Nom Anor

Nom Anor, a male Yuuzhan Vong of considerable ambition originating from the Intendant caste's Domain Anor, played a pivotal role in shaping the Yuuzhan Vong War. This conflict pitted his species against the inhabitants of the galaxy that the Yuuzhan Vong sought to conquer. Born before 6 ABY, he was deployed as a clandestine agent and saboteur to a galaxy beyond the Yuuzhan Vong's own, tasked with paving the way for their impending invasion. Operating from the galactic edge, where the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong had established a foothold in the Unknown Regions, Anor worked covertly, proactively scouting the future battlefield, gathering intelligence, and destabilizing the galaxy by instigating conflicts to ease the Yuuzhan Vong's eventual war effort. He manipulated the Imperial Ruling Council, contributing to its ultimate demise, and orchestrated numerous points of contention throughout his years of operation within the galaxy.

By 25 ABY, Anor, now holding the rank of Executor, aligned himself with the Intendant caste's Praetorite Vong, supporting their role as the initial invasion force. Despite Anor's efforts, they would fail against the New Republic's forces. Simultaneously, his destabilization efforts culminated in the outbreak of a full-scale war between the planets of Osarian and Rhommamool. Anor also played a key role in founding the Peace Brigade, an organization that would later assist the Yuuzhan Vong in their conquest. Later, shifting his allegiance to support the warrior caste as they assumed control of the invasion, the Executor helped orchestrate an assassination attempt targeting members of the New Jedi Order, collaborating with other Yuuzhan Vong. However, their scheme fell apart in the Bilbringi system. Later that same year, Anor successfully established relations between the Hutt species and the Yuuzhan Vong, playing a crucial role in leveraging the duplicitous Hutts to mislead the New Republic into anticipating a Yuuzhan Vong attack on Corellia, instead of the true target: the shipyards in the Fondor system. Anor participated in the attack that caught the New Republic by surprise. However, the triumph of orchestrating such a significant victory for his people was overshadowed when a blast from the Centerpoint Station superweapon destroyed a substantial portion of both fleets.

Following the debacle at Fondor, Anor was instrumental in facilitating the Yuuzhan Vong's successful invasion of the heavily polluted world of Duro. However, his subsequent attempts to sabotage the defensive systems in the Yag'Dhul system in preparation for an attack were thwarted by Jedi intervention. In 27 ABY, the Executor, along with Vergere, was dispatched to prevent a Jedi strike team from eliminating the queen of the Jedi-hunting voxyn on the world of Myrkr, and to capture the Solo twins. He achieved only partial success, capturing only Jacen Solo, while the queen was slain. Anor's standing with his superiors was further diminished when he inadvertently allowed Solo to escape Yuuzhan Vong custody with Vergere.

In an attempt to secure a decisive victory for his people, Anor was deceived into pursuing a trail of misinformation planted by New Republic operatives, leading Warmaster Tsavong Lah into a significant defeat in the Treskov system, where the Warmaster perished against the opposing forces. Anor fled the Yuuzhan Vong empire to the underworld of Coruscant, now occupied by the Yuuzhan Vong and renamed Yuuzhan'tar, aligning himself with the Shamed Ones, who adhered to the Jeedai heresy, in order to evade punishment for his failure. The disgraced agent eventually assumed leadership of the heretics as the prophet Yu'shaa, seeking to regain power. Upon discovering evidence of the existence of the legendary living world of Zonama Sekot, Anor briefly allied with Jedi Knights and rogue Yuuzhan Vong to locate the planet, ultimately betraying them and the world in order to regain favor with Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane. Despite being promoted to prefect, Anor soon became disillusioned with Jamaane's leadership and once again embraced the role of the Prophet, leading the heretics against the Supreme Overlord as the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance sought to retake Coruscant. Ultimately, Anor was captured by the Jedi, while the Yuuzhan Vong surrendered following Jamaane's death. Realizing that his future held only uncertainty, Anor chose to remain on a collapsing starship as it disintegrated over the reclaimed Coruscant.


The rise of Nom Anor, and initial scouting

Born into the intendant caste's Domain Anor before 6 ABY, Nom Anor, a male Yuuzhan Vong, was destined for a life in politics. Rapidly ascending through the caste's ranks, he attained the position of Executor, becoming the first advance scout for the intendant caste's Praetorite Vong. At that time, the Yuuzhan Vong were preparing to invade a galaxy not their own to establish a new home. On that same day, Anor demonstrated his devotion by gouging out his left eye with a burning stick, replacing it with a plaeryin bol, a small organism capable of spitting poison at Anor's command.

In 6 ABY, Nom Anor was dispatched to scout the galaxy and destabilize governments that posed a threat to the swift invasion. During one of his initial reconnaissance missions, Anor visited Coruscant, the cityscape world and capital of the New Republic, observing the market area known as the Calocour Heights. In 11 ABY, seeking a potential alliance with the Sith, Anor met with Carnor Jax, an aspiring Galactic Emperor, who informed his master, Lumiya, about the agent. However, Jax was slain by Kir Kanos, a former Emperor's Royal Guard, before any alliance could be formed.

Anor then focused on the Imperial Ruling Council, which led the remnants of the Galactic Empire that year. He contacted Xandel Carivus, a council member, instructing him to follow a plan that would grant Carivus power within the Council. On Ord Cantrell, Anor assassinated the Council's Head, Burr Nolyds, by planting an explosive device in Nolyd's chambers, designed to implicate Kanos. As planned, Carivus succeeded Nolyds and Anor briefly met with Carivus, urging him to continue following the Yuuzhan Vong's instructions.

Nom Anor speaks with Xandel Carivus.

However, Feena D'Asta questioned Carivus's power, infuriating Carivus when he next met Anor. Anor refused to reveal his plans, only informing Carivus of another upcoming assassination. Anor kept his word, and General Immodet was later found dead. Carivus used this as an excuse to bring in his personal guards. However, as Immodet was a supporter of Carivus, Carivus was confused when he met Anor again, who once again did not reveal any more of his plans to the Imperial. Over the next while, Carivus took matters into his own plans, ignoring Anor's plans, as he cemented his leadership of the Imperial Ruling Council with might. Anor confronted the man once about his lack of obedience, but did not interfere as Carivus made enemies with the D'Asta family and drew the attention of Kanos himself.

Before Kanos killed Carivus during an attack on Ord Cantrell by Ex-Imperial Baron Ragez D'Asta's forces, Anor informed Carivus that his and his leaders' plans no longer included the Imperial. By manipulating Carivus, the agent helped prevent the Galactic Empire from ever regaining power. Anor also had dealings of an unknown nature with Grappa the Hutt, and several other shadowy groups and organizations in order to further his goals.

By around 14 ABY, Anor was stirring up unrest on the planet of Rhommamool, in the Osarian system, with the help of a group of agitators known as the Red Knights of Life. Although representatives from Rhommamool pleaded with the New Republic for help, they were turned down, as in their eyes Anor had committed no crimes. Anor later paid a group of individuals to raid a Class-3 toxic weapons dump on the world of Nyara and obtain a chunk of zinethium material, which had explosive capabilities. While on the planet Adumar stirring up anti–New Republic sentiments, Anor met up with an individual who gave him the zinethium. That zinethium found its way into the hands of the Restored Empire, an organization plotting the destruction of the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant, the successor state to the Galactic Empire. They used it in an attempt to blow up the Imperial Palace on the New Republic controlled capital of Coruscant. However, due to the intervention of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the plan failed. Anor also destabilized the Imperial Moffs, to make the invasion easier.


As years passed, Anor continued to destabilize the New Republic, frequently inciting resentment against the Jedi Knights. He met Mara Jade Skywalker, who later described the disguised Yuuzhan Vong as one of the strangest beings she had ever encountered. Anor also seeded several worlds with illnesses carried by spores he created, and, thirteen years after Carivus' death, Nom Anor placed coomb spores, poisonous airborne microorganisms, in the breath masks of one hundred New Republic diplomats on Monor II, including Jade Skywalker, at the event that marked the ascension of the Priest-Prince Agapos the Tenth to the throne. All became infected and many died within days to weeks, depending on their species. Eventually, all except Mara Jade Skywalker died from the spores, though she was able to hold the disease back using the Force.

During his time in the galaxy, Anor learned to play dejarik, frequently playing the holographic version, despite disliking the game. Despite years of intelligence gathering, he never learned that the birth of twins among Humans was common, or that some capital ships were used for orbital bombardments against ground troops.

In preparation for the Yuuzhan Vong assault, Anor initiated a destabilization program, inciting old conflicts into wars to distract their enemies. He also recruited agents from the galaxy's native populations. As a member of the Praetorite Vong, Anor conspired to ensure they led the initial attack, instead of the warrior caste. He also helped them obtain a faulty war-coordinating telepathic yammosk, exchanging favors to save it from being put down.

Nom Anor in the shadows

Alerted by Vergere, a Yuuzhan Vong ally, that the Mandalorians were strong warriors who had fought the Jedi, Anor sought to buy their services in 24 ABY. Disguised as Udelen, he traveled to Nar Shaddaa in the fifth month of that year, searching for Mandalorian assistance in the Bar Jaraniz tapcafe. There, Anor met Goran Beviin, hiring him to assassinate Tholote B'Leph, a politician from Ter Abbes, for a hundred thousand credits, a few days before an election. Beviin agreed, receiving half the payment upfront.

Beviin succeeded, eliminating B'leph and causing a civil war, as Anor had planned. The Mandalorians proved so efficient that Anor used them repeatedly over the following year, conferring with their leader Boba Fett, while withholding his grand plans. Around two weeks before the scheduled arrival of the Praetorite Vong, Anor traveled to Keldabe on Mandalore to meet Fett personally, informing him of the coming war and requesting that he take a few warriors to a rendezvous point in two weeks.

In 25 ABY, two days before the scheduled arrival of the vanguard, Anor rendezvoused in space with the Mandalorians, accompanied by a sizable fleet of Yuuzhan Vong battleships, ensuring that the Mandalorians were the first to witness the arrival of their new masters. Greeting the few assembled Mandalorian ships via comlink, Anor revealed his true name to them, and the purpose of the fleet; invasion. Anor also invited Fett to come dock with the miid ro'ik battleship Anor was aboard to learn more. After Fett, alongside Beviin, docked aboard the living ship, Anor proceeded to give them a grand tour of both the ship and the living technologies within. Wearing no disguising masquer, Anor led them deep into the heart of the miid ro'ik, pointing out to the pair amphistaffs and Vonduun crab armor, and explaining to Fett that the role that the Mandalorians would play would be related to intelligence gathering and covert operations.

Informing the Mandalorians that the Yuuzhan Vong intended to cleanse the galaxy of machines, which they viewed as abominations, Anor showed the pair a prisoner from Ter Abbes that had been fitted with a Yorik-Kul slave implant. This led Fett and Beviin to suspect that they might become slaves too, though Anor informed them that was not necessarily the fate of the Mandalorian race. With Fett acknowledging the threat of the Yuuzhan Vong race to the Mandalorians, he tried to get Anor to leave the Mandalore sector alone if the Mandalorians continued to aid them. While Anor and the two watched a Yuuzhan Vong remove the implant, killing the prisoner in the process in order to use it on a new Twi'lek prisoner, the Executor considered the offer, and eventually agreed to Fett's terms. Anor then tasked Fett with assembling a team to secure a landing zone for a Yuuzhan Vong assault on the world of Birgis in five days time, and handed the bounty hunter a datachip filled with the necessary information before the pair departed in the miid ro'ik. For the Mandalorian attack on Birgis, Fett refused to use villips, and insisted upon using his own communications devices, which Anor allowed.

The invasion begins


Mara Jade Skywalker, whom Nom Anor infected with coomb spores

With the invasion's arrival drawing close, Anor persisted in agitating the situation on Rhommamool, and its planetary neighbor Osarian. Through his influence over the Red Knights, his devoted followers, and his manipulative speech, he transformed a minor dispute over mining rights into a perceived battle against Osarian oppression for the Rhommamoolian people. Anor always had advisers nearby, but those who questioned his capabilities were swiftly eliminated. Anor's actions in inflaming tensions led the New Republic to dispatch the Mon Calamari capital ship Mediator to the Osarian system by 25 ABY. Their goal was to de-escalate the rising tensions between the two planets and prevent a full-scale war. During this period, the planets were approaching their closest orbital alignment in many years, creating the potential for both sides to launch rockets at each other.

By this time, Anor's Red Knights of Life were regularly cleansing Rhommamoolian cities, including Redhaven, of all mechanical devices, such as landspeeders and droids. Redhaven's public square was renamed the Square of Hopeful Redemption, where a large pit was filled with droids captured by the Red Knights. In 25 ABY, Anor, concealing his true appearance with an ooglith masquer, attended a massive gathering at the Square of Hopeful Redemption. Standing on a platform above the crowd, he commanded the ten thousand assembled Rhommamoolians to stone the droids in the pit throughout the afternoon. Shortly after this event, Anor received a communication via villip from Yomin Carr, a Yuuzhan Vong agent disguised as a member of the service team at the ExGal-4 outpost on Belkadan. Carr informed the Yuuzhan Vong that the Praetorite Vong had entered the galaxy, leading the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

Later that evening, Anor's latest aide, Shok Tinoktin, informed the Executor that the custom shuttle Jade Sabre had entered Rhommamool's orbit. On board were Jedi Knight Jade Skywalker, former politician Leia Organa Solo and her daughter Jaina, Organa Solo's Noghri bodyguard Bolpuhr, and the protocol droid C-3PO. The Jade Sabre's presence in the Osarian system was for a meeting with Anor, arranged by the Executor and New Republic Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya to seek a mutually beneficial agreement for both planets. Before sending Tinoktin to escort the group from the Jade Sabre, Anor ensured his aide carried a shlecho newt and instructed him to bring the lizard near the Jade Sabre's mouth during the meeting. The newt would then determine if the Jedi, one of the few remaining individuals infected with comb spores, was still affected by the disease.

Instead of meeting in his private quarters, Anor intercepted the group in a hallway leading to them. There, he lectured them on the shortcomings of the New Republic and the New Jedi Order, refusing to discuss the Rhommamoolian-Osarian issue in a more comfortable setting. Anor's sole suggestion for preventing war was for the Mediator to destroy Osarian's weapons systems. Organa Solo and Jade Skywalker quickly dismissed this option, and they left, disgusted by Anor's unwillingness to act constructively. After the brief meeting, Tamaktis Breetha, Redhaven's former mayor, questioned Anor's rejection of New Republic assistance in preventing war. Anor reassured him that the Rhommamoolians were fighting for a cause greater than their homeworld's freedom. In reality, the Executor was indifferent to the fate of both worlds, aiming only to destabilize the New Republic by creating another conflict. Tinoktin reported that the newt had confirmed Jade Skywalker was still suffering from the comb spores.

To instigate war, Anor secretly orchestrated the murders of several high-ranking Rhommamoolian officials, eliminating Breetha's support for opposing the extra-planetary missile strike the Executor had planned for weeks. After contacting Commander Ackdool of the Mediator and arranging a meeting aboard the vessel between the commander, Anor, and an Osarian diplomatic delegation to ease tensions, the missiles were launched at Osarian. Fired from locations where liftoff detection was difficult, the rockets deactivated their fuel upon reaching Rhommamool's atmosphere and drifted, undetected by the Mediator, to the edge of Osarian's atmosphere. There, they reactivated their fuel and sped toward Osa-Prime, the planet's capital city.

Some of the missiles fired between Rhommamool and Osarian were nuclear in nature.

Three hours after the launch, as the missiles entered Osarian's atmosphere, Ackdool contacted Anor, enraged by the attack. Before ending the conversation, the disguised Executor claimed responsibility, citing the deaths of the Rhommamoolian officials as justification, despite Anor being the one who secretly ordered their deaths. The missile strike authorized by Anor triggered war, with both sides launching missiles—some nuclear—at each other, while starfighters from the Mediator tried to intercept as many as possible.

Given the escalating conflict, Ackdool was eager to meet with Anor to find a peaceful resolution. Consequently, the Executor and his aide departed Rhommamool on a two-stage rocket. Before the rocket broke orbit, Anor ensured his decoy, a decapitated body with one of his villips attached to the neck, was ready. He then entered the second-stage booster, which contained a concealed A-wing starfighter with an enlarged cockpit, where Anor and Tinoktin positioned themselves. As the rocket left Rhommamool's orbit, the second-stage booster detached, carrying the Yuuzhan Vong and his aide. Tinoktin remotely opened the comm channel on the capsule heading for the Mediator, and Anor greeted Ackdool, using the twin of the villip placed on the body. This villip used its abilities to mimic Anor's face, making it appear as if Ackdool was speaking to the Rhommamoolian leader, not a villip on a decapitated corpse.

However, Osarian Z-95 Headhunters attempted to intercept the capsule, indicating the Osarians' unwillingness to negotiate with Anor. To prevent the Headhunters from destroying the capsule, Ackdool was forced to deploy his own starfighters, which successfully drove off the attackers. One of the proton torpedoes fired at the capsule detonated nearby, due to intervening X-wing starfighter fire. The explosion sent the capsule into an uncontrolled spin, causing Anor to panic in order to maintain his deception. Though the booster and the A-wing within it began to bounce across Rhommamool's atmosphere, Tinoktin maintained a line of sight to the Mediator, allowing Anor to witness the capsule entering the war cruiser's docking bay after the Mediator guided it in with a tractor beam.

There, nuclear fission explosives packed inside the capsule detonated, causing a massive explosion that destroyed a large section of the Mediator, temporarily tilting the cruiser's rear by ninety degrees. As Anor was presumed to be on the capsule when it detonated, the Executor successfully faked his death as a martyr above Rhommamool. After the booster drifted far enough away, the A-wing carrying Anor and his aide detached itself and sped away unnoticed. From the Osarian system, Anor traveled at lightspeed to his next destination, where he could stir up more trouble and divert the New Republic's attention from the Praetorite Vong threat in the Outer Rim.

Advising Da'Gara

Nom Anor advised Da'Gara until the Prefect was killed.

While Tinoktin slept, Anor used one of his villips to contact Prefect Da'Gara, the leader of the Praetorite Vong, from the A-wing. The Prefect informed Anor that Carr had successfully terraformed Belkadan for their purposes and was ready to use ExGal-4's visual scopes to the Yuuzhan Vong's advantage. Da'Gara and Anor agreed that the greatest threat to the Praetorite Vong's discovery, who were stationed at a base on the Outer Rim ice planet of Helska IV, was Sernpidal and its inhabitants. Therefore, they decided to employ a tactic known as Yo'gand's Core—using a gravity manipulating dovin basal to crash a planet's moon into itself—to eliminate the threat.

Da'Gara later communicated with the Executor again via villip, informing Anor that their forces had encountered a starfighter squadron allied with the New Republic. Although they had destroyed most of the fighters and captured the Jedi Miko Reglia, two enemy fighters had escaped the system via hyperspace. Despite Da'Gara's insistence that neither pilot survived, as ravenous grutchin creatures had latched onto both craft, Anor remained skeptical. He worried that the Praetorite Vong might be discovered prematurely, as either pilot could potentially survive to tell the tale, and there was a chance the grutchins could be sighted. Before advising Da'Gara to fortify his position and prepare for unexpected New Republic activity, the Executor agreed that Reglia should be broken through mental torture.

After the Praetorite Vong's position was sufficiently secured, Da'Gara contacted Anor again. The Prefect explained that they were launching their preliminary assault, with the yammosk-controlled troops dispatching four battle groups to Sernpidal. There, the groups would engage refugees fleeing the destruction of their homeworld after a dovin basal caused the moon Dobido to crash into the planet. However, the Praetorite Vong force was later defeated at Helska IV after the invaders fully engaged the galaxy's inhabitants and revealed themselves. Anor learned of the Praetorite Vong's downfall through rumors and his inability to contact Da'Gara or Carr, who had both died. Despite this setback, the Executor continued to incite conflict near the Core Worlds to divert attention from the Outer Rim, where more Yuuzhan Vong forces would soon appear.

After the Praetorite Vong

Anor continued to manipulate the Mandalorians to facilitate the invasion, with the warriors participating in battles such as one on New Holgha, while keeping their pact with the Yuuzhan Vong secret. Following the Praetorite Vong's failure, a warrior faction under Commander Shedao Shai struck the Outer Rim. Attacking locations where the Praetorite Vong had failed to redeem their race's honor, Shai led the warriors on an invasion path along the border between the Imperial Remnant and New Republic space. Anor had previously advised this path, believing that the strained relations between the two factions would prevent them from cooperating. Anor was slightly mistaken, as an Imperial and New Republic joint-effort at Ithor resulted in Shai's death, though the Imperial Remnant would retreat into isolation afterward. During these early stages of the war, Anor formed the Peace Brigade, a pro–Yuuzhan Vong group advocating for peace with the invaders by surrendering Jedi Knights.

The bo'tous plan

Seeking to redeem himself in the eyes of his superiors, Anor became involved in a plot conceived by deception sect priest Harrar. In the Obroa-skai system, after the Yuuzhan Vong seized the library world of Obroa-skai, Anor was present on Harrar's priestship. There, Harrar and Anor briefed Priestess Elan, accompanied by her familiar Vergere, on the plan to fatally infect as many Jedi as possible to undermine the New Republic's morale. Shortly afterward, twenty living captives from Obroa-skai were brought into the command room and placed inside an inhibition field to prevent escape. While Anor and the others observed from the command platform, an assassin demonstrated the capabilities of the bo'tous spore, which would be used against the Jedi.

The assassin entered the inhibition field and emptied his lungs. The bo'tous insects within the breath rapidly multiplied in the abundant oxygen, carrying the deadly spores of the bo'tous disease, and killed all the captives in the containment field. The assassin also perished after inhaling contaminated air. Using a bo'tous bug as a visual aid, Anor informed Elan that the toxin's effects were brief and that the deliverer had to be close to the targets. Harrar added that a skilled host could hold up to four batches of the disease in their lungs and deploy them all, provided they didn't succumb to the spores.

Nom Anor conducted a brief raid on Wayland as part of his and Harrar's plot.

The plan involved Elan being captured by the New Republic and seeking political asylum. After gaining their trust by providing strategic information, Elan would approach the Jedi, claiming knowledge of the coomb spores that had infected Jade Skywalker. During a meeting with a group of Jedi, she would use the bo'tous spores to kill them. At the briefing's end, Elan took the bo'tous specimen, clenching it in her palm to allow it to migrate to her lungs and begin developing. After Elan and Vergere left, Anor briefly discussed the plan and Elan's likely fatal role with the priest. As part of the plot, Elan and Vergere were allowed to fall into enemy hands at Exodo II after the New Republic light cruiser Soothfast destroyed the Yuuzhan Vong vessel Elan was held on. The priestess and her pet were then placed in protective custody after Elan claimed to be a defector.

Following Elan's capture, Commander Tla confronted Harrar and Anor, angered that a Yuuzhan Vong ship had to be destroyed for the plot's initial stage. The pair argued that it was necessary to make Elan's capture believable and revealed that, through a concealed villip Elan had kept, they knew her location: Wayland. To create the impression that the Yuuzhan Vong didn't want Elan to provide valuable information to the enemy, Anor led a small raid on Wayland, specifically targeting Elan's position. After a single assassin attacked the safe house where Elan was held, Anor sent half a dozen coralskippers to strafe New Nystao, the city containing the safe house. Positioned in a gunship on the edge of the Wayland system, Anor instructed his fighters to only try hard enough to convince the New Republic that the invaders wanted the priestess dead. Anor's mission succeeded in this aspect, prompting the New Republic to increase efforts to protect Elan.

Around this time, Anor, disguised as an intercessor, held several meetings with the Hutt Borga, representing Hutt interests in Hutt Space. In his role as intercessor between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Hutts, Anor learned that the species was more interested in reaching an agreement with the invaders than fighting them. Through negotiations with Borga, the Executor secured one of the Hutt's worlds for the Yuuzhan Vong's use. After the Wayland raid, Anor was again on Harrar's ship over Obroa-skai. There, along with Harrar, Tla, and tactician Raff, Anor met Commander Malik Carr, who had recently arrived in the Wayland system with a contingent of battleships.

As the others reported on the campaign against the New Republic, Anor informed Carr about the Hutts, suggesting a detour into Hutt Space. Anor also mentioned tasking agents with spreading disinformation before the Yuuzhan Vong's arrival. During the meeting, a herald approached with a villip, and Anor used one of his dedicated villips to receive a message from an underling. The agent informed the Executor, to his disbelief, that the Peace Brigade had taken it upon themselves to free Elan and return her to their allies. They had discovered Elan's location, something Anor had struggled to do, and were attacking the passenger liner Queen of Empire, headed for the Bilbringi system and carrying the priestess. Anor's underling also reported that the Peace Brigade elements involved in the attack possessed a dovin basal.

Anxious to prevent the Peace Brigade from interfering, Anor commandeered Carr's fastest frigate, the Supreme Commander's personal ship, to stop them. Arriving where the Queen of Empire had been pulled from hyperspace by the Peace Brigade's dovin basal, Anor witnessed the group boarding the liner with a corvette. From Carr's personal ship, the Executor monitored the corvette and the three Martial-class shuttles launched from the ship before docking on the Queen of Empire. Anor neutralized the Peace Brigade's dovin basal and used his own to prevent the corvette from undocking, preventing the Peace Brigadiers from escaping with Elan and giving the New Republic time to recapture her.

While at Bilbringi, the Executor maintained contact with Harrar and Carr, informing them of the situation. The New Republic Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser Thurse arrived, attempting to rescue the liner and drive off the Yuuzhan Vong. Anor saw an opportunity to make it appear as if the Yuuzhan Vong had unsuccessfully tried to retrieve Elan and to get the Peace Brigade caught, returning the priestess to the New Republic's custody. On Carr's orders, the Executor launched his dovin basal remotely, detaching it from the ship to complete its objectives, and had the frigate's coralskippers engage the enemy, staging a withdrawal from the Queen of Empire's position to disguise it as a defeat.

During the action in the Bilbringi system, Nom Anor lost Elan and her aid Vergere.

The Peace Brigade corvette radioed the Yuuzhan Vong repeatedly, requesting assistance, but Anor and his crew ignored these calls. Remaining in contact with Harrar and the others, Anor ordered his frigate to execute a microjump whenever enemy starfighters approached, creating distance from their attacks. Harrar, however, considered Anor's actions to be acts of cowardice. During the ongoing battle surrounding the Queen of Empire, the crew of the modified New Republic freighter, the Millennium Falcon, decided to target and destroy the remote, allowing the Peace Brigade shuttles to detach from the liner. Following Anor's instructions, the coral skipper pilots feigned disarray after the dovin basal's destruction, leading the New Republic to believe they had eliminated a yammosk coordinator.

Now able to depart the liner, the three Peace Brigade shuttles sped away, two heading towards one of the planetoids in the Bilbringi system, and the third making its way to Anor's frigate. Knowing that the Peace Brigade had successfully captured Elan and were transporting her to the Yuuzhan Vong on that shuttle, Harrar commanded Anor to intercept it. The frigate used an onboard dovin basal to stop the shuttle, and the Millennium Falcon quickly connected with the disabled shuttle, attempting to rescue Elan. Meanwhile, the Peace Brigade corvette had disengaged from the Queen of Empire and was attempting to escape. Anor allowed the freighter a short time to dock with the shuttle, giving them an opportunity to retrieve Elan, before pursuing them to convince the New Republic that the Yuuzhan Vong wanted the priestess back.

Anor initiated a microjump, positioning his frigate almost directly above the Millennium Falcon, and then launched missiles at the freighter, though most were intentionally aimed to miss. However, the Falcon's crew soon realized that the Yuuzhan Vong wanted them to keep Elan, and, assuming they wouldn't destroy a freighter carrying her, flew directly towards Anor's frigate. As if intending to return Elan to her people, the Millennium Falcon reversed course just before reaching Anor's frigate and launched a single escape pod. The Executor could not obtain the pod, however, because the Thurse fired all its weapons at the other vessel after the freighter had cleared the space between them. Taking damage to his frigate, Anor was forced to retreat from the system, uncertain of what had occurred on the freighter and whether Elan and Vergere were still alive.

Back on Obroa-skai in Harrar's priest ship, Anor joined the priest, Tla, Raff, and Carr in reporting their failed plan to high priest Jakan, Supreme Commander Nas Choka, and Prefect Drathul via villip. The group on the priestship explained that they were unsure if Elan and Vergere were dead, but suspected the pod launched from the freighter might contain one or both of their operatives, in case the Millennium Falcon's crew was trying to return the priest and her pet to the Yuuzhan Vong. Anor and the others had to answer for the mission's failure and the resources spent. After learning that the next phase of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion would target Hutt Space, punishments were assigned, and new orders were given.

Harrar and Tla were ordered back to the Outer Rim, while Carr was assigned to lead the invasion of Hutt territories. However, Drathul wished to speak with Anor privately, so everyone else left the command center before the Prefect decided Anor's fate. When Drathul asked for a true account of what happened, Anor blamed Harrar and Elan's inability to adapt for the outcome. Although Drathul warned him that Anor was in danger of angering Warmaster Tsavong Lah, the Prefect did not punish him. Before the conversation ended, Anor informed Drathul that a New Republic individual had contacted them through the Executor's agents on Coruscant, and could be a potential ally.

Involved with the Hutts

Anor worked on the Yuuzhan Vong's advance into Hutt space, accompanying Carr to Nal Hutta to meet Borga. Disguised as the Human intercessor Pedric Cuf using an ooglith masquer, Anor and the Commander waited a long time in Borga's palace's waiting room before being granted an audience with the Hutt. The wait, though customary, irritated both Yuuzhan Vong, especially Carr. Eventually, the Rodian majordomo Leenik informed them they could see Borga, and Anor and the Commander entered Borga's court with ten honor guards and ten attendants. The Executor, as Cuf, had the attendants bring forth tribute boxes for the Hutt. Anor opened one himself, and the dovin basal inside disrupted the antigravity couch Borga was lounging on, causing the Hutt and the couch to fall to the ground. Anor apologized for the accident, claiming the dovin basal was a gift, but he had successfully avenged their long wait.

After presenting more gifts, the group began negotiations. They agreed that the Yuuzhan Vong could use certain worlds for resource gathering, while the invaders would avoid important Hutt worlds like Rodia, Ryloth, and Tatooine. The specific details would be settled when Borga met Choka later. The Hutts would also help transport the Yuuzhan Vong's slaves in exchange for non-interference in their spice trafficking. As Anor predicted, Borga requested information on activities affecting spice trade on any worlds, allowing the Hutts to secretly sell information on impending attacks to the New Republic for a price. Knowing the Hutts' reputation for double-dealing, Anor accepted the offer, planning to use them to spread false data to the New Republic.

Nom Anor dealt with the Hutts through his disguise as Pedric Cuf.

Anor later attended a celebratory parade on the Yuuzhan Vong warship Yammka to welcome Choka aboard. He waited with Carr, his chief subalterns, and a group of priests on a dais opposite the landing bay where Choka arrived. After Choka reached the dais, he promoted four subalterns—Doshao, Sata'ak, Harmae, and [Tugorn](/article/tugorn]—for their contributions to the invasion. Following the ceremony, Choka summoned Anor before discussing the invasion. The Supreme Commander surprised the Executor by considering his demotion, citing Anor's alliance with the Praetorite Vong and his failure in the bo'tous plot, which likely led to Elan's death. Anor defended himself with excuses and informed his superior of his and Carr's plan to cripple the New Republic using the Hutts. Before hearing the details, Choka questioned the extent of Anor's ambition.

As Pedric Cuf, Anor taught Borga basic Yuuzhan Vong language while serving as the intercessor between the Hutts and his people. The Executor also accompanied Choka and Carr to the Supreme Commander's first meeting with the Hutt. Still disguised, Anor observed Choka rejecting the Hutt's offer to help transport slaves and asserting Yuuzhan Vong control. Anor also witnessed the standoff between the guards after Choka insulted Borga for speaking out of line, though the Hutt backed down before a fight.

The Executor used his plan, in which the Hutts passed on combat information from the Yuuzhan Vong to the New Republic, to mislead the other government. By instructing the Hutts to halt spice movements in the Tynnani system to avoid combat and then attacking the world, Anor made it seem like the Hutts' information was accurate. The Yuuzhan Vong also told the Hutts to stop spice trafficking near Bothawui and Corellia, making those worlds appear as prime targets. When the Hutts were told they could resume spice business near Bothawui, the New Republic concluded that Corellia was the enemy's target and positioned its fleets, including battleships, a short distance from the system, hoping to trap the Yuuzhan Vong.

The Battle of Fondor

By making the New Republic believe Corellia was the target, Anor concealed the real objective: the New Republic shipyards on the Colonies' world of Fondor. As Anor's plan neared completion, the Executor was aboard Choka's battleship in Hutt Space. There, he, Carr, and Choka learned that the Crèche, the Yuuzhan Vong vessel carrying the yammosk for the Fondor assault, had been attacked by enemy starfighters and had fled to Fondor. Choka decided to launch the attack early, as the Crèche was vulnerable at Fondor, and Anor accompanied the Supreme Commander to the Fondor system. At Fondor, the Yuuzhan Vong battleships mauled the enemy forces and destroyed much of the shipyards. New Republic reinforcements, mainly from the Hapes Consortium's fleet, arrived, but the battle was interrupted by a blast from Centerpoint Station, an ancient construct near Corellia.

The energy beam from the superweapon destroyed half of the Yuuzhan Vong armada at Fondor and three-quarters of the Hapan ships. Shortly after, Anor and the others on Choka's ship, still shocked by the destruction, were contacted by Chine-kal, the commander of the Crèche. Before dying, Chine-kal reported that New Republic personnel, informed by the Hutts of the vessel's location, had boarded his ship, freed captives, and killed the yammosk with the help of the Hutt Randa, who had been aboard the Crèche. Seeking revenge against the Hutts and having achieved their objective at Fondor, Choka ordered the fleet to leave the system.

Soon after Fondor, Anor, disguised as Cuf, visited Senator Viqi Shesh—his Coruscant contact—for the first time in her private office on the cityworld. He obliquely thanked Shesh for her work and was about to leave when Shesh denied involvement in certain events, but the Senator was eager to discuss business with Anor after realizing Cuf was a Yuuzhan Vong agent.


Anor faced disgrace due to his plans' failures, such as the Elan incident. As a result, Warmaster Lah sent the Executor undercover to the heavily polluted New Republic world of Duro. There, he disguised himself as Duros researcher Dassid Cree'Ar, supposedly working with other SELCORE scientists to make Duro's uninhabitable surface a haven for war refugees. However, his true mission was to help the Yuuzhan Vong claim the planet. In preparation, Anor's contact, Shesh, agreed to ship vessels full of refugees to Duro, providing the Yuuzhan Vong with more captives when they seized the world. In 26 ABY, Anor contacted Lah via villip aboard the warmaster's battleship Sunulok, reporting the arrival of more refugees and receiving orders to watch for worthy sacrifices when the Yuuzhan Vong arrived.

On Duro, Nom Anor worked in the Gateway dome.

As Cree'Ar, Anor worked in the Gateway dome on the planet's surface, a research complex overseen by Organa Solo, who had mild Force abilities. Anor learned from his agents that Jedi Knights Jaina and Jacen Solo were also on Duro, in Gateway's companion dome, Settlement 32, bringing the number of known Jedi on Duro to three for capture. The same day he learned of their presence, Anor informed Lah via villip. He also told the warmaster about his plan to test a new creation designed to dismantle the domes on Settlement 32. Convinced that Settlement 32 was the right target, Lah instructed Anor to avoid the Jedi, especially Organa Solo, as Force users could see through disguises like the gablith masquer Anor used to appear Duros.

Because he couldn't be near Organa Solo, Anor never attended the researchers' meetings, often excusing himself via comlink. His absence angered many researchers, though the Yuuzhan Vong agent contributed to the reclamation effort. The Executor fixed every problem sent his way, leading others to believe he hadn't contributed to his assigned area because of the time spent fixing those. The miracles that delighted the researchers in Gateway were due to small organisms that helped Anor create a lair beneath the dome by carving a tunnel off a main shaft out of solid rock. Anor disposed of the organisms when they died in the toxic swamps around Gateway, and their decomposition released bacteria that started Duro's terraforming.

As a precaution against intrusion, Anor widened cracks in the ceiling near his lair using immature naotebe winglings, designed to dissolve building materials. He filled the cracks with other organisms, which would inflate like wedges on command, collapsing sections of the tunnel ceiling if needed. In time, Anor inserted immature naotebe winglings into Settlement 32, where they consumed the dome's synthplas. Anor's goal was to breach the dome and expose the occupants to Duro's toxic atmosphere. When the winglings matured, they breached the dome, but Jaina and Jacen evacuated everyone onto a land crawler, escaping to Gateway.

While disguised as Cree'Ar, Anor played the Duros against the refugees, sending messages preaching Duros independence in scientific progress reports to at least one of the space cities orbiting the planet. His words were spread by individuals like Ducilla Brarun on Bburru Station. Before the attack, Anor arranged riots on Bburru City and sabotaged the planetary shields. Despite his precaution of avoiding Organa Solo, the Executor's true identity was discovered. Jade Skywalker, investigating the disappearance of a Jedi apprentice named Thrynni Vae, found an old Rhommamoolian code in the scientists' reports and tracked it to its source after discovering Anor's messages. Accompanied by Jaina, Jade Skywalker found Cree'Ar's lair after harassing his aides, and the two Jedi confronted the disguised agent.

The two Jedi confronted Cree'Ar, but neither initially suspected his true identity. However, while Jade Skywalker—disguised as a Kuati baroness with Jaina as her servant—flattered Cree'Ar about his work, Jaina sensed that the researcher was not present in the Force. Realizing this could indicate a Yuuzhan Vong, the young Jedi used the Force to touch the release point of Anor's masquer, revealing him. The agent stood his ground and revealed to Jade Skywalker that he had poisoned her with coomb spores. The Executor also threatened to infect them with coomb spores from a beaker if they moved, but when Jade Skywalker feigned an attack with her lightsaber, he fled through a back entrance. Instead of following, the Jedi went back the way they came, believing a trap had been set. Consequently, Jaina and Jade Skywalker triggered the ceiling trap Anor had placed, and after being buried under debris, Anor believed them dead.

Nom Anor worked to let the polluted Duro fall to the Yuuzhan Vong.

Afterward, the Executor reported to Lah aboard the Sunulok, informing him that he had destroyed Settlement 32 and that his agents on Bburru had captured Jacen, whom the Yuuzhan Vong considered a coward for deserting the Jedi. Anor also reported killing Jaina and Jade Skywalker, though Lah was displeased, as his priests had decided Jedi were valuable sacrifices. Doubting their deaths, Lah requested that Jacen be sedated for study. Anor informed Lah of his preparations for the attack and his false promise to spare the Duros' floating cities if they surrendered. Despite Anor's belief that Jaina and Jade Skywalker had died, they survived, and Cree'Ar's true identity was revealed to a select few.

Anor kept his promises to Lah, and the shields of Bburru, Orr-Om, and another floating city were sabotaged before the Yuuzhan Vong arrived, leaving them vulnerable. As Lah's forces arrived at Duro, Anor revealed his true self to his fellow researchers, who had been unaware of Cree'Ar's deception. Anor told the scientists that those found working to remove toxins from the soil by the Yuuzhan Vong invasion force would be rewarded. However, despite Anor's offer of amnesty, two researchers refused to work, and all declined his offer to help the Yuuzhan Vong with their research.

While the Duros in orbit surrendered after several sky cities were destroyed, the Yuuzhan Vong landed a ground force led by Lah. Free of the masquer, Anor led Lah toward the laboratory in Gateway after the landing force secured it. Anor led them past his former co-workers, minus the two who refused to work, diligently toiling away, before bringing the warmaster to a small building. There, Lah questioned why the researchers would reject their destiny by being offered amnesty and mercy. After Anor explained that they didn't understand death, Lah decided to give them what they deserved: a ritual killing. As such, the warmaster had researchers brought to the room, and Abbela Oldsong was among those who perished.

Shortly after Organa Solo created a distraction with Jaina and Jacen's help, allowing some captives to escape, several warriors captured her in a stairwell in Gateway. Anor was present when Organa Solo regained consciousness after being knocked out, and, taking her lightsaber, led her under guard to her office, where Lah was located. The Executor watched as Lah dominated the administrator of Gateway in an argument on life and death, before threatening her with death. With Organa Solo confined, she and Randa were brought before Anor and the warmaster again, and Lah forced the former administrator to witness the deaths of many refugees in Gateway and the destruction of all technological devices from the room's window. However, Randa used his tail to overwhelm his guards, creating chaos.

Organa Solo rushed Anor, trying to regain her lightsaber and free herself. Although she managed to grab it, Lah seized the Jedi, ending her struggle as Anor kept the lightsaber. Meanwhile, the priestess Vaecta strangled Randa with a tkun garrote. As Yuuzhan Vong musicians played, Anor watched as Organa Solo was restrained and her legs were lacerated by Vaecta with a tkun. The administrator was saved, to Anor's surprise, when Jacen, whom he believed was still held on Bburru, killed the two guards at the entrance and interrupted his mother's torture. As Jacen dueled the warmaster, Anor slipped out of the room, as some Yuuzhan Vong watchers indicated that another Jedi approached.

Warmaster Tsavong Lah, the warrior whom Nom Anor worked under

In the confrontation with Jacen, Lah was forcefully ejected from the window via the Force. Shortly thereafter, Anor appeared beside the fallen warmaster. When Lah accused his agent of cowardice, Anor was compelled to assert that retreating with the approaching Jedi was the sensible course of action. The Jedi managed to assist some refugees in escaping Duro, despite the Yuuzhan Vong's best efforts, although all of the city, with the exception of the floating city of Urrdorf, was obliterated by the invaders. Later, after a small group of Duros and Humans disembarked on the remnants of Gateway, Anor stood idly by as Lah demanded the name of the young Jedi who had bested him in combat—Jacen Solo. The warmaster then turned his attention to the Executor, declaring that he had atoned for his past failures. Despite Anor's self-satisfied demeanor, the promotion he anticipated never materialized.

Lah subsequently assembled his entire force in a large circle around the fiery pit located at the center of Gateway. During his address, the warmaster publicly announced the end of Anor's punishment and declared that he would be reassigned, a revelation that bewildered the agent. At Lah's request, the Executor surrendered Organa Solo's lightsaber. The Executor then watched as the warrior used a specialized villip to communicate with the New Republic. He demanded that they surrender the Jedi to him, singling out Jacen Solo in particular. Lah vowed to halt the invasion and refrain from advancing into the Core Worlds if the New Republic's citizens complied. In a symbolic gesture, Lah then cast the lightsaber into the pit, where it was consumed by flames.

Among the Givin

Anor's attempts to capture Jacen Solo using his agents were unsuccessful, much to Lah's displeasure. Anor later convened with Warmaster Lah to discuss another of the Executor's schemes. With Lah's crèche-brother Qurang Lah present, Anor detailed how the system containing the planet Yag'Dhul would be an ideal location for a renewed assault against the New Republic. Qurang advised the warmaster against violating the temporary ceasefire between the two factions, arguing that it would allow the shipwomb at Sernpidal to produce more vessels for the war effort. However, the Executor convinced his superior to authorize the attack, citing the declining number of Jedi surrendered to the Yuuzhan Vong and Lah's desire for retribution for the Jedi victory on the moon of Yavin 4. Anor was tasked with advising Qurang, who was to command the battle-group destined for Yag'Dhul. Lah cautioned Anor against failure, warning him of the potential consequences.

Nom Anor disguised himself as a Givin to help take Yag'Dhul.

In preparation for the assault on Yag'Dhul, the homeworld of the highly intelligent Givin race, Anor adopted the guise of a Givin using a gablith masque and employed a translating tizowyrm for communication. While among the Givin on the space station Yag'Dhul Station, Anor's difficulty in expressing himself using the mathematical equations favored by the Givin aroused suspicion among many of the station's inhabitants. Nevertheless, with the assistance of his local agents, the Executor maintained his disguise in the eyes of those who did not suspect him. Adding to the complications, the Rodian Jedi Kelbis Nu visited the station and identified Anor as a Yuuzhan Vong. The Executor addressed this issue by tasking his Peace Brigade contacts with tracking and eliminating the Jedi on the planet Eriadu. However, with his dying breath, the Rodian managed to inform two Jedi—Anakin Solo and [Tahiri Veila](/article/tahiri_veila]—about Yag'Dhul, alerting them to the impending danger.

While on Yag'Dhul Station, Anor received a villip communication from Qurang in his sleeping quarters. Anor learned that the Stalking Moon, the Yuuzhan Vong reconnaissance vessel employing a cloaking shadow and tasked with arriving in the Yag'Dhul system first, had lost contact with Lah's fleet. This, coupled with the enemy ship that had stumbled upon the Yuuzhan Vong fleet awaiting the signal to attack Yag'Dhul before being destroyed, led the warmaster's crèche brother to believe that Anor's plan was unraveling. Anor took it upon himself to investigate the Stalking Moon's disappearance, while also acknowledging Qurang's resentment towards him. This posed a problem, as Anor relied on the warmaster's crèche brother, given that all of the warriors were loyal to him rather than the agent.

In preparation for the attack on Yag'Dhul, renegade members of the Body Calculus, the Givin's governing body, sabotaged Yag'Dhul's defensive grids, ensuring their collapse just before the attack. However, the Stalking Moon had actually been seized by Jedi Knight Corran Horn, along with Anakin and Veila, who managed to warn the Givin of the impending attack and the sabotage of the defensive grids. After recounting their tale, the trio were initially confined and instructed to wait. Subsequently, they were brought before Dodecian Illiet, who was in command of the space station after the attack commenced. Unbeknownst to Illiet, he assigned the disguised Anor to escort the Jedi trio to collect vac-suits, as the Givin prepared to expose the space station to the vacuum, before the small group boarded a vessel set aside for their escape from the besieged space station.

Leading the Jedi through the station, Anor guided them down a turbolift. However, upon reaching the bottom, Solo sensed the presence of six Yuuzhan Vong warriors—through the lambent crystal in his [lightsaber](/article/anakin_solo%27s_lightsaber]—prompting the Jedi to ignite their weapons just as the door opened to reveal five warriors. Realizing that one Yuuzhan Vong was unaccounted for, Solo turned towards the disguised Anor. The agent managed to punch the young Jedi in the nose, sending him tumbling out of the lift and dragging Horn into the corridor with him. While Veila and Solo incapacitated the five warriors with a Force push followed by a barrage of cylinders, Anor, unaffected by the Jedi's attack on the warriors, removed his masquer, laughing as more warriors arrived.

Anor informed the Jedi that they were now his captives, with Solo being a particularly valuable prize given his exploits on Yavin 4. When the Jedi refused to surrender, Horn attempted to arrange a duel with Anor, challenging the agent to prove that he was not afraid to fight a Jedi. Anor declined, citing his duties as an impediment. Veila, who had been a test subject for shapers on Yavin 4 and had learned their language, then informed the warriors facing them of Anor's cowardice in the Yuuzhan Vong language. The warriors, lacking tizowyrms and unable to understand Basic, were shocked by this revelation. Despite Anor's frantic attempts to prevent the warriors from engaging in the duel, the lead warrior Shok Choka prepared to fight Solo. Veila had successfully convinced the warriors that they would be cowards unless they fought against the Jedi who had sided with the shamed warrior Vua Rapuung on Yavin 4.

Nom Anor encountered Corran Horn on Yag'Dhul Station.

However, Solo defeated Choka in the duel before the Jedi escaped the warriors. The Givin's decision to expose the station to the vacuum forced the warriors to abandon their pursuit in order to retrieve ooglith cloakers, without which they could not survive. After acquiring a cloaker for himself, Anor, enraged by the Jedi's escape, confronted Qau Lah—the new leader of the Yuuzhan Vong warriors on the station—and two other warriors at the organic docking tube connecting the vessel the warriors had arrived in to the Givin's space station. Qau expressed his contempt for Anor's refusal to duel Solo, and the trio of warriors departed to continue their search for the Jedi on the station. However, Anor used a blaster to shoot all of the warriors in the back, starting with Qau, before setting out to eliminate the other warriors who had witnessed his refusal to duel the Jedi, preventing a report of his cowardice from reaching Qurang's ears.

Later, in his escape vessel, the Executor was contacted by Qurang, who informed him that the entire Yuuzhan Vong attack force had been recalled from Yag'Dhul, despite the crumbling defenses there. Furious, Anor demanded an explanation and was told that the Yuuzhan Vong shipwomb at Sernpidal had been assaulted by New Republic forces. With the Yuuzhan Vong reserves committed to Yag'Dhul, only a small contingent remained to guard the shipwomb, and the distance between Yag'Dhul and Sernpidal meant that the Yuuzhan Vong forces there would be unable to defend the shipwomb in time. Anor was incredulous, as his sources had provided no indication of an impending attack on Sernpidal. After blaming Anor for the failure and learning that the agent was the sole survivor of the boarding party, Qurang promised that the warmaster would receive a detailed account of the incident.

Working with Vergere

A trip to Bilbringi

In 27 ABY, Warmaster Lah dispatched Anor as an emissary to the shipyards of the Bilbringi system, where Yuuzhan Vong forces had correctly surmised that Organa Solo would be located. Anor anonymously contacted the shipyard staff, claiming to seek discussions regarding the fate of certain refugees. Despite Anor's refusal to disclose how he knew Organa Solo was at Bilbringi, the New Republic personnel agreed to meet. The agent arrived at the shipyards aboard a picket ship. In anticipation of the Yuuzhan Vong emissary's arrival, the New Republic had deliberately presented the facilities as dilapidated and unworthy of attack. Upon arrival, Anor permitted the chilab organism in his nose, which used his optical nerves to record images, to capture a detailed view of the Bilbringi shipyards. At the shipyards, Anor was required to wear a watchcloak with a hood, and his artificial eye was confiscated. The only item he was permitted to bring into the interrogation chamber was a small villip that had undergone thorough examination for hazardous substances.

The interrogation chamber was designed with a button-activated vacuum release and a wall featuring a transparisteel panel, through which Anor could communicate with his interrogators. Without providing specific details on how the Yuuzhan Vong had learned of Organa Solo's presence at Bilbringi, the agent proceeded to display a live feed of the cruiser Nebula Chaser via his villip to those observing through the transparisteel. Anor proposed trading the ship for information beneficial to the Yuuzhan Vong. However, when Organa Solo flatly refused to negotiate with Lah, Anor specified the information he sought: the location of the secret Jedi base. When Organa Solo denied its existence, the villip depicted the live destruction of the Nebula Chaser, resulting in the deaths of those on board.

The agent explained that the deaths were a consequence of the Jedi's presence on the Nebula Chaser and threatened further casualties unless the Jedi surrendered to the Yuuzhan Vong. Anor further elaborated that his race had established a blockade around the planet Talfaglio, and failure to surrender the Jedi would result in the destruction of the refugee convoys being held there. Moreover, Anor warned that if he did not return from his mission, the refugees would suffer the same fate. However, Organa Solo and her husband rejected the offer and, to Anor's surprise, briefly exposed the room to the vacuum, prompting him to exclaim that their actions would result in millions of deaths. Although they resealed the room, allowing Anor to readjust to the pressure, the pair declared that they would not be responsible for deaths they did not directly cause and that future emissaries would not return to Lah. This prompted Anor to depart, as Organa Solo had promised to allow him to leave alive.

Later, on the planet Obroa-skai, Anor met Lah at the Museum of Applied Photonics. When the warmaster used a holopad to project a life-size image of an enemy X-wing starfighter from a data center, all of the occupants of the room except Lah and Anor ducked for cover as the X-wing hovered above Lah and opened fire. Although Anor dismissed holographic devices as a threat, Lah insisted that a coralskipper pilot could easily be deceived by a similar illusionary X-wing. After a brief reprimand from Lah for his repeated failures, the Executor handed over the chilab after removing it from his sinus cavity.

While the Executor was confident that the Jedi would react to Lah's ultimatum, the newly arrived Vergere believed that the Jedi would sense the trap. Vergere, a survivor of the Elan debacle who had acquired extensive knowledge about the Yuuzhan Vong's enemies, had become Anor's greatest rival. During the briefing, Anor attempted to portray himself as being in control of the interrogation at the shipyards, but Vergere was quick to point out instances where Organa Solo had maintained control. When questioned as to why the Princess of Alderaan had spared his life, Anor falsely claimed that it was to send him back with a warning, rather than because she had promised to let him go. Despite the Jedi's growing cunning, the warmaster believed that the refugees would succeed in driving a wedge between the New Republic and the New Jedi Order. Throughout their time advising Lah, Anor and Vergere frequently exchanged insults while performing their duties of interpreting and offering counsel to the warmaster.

Emissary on Coruscant

Nom Anor speaks in the Senate Rotunda.

Following his mission to Bilbringi, Anor was summoned to Lah's private warren aboard the Sunulok, prompting him to hastily inflict multiple self-inflicted wounds to appear devout. Upon entering the chambers, Anor found Lah—who was conversing with Shesh via a villip—and Vergere. After briefly interrupting his conversation with Shesh, the warmaster offered the agent a thorn seat, allowing the Executor to complete the devotions that Lah's summons had seemingly interrupted. As the thorns of the seat dug into his back and buttocks, Anor listened to a briefing by Shesh, who had quickly bypassed Anor as a contact and offered her services directly to Lah. Shesh reported that Jacen had proposed a plan to ambush the blockade of Talfaglio and that she had persuaded Bothan Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya to authorize a military study of the matter, giving the Yuuzhan Vong time to prepare a counterattack. She also informed them that Fey'lya had requested a Yuuzhan Vong envoy to speak with them, purely to further delay the military study. After the conversation with Shesh concluded, Lah tasked Anor with serving as the envoy to Coruscant, as he distrusted Shesh's report, despite Vergere's attempts to secure the assignment for herself. Lah also gifted the thorn seat to Anor.

In preparation for his arrival on Coruscant, Anor, known to Fey'lya only as the emissary, finalized the details with the Bothan. Although the Chief of State preferred to receive the Yuuzhan Vong emissary in the State Reception Hall, where both sides could prearrange their conversation, Anor insisted on meeting Fey'lya as he disembarked from his ship. As a compromise, they agreed to meet in the Grand Convocation Chamber of the Senate Building, where the galaxy's citizens could witness their unscripted exchange. Wearing a hooded cloak and a set of red vonduun crab armor, Anor ascended the stairs to the chamber's center, unescorted by bodyguards and wielding an amphistaff, ignoring the jeering senators and those offering private meetings, as well as a barrage of cag mugs from the Togorian delegates, which were intercepted by security droids.

At the chamber's floor, Anor was met by Fey'lya, along with Shesh and Fyor Rodan, both members of the New Republic Advisory Council. Anor then removed his hood, revealing himself as the emissary to the senators present and those watching via the HoloNet. Fey'lya and Anor discussed the interdiction of Talfaglio and the Yuuzhan Vong's ultimatum before the chamber's occupants. During the conversation, Anor employed tactics to divide the Senate between those who could be intimidated and those who could not. Questioning the Yuuzhan Vong's high valuation of the Jedi, the Bothan criticized them for hiding behind refugees instead of engaging the Jedi directly, leaving Anor struggling to defend against Fey'lya's point. The Chief of State sided with the Jedi, despite his past dislike of them, and suggested that the Jedi Order was well-regarded in Bothan space. As Anor was provided with potential planets where the Jedi might reside, most of which were uninhabited, the Bothan prevented the Executor from leaving the chamber to relay the information to his masters, forcing Anor to use a villip instead. Fey'lya insisted that Anor remain on Coruscant until he had explained the millions of hostages taken at Talfaglio.

Later, still on Coruscant, Anor addressed those present in the Grand Convocation Chamber, with the speech broadcast on holonetworks throughout the galaxy. Denied the right to wear the uniform of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, the agent wore a cloak of living glistaweb, capable of stopping a blaster bolt if necessary. From the speaker's podium, Anor held a public audience with Fey'lya, who demanded an explanation for the hostage-taking. However, Anor only intended to announce an extension of the deadline and shocked the audience by revealing the reason: seventeen young Jedi had been surrendered to the Yuuzhan Vong by a citizen of the New Republic. After the uproar subsided, the agent provided evidence of the capture, presenting a list of the names of those captured.

Nom Anor was sent as an emissary to the cityscape world of Coruscant.

The list included the three young Solos—Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin—further shocking the audience. However, despite the Yuuzhan Vong emissary's momentary control of the Senate, Shesh undermined Anor by criticizing him for not knowing that Jaina and Jacen were twins, an important detail in Yuuzhan Vong culture. Despite her attack on Anor, Shesh later aided him in the debate when the Bothan attempted to conceal the deadline for surrendering seventeen more Jedi to save the hostages. For this, the Chief of State publicly defeated a political challenge by Shesh before dispatching Calibop security member Mif Kumas and three security droids to arrest Anor for the attempt on the Bothan's life that had occurred before Anor's address, an event in which the agent had no involvement, as Shesh had orchestrated it.

As Kumas approached Anor with a pair of stun cuffs, the agent severed one of his little fingers, releasing a black cloud of vapor that quickly enveloped the droids, Anor, and the Calibop. The security droids only fired at the Executor after he shoved the base of his finger into Kumas's face, but the glistaweb absorbed the bolts. The black cloud continued to expand, knocking unconscious all those within it as Anor made his escape, disabling the protection droids and abandoning his glistaweb robe.

After the Twins

Nom Anor was forced to work with Vergere during the Myrkr mission.

Having just boarded the Sunulok after his escape from Coruscant, Anor was ordered to visit the Glory Room. Upon complying, he presented himself before Lah. Vergere was also present and congratulated Anor on his escape, but their conversation quickly soured as they skirted the topic of the assassination attempt for which Anor had been blamed and which Vergere had helped orchestrate. However, Lah intervened before Vergere could insult Anor, which would have required Anor to kill her. Lah then expressed his anger at not having been informed that the two Solos were twins, forcing Anor to take a significant risk by claiming that Jacen's escape from Lah on Duro was a positive development, as the sacrifice of both twins would be a great offering to the god Yun-Yuuzhan. This idea captivated Lah, who agreed that the two Solos should engage in ritual combat to the death, a suggestion that Anor had subtly planted. Later, Anor found Vergere playing a game of dejarik with Lah and was appalled that the Fosh had survived suggesting that the warmaster play an infidel game. However, he soon learned that the Fosh had claimed that it would help Lah think like the Jedi.

As the Exquisite Death, the vessel transporting the seventeen young Jedi, was a day overdue at its destination, Lah followed Vergere's advice to think like the Jedi. Concluding that the Jedi would strike at the most significant threat, the warmaster ordered Anor to travel to the worldship Baanu Rass above the planet Myrkr. The Baanu Rass was the source of all the cloned Jedi-hunting voxyn hounds, as the [voxyn queen](/article/voxyn_queen], the original subject, resided there. Lah tasked Anor with traveling to Myrkr aboard the frigate Ksstarr and eliminating the seventeen Jedi, sparing only the twins, whom he was ordered to bring back alive. The Executor was elated by this important assignment. However, as he backed towards the door, Anor overheard Vergere expressing her doubts about his abilities to Lah.

Lah called Anor back before he left the room entirely. After Anor inadvertently insulted the warmaster for trusting Vergere, Lah grew weary of their bickering. Consequently, he ordered Vergere to accompany Anor on his mission, despite the Fosh's protests. During the mission, both would fail or both would succeed, requiring them to work together. For the mission to Myrkr, Anor was forbidden from using his plaeryin bol, forcing him to leave one eye socket empty. Anor was also prohibited from contacting Lah directly until the mission was complete.

The Ksstarr arrived near Myrkr shortly after the Jedi team that had escaped Yuuzhan Vong custody made landfall on the worldship. Anor and Vergere—along with over one hundred and four warriors from the frigate's complement of troops—descended to the Baanu Rass in a shuttle, landing at a port on the worldship's surface. Upon exiting the shuttle, Anor and Vergere consulted with a Yuuzhan Vong who had previously observed the team. He directed the Executor towards the detention warren near the port, where the Jedi were currently located. Anor and Vergere then began to pursue the Jedi team with One Scourge, one of the three companies of warriors from the Ksstarr, as the Jedi entered the training course for the voxyn.

Nom Anor tracked the Solo siblings on the Baanu Rass.

Anor and his group pursued the Jedi into a marshy region located on the canyon floor, which served as the training ground for the voxyn. It was within this swamp and among the trees that the Jedi team launched an ambush against Anor's warrior contingent. Fragmentation grenades and blaster fire decimated Anor's warriors. The panicked Executor would have also fallen victim to the ambush, but Jacen's hesitation delayed his blaster shot, giving Vergere enough time to pull Anor to safety. Hiding behind the swamp's trees, the surviving warriors of One Scourge returned fire on the Jedi. However, Jacen, by opening himself to the Force, drew approximately six voxyn to their location. Upon the voxyn's arrival, Jacen manipulated them into attacking everything in the water, as the Jedi team had ascended into the trees.

The combination of the voxyn and the Jedi's ranged weaponry proved to be a deadly mix for all of Anor's warriors in One Scourge, leaving only Vergere and Anor without support. Shortly after the warriors were slain, the Jedi eliminated the voxyn that Jacen had summoned. Despite the initial defeat, Anor's forces, coupled with their persistent attacks, began to wear down the Jedi team. Although the initial orders were to capture the strike team alive if possible, the Yuuzhan Vong forces began employing more lethal weapons, such as razor bugs, as the Jedi drew nearer to the voxyn queen's location. Following the skirmish in the training area, the Executor orchestrated an ambush in the city housing the Baanu Rass's slaves. This was achieved by infiltrating disguised Yuuzhan Vong warriors among the slave population. The ensuing attack resulted in the deaths of Jedi Jovan Drark and Eryl Besa, and left Anakin seriously wounded before the team managed to escape.

After the slave city incident, Anor and the warriors of Two Scourge relentlessly harassed the Jedi, maintaining a distance just beyond the hearing range of the team's Barabel Jedi, yet close enough to force the Jedi to remain constantly on the move to avoid capture. This constant pressure further exhausted the Jedi, preventing them from resting. The pursuing warriors eventually caught up to the Jedi, only to have the Jedi collapse a section of the tunnel they were in using explosives. While this momentarily stalled Anor's warriors, the Yuuzhan Vong scrambled over the resulting rubble to engage the Jedi. Mines, previously planted on the far side of the rubble pile, detonated, killing more warriors, but not before the Barabel Jedi Bela Hara was slain. Despite the heap of bodies and debris impeding their advance, Anor commanded his troops to crawl over the remains to continue harassing the Jedi.

While the Executor continued his pursuit of the Jedi with Two Scourge, Lah contacted Anor via a villip. Anor briefed Lah on the situation, explaining that while he pursued the Jedi with Two Scourge, the forces of Three Scourge were positioned at the end of a transit, ready to ambush the Jedi team. Lah emphasized the importance of capturing the Solo twins alive, and the dire consequences that awaited any warrior who took their lives. However, the Jedi outsmarted Anor, concealing themselves in a short access tunnel leading to a massive feral voxyn den. Anor's forces from Two Scourge unknowingly passed by, partly because the initial pack of voxyn they had been using had been killed earlier by the Jedi, leaving the warriors without the beasts' warning. Consequently, the Jedi force avoided being caught between Two Scourge and Three Scourge. More than an hour after the Jedi escaped Anor's trap, Anor's frigate, the Ksstarr, pursued a serviceable YV-888 freighter as it departed the atmosphere of the Baanu Rass. A small part of the Jedi team was utilizing the freighter they had discovered in an attempt to escape.

Nom Anor was tasked with saving the source of the voxyn.

Following the YV-888's departure from the worldship, the remaining Jedi launched their assault on a grashal housing the voxyn queen. As the Jedi engaged the warriors at the grashal, Anor and a portion of his forces arrived to reinforce them. An artillery squad equipped with magma spitters prevented the Jedi from escaping through the makeshift door they had created, while Anor's other troops approached the main entrance. Disguised as a sandy-haired Human and armed with an E-11 blaster rifle, Anor entered the grashal through the primary entrance before any of his warriors. Anakin, on the verge of death and sustained only by the Force, spotted Anor. Although the Jedi recognized the disguise, the Executor managed to escape after firing upon Anakin. Despite Anakin's warning to the other Jedi, the agent reached the voxyn queen's pen and released the creature. After acquiring a cargo pod filled with voxyn tissue capable of cloning millions more voxyn, Anor dragged the pod toward the Jedi team's original entry point to escape, as Anakin was engaging the Yuuzhan Vong warriors pouring through the main entrance.

However, before Anor could escape, Anakin, succumbing to the Force as he used it to kill the warriors, hurled a thermal detonator that struck the agent in the head. As the agent reached for the detonator, Anakin used the Force to move it out of Anor's reach, guiding it beneath the cargo pod. With no time remaining before the explosion, Anor was forced to abandon the materials and flee, cursing as he did so. Anakin then fell to the warriors' attacks and died. The cloning grashal was destroyed in the fight, further tarnishing Anor's reputation. While the Jedi team failed to kill the voxyn queen, Anor also failed to capture the twins at the grashal. Shortly after the Jedi escaped, a portion of the team stole the Ksstarr's assault shuttle, along with Anakin's body, which had been in Yuuzhan Vong possession.

Nom Anor

As both sides pursued the escaped voxyn queen, Anor's frigate landed near her location, which the Yuuzhan Vong had discovered to be in an abandoned underground insectile hive on the worldship's surface. Upon disembarking from his ship with other members of his race, Anor met with a shaper near the voxyn queen's position, which they could not approach for fear of scaring her off. Vergere soon joined Anor and the shaper, and a heated argument ensued as they debated what to do about the voxyn queen and the stolen shuttle. Their dispute was interrupted when the Ksstarr on the surface was attacked by the stolen shuttle, piloted by Jaina. The resulting explosions sent Vergere fleeing, and moments later, rubble cascaded from the weakened ceiling around Anor and the shaper. The explosions also frightened away the voxyn queen.

By the time Anor reached the edge of the collapsed hive, the Ksstarr had shot down the shuttle, causing it to crash on the Baanu Rass with the Jedi occupants inside. While the shaper, who had also survived the debris, went in search of the voxyn queen, Anor headed to the surface, which had an atmosphere that allowed sentient beings to survive, towards his frigate. There, Anor armed approximately fifty warriors by stripping some of the Ksstarr's crew of their weapons before approaching the crash site. The shuttle had landed in the center of a large depression containing a honeycomb-like formation of dovin basals. The Executor and his group carefully made their way along the edges of the basal-comb towards the crashed shuttle, while the Jedi inside fired upon them.

Meanwhile, the shaper regained control of the voxyn queen and escorted her to the frigate for safekeeping. However, before the shaper and the warrior escorts could bring her inside, Jacen, observing the events in the depression alongside other Jedi and Vergere, used the Force to prompt the queen to flee the Yuuzhan Vong. Vergere had approached the Jedi team and was secretly assisting them in their pursuit of the voxyn queen. The beast escaped her captors and fled into the basal-comb, with both the shaper and Jacen in pursuit. While Jacen's pursuit of the queen distracted the warriors guarding the Ksstarr, other members of the strike team seized control of Anor's frigate. Despite being harassed by coralskippers and a Yuuzhan Vong corvette, the rogue Ksstarr evacuated all the surviving Jedi team members except for Jacen. With Jaina no longer in the shuttle to capture, Anor and his warriors instead headed towards Jacen's location, where he was confronting the voxyn queen, all while taking fire from his own ship, now controlled by the Jedi.

With help from Vergere, Jacen killed the voxyn queen, who had followed him after he had run out after the queen. Despite having just aided the other side, Vergere restrained the young, wounded Jedi from fighting against Anor and the others. As Anor's frigate carried the remaining Jedi team to safety, following a failed attempt to break through a screen of corvettes to rescue Jacen, the male Solo twin fell into Anor's clutches. Shortly after Jacen's capture, Anor reported to Harrar, who had been sent to consecrate the twins for sacrifice, that while Jaina had escaped, she was still within the agent's reach. Harrar later called on Anor via villip, requesting another report. Anor outlined the losses, informing Harrar and the warrior Khalee Lah that Jaina Solo had escaped with the Jedi strike team survivors aboard the Ksstarr, which was heading away from the Baanu Rass. However, the agent emphasized that Jacen had been captured and that Anakin had been killed. After Harrar suggested that Anor should not take Jacen with him while searching for Jaina to prevent telepathic communication, Anor delegated the pursuit of Jaina to Harrar and his priestship, while he himself took Jacen back to the warmaster.

Solo Project

Following Jacen's capture, Anor, with Vergere's assistance, initiated the secret Solo Project, aimed at converting the young Jedi to the Yuuzhan Vong's beliefs. Aboard a small ship, Anor monitored Jacen as he underwent the Embrace of Pain torture device, designed to break his will or make him enjoy physical torment. Early in the project, the Executor predicted that the Jedi would turn to the True Way of the Yuuzhan Vong, a prediction that proved accurate after Jacen spent a significant amount of time in the Embrace of Pain. Anor provided an analysis of Jacen's brain chemistry from the Embrace of Pain and listened to a drone relay the findings of Anor's report to Warmaster Lah via villip.

Nom Anor attempted to convert Jacen Solo to the True Way.

With Vergere present, Anor waited for Lah to become irritated by the drone's tedious report. Once the drone left, Anor offered his own, clearer interpretation of the data, which he himself had written. While dismissing previous attempts to convert Jedi as failures and Veila's near-conversion as blasphemy, Anor asserted that the Solo Project would succeed because the data from the Embrace of Pain showed that Jacen was accepting pain. Although Lah initially questioned the benefit of converting Jacen to the True Way, Anor emphasized its value by suggesting that the transformed Jacen would fulfill the Great Sacrifice by capturing and killing his sister. However, Lah's reaction was more fanatical than Anor had anticipated. The warmaster declared that if Anor failed to achieve this scenario, Anor would be sacrificed, despite the Executor's attempts to reason with him.

As the Jacen Project progressed, the young Jedi was moved from the Embrace of Pain, where he had learned to endure pain, to the Nursery on a Yuuzhan Vong seedship. The Nursery was where infant dhuryams, destined to be world-coordinators, were raised and taught to telepathically control slave gangs. Jacen was placed among the slaves in the Nursery, and Anor and Vergere closely observed his interactions with the dhuryams. Anor and Vergere monitored Jacen's progress as he began to aid the wounded slaves and eventually formed a bond with one of the dhuryams. To keep an eye on Jacen, the Executor and the Fosh observed the Jedi using a viewspider, though Anor soon grew concerned about Jacen's increasing freedom.

Having underestimated Jedi too often, the agent feared that Jacen might cause chaos on the seedship, which was irreplaceable due to its collection of gene samples from the Yuuzhan Vong's destroyed homeworld of Yuuzhan'tar. Consequently, he ordered a special contingent of over a hundred warriors to infiltrate the Nursery using masquers to guard against any attempt by Jacen to destroy the seedship. The Executor also had his personal coralcraft prepared for a quick escape if Jacen acted unpredictably, forcing Anor to deal with the consequences.

The time soon arrived for the tizo'pil Yun'tchilat, a ceremony to choose one of the dhuryams to become the World Brain of Coruscant, which had fallen to the Yuuzhan Vong while Anor was occupied at Myrkr. During the ceremony, a shreeyam'tiz, one of the yammosk's brethren, prevented the dhuryams from controlling their slave groups as guarded shapers evaluated the domains each dhuryam had created. Anor watched Jacen using the viewing spider, and was both amazed and annoyed by two things the Jedi did: Jacen did not run to the coraltree basals like the other slaves after the dhuryams lost control, as the Jedi could endure the pain of not being in physical contact with the coraltrees, and he positioned himself in an amphistaff grove, which would normally kill any creature, Yuuzhan Vong or not, that entered it. The Executor was confused and agitated by Jacen's behavior, knowing that the Jedi was aware that all the other slaves were to be killed after the ceremony.

Despite Vergere's assurance that Jacen's isolation was a sign of embracing the Yuuzhan Vong way, Anor remained distrustful of the Jedi's conversion. Fearing that Jacen might disrupt the important ceremony, the Executor communicated with the cloaked warriors in the Nursery and ordered them to capture Jacen in the amphistaff grove, killing him if necessary. The warriors were instructed to bring the bound Jedi to Anor's coralskipper if he was still alive. However, instead of capturing Jacen, the Jedi lured one of the warriors into the amphistaff grove to be torn apart by maturing amphistaffs. Jacen then summoned multiple amphistaffs to form armor, allowing him to engage the heavily armed warrior squads coming for him. Realizing that Jacen was going to sacrifice his life and create a scene, Anor was so furious that he briefly considered defecting to the enemy to avoid Lah's wrath at Jacen's death. As Jacen prepared to engage the warriors head-on, Anor prevented Vergere from intervening to salvage the situation.

Nom Anor attempted the Solo Project in a seedship.

After Jacen dispatched several warriors before being knocked unconscious, Anor interpreted this as a sign that the Jedi could be controlled. However, Vergere showed the Executor that the danger was not over, as the slave gangs were now engaging the warriors and slaughtering them. Jacen's real target had been the shreeyam'tiz, whose destruction had freed the slaves to be telepathically controlled by the dhuryams once more. Anor was deeply shocked as the slaves controlled by the dhuryam that Jacen had bonded with used spade rays as makeshift catapults to fling flammable sparkbee honey, setting fire to much of the area surrounding the hive-island where the dhuryams dwelt. As the chaos escalated, the dhuryams not affiliated with Jacen gathered their slaves near the hive-island for defense, forcing them upon the surviving warriors who had formed a ring around the dhuryams. By then, with the coral tree basals ablaze, Anor had fallen into a dazed state, knowing that Lah would kill him for losing control of the situation.

It took both Vergere's insistence and the sight of Jacen killing his first dhuryam to snap Anor out of his daze and prompt him to allow his Fosh companion to stop Jacen. As soon as Vergere was gone, Anor sprinted for his coralcraft to escape the chaos on the seedship and save his life. Despite Solo's determination to kill the dhuryams, Vergere intervened before the Jedi could kill the dhuryam he had bonded with, though she failed to save the others. In this way, the surviving dhuryam became the World Brain for Coruscant, which the Yuuzhan Vong renamed Yuuzhan'tar as they began its terraforming. Jacen also survived and was placed on Yuuzhan'tar during the seedfall, where the seedship deposited its valuable living cargo to further transform Coruscant into a representation of the original Yuuzhan'tar.

Because Vergere had managed to save the seedship and one of the dhuryams, Lah did not fault Anor for jeopardizing the Yuuzhan Vong's ability to create a new Yuuzhan'tar. Despite the incident in the Nursery, Anor remained committed to the Solo Project and continued to assist Vergere. Around the time the old Galactic Senate was being converted into the Well of the World Brain to house the surviving dhuryam, Anor bribed a shaper to grow a concealed coralcraft near the World Well, providing him with a quick escape route if needed. While the craft was growing, the agent secretly visited it numerous times using a hidden hatch concealed in the World Well's outer coral. During these visits, Anor allowed the craft to imprint itself to his mental signature, ensuring that only he could operate its pilot brain.

At Vergere's insistence, Nom Anor confronted Jacen Solo with a band of warriors near where the Jedi Temple once stood.

Weeks after the seedfall on Yuuzhan'tar, Anor, assisting Vergere in converting Jacen, met with Master Shaper Ch'Gang Hool—the Yuuzhan Vong in charge of shaping captured Coruscant—to persuade him to dedicate all his resources to capturing Jacen. Falsely claiming to have been sent by Lah, Anor revealed that Jacen, who had almost destroyed the seedship, was alive and well on the world Hool was shaping. This revelation, coupled with Anor's claim to know Jacen's current location and activities, convinced Hool to dispatch troops to capture the Jedi.

After Hool released the warriors to hunt for Jacen, Vergere, who had been with the Jedi since the seedfall, accompanied the young Jedi as he fled. Vergere led Jacen to Anor and a dozen of Hool's warriors, waiting in the lower levels of Yuuzhan'tar, beneath the former Jedi Temple and near a nexus of dark side energy. When the lights illuminated the room, Jacen witnessed Vergere betraying him by consulting with the Executor. This act, combined with the proximity to the dark side energy, unleashed Jacen's anger. Jacen struck Vergere with a blast of Force lightning, and when he couldn't affect Anor and the other Yuuzhan Vong warriors, who were immune to the Force, Jacen channeled the power of a storm raging on Yuuzhan'tar's surface. The wind summoned by Jacen battered the warriors and Anor, forcing them into a corner of the room.

Jacen then collapsed the room's ceiling, and the resulting avalanche of rubble nearly buried the Executor and his warriors. Miraculously, they were unharmed, and the rubble separated them from Jacen and the wounded Vergere. Vergere eventually reached Anor and the warriors, using her tears to heal her scrapes and burns. She had successfully manipulated Jacen into using the dark side of the Force, exposing him to both sides of the Force. Shaken by the near miss and with Jacen fleeing, Anor berated Vergere for unleashing the Jedi unnecessarily. However, the Fosh convinced Anor that Jacen had to first unlearn lies for the Solo Project to succeed.

Vergere eventually tracked Jacen to the remains of the apartment he had lived in before Coruscant fell. Anor and his warriors followed the Fosh there, waiting outside until Vergere managed to get Jacen to open himself to the Yuuzhan Vong part of the world around him, allowing him to sense the Yuuzhan Vong creatures for the first time. Feeling triumphant, Anor entered the apartment behind Hool's warriors and implored Jacen to embrace the True Way, claiming that the Force was corrupt and pointless. The agent declared that Jacen could become a God. He then took Anakin's lightsaber and used it to cut away the web cables of arachnoids that had bound Jacen to a chair while he contemplated his existence. Kneeling before the Jedi, Anor offered him the lightsaber, giving him the choice to either slay all the Yuuzhan Vong in the room or join their side.

Ganner Rhysode became entangled in the Solo Project.

Jacen, after careful consideration, chose to embrace the Yuuzhan Vong's True Way and, instead of engaging in combat, utilized the Force to transmit the lightsaber to Vergere. Despite Anor's feeling of triumph in accomplishing his task, he, like other Yuuzhan Vong, harbored a degree of skepticism regarding Jacen's conversion and, consequently, restricted the Jedi's access to the World Brain's location. Anor was placed under Jacen's command, and the scheme to have Jacen murder his sister in combat was expedited, prompting Jacen to initiate efforts to capture her. A fabricated report of Jacen's sighting was disseminated, with the Yuuzhan Vong anticipating that Jacen's sister would trace the rumor to its origin. However, it was the Jedi Knight Ganner Rhysode who, weeks after the rumor's inception, located its source and was subsequently apprehended by Jacen and a group of awaiting warriors. A villip conveyed news of the plan's failure to Anor, leading to the operation's cancellation due to the potential risk of Jedi other than Jaina discovering the rumor's origin.

Instead of being executed, Rhysode was transported, drugged, to Yuuzhan'tar. Jacen alleviated Anor's concerns about this development by asserting that Rhysode should be sacrificed in a specific manner, even suggesting that the sacrifice could serve as a rehearsal for Jacen's eventual sacrifice of his sister, as he required practice in making a Jedi a willing offering. Consequently, it was ultimately decided to attempt a dry-run of the Great Sacrifice using Rhysode. Jacen was left alone with Rhysode for a period to convert him, but when the monitor creatures used to observe the two Jedi lost consciousness, Anor, accompanied by Hool and a contingent of warriors and priests, entered the chamber to ensure everything was in order.

Upon Anor's inquiry regarding the monitors' condition, Jacen, assuming the role of a Sacred Twin, dismissed Anor's concern as an insult, claiming that he had willed the monitors to fall asleep. This display intimidated the priests present, but Anor remained unconvinced of Jacen's devotion. At Jacen's command, Rhysode declared his willingness to be sacrificed, and despite his reservations about the conversion, the Executor agreed to proceed with the dry-run. The Yuuzhan Vong organized a procession to escort Jacen and Rhysode to the Well of the World Brain, with Anor and Hool, flanked by honor guards, leading the way. The procession traversed a growing hedge maze surrounding the Well of the World Brain before reaching a causeway leading to the Well's entrance. It was there that Rhysode collapsed, prompting Anor to falsely assure Hool that the Jedi was merely expressing reverence to the gods. Approaching Rhysode, Anor implored Jacen to get the other Jedi moving again. After a moment, Jacen deceived Anor into believing Rhysode was well by using the Force to lift Rhysode and create the illusion that he was walking towards the World Well.

The procession halted at the Great Door, and following Jacen's address to the procession behind him, declaring his allegiance to the true gods, the two Jedi entered the doorway. Although Anor, Hool, and the priests and warriors attempted to follow, Jacen used the Force to close the door before they could. With a pair of Jedi near the Well of the World Brain, the door was breached, allowing a multitude of warriors to enter the old Galactic Senate, with a squad dispatched to investigate the corridor leading to the World Brain's location. Anor remained near the wreckage of the Great Door as a precaution, and five minutes after the squad—who never returned—had been sent down the corridor, Rhysode appeared in the doorway leading to it. Urged by the warriors' leader to act, as it was the Executor's event, Anor, emboldened by the belief that Rhysode was a weak Jedi, ordered Rhysode to step aside.

Despite Anor's explanation of Rhysode's dire situation, Rhysode proceeded to stall for Jacen's time with the World Brain, guarding the corridor with Anakin's lightsaber, which Jacen had provided, against the Yuuzhan Vong warriors attempting to pass him. Appalled by the turn of events, Anor attempted to persuade the Yuuzhan Vong warrior commander to either gas Rhysode or detonate him, in order to prevent Jacen from being alone with the World Brain. However, the commander refused to commit such a dishonorable act, and neither Hool nor the commander were particularly concerned about Jacen's solitude with the World Brain, as the Master Shaper believed that the dhuryam could defend itself if necessary. Anor, however, was on the verge of panic, as he would be held accountable for the unfolding disaster.

The Well of the World Brain was situated in the old Senate Building.

After Hool and the commander refused to authorize drastic measures to bypass Rhysode, Anor observed Vergere gesturing for him to approach her, and the Executor angrily went over to the Fosh. Dismissing his attempts to involve her in the crisis at hand, Vergere informed Anor that she would accompany him as he fled the consequences of the disaster in the World Well to defect to the New Republic. The Fosh revealed her knowledge of Anor's secret coralcraft, and Vergere eventually convinced Anor that they needed to depart immediately, claiming that Jacen would soon seize the craft, thereby thwarting their escape. Persuaded by this, the Executor led the feathered creature to the coral side of the World Well, where he opened a secret hatchway and descended into it with Vergere.

The pair navigated a series of corridors before reaching the wrecked area that once housed the offices of the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellor, where they discovered the coralcraft. Upon reaching the craft, Anor began to boast about his preparedness for disasters. However, the agent soon found himself confronted by Vergere wielding Jacen's lightsaber. Despite Anor's assertion that Vergere could not possibly betray him, the Fosh thought differently, and she used the Force to entangle Anor's limbs with the wreckage in the derelict office, binding him to the spot. Despite Anor's desperate insistence that only he could pilot the craft, Vergere believed that Jacen was capable of flying the living ship himself, due to his affinity for animals. Vergere departed, leaving Anor in disbelief, to retrieve Jacen, after reminding the agent that she had warned him Jacen would steal his ship.

Eventually, after Jacen successfully completed his primary objective of communicating with the World Brain, Vergere brought him back to Anor's location. Initially, the agent pleaded to be taken with them, arguing that they might as well be killing him, as Lah would do the job himself. However, when this failed to secure him a spot on the Executor's personal coralcraft, Anor resorted to cursing both Vergere and Jacen, who departed shortly after in the craft; meanwhile, Rhysode perished in battle, but only after slaying numerous beasts and warriors before ultimately collapsing the corridor's ceiling to crush both himself and his adversaries.

Yuuzhan'tar, and the debacle at Ebaq 9

Escaping blame for the Word Well incident

Despite Solo's escape and his association with Vergere's betrayal, Anor avoided execution for his failure and continued to serve the Yuuzhan Vong cause in 28 ABY. In that year, Anor was present at the arrival of Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane's worldship on Yuuzhan'tar. Positioned among the intendants, who were arranged in front of orderly groups of thousands of priests, shapers, and warriors, Anor observed the worldship settling into its prepared berth on Yuuzhan'tar, transforming the vessel into Jamaane's citadel on the captured world. Immediately after the worldship reached its final position, the Executor experienced an irritating itch starting at his feet, but Anor suppressed any outward signs of discomfort, as higher-ranking Yuuzhan Vong were expected to endure pain without complaint. From within the crowd, Anor listened to Jamaane's brief address.

Shimrra Jamaane, Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong

Shortly after Jamaane's arrival on Yuuzhan'tar, Anor and other high-ranking Yuuzhan Vong convened with the Supreme Overlord in the Hall of Confluence, located within the Citadel. The hall's architecture featured a trompe l'oeil effect, with Jamaane's hau polyp throne serving as the artificial vanishing point. Dovin basals were also integrated into the hall, creating the illusion that Anor and the others were walking uphill as they approached Jamaane through gravitational manipulation. Prostrating themselves before the massive Yuuzhan Vong that was Jamaane, Anor and the others rose only after receiving permission, with only the Great Council granted the privilege of sitting, leaving Anor to stand to the side.

With the Shamed One Onimi providing some comic relief at the outset, Jamaane initiated the meeting by reviewing Lah's contributions to the war effort. Acknowledging that the depleted Yuuzhan Vong military could not sustain its offensive, the Supreme Overlord ordered a halt to all new attacks against the New Republic and other groups. Throughout the meeting, as the Supreme Overlord reviewed the reports of his advisers, the itch continued to plague Anor. As High Prefect Yoog Skell of the intendants presented his report on the state of the New Republic, based on information gathered by their agents, Skell relayed Jamaane's question to Anor regarding whether Rodan and Cal Omas, the two contenders for leadership of the New Republic, would favor submission to the Yuuzhan Vong or war.

With the Supreme Overlord's undivided attention focused on him, Anor managed to convey the information that, of the two, Omas was more sympathetic to the Jedi, without stammering in Jamaane's presence. Deeming Omas the less desirable of the two, the Supreme Overlord instructed Anor to assassinate Omas, dismissing the Executor's brief protest that he lacked the necessary personnel. However, the Supreme Overlord was not finished with Anor, and inquired about who was to blame for the debacle in the Well of the World Brain. With Jamaane's formidable presence exerting pressure on his thoughts, Anor initially attempted to deflect some of the blame onto Lah, citing that he had acted under the warmaster's authority. When this failed, the Executor attempted to explain that Vergere had deceived them all. With the Supreme Overlord's presence intensifying in his mind, Anor's efforts to shift the blame away from himself culminated in his exclaiming that it was entirely Vergere's fault.

However, Harrar intervened, asserting that Vergere had indeed deceived both him and Khalee Lah, along with many others, thereby saving Anor. With Harrar's remark, Jamaane redirected his attention away from Anor, and the topic shifted away from Anor's failure. The Supreme Overlord proceeded to authorize limited action against the heretical groups that had emerged to venerate the Jedi, before Hool presented his report. In his report, he mentioned a fungal infection affecting certain individuals—the same infection causing the itch that Anor and others in the room were experiencing. Hool's report was cut short, however, as Jamaane accused him of relieving his itch by scratching, despite his status as a distinguished member of the Yuuzhan Vong, and proceeded to attribute the botched worldshaping of the new Yuuzhan'tar to Hool. Anor and the others were enraged that Hool was responsible, and the shaper was escorted from the room to be executed.

Following the meeting's conclusion, Anor and Skell returned to the Damutek of the Intendants, and it was within the damutek's corridors that Skell discussed the Supreme Overlord's power with Anor. Skell recognized that Anor had sensed Jamaane's power during the interrogation regarding the incident at the Well of the World Brain, and informed a shocked Anor that the Supreme Overlord himself had incited his advisers to become enraged at Hool at the meeting's end. Citing Hool's numerous failures as justification for the shaper's demise, the High Prefect cautioned Anor against making further mistakes, lest he suffer a similar fate.

The eighth cortex

Nom Anor discovered that the eighth cortex of the shaper caste was empty.

Shortly after learning about the emergence of the Jeedai heresy, Anor infiltrated a group of Shamed Ones practicing the heresy, driven by curiosity. Employing an ooglith masque to blend in with the heretics as a member of the worker caste, Anor attended two such gatherings, where a Shamed One led them in prayers idealizing the Jedi Knights. The itch continued to afflict many Yuuzhan Vong on Yuuzhan'tar, and Anor was compelled to scratch himself to maintain his worker disguise. From his experiences at the meetings, Anor concluded that the heresy's lack of direction had confused many teachings, but a resolute Prophet could guide the heretics to great heights. After the second meeting concluded, the Executor departed the minor intendant office used by the heretics and left the area. However, Anor encountered a road far from the Yuuzhan Vong settlement and, upon spotting a being riding a quednak, halted by the roadside and bowed in a show of servitude until the beast of burden and its rider passed. As the quednak passed, Anor recognized the rider as Onimi and, intrigued, trailed the Shamed One to his destination.

Anor followed Onimi to a heavily guarded damutek, where he approached the warriors stationed outside. Feigning a search for the damutek of Hooley Krekk, Anor, disguised as a bewildered worker, pranced about after being informed that Krekk did not own the damutek. Anor's antics attracted more warriors, and a subaltern slashed the disguised Executor with an amphistaff to drive him away. Anor left the premises, but not before deducing that the damutek was being used for an important secret shaper project, as he had observed two shapers outside the facility, and the damutek was situated in a remote location. Due to his treatment at the hands of the subaltern, Anor gained an understanding of the Shamed Ones' anger resulting from their mistreatment.

Sometime after Anor discovered the secret shaper damutek, the shapers produced an anti-fungal balm, providing relief to Anor and other Yuuzhan Vong afflicted by itching. A few days after the balm's introduction, Anor attended a gathering in a temple where a head priest disseminated word of the condemnation of all heretical Jedi beliefs among the Shamed Ones and other lower castes. Although he initially approved of the message, Anor, upon leaving the gathering, found that the message regarding the heresy was excessively detailed, explicitly instructing the heretics on what not to practice. This would enable heretic groups with muddled doctrines to refine them, aligning them more closely with the beliefs of other heretics. While leaving the temple, the Executor found himself walking alongside a shaper.

Using the alias Hooley Krekk, Anor inquired with the shaper about the meaning of a cortex and, after learning that it was a body of knowledge, asked how many existed. The shaper informed Anor that there were eight, and the eighth had not yet been bestowed upon the master shapers by Jamaane. Shocked, Anor departed the shaper's company to contemplate what he had just learned. Anor deduced that the eighth cortex did not exist, as the shaper damutek he had discovered was likely intended to produce that knowledge. The absence of an eighth cortex meant that the Yuuzhan Vong would not receive any additional aid from the shapers' creations in their war, while the New Republic continued to innovate and exploit Yuuzhan Vong weaknesses. Anor had long suspected that some of the Yuuzhan Vong's pillars of faith and obedience were fabricated, but this was his first concrete evidence. Distressed, Anor was forced to regain his composure to avoid attracting the attention of passersby.

Seeking an end to the war

Meanwhile, the pair of assassins dispatched by Anor to assassinate Omas failed their mission, as Jade Skywalker eliminated the two assassins on the world of Mon Calamari, where the remnants of the New Republic's government were situated. Furthermore, compounding the Yuuzhan Vong's problems, the Shamed Ones continued to venerate the Jedi, and the world brain of Yuuzhan'tar frequently made errors in its management of the world. Anor's attempt to shift the blame for the World Brain incident onto Lah further strained the relationship between the two individuals. Shortly after the botched assassination attempt by Anor's agents, the Executor attended a ceremony in a square on the Yuuzhan Vong capital, where numerous captives were to be sacrificed. However, the World Brain malfunctioned, and the maw luur organisms beneath the ground regurgitated noxious waste into the square. Jamaane was compelled to cancel the ceremony and ordered the captives to be killed, before directing Anor and other high-ranking Yuuzhan Vong to retreat into a temple to escape the odor.

Nom Anor's agents failed to kill Cal Omas on Mon Calamari.

Within the temple, Jamaane inquired with Anor whether the Executor's spies had uncovered any underground activity, in response to the public failure that some of the higher-ups were attributing to the underground. Anor, wilting under the Supreme Overlord's intense gaze, managed to respond that he had not, before Jamaane's attention shifted elsewhere. Lah expressed a desire to take the battle to the New Republic and secure a decisive victory, but the Supreme Overlord silenced the warmaster. Anor interjected, concurring that a decisive battle should be fought soon, ideally after the Yuuzhan Vong fleet had reached full strength. Despite Jamaane mocking the Executor for his failures, the Supreme Overlord authorized the strike. However, the battle would only commence after Anor's agents had gathered substantial information, and if either Lah or Anor failed, both would face the consequences.

As the Yuuzhan Vong continued to search for their battle, Thrackan Sal-Solo, a prominent Corellian, arrived on Yuuzhan'tar to negotiate an agreement that would establish friendly relations between the Corellian system and the invaders. Sal-Solo brought with him a companion named Darjeelai Swan, whom the Yuuzhan Vong interrogated while Anor interviewed Sal-Solo. From Swan, it was revealed that Centerpoint Station was not operational—invalidating Sal-Solo's part of the bargain that involved him not using the superweapon against the Yuuzhan Vong—and that Sal-Solo had been the one who had fired Centerpoint Station at the Yuuzhan Vong fleet at Fondor.

Thrackan Sal-Solo

With news of enemy movements unrelated to the decisive battle the Yuuzhan Vong sought, Anor visited Jamaane in the Supreme Overlord's private audience room. Greeted by Onimi at the doorway, the Executor reported alone to the Supreme Overlord that the New Republic continued to raid Yuuzhan Vong-held targets, retreating before any significant fleet could oppose them. Anor also explained that the New Republic task force leaders were selecting their own targets, rather than having them designated by the government on Mon Calamari, thus absolving the Executor of blame for his agents' failure to discover their designated targets.

The Executor then informed his superior of the latest developments concerning the Peace Brigade, which had established itself on the Hutt Space world Ylesia; the Peace Brigadiers had fragmented into various squabbling factions with no real leader, as the leader the Yuuzhan Vong had intended, Senator Shesh, had perished earlier. In addition, Anor reported on the situation in the Corellian system, explaining Sal-Solo's desire to establish friendly relations with the Yuuzhan Vong. Bringing Sal-Solo and his two bodyguards before Jamaane, Anor knocked the Corellian to the floor for failing to show proper respect to the Yuuzhan Vong leader. Then, acting as a translator between Jamaane and the Corellian, Anor informed a shocked Sal-Solo that Jamaane had accepted his offer.

Although Sal-Solo requested free rein in Corellia, Jamaane clarified, through Anor, that the Supreme Overlord would be granted free rein in Corellian affairs. Jamaane also demanded that Centerpoint Station be surrendered to the Yuuzhan Vong before the agreement between Sal-Solo and Jamaane was finalized. Sal-Solo, however, could not make any promises, and despite the Corellian's agreement to remain silent about the Centerpoint Station deal upon his return to Corellia, the Supreme Overlord and Anor suspected he was lying. Consequently, Jamaane ordered Sal-Solo to become the leader of the Peace Brigade forces on Ylesia; in this way, the Corellian would suffer reputational damage by being publicly aligned with a Yuuzhan Vong-allied government, as retribution for the events at Fondor. The visitor from Corellia was taken aback by this turn in negotiations and began a lengthy explanation of how his leadership of the Peace Brigade would hinder the Yuuzhan Vong's plans for Corellia.

Both Jamaane and Anor soon grew weary and annoyed with Sal-Solo, and upon Jamaane's orders, Onimi stealthily approached the talking Corellian and stabbed him in the kidneys with a baton after Anor identified that spot as a good target, knocking the man to the floor. Lifting Sal-Solo's face from the floor by his hair, Anor informed him that his resignation had been denied and that he would be traveling to Ylesia. With Onimi's assistance, Anor dragged Sal-Solo to the door, and before the Corellian departed, Anor asked Sal-Solo if he had a preferred method for Swan's body to be disposed of, as the female had been killed during interrogation. When no answer was forthcoming, the Executor ordered the body to be destroyed.

Ebaq 9

Nom Anor used blorash jelly to immobilize Yoog Skell before killing the High Prefect.

After some time had passed, Anor's network of spies obtained crucial intelligence. This information had the potential to instigate the definitive confrontation that the Yuuzhan Vong desperately sought. Eager to share this development, he made his way to the Supreme Lord. As he pushed open the doors to the Hall of Confluence, Anor was startled once more by Onimi's sudden appearance right in front of him. The Shamed One escorted him to the Supreme Overlord's throne, where Anor conveyed to Jamaane his conviction that he possessed the necessary information to secure victory in the war. The Supreme Overlord then summoned Lah, compelling Anor to await the Warmaster's arrival in the Supreme Overlord's presence. Once Lah arrived, Anor extended his congratulations to the warmaster on his recent mating. However, Lah promptly shifted the focus to business, requesting the Supreme Overlord's authorization to launch an assault on the Corellian system with his battle-ready fleet. Despite this, Anor harbored a different objective.

The Executor then informed the pair about the Final Redoubt, the New Republic's newly established government location within the Deep Core. Anor's most trusted spies had verified the accuracy of this location. He posited that once the warmaster had successfully subdued the Final Redoubt and eliminated the governing body stationed there, the Corellian system would become an easy target. Furthermore, Anor revealed to Lah and Jamaane that both of the Solo twins were stationed at the Final Redoubt. He triumphantly suggested that Lah could eliminate Omas, the Solo twins, and numerous other significant New Republic figures in a single battle. So confident was Anor in the reliability of his information that he offered his own life as collateral should he be proven wrong. Jamaane, placing his trust in Anor's report, pledged that Anor would face execution if he failed, and approved the plan to engage the New Republic in battle.

Leveraging Anor's intelligence, Lah meticulously planned and initiated an assault on the Treskov system within the Deep Core, the designated location of the Final Redoubt. There, the warmaster engaged the New Republic forces with the full force of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Throughout the battle, Anor maintained communication with an executor embedded within the Yuuzhan Vong fleet in the Treskov system via a villip, while he remained in the Damutek of the Intendants near Skell. Anor informed Skell that despite the enemy's skillful maneuvers near the gas giant Ebaq, Lah's superior numbers would soon overwhelm them. However, Skell expressed concern, as the New Republic's movements had taken Lah by surprise in the Treskov system. As the battle unfolded, Skell's apprehensions proved justified. Numerous New Republic attack groups entered the system, and combined with their exceptional maneuvers, they swiftly began to destroy numerous Yuuzhan Vong vessels.

Skell reached the conclusion that Anor had betrayed them, as the Treskov system was clearly the site of a trap orchestrated by the New Republic to ambush the Yuuzhan Vong. Consequently, he ordered the Executor to sacrifice Anor's life as punishment for his failure. However, Anor, unwilling to face his demise, calmly produced a glob of blorash jelly from his pocket and used it to immobilize Skell's feet. He then struck the High Prefect on the head with his amphistaff, resulting in Skell's death. Although Anor had not intentionally betrayed Lah and Jamaane, he acknowledged his culpability: his spies had been deceived with false information, leading Anor to mistakenly conclude that the Final Redoubt, the location of the trap, was where the New Republic had relocated its leadership. Aware that he would be executed for his role in the disaster at the Treskov system, and seeing no value in explaining that he had been manipulated by the enemy, Anor chose to flee. He employed an ooglith masquer to disguise himself as a member of a lower caste.

The Prophet

Living with the Shamed Ones

Anor, fleeing the wrath of Jamaane and the Yuuzhan Vong elite due to his involvement in the battle that resulted in Lah's death, sought refuge in the underground tunnels and passages that formed the deeper levels of Yuuzhan'tar. He sustained himself by consuming granite slugs. The former Executor remained hidden for months, evading capture. Over time, Anor's masquer, which concealed his identity, began to deteriorate and decay, leaving him with a flawed disguise. While traversing the underbelly of Yuuzhan'tar, Anor stumbled upon a derelict droid. He vented his frustration by smashing it to the ground, injuring his hands in the process. Almost immediately afterward, Anor detected the voice of an approaching individual and concealed himself in an alcove, abandoning his failing masquer. Shortly, a Shamed One appeared, carrying a lamp, alleviating Anor's fears that a search party had been dispatched to find him. As the Shamed One approached the disgraced spy's hiding place, Anor swiftly emerged, demanding to know the Shamed One's purpose in the depths of the underground. The Shamed One, Vuurok I'pan, falsely claimed to Anor that he had simply become lost, but Anor challenged his deception.

Nom Anor survived by eating granite slugs in the first days after escaping the fallout from the Ebaq debacle.

After briefly assaulting the Shamed One, Anor inferred that I'pan was a runaway and that there were others like him. Informing the Shamed One that I'pan was of use to him, Anor instructed him to lead him to meet the other runaways. Anor followed I'pan in the direction from which the Shamed One had come. However, as the pair continued their journey, I'pan became increasingly bold towards Anor, repeatedly glancing back at the former Executor. Anor demanded to know the reason for this behavior. After seizing the Shamed One by the collar, he received the answer: I'pan wished to know if Anor was a Shamed One like himself. This enraged the former spy, and Anor subjected I'pan to a severe beating in a fit of anger, repeatedly throwing the Shamed One around while I'pan attempted to protect himself by curling up. When Anor finally regained control, he eventually pulled the beaten Shamed One to his feet and cautioned I'pan against asking him that question again. The pair then resumed their journey, with the Shamed One refraining from looking back at Anor again.

Traveling deep underground, the pair eventually reached their destination: a vast cavern that housed numerous renegade Shamed Ones. In a shaft to the side, the Shamed Ones had discovered an abandoned chuk'a waste processor, which they were using to create more habitable areas for themselves. When Anor demanded to know the whereabouts of the other Shamed Ones, I'pan summoned them with a bell. Fifteen of them emerged from the shadows and from the digging shaft; two of them were members of the warrior caste. One of those warriors, Niiriit Esh, confronted Anor, recognizing him as an Executor. Niiriit deduced that Anor had failed for the last time, but Anor insisted that his fortunes would soon improve and promised the group that he would aid the Shamed Ones when he regained power.

The warrior Vua Rapuung

Neither Niiriit nor the other warrior, Kunra, trusted the disgraced Executor, but Anor managed to convince them that he would not betray them, as doing so would be tantamount to betraying himself to his pursuers. Although Anor attempted to demonstrate his sincerity by reopening the wound on his fingers to display his devotion to the gods, Niiriit informed him that the Shamed Ones worshiped the Jedi, not the gods. Intrigued, Anor remained with the Shamed Ones to learn more. During his time with them, Niiriit proved to be the companion he most enjoyed spending time with, as she possessed the only mind sharp enough to pique his interest. A few weeks later, I'pan—who served as the group's storyteller—recounted the tale of the Shamed warrior Vua Rapuung by the fireside. In the story, Rapuung was betrayed by his lover, the Shaper Mezhan Kwaad, who caused his implants to fail, thus Shaming him. As a result, Rapuung sought revenge on Yavin 4 with the assistance of Jedi Anakin Solo, who instructed him in the ways of the Jeedai heresy. Ultimately, Rapuung compelled Kwaad to admit in front of witnesses that she had Shamed him, not the gods, but he was killed by Kwaad shortly after. However, Kwaad herself perished at the hands of Solo and his allies. Furthermore, some warriors inspired by Rapuung's alliance with the Jedi fought off those who still adhered to the old beliefs to allow Solo and his allies to escape.

Having studied the Yavin 4 heresy incident in detail, which was the origin of the Jeedai heresy, Anor noticed discrepancies in the story compared to what he knew as fact. Nevertheless, the tone and message of the story resonated even with the disgraced Executor. Although Anor expressed his appreciation for the tale, Kunra still felt that the new addition to their group should not have been privy to it. After Kunra declared that Anor would betray them, the former Executor confronted the warrior, and only Niiriit's intervention prevented Kunra from challenging him to a fight, as Anor had hoped. Shortly after the incident, Anor resolved to betray the Shamed Ones by providing Shimrra with all the information he had about the Jeedai heresy, thereby regaining the Supreme Overlord's trust.

Throughout Anor's stay with the Shamed Ones, Niiriit engaged the former agent in numerous conversations about the teachings of the Jedi. In the time following Anor's hearing of the story of Rapuung, he endeavored to gain the trust of the group of Shamed Ones by acquiring resources that they could not obtain themselves. Anor accomplished this by accompanying I'pan on missions to the levels near the surface of Coruscant, where he utilized his knowledge of certain codes and how resources were managed by the Yuuzhan Vong to locate and retrieve them. Soon, the former Executor supplied the group with lambents, arksh, and h'merrig, which improved living conditions in the lower levels for the Shamed Ones. Despite this, Kunra remained distrustful of Anor and his motives. Anor later accompanied I'pan on a mission to the upper levels so that the former Executor could learn other versions of the Rapuung story, as I'pan's tale was just one of many variations. The pair's journey culminated in a sub-basement, where they were forced to wait for I'pan's contacts, who were going to help inform Anor of the different story variants.

Nom Anor crafted himself a coufee while in exile.

Three members of the Shamed Ones eventually entered and were introduced to Anor as Aarn, T'less, and Shoon-mi Esh. These three Shamed Ones were not actually part of a rogue group like Anor's but were laborers operating undercover. Using the alias Amorrn to conceal his identity during their meeting, Anor was compelled to lie to Shoon-mi, claiming that Niiriit had told Anor about him, as the former agent knew that Shoon-mi desired acknowledgement from his crèche-mate Niiriit. However, before Shoon-mi could share his version of the story with Anor, Shoon-mi had T'less leave them, as she was apprehensive about meeting with a rogue group. It was then that Anor first learned that conditions on the surface were chaotic, with rebellion being discussed by the lower-ranking Yuuzhan Vong. This revelation shocked Anor, as he had never before been aware of such sentiment within the lower class.

Shoon-mi briefly recounted his version of the story to Anor, which closely resembled the course of events that Anor had learned of when he investigated the incident, notably lacking any battle between warriors of differing beliefs. Although learning that Aarn had heard the story from a worker who had toiled on the world Garqi, Anor was unable to uncover anything about the story's origin from the two Shamed Ones. During the meeting, Anor resolved that he could not allow this heresy to undermine the Yuuzhan Vong ways and religion. Before he and I'pan departed, Anor secured Shoon-mi's agreement to seek out different versions of the Rapuung tale during his travels.

On their way home, I'pan carried with them a sack of old clothes and food that Shoon-mi had provided for Niiriit. After Anor inquired as to why Niiriit did not speak of Shoon-mi, I'pan enlightened the disgraced Executor that the warrior considered Shoon-mi a traitor to the truth as he did not fully embrace the Jeedai heresy. Despite this, she still regularly accepted the supplies that Shoon-mi sent to her to improve her life. During his time with the Shamed Ones, the disgraced Executor carved himself a coufee from a discarded coral flask. Sometime after meeting Shoon-mi, Anor was visited one night by Niiriit. However, due to his habit of sleeping lightly with a coufee within reach, Anor leapt up and nearly slashed the warrior's throat with his knife before he recognized who had awoken him. Niiriit, who had merely intended to sleep with Anor, left hurriedly, leaving Anor mildly embarrassed.

Nom Anor and the Shamed Ones were attacked by a squad of Yuuzhan Vong warriors.

A week after the incident with Niiriit, Anor awoke to the sound of screaming Shamed Ones as they were being killed. Quickly deducing that his comrades were being murdered by warriors dispatched to eliminate the camp and Anor himself, the former Executor gathered all of his belongings and left his sleeping hollow. On the way out, he was passed by a running figure, whom he assumed was I'pan. He briefly followed him after deciding that dying to the kill squad would not benefit anyone. However, while heading down the shaft to where the chuk'a hibernated, he heard Niiriit's death cry, which caused Anor to briefly hesitate before continuing his flight. Anor continued down the shaft until he was near where the biot blocked any further access, and hearing breathing, the former Executor located who he thought was I'pan.

However, it was not I'pan but Kunra who turned to face him when Anor called out to the Shamed One. Kunra, who remained mistrustful of Anor, had been attempting to awaken the chuk'a at his feet so that the creature, which was anchored to the sides of the shaft, would release its grip out of reflex, allowing them to travel further down the shaft and escape the pursuing warriors. Anor took over the task of stimulating the chuk'a by stabbing it with his coufee. While doing so, he questioned Kunra about whether he had brought the warriors down upon them. Although Kunra vehemently denied this, the ex-warrior revealed that he had fled from the fight as a coward, which was the reason for his Shaming in the first place. Anor, with his coufee buried in the flesh of the chuk'a, continued to cut flesh with his weapon until he pulled the blade out, afraid that he would lose his only weapon in the gore hole he had created. However, seconds later, the chuk'a withdrew the claws that anchored it to the wall of the shaft due to the pain, and it fell, sending Kunra and Anor tumbling down with it.

As the shaft was slightly sloped, the descent of the chuk'a was slowed due to the friction between it and the wall. The chuk'a also began to tumble, sending Anor and Kunra bouncing up and down on top of the descending biot. To protect himself, Anor rolled himself into a ball to safeguard his head and stomach from the numerous impacts his body was enduring. Finally, the chuk'a and the pair hit the bottom of the shaft, with the crustacean's body absorbing most of the impact for Anor and Kunra. In serious pain, Anor managed to get to his feet after the fall and used a light-giving lambent to discover that they had landed in a bowl-shaped depression at the bottom of the shaft. There, Anor found Kunra with a piece of the now-dead chuk'a shell through his leg. Ignoring Kunra's pleas for help, Anor criticized Kunra's cowardice as the former warrior continued to beg. However, as soon as Kunra lapsed into unconsciousness from blood loss, Anor set to work mending the impaled leg, using medical supplies that he had stolen while on missions with I'pan. Anor explored his surroundings until Kunra awoke, and when he did, the former Executor held the coufee to Kunra's throat. Making it clear to Kunra that he would not hesitate to kill the Shamed One even though Anor had just saved him, the disgraced Executor made Kunra choose between dying to the coufee or serving Anor.

The ex-warrior chose the latter, and Anor commanded Kunra never to question his orders and never to use the name Nom Anor to address him. The second command was to prevent Anor's reputation from attracting other warriors seeking the disgraced Executor. As Anor had business that needed to be taken care of, Anor and Kunra then traveled up toward the surface of Yuuzhan'tar until they reached the vicinity of where Shoon-mi worked, and Kunra arranged a meeting with Shoon-mi. When the Shamed One passed by on the way to the meeting, Anor grabbed Shoon-mi and dragged him into a sub-basement with a coufee to Shoon-mi's throat. Without allowing Shoon-mi to see him by holding the coufee to Shoon-mi's throat from behind, Anor demanded to know if the Shamed One had sold out Niiriit and the others. Anor learned from the whimpering Shoon-mi that the warriors had actually been after the thieves who had been stealing supplies and had struck at least two other camps as well. This information enlightened Anor that neither he nor the heresy practitioners had been the target of the attack, though he did realize that his stealing of supplies with I'pan had led the warriors to the Shamed Ones.

Knowing that the message of the Jedi heresy was safe, Anor broached the idea that the heresy should be spread farther and quicker to avoid just preaching to those who already followed. Once Anor clarified that they would only preach to the Shamed Ones in the beginning to gain momentum, Shoon-mi agreed to join him in spreading the word, and Kunra agreed as well. Deciding that he would need a new name other than Amorrn to preach the word, Anor chose to take the title of Yu'Shaa, the Prophet, and he demanded that Shoon-mi no longer use Amorrn.

Leader of the lowly

Nom Anor preached the Jeedai heresy, which revered the Jedi Knights led by Luke Skywalker.

With the assistance of Kunra and Shoon-mi, Anor began to disseminate the message of the Jeedai heresy to the masses through ceremonies. These ceremonies, which transpired in a cellar deep beneath the surface of Yuuzhan'tar, were meticulously planned by Anor with the support of Kunra and Shoon-mi, with every detail incorporated into the script that Anor followed. Warders stationed outside the ceremony hall instructed those who entered on how and when to speak during the ceremony. For these events, Anor himself donned a mask that barely resembled a face due to the scarring. Beneath it, the Prophet wore an ooglith masquer that made him appear like one of the Shamed Ones. This enabled Anor to conceal his true face and identity when he removed the mask as part of the ceremony. As Anor continued to preach to the Shamed Ones in his ceremonies, he learned to employ gestures and animation in his speaking, as the monotone that he initially used failed to capture the attention of his listeners. By adopting I'pan's storytelling techniques, Anor was able to captivate those who came to hear him.

From his throne—a chair covered with various types of moss—Anor taught in his sermons that the Jedi were the ones sent by the gods to bring down Jamaane, allowing the Yuuzhan Vong to live in a galaxy at peace. In his Message, he also taught that while individual Shamed Ones were weak, a multitude of Shamed Ones together could achieve great things. During the meetings, Anor consistently shared the tale of Rapuung—a sanitized version that conveyed the appropriate message for the Shamed Ones listening—with an ending identical to the one that I'pan had shared with Anor when he first heard the story. Typically, after recounting the story of Rapuung, Anor would permit the attendees to pose questions to him, which usually pertained to the nature of the Jedi and the Force itself.

When asked during one of his ceremonies whether war was wrong, Anor responded that it was acceptable to fight for something that was rightfully theirs, such as the galaxy that Yuuzhan'tar was in, but it was fundamentally wrong to fight against the Jedi. Anor's meetings concluded with the Prophet commanding the attendees to spread the word of the heresy discreetly before opening his arms, signaling the end of the meeting as the doors of the cellar opened in response to his signal. Following the conclusion of the meeting where Anor was questioned about war, the Prophet, alone with Kunra and Shoon-mi, expressed his concerns that although they had many attendees, not many were truly dedicated Yuuzhan Vong. He also directed Shoon-mi to bring the Select, a group of seventeen devotees individually chosen for their attributes, to Anor so that he could train them.

Yu'shaa looks to the Coruscanti sky.

After Shoon-mi departed, Kunra presented Anor with a female Yuuzhan Vong whom the former warrior had apprehended after discovering that she was carrying a villip to enable someone on the other end to observe the Prophet in action during one of the ceremonies. Concerned about potential exposure, Anor instructed Kunra to extract information from the female regarding who the villip was communicating with before killing her. As a result of this turn of events, Anor and the others were compelled to relocate the venue where they held their ceremonies, and they identified a new headquarters. Due to Anor's anxieties about being exposed and captured by Yuuzhan Vong loyal to Jamaane, the former Executor began to experience dreams of warriors pursuing and hunting him. In his role as the Prophet Yu'shaa, Anor persisted in spreading the word, although he himself soon began to miss the wealth of information that his spy network had once provided him. Consequently, Anor focused on infiltrating a villip into the Supreme Overlord's Chambers so that he could gather intelligence that way.

Anor, with the assistance of Kunra and Shoon-mi, dispatched numerous devotees to attempt to smuggle a villip into Jamaane's chambers. They all carried a tooth filled with irksh poison in case they were apprehended. However, none of them progressed far toward their objective, and all failed to return. Anor and the others had one such spy, At'raoth, rehearse her excuse for gaining entry into the chamber multiple times before she embarked on her mission, carrying with her a k'snell vase containing a villip. However, as Anor and his two aids watched via the villip, At'raoth was intercepted by a guard just before she could enter the chambers, and her excuse failed to grant her passage. Prior to being slain by the guard, At'raoth destroyed the villip, proclaiming her allegiance to the Jedi. Anor was particularly incensed by this turn of events, as in addition to being so close to success, At'raoth had inadvertently alerted Jamaane that the Jeedai heresy was something to be concerned about. Unwilling to wait for the opportunity to place an informant in Jamaane's court, Anor instructed Kunra and Shoon-mi to find another willing spy for them, even though he knew that more dead spies meant fewer volunteers for the role.

After losing At'raoth as a spy, Anor continued to host meetings, and an increasing number of non-Shamed One Yuuzhan Vong began to attend. Additionally, Anor identified six acolytes who possessed minds keen enough to grasp some of the problems that the heresy faced. Shoon-mi and Kunra trained them as disciples before sending them out to spread the word further afield. At one of Anor's meetings, after he had delivered the bulk of his message, one of the acolytes continued to pose questions that left the former Executor struggling to answer. Raising questions about the feasibility of only spreading the message among the lower ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong, the acolyte, whom Anor could discern was not a Shamed One due to her stance, managed to transfix the audience, as well as Anor.

The Prophet used his plaeryin bol for the first time against Ngaaluh.

Anor came to the understanding that the acolyte was aware of the challenges in disseminating the heresy, but, like himself, had been unable to devise solutions. When the acolyte publicly suggested that Anor weaken Jamaane's power from within, the Prophet demanded her identity. As she declined to reveal her name, Anor invited her to speak privately. Anor's internal debate about trusting her resulted in her revealing his true identity. This revelation alarmed Anor, who feared she was a spy intending to assassinate him or expose his real name. Despite Anor's recoil, the acolyte attempted to offer him something, prompting him to instinctively activate his plaeryin bol, which discharged a volley of poisonous darts into her face.

As Kunra and Shoon-mi worked to subdue the crowd of penitents, Anor approached the dying acolyte and removed her ooglith masquer. To his astonishment, he recognized her as Ngaaluh, a priestess from the deception sect. Furthermore, Anor discovered that the item she tried to give him was not a weapon, but a living unrik from her own body, an offering of devotion. Realizing Ngaaluh was not an assassin and could be the informant he needed, the former Executor administered the poison's antidote, activating a needle from beneath his right thumb's claw.

After instructing Shoon-mi to provide Ngaaluh with the best possible care, Anor privately explained the acolyte's identity to Kunra, who then understood Anor's use of the plaeryin bol. Though Kunra was prepared to eliminate the entire audience to prevent news of the incident from spreading, Anor instead told them he had survived an assassination attempt, and they departed to spread the heresy's message after Kunra ensured no one had overheard anything compromising. Once Ngaaluh regained some strength from the antidote and was alone with Anor, she expressed her gratitude to the Prophet. With Ngaaluh willing to risk her life for him, as he had saved hers, the former spy finally had the informant he had long sought. During her recovery, Anor learned that Ngaaluh's faith in the gods had wavered after encountering Vergere, leading her to trace Yu'shaa's message to its origin.

Anor began utilizing Ngaaluh as an informant, with the priestess concealing a villip beacon in her robes, allowing Anor to observe events in Jamaane's court. During a court meeting Ngaaluh attended after persuading Harrar to allow her presence, Anor learned that the Yuuzhan Vong had been repelled during an attack on the Imperial Remnant, largely due to a Jedi team led by the Skywalkers. Additionally, Anor discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong invasion had stalled after seizing the former Coruscant, and resistance was growing. Anor's destabilization program was also encountering difficulties, as New Republic remnants were helping resolve disputes that would have otherwise diverted attention. Ironically, Anor was also able to eavesdrop on Ngaaluh's report on the heresy's status, delivered directly to Jamaane.

With Ngaaluh's assistance, the heresy flourished, and Anor's influence expanded. Shoon-mi managed the heresy's propagation, while Kunra's "special police" ensured its secrecy by eliminating members who posed a threat, creating the illusion that Yuuzhan Vong authorities were hunting down Shamed Ones practicing the heresy. As Ngaaluh led the investigation into the heresy, Anor provided her with members he suspected of betrayal, such as Eckla Shoolb, whom Ngaaluh then presented to Jamaane's court for execution. Meanwhile, Anor had to frequently relocate the heresy's headquarters to avoid detection by Yuuzhan Vong other than Ngaaluh, changing his base six times in six weeks. Although Shoolb's sacrifice made Shoon-mi question Anor's use of martyrdom to advance his cause, the Prophet still had Kunra prepare a candidate for Ngaaluh's next heretic reveal. Despite the heresy's success, Anor sensed that Jamaane was more angered than intimidated by its existence, which diminished the Prophet's satisfaction.

As Anor could not be everywhere at once, the ex-Executor oversaw the training of subordinate Prophets with the assistance of Kunra and Shoon-mi. These underlings were left behind as Anor and his entourage moved between audience chambers, accelerating the spread of the message. To implicate more Yuuzhan Vong officials in the heresy's spread and sow further discord, Anor selected five unstable or unreliable individuals as potential heretics. He then fed them lies related to those officials, along with a modified version of the heresy, before sending them out to spread the word, where they were predictably apprehended by those working with Ngaaluh to eradicate the heresy. Shortly thereafter, Anor and Kunra, disguised as workers handling baggage vrrips, secretly accompanied Ngaaluh as part of her entourage to the command enclave of the Vishtu Sector. As the entourage, carrying the five captured heretics, halted outside the enclave, Anor was struck across the face by a guard for attempting to overhear a nearby argument.

Ngaaluh brought Nom Anor's attention to rumors about the existence of the mythical world of Zonama Sekot.

Despite his fury at the guard's actions, Anor maintained his subservient worker persona, and the entourage proceeded into the enclave without further incident, though Anor once again vowed to avenge himself against all those who had wronged him over the years. After Ngaaluh settled into her quarters within the enclave, Anor, Shoon-mi, and Kunra discreetly left the priestess's entourage, replaced by three loyal Shamed Ones. Descending deep beneath the enclave, Anor and his companions reached the new audience chambers intended for the heresy. Upon retiring to his private chamber, Anor was soon visited by Ngaaluh, who had slipped away from the enclave above. The priestess informed him of Jakan's increasingly extreme ideas for suppressing the heresy, and they discussed their plan to eliminate Prefect Ash'ett, a former rival of Anor's whom the Prophet sought to punish, unbeknownst to Ngaaluh. Furthermore, Ngaaluh shared rumors circulating in Jamaane's court concerning the mystical planet of Zonama Sekot in the Unknown Regions. Initially skeptical, Anor was sufficiently intrigued to instruct Ngaaluh to continue gathering information about the rumor before she departed.

After Ngaaluh compiled her evidence against Ash'ett, Anor observed through the priestess's villip as Jamaane punished Ash'ett and his family. Although Ngaaluh could not directly connect the five prisoners to Ash'ett, Jamaane condemned Ash'ett for allowing the heresy to spread, and the Supreme Overlord ordered the entire immediate family of Ash'ett to be cast into the yargh'un pits. Anor, far removed from the events unfolding in Jamaane's court, rejoiced not only in Ash'ett's punishment but also in Jamaane's willingness to make examples of his subjects based on mere suspicion. Jamaane's court then discussed the disasters caused by the malfunctioning world brain and the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Anor's heresy, which were undermining the Yuuzhan Vong war effort. Both of these developments reinforced Anor's belief that his power was growing daily.

One night, Anor awoke to find his private quarters darker than he had left them. Realizing he was not alone, Anor tried to locate a target for his plaeryin bol in the dim light. However, before he could react, a voice commanded the attack, and multiple hands seized Anor from the darkness. Initially resisting, Anor feigned defeat, allowing him to position himself for a plaeryin bol attack. Anor fired, eliminating one of his assailants, but the others quickly restrained him, and one pressed something against the Prophet's plaeryin bol, preventing further firing. Resigning himself to defeat under the weight of his attackers, Anor was astonished to see Shoon-mi leading the group when Anor's aide illuminated a lambent crystal.

As Shoon-mi held a coufee to Anor's throat, the Prophet calmly warned his aide that he would not escape punishment for killing the heretics' leader, and that the Jeedai heresy would collapse without him. However, Anor soon realized that Shoon-mi intended to become the Prophet by donning Anor's masquer and mutilating Anor's body to resemble his own. With this disguise, Shoon-mi could claim to be the Prophet who had survived an assassination attempt by his aide, leaving no one to know the truth. As Anor stalled for time by talking, he inquired about Shoon-mi's motive for killing him, discovering that the aide despised Anor's reckless disregard for life, which was un-Jedi like. Recognizing Shoon-mi's hesitation, the Prophet dared his aide to proceed, unnerving Shoon-mi.

In a further attempt to delay his execution, Anor revealed to Shoon-mi his disbelief that Jamaane would ever submit to the heretics' demands, and that the heresy would never achieve its goals. At that moment, Kunra stabbed Shoon-mi in the back before slaying the rest of Shoon-mi's underlings with Anor's assistance. Although Anor was grateful for Kunra's timely intervention, the other informed the Prophet that after being initially overwhelmed by minions while guarding Anor's door, he had waited and listened to Anor's conversation with Shoon-mi before acting; this did not bother Anor much, as Kunra had remained loyal to him and had not allowed Shoon-mi to usurp the role of the Prophet. Before dealing with the wounded Shoon-mi, Kunra questioned Anor about his sincerity regarding Jamaane's invincibility against the heresy, but Anor evaded the question to conceal his doubts. Then, rolling Shoon-mi onto his back, Anor strangled his betrayer to death before instructing Kunra to dispose of the bodies to conceal any potential weakness in the Prophet's image if news of the attempt leaked out.

The following day, Anor convened a meeting with Ngaaluh and Kunra in his heavily guarded private quarters to discuss Shoon-mi's betrayal. The priestess was utterly shocked by the aide's treachery, demonstrating her dedication to the heresy and the Jedi ideals. Kunra noted that some within the heresy were dissatisfied with the order's slow progress, and that some, such as subordinate Prophets V'tel and Idrish could be seen as rivals who could potentially betray Anor for power. As Jamaane was not behind the attack because warriors would have come for Anor instead of his aide, the Prophet forbade any attacks against Jamaane after the other two suggested it; Anor did this because he was worried that the Yuuzhan Vong would lose the war without the Supreme Overlord to lead them.

During the brief meetings, Ngaaluh provided evidence to Anor that Zonama Sekot had indeed been discovered, and that the ruling class was trying to cover it up. However, Anor was once again skeptical, and ordered Ngaaluh to keep looking into it, to provide a definite answer to the question of Zonama Sekot's existence. After Ngaaluh left, Kunra assured Anor that the priestess was not ambitious enough to claim Anor's title as Prophet for her own, easing a bit of Anor's suspicions. Before Kunra departed, Anor named Chreev Shoon-mi's successor as chief acolyte. Despite the attack on his life, Anor continued to give sermons to the followers of the heresy immediately after the event.

Two days later, Anor once again watched from Ngaaluh's concealed villip as the priestess presented the evidence before Shimrra and his court that would condemn a third of Anor's old rivals: Prefect Zareb. By using evidence provided from planted heretics, Ngaaluh once again concluded that Jamaane had been betrayed by a trusted individual. Jamaane was furious, and questioned many of his highest advisers as to how the heresy could have infected his court. However, when guards came into the court, they did not head for High Prefect Drathul—whom Anor believed might be executed—but Ngaaluh herself; Jamaane had found the evidence too watertight against the three intendants, and had re-interrogated the placed heretics before they were killed, which revealed Ngaaluh as the actual traitor. Anor watched as the priestess took poison to prevent Jamaane from extracting information from her, and as her body was thrown into the yargh'un pit. Ignoring Kunra's attempts to draw him into a conversation regarding the sudden turn of events, Anor watched the view of the heap of bodies from Ngaaluh's villip for a long while.

Zonama Sekot

Journeying to the living world

As some of the heretics were wavering in their resolve after Ngaaluh's demise, Anor sought to invigorate them. Because the Prophet had learned from his old sources that the Jedi were interested in Zonama Sekot, and as Jamaane was clearly afraid of the planet, Anor preached to his followers from his throne that he had had a vision of a living world that could redeem the Shamed Ones and bring them harmony with the Jedi. He also informed his followers that Jamaane was afraid of the planet. This message brought hope to Anor's army of zealots, empowering Anor in the process. Due to Anor's message, some of his followers took it upon themselves to locate the prophesied planet for their Prophet, with some finding their way to the planet of Dagobah, an important Jedi location.

Nom Anor's message led some followers to travel as far as the world of Dagobah.

Sometime after Anor delivered his message about the living world, the Shamed One Loiin Sool came to Anor as a messenger from the shaper Nen Yim. Anor spoke to Sool personally, as the Shamed One was wearing a blindfold and had been searched for implants, and the Prophet learned from Sool in front of more than thirty of his followers that Yim was hoping that the Prophet could help her get to Zonama Sekot. Aiding Yim there would involve breaking her out of Jamaane's grasp, a risky venture even if it was not a trap set up for the heretics. Kunra, who was with Anor, pushed for them to aid Yim, and volunteered himself to lead the attack that would liberate the shaper. Then, after first silencing Kunra's enthusiastic support for the plan, Anor surprised his audience by proclaiming that though the prophecy was nearing completion, Anor would need to step foot onto Zonama Sekot with a Jedi. Because of this, he told his followers that he himself would free Yim with the help of the Jedi, just like Rapuung fought with Anakin Solo, to the cheers of his audience.

In order to obtain the aid of the Jedi, Anor sent a qahsa organism to the Jedi Knights via courier. The qahsa contained a message that begged the Jedi to come to Yuuzhan'tar, and to take only Anor to Zonama Sekot. It also contained limited information about the Yuuzhan Vong defenses around the world. The Jedi Knights agreed to the request of the Prophet, and a rendezvous time was set up on Yuuzhan'tar for the Jedi going on the mission and Anor. With the rendezvous location in a garbage pit, Anor and Kunra proceeded to the spot, with Kunra getting to the rendezvous first to make sure that it was safe for Anor. The Prophet followed close behind, and came upon the ex-warrior and the two Jedi who had been sent on the mission: Veila, and Master Horn, who both featured in the heresy's beliefs, with the former known as the Tahiri Veila, and the latter as Corran Horn.

In his guise as the Prophet, Anor learned that the Jedi's ship had been destroyed, though they had not been discovered by the Yuuzhan Vong authorities when they came to Yuuzhan'tar. It was then that Anor informed the pair that the party had another member, the shaper Yim, and that she possessed a ship from Zonama Sekot that could be used as their vessel. Horn did not appreciate the change of plan, especially after Veila pointed out that Anor was wearing a masquer, although Anor was able to provide an excuse that he permanently wore the masquer for his people the Shamed Ones. After privately conferring about the change in their mission, the pair of Jedi agreed to take part in the liberation of Yim.

Yu'shaa outlined his plan to the pair of Jedi: they would get close to Jamaane's palace, and after some of Anor's followers created a distraction, the Jedi would infiltrate the damutek that Yim was in, and get the ship and the shaper out of it. However, Horn did not like how the plan risked the lives of so many Shamed Ones if something went wrong, so he advocated for some of the Shamed Ones to dress up in brown robes and wield long glowing plants that were found underground to appear like Jedi. These Shamed Ones, the Jedi hoped, would serve to distract the warriors. Anor and the two Jedi used secret tunnels to get themselves close to the shaper damutek, and once there, Anor took leave of the two Jedi after pointing them in the direction of the damutek; Anor planned to wait for the Jedi to seize the ship and pick him up at a shrine to the god Yun-Harla nearby.

The pair of Jedi succeeded in their mission with the help of the heretics, and the Prophet, along with Harrar the priest, was picked up at the shrine by the vessel of Zonama Sekot origin. Aboard the vessel, Anor, playing his role as the Prophet, exclaimed in shock when he found out that the One-who-was-shaped had been wounded. Despite Horn's great displeasure when Harrar joined the group, they were forced to depart the shrine rendezvous in the ship as Yuuzhan Vong fighters were pursuing the escaping ship. With Horn going to check on Yim, who was piloting, the Jedi ordered Anor to watch over the wounded Veila. This did not stop Anor from moving to the fore of the ship and watching over Horn's shoulder after the Jedi relieved command of the ship from Yim to fly the Sekotan ship through a gauntlet of enemy fighters before escaping by outwitting them; Anor commended the Jedi on his escape tactics afterwards.

The group encountered an Imperial interdictor on their journey.

With the group safe for the moment, and Veila in an improved condition thanks to Yim, Anor and the others gathered together for the first time since the start of their escape, and it was then that Horn informed the Yuuzhan Vong present that they were not going to Zonama Sekot after all. This caused considerable reaction from the three, with Anor and the others pointing out that they were risking much to journey to the living planet. Horn, however, citing the addition of two Yuuzhan Vong to the party as a main reason, declared that they were instead heading to Mon Calamari to get a decision from the Jedi Council to see if the voyage should continue. After four days of traveling, Anor was locked up in his cabin aboard the Sekotan ship, presumably praying, when the vessel was yanked from hyperspace by an Imperial interdictor.

Although the Sekotan ship managed to escape again to hyperspace after Yim used a prototype shaping device to nullify the affects of the interdiction field, the craft was badly damaged by the incident. Additionally, during the escape Horn revealed that they were indeed going to Zonama Sekot, and not Mon Calamari. Anor joined the main group after the incident, and he deduced that the Jedi had tricked them so that they could see if the Yuuzhan Vong tried to force the location of Zonama Sekot, which would have shown that their true allegiance was with Jamaane. Over the next few days on the group's journey to the living planet, they had to progress in small hyperspace jumps, but as Anor and the others neared their destination, the dovin basals of the craft began to die. The Sekotan craft managed to limp into the Klasse Ephemora system, where Zonama Sekot was orbiting the gas giant Mobus. After narrowly avoiding being drawn into the gravity well of Mobus, Horn managed to steer the craft on an intercept course for the living planet; Anor, upon seeing the world, lied to the others that he could feel that it was the planet of prophecy.

With the crippled ship on a landing vector it had chosen, the group managed to make it in one piece to the surface of Zonama Sekot with the help of Horn's piloting skills, and the aid of the Force to cushion their final landing; the living ship, however, did not survive the journey, dying once it had reached the ground. When the group exited the dead ship, Anor and the two other Yuuzhan Vong felt a palpable sense of belonging on Zonama Sekot, and this surprised the ex-Executor, as he had not known for certain until then if Zonama Sekot was indeed the living planet that was linked to the Yuuzhan Vong race.

Allied with Shimrra once more

When Yim went back to the ship to get supplies, Anor followed her, and managed to convince her to let him help her with lab work. Shortly after, with Horn and Harrar looking for a suitable shelter for the group, Anor and Veila accompanied Yim on a collecting expedition. Both Anor and Veila sat by idly for hours as Yim examined certain objects and documented notes in a portable qahsa. While waiting for Yim, Anor came to realize that Jamaane had been right to fear the world, as the Yuuzhan Vong were obviously connected to it. Shortly afterwards, Yim discovered a lim tree in her exploring, prompting her to get Anor to explain the nature of his visions. Yim needed to know because the lim tree had originally existed on the original Yuuzhan'tar, and since it had not been planted by a spacefaring race, this indicated that Zonama Sekot was directly related to their homeworld somehow. However, Yim refused to make any assumptions about Zonama Sekot's origin until she had more data. When Anor showed interest in learning about what Yim was doing, the shaper allowed Anor to hold her qahsa and to record what she found; this left him in possession of the vast amount of knowledge contained within.

Tahiri Veila

After a period of collaboration with Yim on her research, which significantly accelerated the process, Anor was granted complete access to the qahsa by the shaper, following its rejection of his own attempts to use it. Later, during a conversation between Harrar and Yim, the Prophet took the opportunity to explore the contents of the qahsa, while simultaneously listening to Yim explain to Harrar her belief that Zonama Sekot possessed a dhuryam-like entity responsible for managing its ecosystem. Anor's attention was minimal until Veila revealed to the group that, due to the unsuccessful shaping that made her part Yuuzhan Vong, she felt that the Yuuzhan Vong people's origins were on a living world. This statement piqued Anor's interest, but Yim dismissed Veila's claim, citing substantial evidence indicating that Yuuzhan'tar was the original homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong.

With Yim's permission to meditate, Anor came to the realization that Jamaane would be exceptionally pleased if the living planet were destroyed, along with both the Jedi and the renegade Yuuzhan Vong, to the extent that the Supreme Overlord might promote Anor instead of executing him if he carried out such an act. Lost in thought, Anor reached the summit of a hill, where he was astonished to observe what he identified as hyperdrive field guides emerging from the planet's surface, of a size suggesting that the planet itself was capable of hyperspace travel. This discovery prompted him to remove the masquer that disguised him as the Prophet, as he was alone, and activate a small, dedicated villip that he had brought to the living world. Anor contacted a surprised former subordinate, Phaa Anor, via the villip, and persuaded him to inform Jamaane of Anor's presence on Zonama Sekot and his discovery of Yim, promising Phaa a reward for delivering the information. Anor also instructed his former subordinate to take the villip to Jamaane, enabling him to communicate with the Supreme Overlord directly. In reality, the ex-executor anticipated that Jamaane would likely have Phaa killed for presenting such information, but this did not concern Anor.

Sometime after contacting his subordinate, as night fell, Anor sensed movement in his villip, indicating an incoming transmission, while the Prophet was residing in the rock shelter the group had discovered. However, due to the light sleeping habits of the others, and Veila's nearby watch duty, Anor was compelled to ignore the communication to avoid detection. Several hours later, after Anor had relieved Veila of her watch duty and was certain she was asleep, he used his villip to contact its counterpart. Initially greeted by Onimi on the other end, the Prophet soon found himself facing Jamaane once more. Jamaane demanded to know why Anor had not surrendered himself for sacrifice following the debacle at Ebaq 9, to which Anor falsely claimed to the Supreme Overlord that he had been held captive by the Jedi since the event, but had managed to conceal the villip on his person.

After convincing Jamaane that he was indeed on Zonama Sekot, Anor informed him of the Jedi's presence on the living world, where they were attempting to persuade Zonama Sekot to align itself against the Yuuzhan Vong. Anor outlined how his villip could serve as a tracer to locate the living world, and also convinced Jamaane to dispatch a combat ship and a landing vessel to retrieve him, after the former agent described his plan to sabotage the living world, resulting in its destruction and eliminating the threat to the Yuuzhan Vong. Jamaane pledged to reward Anor if he succeeded in his plot. In the days following his conversation with Jamaane, Anor pilfered all the components he believed necessary for sabotaging the living world, with the exception of Yim's qahsa, which contained protocols that would aid him in this endeavor. With Harrar and Horn away on an expedition to the hyperdrive guidelines, Anor sought solitude, but soon gravitated back towards the camp to eavesdrop on a conversation between the two women. Although he did not comprehend everything, Anor overheard Yim state that she had uncovered the secret of Zonama Sekot. When the shaper left the shelter to contemplate her thoughts, Anor followed her, approaching her when she had paused among some trees.

Nen Yim was killed by Nom Anor on Zonama Sekot.

Despite Yim's eagerness to share her discovery with Anor, he removed his masquer, revealing his identity as a Yuuzhan Vong executor. In response, Yim attempted to stab Anor with the whip-sting of her shaper hand, but Anor blocked the lethal weapon with his arm, the sting piercing through it. After pulling Yim closer with the whip-sting embedded in his arm, Anor shot her with his plaeryin bol, causing her to collapse as her muscles spasmed. Explaining to the dying Yim that he was indifferent to her discovery and that he would soon destroy Zonama Sekot, Anor repeatedly struck her head with a rock to ensure her demise, doubting that his poison alone would be sufficient to kill the gifted shaper. However, despite Anor's repeated blows until she was motionless, Yim managed to stab Anor in the side with the whip-sting during the struggle.

Having completed his task, Anor seized Yim's qahsa, containing the protocols necessary to destroy Zonama Sekot, and departed for the hyperdrive field guides, as Jamaane's vessels were scheduled to arrive within the day. With Yim eliminated, Anor only had to contend with Harrar and the two Jedi. Reaching the hyperdrive field guides, Anor noticed the entrance made by Harrar and Horn using a Jedi lightsaber, and paused to observe the hole before making his final approach. Donning his Prophet masquer once more to maintain his deception of Harrar and Horn, the ex-Executor entered the building and located the lifts leading downwards. Anor entered one of the lifts, but hesitated briefly upon hearing Harrar and Horn exit another lift, before continuing his descent, confident that no one awaited him at the bottom to ambush him.

After a considerable time, Anor reached the bottom of the lift shaft, finding himself in a room filled with machinery that controlled the living world's hyperdrive. Calling all the lifts down and jamming their doors open with crates to prevent unwanted visitors, the former Prophet began searching for an interface connecting the living world to the metal of the hyperdrive, soon locating his target in the center of the room: a pillar covered in tightly woven neural strands descending into the floor. Anor used Yim's qahsa to install a soldier virus on an incubator of his, inserting the living organism into the pillar behind the neural strands to conceal it. Anor's sabotage would cause the neural integuments to fail in carrying data effectively, triggering a feedback explosion in the hyperdrive core, preventing the planet from traveling and causing severe damage.

With his task accomplished, Anor removed his masquer and contacted the warrior Ushk Choka, who had been dispatched to retrieve Anor from the living world. The ex-Executor persuaded Choka, who was in orbit of the living world, to send down the lander despite Zonama Sekot not yet being neutralized. The warrior complied, stating that the lander would arrive for Anor in seven hours, around the time Anor's sabotage would become apparent. Shortly thereafter, Anor heard a sound, realizing that the Jedi had managed to reach the room without using the lifts. The former Prophet sprinted for the lifts, entering one just as Horn came into view. Instead of staying to fight Horn when the Jedi challenged him to a duel using his real name, Anor ascended in the lift, escaping Horn. However, Anor knew that Yim had managed to warn the others, as Horn knew his true identity, and that Veila would likely be waiting for him when the lift door opened.

Upon the door opening at the top of the lift, Anor emerged with his hands raised in surrender, confronted by Veila and Harrar. Although Veila desired to kill the unarmed Anor, she was restrained by the Jedi's ideals, which Anor, aware of this, exploited by taunting her. When Veila was momentarily distracted by Harrar, who ordered her to kill Anor, the former Prophet fired his plaeryin bol at Veila. Despite the female Jedi leaping aside, she struck the guardrail of the lift shaft, and a kick from Anor was sufficient to send her tumbling down the shaft. Now facing only one opponent, Anor engaged Harrar in a brawl, knocking the priest unconscious with an uppercut to the jaw. Spotting Veila's lightsaber on the ground, the ex-Executor seized it and severed the power conduits to the lifts to impede Horn's pursuit before exiting the building on his way to the designated pickup point.

Amidst a thunderstorm with pouring rain, Anor proceeded up a spine of rock spires with a significant drop on either side as he made his way to the rendezvous. Confident that he had acted in the best interests of his people by sabotaging the world, Anor proclaimed to the winds that he, Nom Anor, had destroyed the living world. However, while on the spine, Anor was attacked from behind by Harrar, knocking him to the ground on the narrow path. Fighting off his attacker, Anor confronted Harrar. Anor was incredulous that the priest was siding with the Jedi against him, but Harrar insisted that Jamaane was the true evil, not Zonama Sekot. When Anor refused to disclose what he had done to the living world's hyperdrive, Harrar charged at Anor, attempting to kill the former agent for his actions. However, Anor ignited the lightsaber, and his swipe at Harrar's leg caused the priest to stumble as he tried to evade it, sending Harrar tumbling over the edge of the spine.

Nom Anor at the very end of the war

Anor reached the rendezvous point without further incident, arriving in time to see the lander descending towards him. At that moment, the ground shuddered briefly, indicating that Anor's sabotage was about to take effect. However, alerted by the rustling of grass, Anor turned to see Horn approaching him. Realizing that the lander would not reach him in time, Anor fled into a copse of trees. As he dashed through the trees, Anor was sent crashing into a tree after Veila intercepted him with a flying kick to the head, before retrieving her lightsaber from the winded Anor. Although Veila admitted that she would not kill Anor, she instead decided to sever his hands and feet, and began dragging her blade across the ground towards Anor's leg before Horn intervened. With the Yuuzhan Vong lander Red Qurang landing nearby, Horn ordered the ex-Executor to call off the warriors who would disembark, or he would remove Anor's head. When Horn refused to heed Anor's suggestion that they would not obey his commands, Anor was retrieving his villip to make the communication when the ground heaved violently, throwing them about.

With the two Jedi briefly incapacitated by the pain that Zonama Sekot was emitting through the Force, Anor ran towards the lander. Although the pair of Jedi pursued him, they were soon ambushed by the warriors who had disembarked from the transport. Near the lander, Anor instructed the warriors to quickly eliminate the Jedi, as time was short. However, at that moment, the Jedi shuttle Jade Shadow arrived on the scene, opening fire on the warriors and Anor. With the warriors being cut down around him, and Jedi disembarking from the shuttle to aid their companions, Anor sprinted for the landing ramp of the Yuuzhan Vong vessel, with Veila close behind. Although Anor reached the ramp before her, he had to duck to avoid being decapitated by Veila's blade as the Jedi also mounted the ramp. Fortunately for Anor, it was then that the lander took off, causing Veila to fall from the lander to the ground below.

Escaping the initial pursuit of the Jade Sabre, the Red Qurang with Anor aboard entered orbit, but was forced to endure the onslaught of the Imperial frigate Widowmaker before it could jump to hyperspace, as the Yuuzhan Vong transport was the only vessel Jamaane could spare to extract Anor from Zonama Sekot. Ignoring the damage inflicted on the small transport, Anor watched from the Red Qurang as boiling clouds of vapor continued to form around the hyperdrive field guides as he was jostled about with the ship. However, shortly after blue beams of light began to emanate from the location of the field guides, Zonama Sekot jumped to hyperspace, and the planet's wake carried the Widowmaker with it, saving the Red Qurang from disintegrating under the Imperial frigate's barrage. The living world had channeled the energy that would have caused an explosion into a blind jump to hyperspace, sparing the world from devastation.

Escalation and demise

Upon Anor's return to Yuuzhan'tar, he was escalated to the rank of prefect for his role in sabotaging Zonama Sekot, receiving green robes and a new residence as a result of the promotion. This escalation displeased many who still remembered Anor's numerous failures, including Drathul himself. Despite his escalation, the Prefect did not meet Jamaane in person until some time after Anor's return to the Yuuzhan Vong capital. When summoned, Anor was ushered into Jamaane's presence by Onimi, and, kneeling before the Supreme Overlord, presented Jamaane with Anakin Solo's lightsaber, which the Yuuzhan Vong had previously used to test the durability of the new elite warriors known as Slayers. In a discussion about the gods, Jamaane informed Anor that the Yuuzhan Vong were waging a war against the gods themselves, for denying the Yuuzhan Vong access to their power. An astonished Anor listened as the Supreme Overlord continued to discuss the Jedi's potential connection to the gods. When Jamaane demanded to know if Anor had truly eliminated the threat of Zonama Sekot, Anor vowed that he had neutralized it.

After the Galactic Alliance—the successor state to the New Republic—liberated captives from their Yuuzhan Vong and Peace Brigade guards near the world of Selvaris, Anor accompanied Jamaane in a procession to meet the Peace Brigadiers who had managed to maintain control of some of the prisoners near what had once been known as Westport on Yuuzhan'tar. Walking near Jamaane's palanquin, Anor arrived at the location with the rest of the group and witnessed Carr being promoted for his actions at Selvaris. With more captives soon to be acquired to fill the void created by the liberation, Jamaane tasked Drathul and Anor with ensuring that nothing interfered with the ritual ceremony that would involve the sacrifice of those same captives.

Drathul summoned Anor to the High Prefect's quarters shortly after the pair were assigned the task, but Drathul made Anor wait for half a day before seeing him. During the meeting, Drathul warned Anor of a Shamed One plot to disrupt the ceremony, and deducing a connection between Anor's escalation and the heretics, ordered Anor to attempt to dissuade them. The High Prefect, who was enraged by Anor's new rank, also threatened Anor with consequences if he failed again. After speaking with Drathul, Anor rode a saddled bissop back to his residence, and on the way, decided to ensure that the heretics he had given purpose to would not interfere with his future plans.

Upon arriving at his residence, Anor retrieved the masquer he had used to disguise himself as Yu'shaa, and after instructing his servants not to disturb him, secretly left the residence disguised as a lowly worker. He then proceeded to make his way down to the realm of the Shamed Ones, taking a circuitous route to evade any spies who might be following him. In the Shamed Ones' domain, Anor uttered the correct passcodes to access the lowermost levels, and soon the Shamed Ones recognized Anor as their Prophet, flocking to him before he could reach Kunra. Although he tried to tell them that he had not been captured by Jamaane, nor had he been nearly killed, the Shamed Ones interpreted his responses in a way that led them to believe he had defeated Jamaane and death.

Drathul despised Nom Anor.

In a large boulevard, surrounded by a crowd of Shamed Ones, Anor found Kunra and attempted to dissuade him from interfering with the ceremony, lest it result in the death of heretics. However, each time Anor warned Kunra, the ex-warrior twisted Anor's words and repeated them in front of the crowd, urging them to attack and disrupt the ceremony in large numbers. Even when Anor addressed the crowd directly, Kunra twisted his words and incited the Shamed Ones, preventing Anor from retracting his promise to lead them to a better life. With the Shamed Ones cheering, Kunra approached Anor, pressed a coufee to his ribs, and thanked the Prophet for helping incite the heretics once more. Thus, Anor's plans to prevent the attack on the ceremony failed.

Shortly after failing to dissuade the heretics, Anor attended the Grand Ceremony at the Place of Sacrifice, entering with the procession that included the high-ranking Yuuzhan Vong officials and Jamaane himself. Aware of his failure, Anor was apprehensive of what the Shamed Ones might do as he watched the ceremony unfold. Before the thousand or so captives could be sacrificed to the gods, Shamed Ones burst from holes in the ground armed with weapons, and began to free the captives after overwhelming the ceremonial guards. Although many Shamed Ones and captives were killed, many more escaped into the tunnels from which the force had emerged. Anor, aghast at the turn of events, saw Drathul glaring at him for his failure, and when the High Prefect began to approach Anor, the Prefect readied his plaeryin bol to save himself by killing Drathul.

It was then, before Drathul could reach Anor, that Jamaane ordered the High Prefect to bring him every heretic who followed the Prophet, so that they could be punished for their actions, saving Anor from Drathul's wrath. Meanwhile, Anor observed Onimi, disguised as a slayer using an ooglith masquer, slipping away from the slayer group and into the crowd. Onimi was not supposed to be at the ceremony, being a Shamed One. Due to the heretics' attack during the ceremony, Jamaane ordered Drathul to round up three thousand Shamed Ones in retribution, and Anor was tasked with this by the High Prefect. Three days after the ceremony, those Shamed Ones were executed in an ossuary that had once been a stadium, fed to yargh'un rodents as both elite and lowly Yuuzhan Vong watched. Anor was present at the executions, observing as the Shamed Ones, many of whom were innocent of being heretics, went to their deaths shouting the name of Yu'shaa. Although many of the high-ranking Yuuzhan Vong were dismayed by this, Jamaane laughed at the spectacle before him, though Anor was the only one who dared to look at the Supreme Overlord during the executions and notice this.

Following the cleansing rite of the Shamed Ones, Anor took it upon himself to subtly question those who attended the slaughter about whether any of the observers had seen Jamaane laughing, concluding that he had indeed been the sole observer. Two days after the event, Anor was present at a meeting in the Hall of Confluence when Choka requested that Jamaane reconsider his orders to attack the enemy at Mon Calamari. Although Anor found Choka's caution commendable, he did not openly support him for fear of losing Jamaane's trust, and watched as Jamaane ordered the attack to commence, deeming that the gods would favor the warriors.

Nom Anor attended the send-off for the armada destined for the Mon Calamari system.

From Anor's network of consuls and executors, the Prefect began to discover that many of the high-caste Yuuzhan Vong were experiencing significant apprehension and doubt due to Jamaane's leadership. Shortly after the Supreme Overlord ordered the attack to continue on Mon Calamari, Anor was present in Jamaane's holy yacht with the other high-caste members, to witness the Yuuzhan Vong battle groups departing for the Mon Calamari system. While observing the send-off, Anor began to fear Jamaane's actions, as the Supreme Overlord was disregarding the threat posed by Anor's heretics and those who were doubtful of Jamaane's rule. During the event, Onimi approached the Prefect in the holy yacht, warning Anor about the instability of his current position.

While the Yuuzhan Vong armada was battling the Galactic Alliance's forces near Mon Calamari, Anor, with nothing else to do as the Yuuzhan Vong awaited news of the outcome, returned to his residence to take a nap. However, he was quickly awakened by a landquake that shook his entire residence, sending his furniture and belongings tumbling about. Anor made his way to the balcony overlooking the Square of Hierarchy in time to witness a gale-force wind uprooting trees as it swept across Yuuzhan'tar. In the sky, Anor observed the world of Zonama Sekot, realizing that the living planet had not been lost in the depths of space, but had found its way to the capital of the Yuuzhan'tar.

Feeling defeated because his internal predictions about Zonama Sekot's return had proven true, Anor began to retreat into his residence as the balcony began to collapse, but the Prefect was seized from behind in a chokehold by Drathul, who pressed a coufee to his throat. Revealing himself as a Quorealist, the High Prefect demanded to know what Anor knew about Zonama Sekot as he choked Anor, but the Prefect did not reveal his secrets as he began to lose consciousness. When Drathul released his chokehold, Anor surprised Drathul by informing him that he had attempted to prevent Zonama Sekot's return, and it was this that had led to his escalation. As massive hailstones began to pelt the balcony outside, Anor advised Drathul to pray to the gods that Zonama Sekot came in peace. Although Zonama Sekot soon jumped through hyperspace to an orbit of Coruscant Prime that was further out than Yuuzhan'tar's, Choka brought the Yuuzhan Vong armada back to Yuuzhan'tar to defend it from the living world.

Shortly after the arrival of the living world, litter bearers arrived at Anor's residence to transport him to Jamaane's presence, causing Anor to momentarily fear that the Supreme Overlord had issued a death warrant for him due to his failure to neutralize Zonama Sekot's threat. However, Anor decided to remain loyal to Jamaane, rather than resuming the role of the Prophet, and departed with the litter. On his way, Anor witnessed heretics openly celebrating the arrival of the living world in public squares, despite the consequences of doing so, although most of the heretics were quickly dispersed by bands of warriors. Arriving at Jamaane's chambers in the Citadel, Anor prostrated himself before the Supreme Overlord and admitted to failing him by not succeeding in neutralizing Zonama Sekot. However, Jamaane did not completely fault Anor, believing that it was the gods who had failed them by saving Zonama Sekot and sending it to Yuuzhan'tar and its inhabitants.

Yuuzhan'tar became the target of a Galactic Alliance led attack.

Anor was rendered speechless by Jamaane's revelation: destroying Zonama Sekot meant defeating the gods themselves. With the aim of setting the gods against each other, Jamaane commanded Anor to ensure all temples shifted their worship from Yun-Yuuzhan and Yun-Yammka to Yun-Harla exclusively. It was at that moment that Anor recognized Jamaane's madness, a realization mirrored in Onimi's eyes. Discouraged and doubtful of Jamaane's ability to handle the Galactic Alliance threat, Anor resolved to prioritize his own survival above all else. Obeying Jamaane's orders, Anor disseminated the Supreme Overlord's instructions to the priests of Yuuzhan'tar's temples, causing fear among the more devout Yuuzhan Vong due to the exclusive worship of a single god.

Shortly after his private discussion with Jamaane, Anor found himself once more in the Supreme Overlord's presence, this time in the Hall of Confluence, where Jamaane addressed his court. The Supreme Overlord rebuked his court for their fear in the face of Zonama Sekot's arrival, surprising them by admitting his prior knowledge of the living world. Jamaane then disclosed that Yun-Harla had answered their prayers by providing a means to eliminate Zonama Sekot: a Yuuzhan Vong vessel infected with the Alpha Red pathogen, a biological weapon created by the Galactic Alliance to eradicate all Yuuzhan Vong life. With the intention of using this dying ship to contaminate Zonama Sekot, Jamaane instructed Choka to dispatch his armada towards the living world, ensuring the infected ship's safe delivery to its target.

However, the Galactic Alliance and the Imperial Remnant fleets chose that moment to assault Yuuzhan'tar in an attempt to reclaim it. As Choka's armada engaged the enemy near the gas giant Muscave within the Yuuzhan'tar system, Anor was present in the Hall of Confluence when Jamaane responded to a summons from one of Choka's warriors, Supreme Commander Laait. The Supreme Commander reported that living vessels, resembling coral skippers, had emerged from Zonama Sekot to confront the Yuuzhan Vong fighters guarding the Alpha Red infected ship. Even Jamaane was taken aback by this news, and Anor witnessed the Supreme Overlord execute his quartet of seers for uttering the heretical claim that the gods had sided with the Jedi. Shortly thereafter, Jamaane compelled Anor to explain the origin of the living ships, given the Prefect's past visit to the living world. Anor failed to convince them that the ships were merely Jedi mind tricks. Ever unpredictable, Jamaane, disregarding the Galactic Alliance's breach of Yuuzhan'tar's defenses, placed half of the Citadel's garrison under Anor's command to eradicate the heretics once and for all. Before dismissing them, the Supreme Overlord instructed Jakan, Qelah Kwaad, and Drathul to proceed to the Well of the World Brain. As Drathul prepared to depart, he pulled Anor aside, confronting him for not siding with the elite caste members against Jamaane. However, Anor's newly acquired force of warriors prevented Drathul from seeking revenge, and Anor simply advised Drathul to await his opportunity for retribution.

Fire Breathers were deployed by Shimrra Jamaane against his own people.

Anor's group of three hundred warriors began to slaughter the increasing numbers of heretics appearing publicly on Yuuzhan'tar's surface, though the Prefect had no real control over the rampaging warriors. Feeling helpless due to this lack of control, Anor watched as the warriors began to massacre the heretics and Shamed Ones in the Place of Hierarchy, where the latter were trapped. It was then, as he observed the carnage, that Anor noticed fires erupting across Yuuzhan'tar's surface. Realizing that the Galactic Alliance's starfighters were not responsible, the Prefect was horrified to discover that Yuuzhan Vong Fire Breather creatures were the cause of the blazes. Understanding that Jamaane had manipulated the World Brain into devastating Yuuzhan'tar to spite the gods, Anor cursed Jamaane's name, for the Supreme Overlord was destroying everything they had worked to achieve. Killing a warrior to seize his amphistaff, Anor disguised himself as a Shamed One with the robe of a dead Yuuzhan Vong and fought his way to the top of a rubble pile in the center of the Place of Hierarchy. There, Anor declared to the Shamed Ones that he was the Prophet, and that he would lead them to victory against the warriors. Anor's heretics heard this and attacked the warriors who were slaughtering them.

Although Anor's leadership enabled the heretics to escape the Place of Hierarchy, the warriors inflicted heavy casualties on the Shamed Ones and attempted to force them into the Place of Bones for a final slaughter. As Anor fought in the heart of the battle, reinforcements arrived for the heretics in the form of Galactic Alliance commandos who had infiltrated Yuuzhan'tar and Yuuzhan Vong resistance fighters. Encouraged by this sudden support, Anor fought with renewed vigor against the warriors. However, as the heretics gained the upper hand, Anor heard the distinct sound of lightsabers and realized that Jade Skywalker, Veila, and Kenth Hamner were fighting alongside the heretics.

Nom Anor fought briefly alongside Jedi such as Kenth Hamner.

Despite his attempts to avoid the Jedi he had manipulated over the years, Anor was forced closer to them by the fighting. Even after killing a Shamed One to smear his face with blood as a disguise, Veila recognized Anor as he was pressed shoulder to shoulder with her in combat. Tearing apart the knot of robes that Veila held onto, Anor scurried away from Veila, and made his way to the edge of the fighting after navigating the combatants, though Veila alerted Jade Skywalker to Anor's presence. Pursued by Jade Skywalker as he fled the battle, Anor led her on a winding path deeper and deeper into Yuuzhan'tar in an attempt to escape. Despite Anor's repeated attempts to outwit Jade Skywalker by setting traps that the Jedi avoided, the fleeing Prefect began to tire and made a final stand with a hand blaster taken from the corpse of a Twi'lek security guard.

After emptying the blaster at Jade Skywalker, who deflected the shots with her lightsaber, Anor tried to flee further, but found himself cornered against a wall. When his Jedi opponent deactivated her lightsaber, Anor attacked her with his coufee, but Jade Skywalker evaded all of his strikes, continuously striking Anor as she dodged his blows before disarming him. Attempting to strike the Jedi with his bare hands, Anor repeatedly fell for openings in Jade Skywalker's defense that she had intentionally created to inflict further harm. Jade Skywalker eventually inflicted enough damage on Anor that he struggled to stand, and then held her lightsaber to his throat. Facing death, Anor begged for mercy, unarmed, and his pleas to the Jedi became more frantic as it appeared that Jade Skywalker was going to kill him for his numerous crimes.

However, when Anor pleaded that he could help the Jedi and that he had changed, Jade Skywalker stayed her blade, though she did so not because of the Prefect's reasoning, but because others would decide Anor's fate. Temporarily spared from further harm, Anor informed Jade Skywalker of Jamaane's plan to destroy Zonama Sekot with Alpha Red. Following that, Anor and Jade Skywalker made their way to the surface of Yuuzhan'tar, and linked up with approximately fifty of the heretics, as well as Veila and Hamner, and made their way to the Well of the World Brain. Entering what had once been the Atrium of the Senate, Anor and the others found themselves confronted by a hundred Yuuzhan Vong warriors, as well as Jakan, Drathul, and Kwaad, who intended to sacrifice the captured Solo couple, their two bodyguards, and Harrar to the World Brain.

Jakan was enraged that the heretics dared to enter the sacred place, but Anor and the group defied his orders to leave and prepared to fight the assembled warriors. However, before they could do so, another hundred warriors entered on the heels of the heretics and positioned themselves between the two groups. Although the heretics retreated, appearing heavily outnumbered, the newly arrived warriors attacked those guarding Jakan and the others. As his heretics rushed to join the fight, Anor raced towards Drathul as chaos erupted, and strangled the High Prefect to death. After killing the intendant, Anor made his way to the platform above the World Brain, while the heretics and the renegade warriors continued to kill the guards of the World Brain. The Prefect watched as Solo coerced the captive Kwaad into communing with the World Brain. The shaper did so, and though the World Brain was initially angry, Jacen, elsewhere on Yuuzhan'tar fighting Jamaane's forces, calmed it down. In this way, they convinced the World Brain to aid the Galactic Alliance and the heretics, and not Jamaane.

Nom Anor was transported in the Millennium Falcon to the Citadel.

With the Jedi's task in the Well of the World Brain complete, Jade Skywalker had Anor inform the others of Jamaane's plot to destroy Zonama Sekot. Accompanying the Jedi and the Solos to the Citadel in the Millennium Falcon to locate Skywalker and the Solo twins, Anor was shocked by the destruction inflicted upon Yuuzhan'tar's buildings and structures. Anor entered the Citadel and made his way to the Hall of Confluence with the others, finding it filled with the bodies of warriors who had fallen against Galactic Alliance troops. Reasoning that Jamaane was likely at the Citadel's summit when Skywalker and the others engaged him, Anor led the group to the summit and entered the room after the door opened upon detecting Anor's scent. However, the sight of Jamaane's decapitated head stopped Anor in his tracks, unable to believe that the Yuuzhan Vong were without a Supreme Overlord.

In addition to Jamaane's body, the summit room also contained the bodies of Jamaane's dead slayers, and a seriously wounded Master Skywalker. Although Anor informed the others that the wounded Jedi Master would not survive due to poisoning, Skywalker managed to stay alive by slowing his blood flow. When Skywalker revealed that both Solo twins had pursued Onimi, Anor was shocked that the Shamed One had abandoned his master's side to flee up the staircase leading to the Citadel's bridge. However, when the entire Citadel began preparing for liftoff, a command only Jamaane could authorize, Anor began to doubt the Supreme Overlord's death. With Hamner gone and Veila and Jade Skywalker tasked with getting Skywalker to safety, Anor accompanied the two elderly Solos as they ascended the staircase to the Citadel's bridge to find the twins.

As Anor led the search for the twins, the top part of the Citadel launched into orbit, taking Anor and everyone else at the summit with it. Although they did not initially find the twins, Anor and the Solos discovered them in the vessel's bridge, and were rendered speechless by what they saw. They found Jacen, resembling a blinding beam of light, using his power to kill Onimi—the true Supreme Overlord who had been controlling the throne from behind the scenes—with the Shamed One dissolving into nothing as Jaina dangled incapacitated nearby. However, while everyone, including Anor, was awed by Jacen Solo's defeat of Onimi, the vessel began to break down due to the loss of Onimi, as the Shamed One was intrinsically linked to the ship. Convincing the Jedi that their best chance of escape lay in departing the doomed vessel via a yorik-trema transport, Anor led them through a maze of corridors until they reached a grotto with numerous airlocks.

Onimi is defeated by Jacen Solo.

Attempting to rid himself of the Solo family, Anor tried to trick them into entering a waste disposal chute before him, pretending to prepare the launch organ so that he could escape alone in the transport. However, Jacen saw through Anor's deception and pointed to the real entrance to the transport, with his recovered sister supporting his claim. Although Anor tried to claim he was merely confused and had mistaken the entrances, Anor was forced to use his plaeryin bol against the Solo family when Han drew his blaster. To save Jaina and Han, Jacen interposed himself between the gushing poison and his family, to Anor's delight, and the Prefect prepared to use the knockout gas contained within the little finger of his left hand to deal with the other Jedi. To Anor's shock, Leia severed Anor's left hand at the wrist to prevent such an attack, and Jacen managed to disperse much of the poison's strength with his newfound powers, allowing him to survive.

Although Jacen expressed regret that Anor had betrayed them when they could have escaped together, Anor stated that it could not have been any other way, as he felt he belonged with neither the Yuuzhan Vong nor the Galactic Alliance as it rebuilt. With the lock to the transport only able to open in response to Yuuzhan Vong flesh, Anor used his right hand to grant the Solos access to the craft, despite the fact that they could have used his severed left hand as well. With the rest of his family already in the transport, Han held Anor at blasterpoint for a moment before allowing the Prefect to enter as well. However, Anor refused his offer, as he wanted no part in the new order that would be formed after the Yuuzhan Vong War, and wished to die with Onimi, the only other Yuuzhan Vong like him. Pushing Han into the transport, Anor activated the mechanism that sent the transport away from the dying vessel, and died as the living ship disintegrated over the reclaimed Coruscant.


After the war, Anor was deemed responsible for half of the invasion that caught the New Republic off guard.

Personality and traits

An agent driven by great ambition

Anor was inherently ambitious, always seeking to ascend the Yuuzhan Vong command structure to gain more power. This ambition directly influenced many of his decisions during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Anor did not believe that pain nourished the Yuuzhan Vong gods, and while he claimed to serve Yun-Harla, he doubted her existence. In reality, Anor served only himself and the prospect of promotion. Before the war, Anor attempted to seize power by supporting the Praetorite Vong of the intendant caste as the initial assault force by secretly procuring an immature yammosk for them. Anor reveled in the power that came with rank and command, and on Rhommamool, he enjoyed the adoration he received as the leader, though he was indifferent to the planet's fate or its inhabitants. His throne as the Prophet made him feel powerful, a sensation he enjoyed but carefully concealed from his followers.

Anor disliked how speaking through a gnullith-villip hybrid diminished the commanding tone of his voice. During the Battle of Bilbringi, Anor refused to relinquish command of the Yuuzhan Vong forces to Carr. One of Anor's motivations for gaining power was to exact revenge on those who had inflicted pain upon him over the years, and he was delighted when he could use Ngaaluh to turn Jamaane against his old enemies. Possessing power on Yuuzhan'tar, Anor sought to protect the world from Jamaane's irrational commands. While working alongside Vergere—whom he grew to despise—Anor developed an intense rivalry with her, feeling that his power as Lah's primary agent was threatened, leading to constant bickering between them.

Nom Anor in his armor

In his pursuit of power and escalation, Anor was indifferent to the number of lives lost, believing that sacrifices were necessary for the good of the Yuuzhan Vong, and especially for his own advancement. Anor believed that his hobby of manipulating deadly spores could potentially lead to his desired rank of High Prefect. The agent considered it a glorious day when he successfully ignited the civil war between Rhommamool and Osarian, furthering the Yuuzhan Vong cause, despite the thousands who would die as a result. During the bo'tous plan, which was crucial to Anor as it could help him regain the esteem he had lost from siding with the failed Praetorite Vong, Anor was willing to sacrifice his Peace Brigade allies to salvage the mission. While spreading heresy, Anor would have killed Kunra and Shoon-mi if they had refused to assist him. As the Prophet, the agent was unconcerned with the number of heretic spies who died, as long as he gained intelligence on Jamaane's activities. Later, on Zonama Sekot, Anor killed Yim to advance his plans, knowing her death would be a significant loss. If Anor were the Supreme Overlord, he decided he would execute all potential rivals to maintain his power, as Jamaane had supposedly done. Despite Anor's tendency to harm others to achieve his ambitions, he believed that ruthless acts sometimes backfired.

Anor was consumed by his ambitions, going to great lengths to achieve power. After the debacle in the Treskov system, Anor was happy to lead the heretics who had opposed the Yuuzhan Vong, as long as it helped him regain his position. Although he sometimes grew weary of the heretics and their questions, Anor remained with them for the power that leadership offered. In his guise as the Prophet, Anor even learned to give compliments to appear compassionate and further his goals. However, when Anor saw an opportunity to regain Jamaane's favor by sabotaging Zonama Sekot, he abandoned the heretics. Even as his world crumbled with Zonama Sekot in the sky at the war's end, Anor savored the small victory he achieved over Drathul. Despite his ambition and intellect, many of Anor's carefully laid plans for escalation, such as those in Bilbringi and the Treskov system, ended disastrously. When he attempted to pacify the heretics later in the war, Anor's plans unraveled when Kunra twisted his words after he tried to instruct the Shamed Ones not to interfere with the ceremony.

Anor considered himself a pragmatist, never squandering an advantage that could aid his quest for escalation. He filed away the fact that the Mandalorians allied with the Yuuzhan Vong were led by Boba Fett for future use as a psychological weapon. He realized he had gained a victory when Yim gave him her qahsa, even though he did not yet understand its significance. After realizing that the eight cortex was empty, Anor wished to use that knowledge to net himself further power among the Yuuzhan Vong. Anor played the long game to accomplish his goals, and saved Kunra so that the ex-warrior would later serve and aid him. On Coruscant at the end of the war, Anor was careful in what he said to the Jedi, as he thought it might be possible for him to become a liaison between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance after the fighting was over. Because of Anor's ambition, it annoyed him that Shoon-mi only worked for praise.

Over the years, the agent handed out as many beatings as he had taken on his rise through the ranks, and Anor yearned for an escalation so much that he was excited when he was summoned to Warmaster Lah's private chambers in the middle of the war. Later, when Anor was fighting alongside his heretics on Coruscant, he felt exhilarated that he was helping to topple something to create a better world with Anor at the top. This ambition infuriated and annoyed other Yuuzhan Vong, and Carr reproached Anor for his hunger for escalation after the failure of the bo'tous plan. Additionally, both Khalee Lah and Harrar believed that Anor's ambition had gotten in the way of the Yuuzhan Vong's goal, and they thought he had taken the glory by delivering Jacen to the warmaster himself, when he should have pursued Jaina instead. Anor sometimes did not give his superiors the respect they deserved when he did not bow as low as he should to them, and over the course of the war Choka occasionally reproached Anor for being too prideful in nature.

Anor's need for power played a role in many of his dealings, and Anor decided to go through with the risky plan where the Jedi were to rescue Yim, as his influence was slipping following Ngaaluh's death. In Jamaane's good graces at the end of the war, Anor supported Choka's caution against the Mon Calamari campaign, but did not openly side with him because it might interfere with the special relationship he had with the Supreme Overlord following Anor's sabotage of Zonama Sekot. Though Anor realized that Ngaaluh could be a double-agent, the opportunity to place an informant in Jamaane's court to gain critical information was too great to pass up for Anor, and the agent was very happy when he first used Ngaaluh as a spy to further his agenda.

An estranged Yuuzhan Vong

Anor held many beliefs consistent with Yuuzhan Vong culture and religion. As of 25 ABY, Anor considered metal technology impure due to his species' aversion to non-organic creations, viewing the iron armor of the Mandalorians as shells, and those who wore them as weak. The agent appreciated the Mandalorians' occasional dwelling in trees, and desired them to be the first to see their new masters in 25 ABY. He also admired the efficiency of Yuuzhan Vong creatures in fulfilling their roles, seeing the interior of a mid ro'ik warship as perfection during the invasion's first year. Furthermore, he could not comprehend how any culture could bury their world's nature beneath layers of buildings, as had occurred on Coruscant. When Harrar joked to the Jedi on Zonama Sekot, Anor concluded that the planet was driving the priest mad, as Yuuzhan Vong priests did not joke about the use of machinery.

Believing in the hierarchical structure of Yuuzhan Vong society, Anor considered himself superior to warriors at the war's outset, believing they would never question him because he was an Executor. Anor also believed that shapers had too easy a life, and he enjoyed provoking Hool about the Jacen Solo incident. Later, Anor was enraged when I'pan assumed he had been Shamed following the Treskov system disaster, losing control and beating I'pan. As the Prophet, Anor tolerated some defiance in Kunra, whom he trusted more than Shoon-mi, because the ex-warrior needed it to perform his task. However, Anor did not tolerate such defiance in Shoon-mi. As Kunra was his underling, Anor was annoyed that Kunra thought that he could have Anor's ear all to himself after he saved the Prophet's life. Despite being among the infidels for a year, Anor still disliked the sharp corners of the architecture of the galaxy they were invading, as he considered it unnatural. He also found beauty in pain and ugliness, even after being among the Shamed Ones for so long, and at the end of the war, he still felt it sacrilegious that droids were in the Citadel.

Nom Anor, Executor of the Yuuzhan Vong

Yuuzhan Vong like Anor held the belief that being sacrificed during the grand ceremony on Yuuzhan'tar was a captive's honor, and he perceived the enemy as lacking the sense of law and order inherent in his species. Anor derived a certain satisfaction from inflicting harm, and he yearned to witness Organa Solo's reaction upon discovering that the destruction of Settlement 32 on Duro had supposedly sealed her children's fate.

However, Anor exhibited several characteristics that set him apart from the typical Yuuzhan Vong, some of which stemmed from his prolonged immersion in the cultures of the galaxy they were invading. Initially, during his destabilization mission, Anor began to worry that he might become too much like the enemy, but by the war's end, he realized that he resembled neither the Yuuzhan Vong nor the adversaries he had fought. Unlike his fellow Yuuzhan Vong, Anor did not subscribe to the belief that pain nourished the gods, and he diligently concealed his aversion to pain from his peers. In a society fixated on pain, Anor learned to harness it as a motivator over the years. Throughout his tenure as an Executor, Anor was perpetually guarded in his speech, fearing that his words might offend the priests, the Supreme Overlord, or the gods themselves. While Anor professed allegiance to the Yuuzhan Vong deity Yun-Harla, he harbored doubts about her actual existence, believing that feigning religious devotion was more advantageous than genuine piety; he found the truly pious to be the easiest to manipulate. However, he regarded true fanatics like Niiriit as exceptionally dangerous. By the war's conclusion, Anor had come to the realization that the Yuuzhan Vong had transcended the need for gods.

Having spent time among the infidels, Anor was not as repulsed by things that would typically disgust a Yuuzhan Vong, such as metallic technologies. When Anor used a blaster to eliminate Qua Lah and his warriors, he experienced only a faint sense of revulsion at employing an infidel weapon. Despite his tolerance for the galaxy's non-organic technologies, Anor made a point of appearing disgusted by them in the presence of other Yuuzhan Vong. In stark contrast to Yuuzhan Vong tenets, Anor was a coward when he knew he could not win a fight, a trait he largely concealed from his colleagues. After nearly being crushed by rubble when Solo unleashed the power of the dark side, Anor was frightened, a reaction unbecoming of a true Yuuzhan Vong. He reprimanded Vergere in Basic for the incident and suppressed his trembling to hide his fear from the nearby warriors. Anor openly confessed his cowardice to the Jedi on Zonama Sekot and laughed when Horn challenged him to a duel to prevent the former Executor's escape.

Despite Anor's cowardice in certain situations, he remained fearless in others. On Nar Shaddaa, he did not flinch when Beviin held a blaster to his head after the Mandalorian misinterpreted one of his moves as a threat, and he showed no fear when he and the Jedi appeared to face 200 armed Yuuzhan Vong warriors with a small force in the atrium of the old New Republic Senate. Contrary to Yuuzhan Vong beliefs, Anor despised their reliance on old biots and believed that his new genetic work would help his species achieve victory.

Unlike his Yuuzhan Vong counterparts, Anor did not allow his disdain for the New Republic to impair his judgment in dealing with them, recognizing the possibility of underestimating them. He suspected that the cognition throne's blaze bugs' assessment of the Yuuzhan Vong forces as superior in efficiency to those of the infidels was likely due to the Yuuzhan Vong underestimating the enemy. However, he attributed the Praetorite Vong's defeat at the hands of that government to mere luck, and following the Bilbringi failure, he continued to believe that the New Republic was simply fortunate. While other Yuuzhan Vong were loath to intentionally lose to the opponent, Anor was willing to let his forces seemingly lose to the New Republic to win them a greater victory in the end during the Bilbringi operation. Furthermore, he was skeptical by nature, doubting Da'Gara's claim of having killed all the enemy fighters in the skirmish near Helska IV. During the war with the Jedi, Anor devoted considerable thought to the nature of the Force, refusing to dismiss it as his fellow Yuuzhan Vong did, and unlike the rest of his civilization, he never truly regarded Coruscant as Yuuzhan'tar, only referring to it as such when necessary. He viewed the city world as perpetually alien to the Yuuzhan Vong, regardless of their efforts to transform it. Had Coruscant not been the galaxy's center and the New Republic's capital, Anor would have never desired to conquer it.

Despite preaching it as the Prophet, Anor did not believe in ordained destiny, instead believing that destiny was forged through sheer force of will, a quality he believed he possessed in abundance. Among the Shamed Ones, Anor had to suppress his urge to lash out when the heretics spoke as if they genuinely believed in the Jedi heresy and the prophecy he had fabricated; the self-proclaimed Prophet would later be surprised when his prophecy came to fruition. Due to his time among the enemy, Anor occasionally pondered whether their reliance on trust was superior to the Yuuzhan Vong's reliance on fear and pain. After an extended stay on Zonama Sekot, Anor began to embrace the underground Quorealist perspective that the Yuuzhan Vong should never have ventured into the galaxy that contained the living world.


Anor possessed an exceptionally strong survival instinct, setting him apart from other Yuuzhan Vong who readily sacrificed themselves for their gods. His disloyalty primarily stemmed from this innate drive for self-preservation. The agent frequently employed his persuasive abilities to prolong his life, and when facing trouble with his superiors, Anor would resort to doublespeak to extricate himself unscathed. He also learned to dissuade warriors from engaging him in combat during his time in Jamaane's court to ensure his survival there, and when verbally confronted by Lah for his mistakes, Anor attempted to weasel his way out of the warmaster's wrath with lies and other tactics. Anor also deflected blame for his failures onto others to avoid punishment, as he did after the debacle at Bilbringi, accusing Elan and Harrar of lacking improvisation for the mission's failure; Yuuzhan Vong such as Harrar considered such blame-shifting highly unbecoming. When the agent sensed that he might be held partially responsible for the Peace Brigade's failure late in the war, Anor prepared a rebuttal in anticipation of such a situation. While in the company of the Jedi at the war's end, Anor twisted the narrative of his sabotage of Zonama Sekot to portray himself as aiding the Jedi and their allies, meticulously calculating every word and action to prolong his life.

Anor placed such a high premium on his own survival that some considered him a coward, a trait he mostly concealed from the Yuuzhan Vong who despised it. At Bilbringi, he asserted that his specific acts of cowardice were for the greater good, not merely his own. After being betrayed by Vergere as she aided Jacen's escape from Yuuzhan'tar, Anor implored them to take him with them to avoid punishment for failing to prevent their escape. At the height of the battle on Yuuzhan'tar, Anor desperately clung to life, fleeing Jade Skywalker's vengeance over great distances before being apprehended. When she finally caught him, he begged for his life, pleading for mercy because he was unarmed. Although Anor had realized the plaeryin bol that he wore would one day save his life, he was shaken after finally having to activate it against Ngaaluh.

Anor believed that survival justified any means, and he was prepared to kill Drathul to save his own neck when the High Prefect came for him after the Shamed Ones launched their assault on the ceremony on Yuuzhan'tar. He also slew Skell, despite liking the Yuuzhan Vong, to ensure his escape after Anor's failure at Ebaq. Anor even tolerated living among machines after his fall from grace due to the disaster in the Treskov system to stay alive, and slew Qau Lah and two other Yuuzhan Vong with a blaster at Yag'Dhul to prevent word of his cowardice from spreading At the end of the war, when fighting alongside his followers in his guise as the Prophet, Anor desperately tried to keep Jade Skywalker and Veila from seeing and recognizing him, even going as far as killing one of his Shamed Ones to disguise himself with blood. This was because the agent feared retribution for his earlier acts. Intent on escaping after witnessing Onimi's death, Anor attempted to send the Solo family into a waste disposal shoot so he could escape alone.

Nom Anor foisted blame on Harrar after the Bilbringi incident.

A master of survival, Anor developed a light sleeping habit after enduring years of backstabbing among the Yuuzhan Vong, easily awakening when others were present. During his initial stay among the Shamed Ones, the disgraced agent slept with a makeshift coufee within reach and his plaeryin bol ready to strike. The agent also acknowledged the physical benefits of his work with the Shamed Ones. At the time of Shoon-mi's attempted coup, Anor conceived multiple survival strategies, ultimately settling on a plan that eschewed blind rage, recognizing its futility. Although frightened when Shoon-mi gained complete control over him, Anor concealed his fear from his attackers and stalled for time to prolong his life. On Zonama Sekot, Anor knew that when he ran into the copse with Horn on his tail he only had to buy enough time for the lander to land and release the warriors to combat the Jedi. At the very end of the war, with Onimi's ship deteriorating around him, Anor did not want to rely on the vague possibility that it might actually respond to him, and chose a better plan that would give him a better probability of survival. Anor also did not like to have to rely on other beings, as he preferred to be independent.

The agent also exercised caution and avoided overestimating his abilities. After receiving Jamaane's transmission on Zonama Sekot, he refrained from killing Veila, deeming it a foolish move that would likely result in his own demise. Later, after killing Yim, Anor recognized that he had been fortunate, succeeding only because he had caught her by surprise. Anor acknowledged the numerous enemies he had among the Yuuzhan Vong but declined to increase his guard, believing that doing so would only signal fear. Anor was prone to paranoia, particularly when assuming the role of the Prophet, and his lack of intelligence regarding Jamaane's intentions made him feel vulnerable, prompting him to investigate whether the Supreme Overlord was targeting him. Following the failed assassination attempt upon him, Anor—tainted by Shoon-mi's betrayal—was consumed by rage and suspicion, even doubting the loyalties of Kunra and Ngaaluh. When he later lost his female spy, Anor began to seriously wonder how long it was before Jamaane added him to the body pile that Ngaaluh had been thrown upon. In addition to his occasional paranoia, Anor was also cautious, advising a safe attack to Da'Gara when he helped him plan the Praetorite Vong assault.

Despite his need to survive, at the end of the war in a nearly inescapable position above Coruscant, Anor chose to open the hatch to the lander that required a Yuuzhan Vong's hand to access it, instead of forcing the Solos to use his severed hand to open the lock, and in doing so deciding to die with dignity.

Wavering Loyalties

Initially a supporter of the Yuuzhan Vong, Anor's loyalties would shift multiple times in the latter half of the war, though his own self-interest always remained paramount. In the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong war, Anor willingly endured the unpleasantness of dealing with the dishonorable Mandalorians, whose services he had enlisted despite doubting the need for allies in their conflict. Later, Anor was shocked to learn that the eighth cortex of shaper knowledge was empty. Determined to prevent a New Republic victory due to the Yuuzhan Vong's inability to deploy new creations, he vowed to swiftly conclude the war before this could undermine the Yuuzhan Vong war effort. Even after fleeing to the underworld of Yuuzhan'tar following the failure that led to Lah's death, Anor remained loyal to the Yuuzhan Vong cause, striving to uncover the source of the heresy, as it was his duty to eradicate it lest it toppled all that he had worked for.

Following his stint as the Prophet, Anor was completely confident that he had done the right thing in sabotaging Zonama Sekot. He considered it an abomination, being half-machine and half-living, and a thing that attracted beings to it before trapping them there. When Anor was on his way back to Jamaane from the living world, though Anor knew that he might not survive coming back to the Supreme Overlord, he was glad that he was going back to where he belonged. However, shortly after his return to the Yuuzhan Vong capital, Anor began to grow fearful for the Yuuzhan Vong cause when Jamaane started to ignore the heretics and the others who doubted him to strike at Mon Calamari. The now-Prefect found his task of quelling the rising fear and anger in the lower classes impossible, further disillusioning himself with the Yuuzhan Vong way, and when Zonama Sekot arrived in the skies of Yuuzhan'tar, Anor felt defeated because his predictions had come true despite all he had done to stop them from happening.

Anor believed in the Yuuzhan Vong and their ability to win until he saw Jamaane trying to turn the gods against one another, which made him realize that the Supreme Overlord was truly deranged. This was the saddest moment of his life, and Anor wanted only to disappear, as he knew then that Jamaane would not be able to save the Yuuzhan Vong from their imminent destruction. At the end, knowing that the war was lost for the Yuuzhan Vong, Anor felt despair at what he had wrought against the Yuuzhan Vong cause. Upon witnessing Jacen overpower Onimi in a show of might, Anor found him to be the greatest enemy of the Yuuzhan Vong due to Jacen's abilities, enough that the Yuuzhan Vong had already lost.

During Anor's stay with the Shamed Ones and his subsequent rule over them as the Prophet, Anor learned to stop completely detesting them, and even liked some. When the Shamed Ones he was staying with were being killed by the warriors, Anor felt regret that they had to die, as they had helped him survive in the underworld. Niiriit's death affected Anor the most, and he stopped thinking of her merely as a warrior, but instead as a Shamed One who fought for her friends. Later, Anor kept the end of the Rapuung story like I'pan had first taught it in order to remember the tale's origins, and I'pan himself, and one of the reasons that Anor did not kill Shoon-mi initially was because he felt that he owed Niiriit. In time, Anor found that he was not as disgusted by the faces of his heretics as he once was. Additionally, Anor found Zonama Sekot, the heretics' prophesied world, beautiful.

However, despite being the leader of the Shamed Ones, Anor was not sure what end goal the heresy had, and if it involved toppling Jamaane, which would doom the Yuuzhan Vong's war effort. At the end, Anor saw no way for the heretics to win, even though Zonama Sekot had come to their world. However, he still rejoined the fight on their side to lead them after Anor saw that Jamaane was intent on devastating Yuuzhan'tar to spite the gods that the Supreme Overlord did not believe in, an act that caused Anor to wish he had killed Jamaane earlier.

It was during the final battle on Yuuzhan'tar that Anor realized that his fight was with everyone and no one at the same time, and he felt desperate when he found himself caught between the two sides due to his various plots; in particular, he despaired because he could not control the warriors or the heretics that gladly went to their deaths against them during the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar. As he believed that masquers could not hide everything about the user, Anor knew that he had no place in a galaxy ruled by the Galactic Alliance, and did not fit with the Yuuzhan Vong because he did not believe in their gods. Because of this, when faced with an opportunity to get off of the dying ship, Anor refused, as he felt that he had no position in the new order that was to be created.

An expert at deception and subterfuge

Unlike most members of the intendant caste who played more bureaucratic roles, Anor specialized in gathering reconnaissance and being a spy, though he was also trained in the use of demolitions; due to his aptitudes, Anor sometimes forgot the true nature of most other members of his caste. As an agent tasked with destabilization, Anor knew how to use words to rile up certain groups and turn them against other people, and he used this to his advantage on Rhommamool, and was also capable of inciting people against the actions of the Jedi. As Lah's ambassador to the Senate, Anor strove to divide the senators present to create further discord in the New Republic. Although he at first did not know if Zonama Sekot actually existed, he still wove a prophecy about the world that he hoped would take Jamaane down.

The agent was also able to manipulate members of his own race, as Anor could influence warriors by using their need for bravery against them, and he was constantly amused that he could manipulate Shamed Ones so easy while he played the role of the Prophet. Anor found that true believers in a faith were the easiest to manipulate and control. Considered by himself a professional dissembler, Anor admired how the heretics were playing on the fears of Zonama Sekot in the elite at the end of the war, and was skilled enough in his role as an agent to recognize someone wearing a masquer. Due to his talents, Anor secretly suspected that Vergere was manipulating Lah during her time as an adviser. Though he frequently manipulated others, Anor was also able to intimidate certain individuals.

Nom Anor, expert agent

Anor preferred to be anonymous when he worked to destabilize the galaxy, though he did not particularly like perpetually hiding his true nature as a Yuuzhan Vong from the rest of the galaxy, and the agent relished being able to walk around without a masquer after he had finished with his work as Cree-Ar. The agent believed that he prepared well and left nothing for chance in his role as an undercover saboteur, and in preparation for the invasion, Anor gauged the physical abilities of the Jedi via Jade Skywalker's fight against the spores that he had infected her with.

During his stay in the galaxy, Anor grew knowledgeable about the major events of its history, and knew of the Sith and Order 66, and once made himself resemble the Sith Lord Darth Vader in order to unnerve the Jedi on Rhommamool; later in the war, Anor was amused when visiting his secret coralcraft that he had found another use for the offices of Darth Sidious. During his reconnaissance time, the Executor became a fair hand at the game of dejarik, and knew enough to recognize a master such as Vergere. He also knew more about the Jedi than any other Yuuzhan Vong. However, despite his long time spent in the galaxy, Anor failed to discover that the birth of twins was common place, and that capital ships sometimes committed orbital bombardments. With his research on the galaxy crucial in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Anor helped plot the Praetorite Vong's attack, and suggested that they lure the New Republic's forces out in bits to destroy them. Anor's analysis of the political situation of the galaxy allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to take a route that left its one flank on the Imperial Remnant side protected.

Believing himself good at improvising, Anor was a skilled actor, and used this to his advantage to fool Ackdool early in the war. Anor was good enough at his role of the Prophet that he could fool Yim, in addition to the pair of Jedi that accompanied him to Zonama Sekot, into thinking that he was only a simple Shamed One. The agent was also a skilled liar, and when Veila saw that he was wearing a masquer on Yuuzhan'tar, Anor was able to lie to Veila and Horn and give them an excuse that satisfied them. Later, when caught in the act of trying to send the Solo family down the disposal shoot, Anor tried to appear confused to look blameless, though this failed. Anor thought up contingency plans when he plotted, and during his time as the Prophet, Anor wanted to free Yim with the help of the Jedi so that if it failed, they would be blamed or killed without risking himself. If it was a success, he could bring his own prophecy about. However, he did not quite like the fact that the two Jedi sent to help him were Horn and Veila, as they could potentially reveal him as their old enemy. Despite all his intelligence and cunning, Anor was fooled by Jacen into letting the Jedi near the World Brain, which ultimately led to disaster.

With his knowledge of certain individuals, Anor was able to occasionally predict what they would do, and the agent accurately predicted Borga's request that she be informed of imminent Yuuzhan Vong activity, and Anor's analysis of Niiriit's personality later allowed him to predict her actions; the Yuuzhan Vong agent was also able to sense the motives of individuals around him. Due to his long time among the infidels, Anor believed that he understood them more than any other Yuuzhan Vong did, and learned to look beyond appearances. At first, although Anor found the Mandalorians worthless as an army, he saw them good in the capacity of infiltrators and assassins. However, after a while, the agent decided that they were overrated, and saw them as weak and corrupt for switching sides to save their race. Anor in particular found it ironic that the Mandalorians feared slavery, as they had often pillaged and enslaved others in their long history. At the start of the war, Anor initially admired the Noghri more than he did the Jedi, until the latter began to affect his plans. Despite being an accomplished spy, Anor was no military commander, and found it hard to focus on the many aspects of a battle. Additionally, scuttling through narrow underground spaces vaguely unnerved Anor, despite his aptitude for gathering intelligence.

Even though he was good at what he did, Anor did not think his job was absolutely necessary, as the infidels destabilized themselves more often then not without the need of his help. Despite this, he still found the plan that destroyed the Mediator to further chaos beautiful. Anor was confident in his own abilities as an agent, and was shocked when the Centerpoint Station blast eradicated both sides of the playing field, as his intelligence had firmly shown that their enemies revered life and would not sacrifice thousands to kill thousands. Later, Anor was surprised to find that the Jeedai cult had escaped his detection on Yuuzhan'tar. Trusting his own information about the Final Redoubt so much, Anor even offered his life if he was wrong, and was confident that Lah would be victorious in the battle until he realized it was a trap. Following the debacle at Ebaq 9, Anor believed that he had been played by a master in the intelligence game. Because he had had such a hard time finding where the New Republic was hiding Elan, Anor was aghast when he learned that the Peace Brigade had discovered as well.

Anor was curious in nature, enough so that he followed Onimi to the guarded damutek when he noticed the Shamed One, and he was interested when he watched the prisoner aboard the miid ro'ik get implanted with an implanted faulty slave chip. When Jade Skywalker chose not to kill him after defeating him in battle, and not because of his pleading, Anor was curious as to why she did.


Shimrra Jamaane

Anor had a complicated relationship with the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, one that involved Anor's admiration and fear of Jamaane, before Anor came to hate him at the end. Over the course of the war, Anor feared the Supreme Overlord and his power. Following Jacen's escape and Vergere's betrayal, the Supreme Overlord's very presence hurt Anor's mind during the Executor's meeting with Jamaane in the Hall of Confluence. This caused his verbal attempt to shrug off the blame for the incident to break down as Anor panicked. Jamaane's powers would later influence Anor to be angry at Hool after the worldshaping of Coruscant was botched, though Anor realized that he was manipulated to feel that way after the fact. Being a survivor, Anor was smart enough to ignore Jamaane's mockery of him during their meeting after the failed ceremony on Yuuzhan'tar, and the agent was wary enough of Jamaane's temperament that Anor would agree with what the Supreme Overlord said, even if he disagreed, while talking alone with Jamaane. The sight of Jamaane's face terrified Anor, so much so that he almost chose to remain in his guise as the Prophet instead of betraying his heretics on Zonama Sekot.

Shimrra Jamaane

While in close proximity to Jamaane after his rise to the position of Prefect, Anor harbored anxieties that the Supreme Overlord might order his execution due to his previous failures. Despite this concern, Anor remained loyal to Jamaane, as he believed deserting the Yuuzhan Vong would lead to his death at the hands of the Galactic Alliance. Despite Anor's apprehension towards Jamaane, the Prefect cultivated a unique bond with the Supreme Overlord, where Anor functioned as a kind of advisor to Jamaane. This relationship caused Anor to refrain from openly endorsing Choka's reservations about the Mon Cala campaign, even though he shared those concerns, fearing it would negatively impact Jamaane's perception of him. Indeed, in their private discussions, Jamaane commended Anor for his skepticism, praising his reliance on personal observation. Furthermore, Jamaane did not view Anor as a coward, even considering the Prefect to possess a certain degree of wisdom.

Even though Anor was fearful of Jamaane, the operative recognized Jamaane's brilliance from the moment he ascended to the Yuuzhan Vong throne prior to the war. Anor admired Jamaane's choice to appoint Sal-Solo as the leader of the Peace Brigade, and he considered the Yuuzhan Vong leader a master strategist in his use of the gods to achieve his objectives, skillfully manipulating the devout to fulfill his desires. Anor's respect for the Supreme Overlord was so profound that he felt disdain when Sal-Solo believed he could influence Jamaane through eloquence, and he suspected that Jamaane had manipulated the malfunctioning World Brain to believe that enabling the maw luur to function correctly for the grand ceremony would benefit Yuuzhan'tar's environment, ensuring the event's success. While assuming the role of the Prophet, Anor cautiously planned to overthrow Jamaane, feeling confident in his ability after securing his informant Ngaaluh. Despite this, and even though Anor was pleased with the spread of heresy, he sometimes sensed that Jamaane was not at all intimidated by its power.

However, as the war neared its conclusion, Anor began to question Jamaane's capacity to lead the Yuuzhan Vong to victory. Anor's apprehension initially arose when Jamaane began to disregard the heretics and other dissenters to launch an attack on Mon Calamari, but upon witnessing Jamaane's attempt to turn the gods against each other, he concluded that the Supreme Overlord was truly unstable and incapable of saving the Yuuzhan Vong. Because of this assessment, Anor resolved to prioritize his own survival once again. Nevertheless, the Supreme Overlord's actions continued to perplex Anor, compelling the Prefect to reassess whether Jamaane was a genius or simply deranged. Anor's question was answered when the Prefect realized Jamaane's intention to devastate Yuuzhan'tar as an act of spite against the gods he disbelieved in. A disillusioned Anor cursed Jamaane's name, as Jamaane was destroying the Prefect's Coruscant, and Anor regretted not having killed the Supreme Overlord sooner because of this. Jamaane's actions spurred Anor to return to the heretics and lead them in overthrowing Jamaane, a mission that ultimately succeeded with the assistance of the Jedi. Despite Jamaane's death, Anor struggled to accept that the Yuuzhan Vong leader was truly dead, until he realized that Jamaane had never been the true Supreme Overlord at all.



Initially, Anor held Onimi, the Shamed One, in contempt, often desiring to inflict harm upon him due to the Shamed One's antics during ceremonies and similar events. However, as time passed, Anor began to perceive a deeper complexity within Onimi, discovering that Onimi possessed the ability to sense subtle emotional shifts in those present in the court, such as fear, which guided him to his next target as the court jester. The operative also noticed that Onimi frequently observed Anor, which made him uneasy. During the confrontation in the Citadel, Anor was astonished that Onimi had not chosen to die alongside his master. However, the absence of the Shamed One's body gradually led Anor to realize that the Supreme Overlord was, in fact, still alive. After witnessing Jacen slay Onimi, Anor fully understood that Onimi had been the true orchestrator of events, responsible for actions such as guiding Anor to the secret grashal, bringing Yim to Coruscant, and, most significantly, manipulating everyone into believing that Jamaane held the primary power within the Yuuzhan Vong court. Ultimately, Anor concluded that he and Onimi were kindred spirits among the warrior-like Yuuzhan Vong—a cowardly agent and a Shamed shaper who both valued intellect—and chose to die with Onimi rather than accept the offered escape.

Appearance and equipment

As a male Yuuzhan Vong, Anor's height was 1.77 meters, making him slightly taller than the average Human. He possessed a blue right eye, and throughout the war, he had a poison-spitting plaeryin bol in place of his left eye; Anor carried the antidote to the plaeryin bol's poison in a retractable needle concealed within his right thumb. The operative's left pinkie finger also contained a knockout gas, which he effectively employed to escape the Galactic Senate. Anor's body was covered in tattoos, with an intricate pattern displayed on his bald forehead. Anor had a gaunt appearance, with a thin-lipped face and a broken nose. The operative was known to regularly carry a tsaisi baton, a blaster pistol, villips, and a tizowyrm, in addition to the ooglith masquer he frequently wore during missions.

Skills and abilities

Anor was an accomplished spy and destabilizer, adept at discerning nuances in people's voices. He detected, while speaking to the Mandalorians through their helmets, that they abhorred slavery and feared the loss of their culture. Besides being fluent in Basic, Yuuzhan Vong, and Rhommamoolian, Anor was proficient in the Huttese language, possessing sufficient skill in its tonal qualities to conceal his sincerity when apologizing to Borga for causing her to fall from her chair. To facilitate his reconnaissance and espionage activities, Anor occasionally utilized his considerable shaper talents to create novel organisms, such as the Naotebe wingling and the gablith masquer. His shaping abilities, comparable to those of professional Yuuzhan Vong shapers, also enabled him to achieve significant progress in the recolonization of Duro's surface while disguised as Cree'Ar. The operative was also skilled in astrogation and the operation of starships.

Despite his role as an agent, Anor was proficient in the use of the amphistaff weapon, commonly wielded by warriors, and he was skilled enough to defeat warriors in combat. The agent was also trained in the use of the tsaisi baton. In addition to his proficiency with the amphistaff, Anor was capable of using many of the weapons employed by the inhabitants of the galaxy his species was invading, including blasters and vibroweapons. He was also capable of wearing heavy armor and possessed sufficient hand-to-hand combat skills to temporarily overcome Veila on Zonama Sekot. However, Anor was no match for Jade Skywalker during their encounter at the time of the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, and she repeatedly lured him into believing he had an advantage only to inflict further harm. Anor was known for his Yuuzhan Vong Executor-like stealth.

Behind the scenes

Nom Anor made his debut appearance in 1998 in the inaugural issue of the Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood Dark Horse Comics series, although his specific species remained unidentified. He subsequently featured in numerous installments of the series. Dark Horse had plans to develop a storyline centered around an extra-galactic invasion, and Mike Richardson, one of the authors of Crimson Empire II, envisioned Anor playing a role in the invasion. Dark Horse also intended for Anor to be an energy-based being, but this idea, like many others, was not approved by Lucasfilm, and Del Rey eventually assumed control of the invasion plot. The authors who conceived of what would become The New Jedi Order series saw Anor as a potential villain in the first book, Vector Prime, by R. A. Salvatore and released in 1999. The agent also served as the initial inspiration for the Yuuzhan Vong as a species. Following his introduction in the series' first book, Anor played a significant role as one of the primary antagonists in The New Jedi Order, appearing in most of the books in the series before his death in James Luceno's The Unifying Force, the final novel of the series, published in 2003. In 2011, the agent made a brief appearance in Star Wars: Crimson Empire III—Empire Lost, the sequel to the comic book series in which he first starred.

Due to Anor's prominent role in The New Jedi Order, the Yuuzhan Vong were mentioned in various sourcebooks released over the years, including The New Jedi Order Sourcebook and The New Essential Guide to Characters, both published in 2002. 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia also included an entry for Anor. Star Wars Miniatures: Universe featured a Nom Anor figurine, and, in addition to The New Jedi Order Sourcebook, the agent was mentioned in numerous guides related to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, providing stats for Nom Anor to enable player interaction in their games.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia's entry for Qurang Lah states that the warrior personally witnessed Anor's cowardice during the fighting on Yag'Dhul, but Anor killed him before he could report to the Warmaster. However, although it is possible that Anor could have slain Qurang, since the warrior was not present with the Executor at any point during the fighting, this article assumes that the entry's information is false. The New Jedi Order Sourcebook also contains a discrepancy with the series, depicting Anor confronting the Jedi strike team in a laboratory on the Baanu Rass and demanding their surrender. However, as the sourcebook states that a Jedi dies before they escape, and Star by Star makes no mention of any Jedi dying in this manner, this article assumes the sourcebook is inaccurate in that regard. While Anor declined Corran Horn's challenge to a duel in Edge of Victory II: Rebirth, Force Heretic I: Remnant and The Final Prophecy both depict Anor and Veila recalling Anor declining a challenge from Anakin.

