The Psadan were an original species inhabiting the planet of Wayland. These beings, resembling walking, talking rocks due to their covering of lumpy plates, are believed by scientists to have evolved from mammals with hard shells. A combative race, the Psadan frequently engaged in war with their neighbors, the Myneyrsh. They were among the species subjugated by the cloned and mentally unstable Jedi Master Joruus C'baoth at the base of Mount Tantiss.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the Psadan and Myneyrsh attempted resistance but were largely wiped out, with the survivors fleeing into the jungles.
In the year 27 BBY, a Psadan male was present at the Coruscant cantina called the Twirling Twi'lek. Seated alongside a Gotal and a Ho'Din, he observed one of the establishment's dancers. This visit was disrupted by an attack from a Whiphid, who was subsequently killed by the notorious bounty hunter Jango Fett.
During the time of the Clone Wars, a Psadan named Looie managed the redemption center located in The Rig, which served as the space station headquarters for the Crimson Nova branch of the Bounty Hunters' Guild.