Maw luurs functioned as waste processing units for the Yuuzhan Vong.
The Yuuzhan Vong employed maw luurs to take in their refuse, transforming it into essential resources like metals, sustenance, and breathable air. Frequently, maw luurs were cultivated within the outer structures of worldships, supplying the spacecraft with necessary nourishment and oxygen for the Yuuzhan Vong inhabiting them. Speculation arose that maw luurs possessed the capability to generate atmospheres for entire planets.
Within them existed recham forteps, acting as a specialized organ. Furthermore, they housed symbiotic organisms responsible for breaking down larger food particles.
The worldship known as Baanu Miir, a coral structure of considerable age, experienced deterioration in its maw luur, resulting in disease and mutations. Master Shaper Nen Yim assigned her Initiates the responsibility of resolving the issues affecting the craft's maw luur. A significantly larger iteration of the maw luur existed on Coruscant when it underwent transformation into Yuuzhan'tar during the Yuuzhan Vong empire's control over the galactic capital.