Square of Hopeful Redemption

The Square of Hopeful Redemption originated as a major commercial spaceport on the planet of Rhommamool, located within the city of Redhaven. This was prior to the Osarian-Rhommamool conflict involving the Osarian and Rhommamoolians. Following the Yuuzhan Vong takeover by Nom Anor, the spaceport was repurposed into a public square. Here, residents could publicly stone droids, proclaim their independence from the Osarians, disavow the New Republic and the Jedi, and yearn for an era devoid of technology. This transformation, including the renaming to Square of Hopeful Redemption, occurred after Anor's occupation. Residents would gather in the square to cast stones at droids and other technological items.

In the year 25 ABY, Nom Anor, accompanied by his Red Knights of Life, participated in the stoning of a protocol droid, specifically C-9PO, who had inadvertently entered Redhaven.

Behind the scenes

The Square of Hopeful Redemption made its debut in 1999 within the pages of The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, a novel penned by R. A. Salvatore. Notably, this novel marked the beginning of the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series.

