
Ash'ett belonged to the Intendant caste within the ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong. Following the Yuuzhan Vong's successful takeover of Coruscant and its subsequent Vongforming into the world known as Yuuzhan'tar, Ash'ett received the designation of Prefect for the region of Vishtu. Nom Anor, a long-standing adversary of Ash'ett, considered him to be avaricious, egotistical, and worldly—characteristics that Nom Anor himself also possessed. After Nom Anor assumed the identity of Yu'shaa, he instructed Ngaaluh to position Shamed Ones who were disseminating the Jeedai heresy within Ash'ett's residence. Upon discovering that Ash'ett harbored heretics within his household, Supreme Overlord Shimrra commanded that Ash'ett, along with each member of his close family, be offered as a sacrifice and cast into the yargh'un pit.

