New Nystao

Following the destruction of their home planet, Honoghr, the Noghri established New Nystao as their new capital on Wayland. The city's name paid homage to their original capital, Nystao. Within New Nystao resided families like Clan Hakh'khar, and the New Republic Intelligence Service operated a secure location there. The presence of numerous individuals from various species exploring the remains of Mount Tantiss contributed to a flourishing hospitality sector, with hotels and cafes prospering. In the year 25 ABY, Elan and Vergere arrived in the city after their "defection" from the ranks of the Yuuzhan Vong. During the subsequent Yuuzhan Vong assault on Wayland, New Nystao suffered catastrophic damage. Although Wayland was almost completely destroyed, the Noghri population experienced relatively light losses.

