon their pride and aversion to surrender or retreat. To counteract the effectiveness of the Galactic Alliance's strategies, Choka resolved to launch a comprehensive attack on the HoloNet, utilizing the newly developed mabugat kan organisms to obliterate the relay stations. After instructing Zhat Lah to remain and defend Yuuzhan'tar with a newly formed battle group, the warmaster awaited the results of his strategy to disrupt the enemy's communications.

The HoloNet attack proved successful. A small Galactic Alliance task force made its way to the Bilbringi system, an ideal location to stage an attack on Yuuzhan'tar. The Yuuzhan Vong fleet present there inflicted substantial casualties on the Galactic Alliance forces, who were unable to request reinforcements due to the HoloNet's collapse. Despite the task force's eventual escape, and the Yuuzhan Vong's own losses during the confrontation, Choka's tactic had successfully repelled the attempt to seize Bilbringi. A negative consequence of the HoloNet disruption, however, was the Yuuzhan Vong's inability to monitor enemy communications. With a delicate balance established between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance, Warmaster Choka prepared to disperse Galactic Alliance forces at Dac, which had become a stronghold in the system that would require a significant commitment of Yuuzhan Vong troops to overcome. Nas Choka initiated attacks on two planets, Caluula, situated in the Tion Hegemony, and Toong'L. Both planets were strategically advantageous for launching an assault on Dac, and Choka hoped that the apparent Yuuzhan Vong interest in these worlds would prompt the Galactic Alliance fleets to abandon Dac, allowing them to be hunted down individually. Choka's primary objective was to avoid confronting the concentrated Galactic Alliance forces at Dac, which he believed would inevitably result in heavy losses for the Yuuzhan Vong. However, Supreme Overlord Shimrra was eager for a decisive strike against the enemy and began formulating plans for a grand sacrifice ceremony, where over 1,000 Galactic Alliance officials would be executed as an offering to the gods, aiming to secure divine favor for the upcoming campaign. A prison convoy was dispatched to all Yuuzhan Vong penal colonies to transport prisoners to Yuuzhan'tar.

The fight for sacrifice

Two months following the Galactic Alliance's defeat at Bilbringi, Nas Choka attended another meeting involving Supreme Overlord Shimrra and the higher ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy. As was often the case on Yuuzhan'tar, the World Brain experienced malfunctions, and the assembly within the Hall of Confluence was disturbed by a persistent shower of stink-beetles from above. Addressing his audience, the Supreme Overlord attempted to clarify the numerous challenges facing the Yuuzhan Vong, this time by accusing his followers of lacking trust in him, and consequently, in the gods who had placed Shimrra on the throne. Indeed, the Supreme Overlord's grip on the polyp throne seemed precarious to many. Shimrra spoke of the divisions that had plagued the Yuuzhan Vong during their journey to the galaxy and sought to restore his followers' confidence in his leadership by referencing past instances where he had been correct and others had failed—specifically mentioning Tsavong Lah and his father, Czulkang Lah, who had opposed Shimrra long ago. Choka was warned by the Supreme Overlord, in front of the entire assembly, that severe consequences would follow if he failed Shimrra in the same manner as his predecessors. The Supreme Overlord also revealed the method by which the Yuuzhan Vong would subdue the insidious enemies of the empire residing on Yuuzhan'tar—resistance fighters and Jedi. Shimrra's shapers had engineered a new class of warriors, known as Slayers, ten of whom were presented to the congregation. These hybrid warrior-priests caused unease among the Yuuzhan Vong present, particularly the quartet of Royal Seers, due to their resemblance to Shamed Ones. In fact, one of Choka's subordinates, Supreme Commander Chaan, expressed his disapproval and was subsequently forced to engage the warriors in combat. The meeting concluded with further admonishments from the Supreme Overlord, and Choka and his associates prepared for the arrival of the prison convoy and the impending mass sacrifice. Meanwhile, above Caluula, Yuuzhan Vong forces were being prevented from seizing the world by the defenders of Caluula Station.

It happened that the Galactic Alliance military learned of the prison convoy's location above the prison planet Selvaris; the Yuuzhan Vong and Peace Brigade vessels were ambushed, and only the fortunate escape of some Peace Brigade freighters, coupled with the timely arrival of several Slayer ships, prevented the Galactic Alliance from capturing all of the prisoners. The remaining vessels and captives were transported to Yuuzhan'tar. While the Peace Brigade ships were forced to remain in orbit, the rest of the convoy was welcomed at a field near Westport, a landing zone north of the former Legislative District. Choka accompanied the Yuuzhan Vong Elite and Supreme Overlord Shimrra to the field, where the Galactic Alliance prisoners and the Peace Brigaders were being held. Also present were the Yuuzhan Vong warriors who had guarded the convoy, and their commander, Bhu Fath. Fath informed Warmaster Choka that 500 prisoners had been delivered—a number significantly below the required amount, as High Priest Jakan and the Royal Seers pointed out. Nevertheless, Choka was quick to emphasize that had it not been for the actions of Commander Malik Carr, his former comrade from the Fondor campaign, who had overseen the Selvaris prison camp and commanded the convoy's defense, many more prisoners would have been rescued. Shimrra summoned Carr to appear before him and, upon the warmaster's recommendation, the warrior was promoted to the rank of supreme commander. However, the problem of the insufficient number of prisoners remained. Bhu Fath suggested using the Peace Brigaders as substitutes, but Shimrra forbade it and, after asking Choka for a suitable world where the Yuuzhan Vong were engaged in land combat, ordered the Brigaders to be sent to the warmaster's suggestion, Corulag, to be implanted with surge-coral and fight as thralls.

To resolve the shortage of prisoners, Nas Choka suggested to the Supreme Overlord that the defenders of Caluula Station be captured and used as replacements for the lost sacrifices. To secure these new prisoners, Choka requested Shimrra's permission to double the resources allocated to the capture of Caluula. The Supreme Overlord agreed, and Supreme Commander Malik Carr was dispatched to conquer the world. Carr successfully raided Caluula Station and acquired the necessary number of prisoners to proceed with the ceremony, delivering them to Yuuzhan'tar three days later. The event took place in the Place of Sacrifice and was one of the grandest ceremonies of its kind in generations. Accompanied by three dozen of his supreme commanders, Nas Choka entered the Place of Sacrifice and positioned himself near Shimrra's throne. As the prisoners were prepared for execution, a large group of Shamed Ones emerged from hidden entrances in the floor of the square. The slayers formed a protective ring around the Supreme Overlord as the Shamed Ones launched their attack, but it soon became evident, even as the ceremony descended into chaos, that the heretics had come to liberate the Galactic Alliance prisoners. In total, the Shamed Ones escaped with three hundred prisoners; Shimrra ordered three thousand Shamed Ones to be delivered to an ossuary, known as the Place of Bones, near the Western Sea district, three days later. Warmaster Choka and the rest of the Elite watched as enormous beasts executed scores of the Shamed Ones. Further embarrassment followed as the arrested Yuuzhan Vong went to their deaths cursing Shimrra and his courts, and praising the name of Yu'shaa, their prophet. This suggested that all Shamed Ones were heretics, not just those who had participated in the movement, a shocking revelation for the Yuuzhan Vong Empire.

The road to Dac

Two days after the events at the Place of Bones, a troubled Nas Choka finally decided to voice his concerns to the Supreme Overlord. The capture of Caluula and Toong'l had failed to force the retreat of the Galactic Alliance fleets at Dac. The warmaster was convinced that a period of consolidation was necessary; the current Yuuzhan Vong territories should be fortified, and the Galactic Alliance pushed back from the Mid Rim to a single region, where they could be destroyed in a single decisive battle. The warmaster presented his advice alone, in the Hall of Confluence, without any support from the Elite observing from the sidelines. As Choka had feared, the Supreme Overlord believed that the Galactic Alliance had already been forced back into a single region—the Calamari sector. In vain, Nas Choka spoke of the strong pockets of resistance in the Hapes Consortium, the Chiss Ascendancy, and the Corporate Sector, as well as the losses suffered during the Remnant campaign, at Esfandia and Bilbringi. The Supreme Overlord disregarded Choka's warnings and instructed the warmaster to prepare for the attack on Dac. Choka retreated to his command grotto beneath the citadel, where he studied a map of the galactic arena, accompanied by a warrior-seer and a tactician. Intending to follow his superior's orders precisely, Choka cautioned his subordinates against criticizing Shimrra's decision, even though he personally disagreed with the attack on the aquatic world. Fleets from distant star systems were converging in the Calamari system, and Choka and his tactician acknowledged that alliances with the Remnant, the Yevetha, and even the Hutts would have been more beneficial to the Yuuzhan Vong than their destruction; the attacks on the galaxy's various factions had only served to unite them more firmly against Shimrra's rule. Choka also admitted that his strategy of fortifying Caluula and Toong'l to encourage the Galactic Alliance to disperse without an actual attack had failed—the enemy commanders remained in position, suggesting that either they would disperse upon Choka's arrival, after the warmaster had withdrawn warships from across all Yuuzhan Vong territories to amass the armada. The alternative was that Supreme Commander Sien Sovv and his colleagues had prepared some kind of counterattack.

These uncertainties troubled the warmaster, and he felt that more time was needed to analyze the situation. Choka did not dismiss the possibility that the Galactic Alliance was preparing to attack Yuuzhan'tar itself; in fact, the warmaster welcomed the idea, as it would result in a battle favoring the Yuuzhan Vong. His warrior-seer informed him that she would attempt to delay the attack on Dac, but Choka knew that the Supreme Overlord would see through such a deception. Instead, he ordered the activation of the Yuuzhan Vong sleeper spy network to gather information on the Galactic Alliance's strategy. Several days later, Nas Choka received word from Supreme Overlord Shimrra that the attack on Dac was to commence in three days. This news frustrated and angered the warmaster, who went to his command grotto to hear the report from his intelligence analysts. Choka was informed of a significant increase in enemy activity across vast areas of the galaxy and that half of the fleet defending Dac had dispersed; he believed it was a diversion, its purpose unknown due to the destruction of the HoloNet, an action which Choka now regretted. Also informed that the commander of the yammosk emplacement on Caluula, Malik Carr, had authorized scientific teams to visit the occupied world, Choka ordered his tenders to bring him a villip so that he could communicate with Carr. The warmaster ultimately concluded that the Galactic Alliance's target was their lost capital and took steps to prevent its recapture by the enemy. Aware of the build-up of activity at Contruum, a planet in the Expansion Region that was an ideal staging point for an attack on Yuuzhan'tar, Choka decided that the Galactic Alliance fleets would assemble there. Therefore, to deceive his opponents, Choka decided not to use Caluula and Toong'l in his campaign at all. He decided that instead of withdrawing the armada via the two worlds, which, according to the intelligence provided by his analysts, had been compromised, a different route back to Yuuzhan'tar would be cleared in secret. In this way, if the Galactic Alliance did launch an attack on Yuuzhan'tar, Choka's fleets could return quickly along the Perlemian Trade Route to strike at Contruum, bypassing any traps set at Caluula and Toong'l.

After the three days had passed, the Dac armada was assembled above Yuuzhan'tar, adorned with the blood of the sacrificed prisoners and ready for departure. Shimrra delivered a speech to the assembled armada, emphasizing the necessity of a final battle against the inhabitants of the galaxy and the ongoing efforts of the Yuuzhan Vong to purify their promised domain. With a coordinated volley of plasma, fired into Coruscant Prime as a tribute to the Supreme Overlord and the gods, the armada departed, led by Warmaster Nas Choka aboard the Yammka's Mount, a new vessel built to serve as the armada's flagship.

The Battle of Dac

The armada, arranged in the shape of a multi-tentacled yammosk, advanced towards Dac. Choka's formidable force was forced to exit hyperspace at a transit point on the Perlemian Trade Route, which had been mined by the Galactic Alliance. The armada sustained minor damage before the leading vessels managed to clear the passive defenses. However, instead of jumping directly from the Perlemian transit point to the Calamari system, Choka directed his armada through the Quermia system, where the planet of Quermia was located. As with the Perlemian transit point, the Quermia transit point had also been mined, and the armada once again suffered losses. The warmaster's tactic confused his opponents, as it appeared to them to be an unnecessary additional hyperspace jump. Unbeknownst to the Galactic Alliance commanders, Choka's armada was securing another route back to Yuuzhan'tar should the need arise. Having destroyed the minefields at the two transit points, the warmaster was now confident that his forces could return unhindered to other theaters of engagement, such as Contruum, if necessary. His armada emerged from hyperspace at the outermost reaches of the Calamari system, near a frozen comet known as Iceberg Three. Immediately, Choka's force was confronted by a Galactic Alliance attack. Thousands of probe droids were launched into the armada, transmitting the gravitic signatures of Galactic Alliance starfighters. The Yuuzhan Vong pilots began destroying the machines, unaware of their true purpose, while the probe droids transmitted firing solutions and other relevant data back to the defenders of Dac. The outer "tentacles" of the armada were then assaulted by waves of enemy starfighters, creating firing lanes through which distant Galactic Alliance capital ships unleashed turbolaser fire. Choka's forces suffered heavy casualties in the barrage, but the warmaster had been biding his time. The Yuuzhan Vong capital ships directed plasma volleys down the Galactic Alliance's own firing lanes into the paths of the oncoming starfighters that had rushed in to continue the fight. Numerous enemy vessels were destroyed, and the armada rotated, bringing fresh warships into action.

The waterworld of Dac, the Galactic Alliance capital Nas Choka was charged with destroying.

Considering the losses sustained in the opening engagement acceptable, Choka was annoyed by what he perceived as a cowardly use of machines. The supreme commander of the Yammka's Mount, Loiric Kaan, delivered the report; when the officer commented on the futility of the Galactic Alliance defense, Choka had him removed from the command chamber, believing the supreme commander's presence to be equally pointless. The warmaster returned his attention to the ongoing battle, ordering more plasma volleys to be directed down the firing lanes between the armada's tentacles against the enemy starfighters. Once many of the small craft had been destroyed, the warmaster brought his matalok cruisers to the forefront to serve as the fleet's spearhead. However, Choka remained aware that something was amiss. With only half the fleet present at Dac, he knew that the Galactic Alliance had staged a diversion. Following a brief conversation with Supreme Overlord Shimrra via villip, during which the ruler of the Yuuzhan Vong offered Choka encouragement, the warmaster ordered slightly less than half of his armada to leave the battle and head for Contruum, to eliminate the Galactic Alliance forces there before they could attack Yuuzhan'tar. The domain groups of Shen'g, Paasar, Eklut, and Taav, which comprised the departing half of the armada, separated from Choka's force as the warmaster led his flotilla past Iceberg Three to Sep Elopor, a gas giant further into the system. As Choka's remaining forces advanced, they were attacked by destroyers on either side as the Galactic Alliance attempted to divert the attention of the armada's defenses. Other Galactic Alliance battle groups retreated before the armada, which continued to fire plasma volleys against the attacking starfighters. Choka's force bore down on Sep Elopon and Mon Eron, the latter of which was an inhabited planet, as the warmaster raced to defeat the Galactic Alliance defenders.

Still hours away from Dac itself, the armada encountered heavy resistance from its opponent battle groups; with half of the flotilla gone, the Battle of Dac had become a more balanced struggle, and the Yuuzhan Vong fought with increased ferocity. It was during this stage of the battle that Choka was contacted by Saluup Fing, the supreme commander in charge of Yuuzhan'tar's defense, with urgent news that shocked the warmaster. Above the Yuuzhan Vong capital, a planet had appeared from hyperspace. Immediately, Nas Choka ordered the armada's withdrawal, and the entire force jumped to hyperspace. Additional battle groups were summoned from Hutt Space and other sectors. The warmaster ordered the armada to revert to realspace somewhere in the Mid Rim so that he could contact Supreme Commander Fing again and receive a follow-up report. Choka ordered all of his crew to leave the command chamber, except his tactician, while they listened to Fing's report. The planet's arrival had caused massive groundquakes across Yuuzhan'tar, sending a moon out of orbit to slingshot across the planet's surface and destroying the Rainbow Bridge, which had been created during Coruscant's terraforming to mimic the ancient rings of ancestral Yuuzhan'tar. Choka ordered the supreme commander to remain above Yuuzhan'tar and to take no action against the newly arrived planet. The warmaster's tactician nervously brought up the subject of a living world encountered by Zho Krazhmir during Quoreal's reign—a rumor that Nas Choka was very familiar with. However, the warmaster now had to consider the legend of Zonama Sekot. Although the pragmatic warrior did not see the living world as a sign of defeat, he did fear its military capabilities. Choka considered his tactician's suggestion that the world was a fabrication created by the Galactic Alliance but was more inclined to believe that it was indeed Zonama Sekot. Displaying confidence, the warmaster declared that no world of any kind could prevail against the two returning halves of the armada, as well as the arrival of additional battle groups.

Defending the capital

Upon the Yuuzhan Vong armada's and subsidiary fleets' return to the Coruscant system, Shimrra ordered Warmaster Choka to refrain from engaging the living world. In the shadow of Zonama Sekot, which orbited Coruscant Prime between the inner-system planets of Muscave and Stentat, Yuuzhan'tar was in chaos. The falling debris from the Rainbow Bridge, as well as the extensive structural damage sustained by the new capital, had thrown both the planet's defenses and populace into disarray, triggering a mass uprising from the heretics, who viewed the living planet as a holy world whose arrival had been foretold in prophecy. Further disconcerting updates reached the warmaster—several Yuuzhan Vong battle groups, such as those of domains Muyel and Lacap, had chosen to disregard the recall order and remained in the territories assigned to them by Shimrra. Choka traveled down to the citadel with his supreme commanders to attend an emergency meeting of the Elite in the Hall of Confluence. Once there, the warmaster was informed of Shimrra's plan to destroy Zonama Sekot, which the Supreme Overlord announced to all Yuuzhan Vong present. To the Elite's shock, Shimrra admitted that the living world was indeed the same planet whose existence he had denied when Quoreal had been ousted from the throne and killed. The Supreme Overlord claimed that Zonama Sekot was a test designed by the Yuuzhan Vong gods, a final trial for the Yuuzhan Vong. Citing a prophecy that he claimed to have received, Shimrra declared that Yun-Harla, the goddess of deception, had, to aid her subjects in their final test, granted the Yuuzhan Vong a weapon with which to vanquish Zonama Sekot. The Galactic Alliance had created a potent anti-Yuuzhan Vong bioweapon, which they had deployed on the planet Caluula. From Caluula, one lone vessel had escaped, infected with the lethal virus. Shimrra proclaimed that the infected vessel should be taken to Zonama Sekot and used to poison the living world, which was undoubtedly connected to Yuuzhan Vong biochemistry. The Supreme Overlord ordered Warmaster Choka and his subordinates to carry out his commands.


Warmaster Choka, his faith in Shimrra strengthened, accepted his Supreme Overlord's commands without question. While he trusted the Supreme Overlord implicitly, Choka was less convinced by Shimrra's trust in the goddess Yun-Harla, who was believed to have associated with Jaina Solo, the slayer of Tsavong Lah. Choka's faith lay firmly with Yun-Yammka, the god of war, and before the battle commenced, he commanded a coven of Yun-Yammka priests to accompany the armada and make a blood offering to the god of war. The warmaster believed that an offering to the patron god of the warriors would reinforce the faith of those fighting under his command—it had become common knowledge that because the gods were testing the Yuuzhan Vong, their divine support temporarily favored the Galactic Alliance and openly supported Zonama Sekot. After returning to the Yammka's Mount in orbit, Nas Choka prepared to lead his armada to Muscave, an outer-system planet where the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet and other forces were gathering. Before departing, Choka spoke to the crew of the infected Yuuzhan Vong vessel, led by a dying shaper. The warmaster encouraged the shaper in her mission to deliver the virus to Zonama Sekot, and, as the vessel was already dying, followed his tactician's advice to have a larger warship ingest the ailing vessel and carry it to Zonama Sekot in case it failed in space. Because the Galactic Alliance forces had massed at Muscave and were blocking the path to the living world, Choka planned to break through their line and attack Zonama Sekot. At the same time, he was wary that the Galactic Alliance fleets that had been assembling at Contruum, which had never been engaged by the second half of the Dac armada, were likely to appear above Yuuzhan'tar and attempt to capture the capital. Tasked with destroying Zonama Sekot, Choka decided that he had to temporarily entrust the defense of the capital to Shimrra until the gods rejoined the Yuuzhan Vong following the death of the living world. However, the warmaster did leave a number of his warships in orbit above Yuuzhan'tar as a home defense fleet before departing for Muscave.

The Second Battle of Coruscant, which ended the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Choka's strategic maneuver involved an assault on the Galactic Alliance battle line at Muscave, designed specifically to draw the enemy forces away from Zonama Sekot, the true objective. Precisely one hour after Choka initiated his attack towards Muscave, the Galactic Alliance Fourth Fleet materialized above Yuuzhan'tar, commencing troop deployments onto the planet's surface. However, by this juncture, Choka was already deeply engaged in the intense combat raging over Muscave. His armada exchanged heavy fire with the Galactic Alliance line, ultimately overpowering the defenders, while a separate, smaller task force, including the infected vessel, broke away from the main fleet and executed a short hyperspace jump to Zonama Sekot. Soon after, Choka received alarming reports. The pilots of the yorik-et starfighters, deployed by the task force to attack Zonama Sekot's limited defenses, discovered that they were encountering sentient, living ships. Furthermore, the task force commander informed Nas Choka that the yammosks were experiencing confusion in directing the Yuuzhan Vong forces against these living vessels. Seeking authorization to engage Zonama Sekot with capital ships, the warmaster directed Supreme Commander Laait to deliver this critical information to Supreme Overlord Shimrra on Yuuzhan'tar. The news sparked turmoil among the Elite; some believed that the gods were not merely offering tacit support to the galaxy's defenders, but were actively opposing a Yuuzhan Vong victory, casting doubt on Shimrra's claim that the species was simply undergoing a trial. The Supreme Overlord responded by ordering the execution of all heretics and Shamed Ones on Yuuzhan'tar, triggering what essentially became a civil war within the capital. As the battle at Muscave intensified, Choka's task force assigned to Zonama Sekot remained at a distance of 200,000 kilometers from the living world, awaiting additional reinforcements for a full-scale assault. Simultaneously, the Galactic Alliance forces above Yuuzhan'tar continued to land thousands of soldiers, who joined forces with the Shamed Ones and followers of the heresy to combat Shimrra's warriors.

Zonama Sekot

Capital ships were dispatched by Choka to reinforce the Zonama Sekot task force. Shortly after these capital ships began their advance towards the world, a Hapan warfleet emerged from hyperspace, obstructing their path in a manner reminiscent of the First Battle of Fondor four years prior. Augmenting the firepower of the Hapans were Zonama Sekot's own defense systems, which unleashed barrages of ion fire against the approaching Yuuzhan Vong. Faced with attacks from the living ships of Zonama Sekot, along with the combined firepower of the Hapans and the ships of the Smugglers' Alliance, a flotilla aligned with the Galactic Alliance, the Yuuzhan Vong turned their attention to the infected warship within their ranks. The warship was breached, releasing the dying craft contained within, which then began its trajectory towards Zonama Sekot. Nas Choka remained at Muscave, where the confrontation between the two warfleets had descended into a chaotic melee. The warmaster designated Yammka's Mount as the primary target, despite the extensive damage it was sustaining, and maintained the engagement with the Galactic Alliance forces at Muscave. Choka was aware that his adversaries believed they were successfully containing his armada at Muscave while the conquest of Yuuzhan'tar progressed, but the warmaster patiently waited, equally cognizant that he was fostering a false sense of security among his enemies. Upon receiving intelligence that Traest Kre'fey, admiral of the Galactic Alliance First Fleet and a leading military strategist among the opposition, had arrived in the Coruscant system from Contruum, Choka recognized the urgency of swiftly destroying Zonama Sekot. His tactician conveyed news from Yuuzhan'tar—the planet was under significant siege, but the World Brain was effectively holding back the enemy. Shimrra was secure within his citadel and had sent his blessings to Choka. The warmaster considered these blessings futile if he failed to eliminate Zonama Sekot, and upon learning of the Hapan involvement, he directed four domain groups to subtly maneuver into position to attack the Hapans, thereby clearing the path for the infected vessel to neutralize the threat posed by the living world.

As domain groups from Tivvik, Tsun, Vorrik, and Karsh approached the living world and engaged the Hapan defense line, increasing the total number of supreme commanders involved in the attack to six, elements of the Galactic Alliance Second Fleet disengaged from the battle at Muscave to rush to the defense of Zonama Sekot. Despite the Jedi pilots in their living craft, and the planet's own weaponry, having repelled numerous yorik-et, the Yuuzhan Vong task force persisted in its advance, with Choka providing guidance from the battle occurring over Muscave. At Muscave, the engagement was nearing its conclusion; the space surrounding the outer-system world was strewn with the wreckage of destroyed warships, with a greater proportion belonging to the Galactic Alliance than to the Yuuzhan Vong. The warmaster's armada at Muscave had suffered considerable losses, but as his supreme commanders reported updates from Zonama Sekot, Choka remained confident that his name would be immortalized among the legendary Yuuzhan Vong warriors, and that the Second Battle of Coruscant would be celebrated as one of the greatest battles in Yuuzhan Vong history. Supreme Commander Tivvik informed Choka that Zonama Sekot's defenses had fallen silent, and that the living ships defending it were immobilized. Instead of rejoicing or questioning the report, Choka instructed Supreme Commanders Tivvik and Sla Tsun to sacrifice themselves by escorting the infected vessel to the surface of the world. To minimize the risk of contamination, all other Yuuzhan Vong ships were ordered to retreat. The warmaster offered Tsun and Tivvik final encouragement, before receiving news that Jedi had breached Shimrra's citadel, the World Brain was inactive, and that Shamed Ones and Galactic Alliance troops controlled a significant portion of the planet. The warmaster reassured his tactician, asserting that the Supreme Overlord could never be captured or killed, as the Yuuzhan Vong had fulfilled his orders and overcome the test imposed by the gods by defeating Zonama Sekot. Certain that the living world would perish without his presence, Choka ordered some forces to remain at Muscave, while he led the remaining elements of his armada to pursue Kre'fey's fleet to Yuuzhan'tar.


Yammka's Mount and the majority of the armada emerged above Yuuzhan'tar, at which point Warmaster Nas Choka received the report that Supreme Overlord Shimrra Shimrra had been killed by the Jedi who had invaded his worldship-citadel. Still clinging to the belief that the gods would not abandon Shimrra or the Yuuzhan Vong after they had successfully passed the "test" of Zonama Sekot, Choka refused to accept the report. His tactician informed him that the announcement had been made by the priest Harrar, who had defected to the Galactic Alliance. Nom Anor, Nas Choka's longtime adversary, had also been revealed to be Yu'shaa, the prophet of the Shamed Ones; these developments troubled the warmaster, but did not shake his faith. Choka's tactician persisted, however, in presenting the leader of the warriors with rumors and possibilities—that the Jedi had overrun Shimrra's inner sanctum and assassinated the Supreme Overlord, or that the silence of Zonama Sekot's weapons did not signify defeat but rather certainty in its victory. As Nas Choka struggled to reach a conclusion, he received confirmation that Shimrra's worldship-citadel had launched from the surface of Yuuzhan'tar, confirming that the Supreme Overlord was still alive. His spirits lifted by Shimrra's apparent survival, Choka ordered his entire command to attack the Ralroost, Galactic Alliance Admiral Traest Kre'fey's flagship. Even as the Ralroost was overwhelmed by the assault, Nas Choka observed Shimrra's massive vessel ascending unsteadily into orbit with growing unease, his anxiety compounded by the Supreme Overlord's failure to communicate with the fleet.

Having maintained his faith in Shimrra's cause for so long, the warmaster was horrified to witness the worldship-citadel suddenly fracturing and venting atmosphere, signaling both its destruction and the death of the Supreme Overlord. The immense vessel detonated at the outer edges of Yuuzhan'tar's orbit, the force of the explosion crippling a significant portion of the Yuuzhan Vong home fleet defending the capital. With Shimrra's death, Nas Choka understood that the war was lost. Without the Supreme Overlord, who served as the conduit for the will of the gods, the Yuuzhan Vong were severed from the divine pantheon—a deeply religious species now without any means to discern the will of their gods. The warmaster felt that the Yuuzhan Vong had been completely forsaken, reduced to the status of Shamed Ones, with no purpose in continuing the fight now that there was no hope of salvation in the Yuuzhan Vong afterlife. Under the watchful gaze of his subordinates, Warmaster Choka addressed his supreme commanders via villip. He informed his subordinates that the Yuuzhan Vong were now a godless species, abandoned by their deities, and that the only remaining options were ritual suicide, surrender, or death in battle. While his command crew chose to end their own lives, many Yuuzhan Vong opted to ram their ships into those of the Galactic Alliance. A defeated Nas Choka stood and watched from the command chamber of Yammka's Mount.

The last warmaster

Over Zonama Sekot, the vessel infected with Alpha Red was thwarted by the living planet's defenses and harmlessly ejected into space. The attempt to poison the living world had failed. The Yuuzhan Vong pilots were brought to the surface of the planet, where their technology was rendered inert—amphistaffs slithered into the undergrowth, and projectile weapons soared harmlessly into the sky. News of these events reached Nas Choka, who regarded the world as anathema to the Yuuzhan Vong. For several days, while the Galactic Alliance worked to manage the aftermath of the war's final battle, Choka engaged in ritual bloodletting. The remnants of the Yuuzhan Vong armada, once Choka recalled the flotillas from Muscave and Zonama Sekot, remained 2,000,000 kilometers from Coruscant, although none of Choka's remaining forces were willing to fight, nor was their warmaster. While Nas Choka refrained from communicating with the Galactic Alliance, the armada's passivity resulted in a four-day standoff with the opposing fleets, until on the fifth morning the supreme commander of the Yuuzhan'tar defense fleet agreed to serve as a liaison. Villip transmissions were established, and it was agreed that Nas Choka and several of his subordinates would be transferred to the Ralroost to negotiate the terms of the Yuuzhan Vong surrender. The warmaster remained in deep turmoil; uncertain of the reasons behind the gods' abandonment of the Yuuzhan Vong, or whether the fault lay with Shimrra or the Yuuzhan Vong as a species. The warmaster and five of his supreme commanders submitted to a personal search before being permitted to board the Galactic Alliance shuttle that transported them to the Ralroost. Choka retained possession of his baton of rank, the ceremonial amphistaff known as a tsaisi, symbolizing his high rank.

The ceremony took place in the docking bay of the Ralroost; upon exiting the shuttle, Choka surveyed the journalists, musicians, Galactic Alliance officials, Yuuzhan Vong interpreters, and defectors who were present to witness or participate in the surrender. Warmaster Choka and his supreme commanders sat facing a semicircle of Galactic Alliance commanders, Jedi, and members of the Advisory Council. Also present were the remaining members of the Elite—Master Shaper Qelah Kwaad and High Priest Jakan. High Prefect Drathul had perished, along with Nom Anor, during the battle. In front of the assembly, Choka presented his tsaisi and declared the unconditional surrender of the Yuuzhan Vong. The warmaster then requested permission to end his own life, but Supreme Commander Sien Sovv denied him this. Confused by Sovv's statement that there would be no executions, Choka assumed that the Yuuzhan Vong would be enslaved. Jakan and Harrar urged the warmaster to listen to the terms of surrender. Nas Choka remained skeptical, aware that the warrior caste he commanded had no place in a peaceful world. The warmaster was then addressed by Luke Skywalker, who announced that the warrior caste would have to renounce its violence and surrender itself to Zonama Sekot. The announcement horrified Choka, who considered it worse than death, advocating for the warriors to be sent back into the Intergalactic Void to die. Harrar attempted to calm the warrior, but Choka maintained his belief that the warrior caste had everything to lose with its confinement on the living world.

As Harrar revealed that Zonama Sekot was the living offspring of the ancestral Yuuzhan'tar, Choka's alarm turned to bitterness. The priest attempted to explain that the god of war, Yun-Yammka, by whom Choka swore, was a fabrication of the Yuuzhan Vong, a deity created when the species had embraced warfare in the distant past. The warmaster, however, believed that Harrar had been deceived, yet resigned himself, and the warrior caste, to a future on Zonama Sekot. Skywalker explained that the living world would transport the Yuuzhan Vong to the Unknown Regions, where they would be safe, and where the Yuuzhan Vong could establish a new society. Before the Sekot Accords were finalized, Choka agreed to cooperate with Kre'fey and Sovv in eliminating all remaining Yuuzhan Vong pockets of resistance throughout the galaxy, and pledged that Yuuzhan Vong shapers would assist in Coruscant's reconstruction. Immediately following the summit on the Ralroost, the Yuuzhan Vong warriors were loaded onto Galactic Alliance vessels. The warships of the Yuuzhan Vong armada were subsequently launched into Coruscant Prime, carrying all of the armaments of the warrior caste. Over the following week, tens of thousands of Yuuzhan Vong were transported down to Zonama Sekot, where they began to repair the damage caused by Zho Krazhmir's attack decades earlier. Meanwhile, Choka issued recall orders to his commanders in systems far from the galactic center, although not all complied, and the Galactic Alliance was often compelled to continue hostilities against these reluctant warriors. Once the transfer of the Yuuzhan Vong was complete, the living world activated its hyperdrive and transported the species to the Unknown Regions. Although the warrior caste clashed with the Extolled, the new designation for the Shamed Ones, over their status in society, Nas Choka's warriors made progress in adapting to a peaceful existence.

Personality and traits

Nas Choka's predecessor, Tsavong Lah, who fought a more personal war.

Nas Choka was fundamentally a realist and pragmatist, qualities that distinguished him from his fanatical predecessor, Tsavong Lah, and established him as a formidable adversary to the leading military strategists of the Galactic Alliance. Choka's belief that the pride of the Yuuzhan Vong warriors was jeopardizing the war effort was both innovative and forward-thinking; as warmaster, Nas Choka recognized that a refusal to retreat or surrender, and a tendency to expend resources on fighting unwinnable battles for the sake of honor, would cost the Yuuzhan Vong their promised galaxy. While the warmaster acknowledged that surrender and retreat were abhorrent to the warriors, he understood that the war could not be won without the Yuuzhan Vong making certain sacrifices. It was this same perspective on the true role of the Yuuzhan Vong warrior that led Choka not to commit suicide in the final battle of the war, but to surrender and negotiate. Choka's realistic approach to warfare was also evident in his interactions with his subordinates—when, during the Battle of Dac, his flagship's supreme commander began to revel in the imminent defeat of the enemy, the irritated warmaster had him removed from the command chamber. Similarly, Choka was taken aback when Centerpoint Station annihilated both his forces and those of the recently arrived Hapans, viewing such a sacrifice as a brutal and costly tactic.

Nas Choka demonstrated his courage by openly challenging Shimrra's strategies regarding the attack on Dac during a session of the Yuuzhan Vong Great Council, although he refrained from expressing his dissent with his superior's subsequent decisions within Shimrra's citadel, as such remarks could have resulted in his execution. Indeed, Choka was often compelled to engage in court politics following his escalation, and was perceived by some as shamelessly attempting to gain favor with the Supreme Overlord in his efforts to eradicate the heresy. The officer also frequently expressed disgust at the incompetence of his subordinates, such as that of Chine-kal, or the ambitions of others—Nom Anor and the intendant caste being the primary examples of this trait in Choka's view. Choka also held the act of defection in contempt. The warmaster envisioned a galaxy free from vendettas and warfare, and saw it as his duty to defeat the Galactic Alliance while minimizing Yuuzhan Vong casualties. During the Sekot Accords, Choka asserted that the Yuuzhan Vong warriors had only ever adhered to the practices of their caste.

Choka also displayed unwavering loyalty to the Supreme Overlord who had guided the Yuuzhan Vong warriors from internal conflict to a promised galaxy. When Shimrra ordered the warmaster to attack Dac, Choka obeyed the order and encouraged his subordinates to place their trust in the Supreme Overlord and the gods with whom he communicated. Nas Choka's complete faith in Supreme Overlord Shimrra, however, was misplaced. At the time of the Jamaane coup, Shimrra misled his followers by dismissing the rumors of Zonama Sekot as false, knowingly leading his species into a galaxy where the living world existed. Over fifty years later, Shimrra once again deceived Choka into believing that Zonama Sekot's arrival in the Coruscant system was part of a divine plan to test the Yuuzhan Vong. This belief led Choka to direct the majority of his forces against Zonama Sekot, confident that once the living world was destroyed, the future of his species and the safety of Yuuzhan'tar and the Supreme Overlord would be assured. When this trust was betrayed, Choka's faith crumbled and he lost all desire to fight, surrendering the fate of his people to the Galactic Alliance at the Sekot Accords.

Many of the warrior's strategies throughout the war were later regretted by Choka, as unforeseen events forced him to revise his plans. Tsavong Lah's strategies, while crucial in conquering half the galaxy for the Yuuzhan Vong, left the fleets overextended, compelling Choka to adopt a new approach to the war. B'shith Vorrik's failure to crush the Imperial Remnant, and his death at Esfandia, proved costly for Choka's fleets, as did the actions of the Galactic Alliance commander, Wedge Antilles, at Bilbringi. When the warmaster directly confronted the Galactic Alliance military, he was able to deceive his opponents, as demonstrated at Fondor, Caluula, Toong'l, and Muscave. Choka's extensive campaign in Hutt Space secured the entire territory for the Yuuzhan Vong, and his perseverance and dedication resulted in his promotion to the rank of warmaster; a position that the unassuming warrior believed he did not deserve. Despite his skills in warfare, deception, and strategy, Choka ultimately failed to grasp the true nature of his adversaries. Viewing the Jedi Order as a race of warriors comparable to those he commanded, the warmaster also anticipated mass execution or enslavement for the Yuuzhan Vong following the surrender, and was surprised by the leniency shown to his species.

Behind the scenes

Introduced through a communications device at the conclusion of James Luceno's The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial, Choka was established as a high-ranking Yuuzhan Vong military officer. The supreme commander appeared in the second installment of the Agents of Chaos duology, and although the narrative is never presented from his perspective, he serves as one of the main Yuuzhan Vong characters. The Battle of Fondor sets the stage for Choka's campaign against the Hutts, an event frequently referenced in other books within the long-running New Jedi Order series.

Following The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way, which featured the death of longtime Yuuzhan Vong antagonist Tsavong Lah, Choka returned to prominence in the New Jedi Order, as the military leader of his species in The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy and the series' concluding novel, The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force. In The Unifying Force, again written by Luceno, Choka was the focus of several scenes narrated from his point of view. In The New Essential Chronology, Nas Choka was identified as a supreme commander during the Second Battle of Coruscant, despite holding the rank of warmaster. As The New Essential Chronology is an in-universe document penned by historian Voren Na'al, this can be regarded as a factual error both within and outside of the Star Wars universe. Similarly, The New Essential Chronology also places Choka in command of the forces that conquered Obroa-skai and other planets in the lead-up to Tynna and Fondor, although Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial identifies Commander Tla as the commanding warrior. Nas Choka later received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008. This reference work incorrectly stated that Nas Choka ascended to the rank of supreme commander in 27 BBY, the year of Shimrra's coup. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia also erred in stating that Choka became Supreme Overlord following Shimrra's death during the Second Battle of Coruscant. This directly contradicts the narrative of The Unifying Force.

In The Unifying Force, Nas Choka's flagship is named Yammka's Mount, which Jaina Solo notes as being a newly constructed vessel in appearance. In Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse, and The Final Prophecy, Nas Choka's flagship is identified as Yammka, a much older vessel. However, in The Unifying Force, Yammka's Mount is occasionally referred to as Yammka. This article assumes that Nas Choka was provided with Yammka's Mount, a new flagship, during the events of The Unifying Force, and that it was referred to as Yammka as a shortened version of its full name. Therefore, aside from their names, the two vessels are not related.

